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Masai Pace

Professor Elliot


31 January 2023


I am Masai Pace, a freshman at Winston-Salem State University. I am pursuing a degree in

Biology with a minor in Political Science. My academic background and 5 years of work

experience have allowed me to develop a well-rounded skill set based on hard work and

dedication. I was recognized for my academic achievements and made the Dean's List in the Fall

of 2022, as well as being a member of the National Beta Club. I am passionate about community

service and have a background in retail, customer service, and manual labor. I value teamwork

and collaboration and have honed my communication, problem-solving, and teamwork skills

through years of working on collaborative projects. I am eager to bring my skills and experiences

to a new challenge.

In my online search, I discovered very little information about myself. The only remnants of my

digital presence were a few outdated social media accounts and my LinkedIn profile. If a

potential employer or anyone were to come across this limited information, they may view my

lack of a robust online presence as strange or even suspicious. It's crucial for us to be aware of

our digital footprint in today's information age because on the internet, everything lives forever.

The ease of access to personal information through a simple online search highlights the

importance of being mindful of what we post online. You never know who might be watching, so

it's essential to understand and control our digital identity. In this digital era, your online

presence can play a significant role in shaping how others perceive you, making it crucial to

maintain a positive and professional image.

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