Surface Coeff Finned Cylinder

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REPORT No. 676 SURFACE HEAT-TRANSFER COEFFICIENTS OF FINNED CYLINDERS By Hxnwax H. Exsamszoce, Jr. and Aaxow E, Brenwaxw ‘SUMMARY An investigation to determine and correlate the experi- rental eurface heat-transfer coeficiente of finned cylinders with diferent air-stream cooling arrangements tas con ducted at the Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory from 1982 to 1988. The investigation covered the de- termination of the effect of fin width, fn apace, fin thick ness, and cylinder diameter on the heat transfer. Wind funnel teats were made in the free air stream with and without bafles and also with oarioue devices for creating turbulent air stream. Tests were aleo made with blower cooking. A sariation of tke initial turbulence of the tunnel air stream was found to hace litle effect on the heat transfer. Correlation of the surface heattransfer coeficients was found possible by plotting a factor involving the heat- transfer coeficients, the fin space, and the conductinity of the cooling air against @ factor incolving the selocity, the density, and the viscosity of the cooling air and the fin apace, the fin width, and the cylinder diameter, INTRODUCTION ‘Tho large number of variables that affect the heat transfer from finned cylinders and the complexity of their relationships makes it difficult to determine opti- mum fin designs from experimental data lone, In- vestigations at this laboratory (reference 1) have shown that the hoat transfer can be celoulated from an equs- tion involving the fin dimensions, the surface heat- transfer coefficient g, and the thermal conductivity of the metal. The valuo of g depends on tho fin design, the airstream characteristics, and the method of cool- ing. The sir-stream characteristics include the weight velocity, the conductivity, the viscosity, end the in- tensity and the scale of tho turbulence of the cooling sir. No satisfactory method of calculating the heat transfer coefficient g has been found and its value must therefore be experimentally determined. In previous experiments, the value of g was first established for cylinders having fins of various dimen- sions tested in a wind tunnel without cylinder bafiles reference 1). These tests were undertaken before baffles were generally used around the cylinders of radial sir-cooled engines. ‘Teste were later made to determine q with soveral types of baffle. (Seo reference 2.) Theso tests were made prior to the introduction of the pressure-bafiled engine and were made in the wind ‘tunnel with the sir stream passing around end through tho baffles. At this time, an investigation was #lso made to determine the advantages of the completely jacketed finned cylinder in which the cooling air is forced through the jacket by means of a blower as com- pared with the pressure-baified engine. ‘The surface heat-transfer coefficients end the pres- sure differences across the oylinders were determined with blower cooling for a number of oylinders having different fin designs (reference 3). Further tests in a ‘wind tunnel (reference 4) were mado on cylinders with fing more closely spaced then those tested in references 1, 2, and 3 in order to determine the coefficients with blower cooling and with and without bafftes. In ad tion, tests were made to determine the pressure differ- ences for a variation of eir flow ecross a large number of jacketed cylinders and cylinders with bafiles and also to determine the air flow between the fins (references 5, 6, and 7). ‘The investigation hes been extended to obtain addi- tional data on the effect of the fin dimensions on g. Cylinders of three different diamoters havo been tested to determine the effect of diameter on the pressure drop and the heat-transfer coefficient. Several copper cylinders with different fin widths and spacings and one sluminum-alloy cylinder were tested primarily to substantiate the effect of thermal conductivity in the heat-transfer equation previously mentioned. Date are also presented in this report showing the effect of turbulence on g over a range of turbulence intensities. ‘The object of this report is to present the recent infor- mation that hes been obtained on the heat-transfer coefficient q and, in addition, to show that all available data on g can be correlated for each airflow arrangement im terms of functions defining a single curve and involy- ing the fin dimensions, the oylinder diameter, and the airstream characteristics. ‘This information should permit the calculation of the best fin proportions for the conditions of air flow that are of general interest. 6st 652 ‘The present report includes tests on 58 cylinders with fins heving widths from 0.87 inch to 3 inches, mean spaces rom 0.010 inch to 0.50 inch, and mean thiek- nesses from 0.026 inch to 0.27 inch. ‘The results of some of the tests have already been published. ‘The variation in cylinder diameter was irom 3.66 to 6.34 inches. ‘The tests were conducted at the Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory from 1932 to 1938, APPARATUS ‘reer CYLINDERS A description of the eylinders tested and the air-fiow arrangements used is given in table I. TABLE I.—Oylindere tested ay Ee Bae ican | asin “Bie 8 Ble - aye | al gig |e : Ble | 33 : ae cml | IES ee EAE | ¢ | 3 ae ate BB) owe. EB) asl 8 suansaseenssacessoneumsusxuaresuauneae bebbbibbebubobibbe bea be2aieitie’t aaa Sire hat fin space at the fin root; ‘The test cylinders were clectri- and 4, fin thickness REPORT'NO, 670—NATIONAL/ ADVISORY COMETIEE/ FOR AERONAUTICS cally heated and were tested with guard rings, as described in reference 1. The assembled over-all length of the test section and the guard rings was, in very case, approximately 10 inches. For conven- ience in referring to the finned cylinders, s nomen- clature giving the fin space, the fin width, and the fin thickness has been devised. For example, the desig- nation 0.101-0.67-0.035 represents a finned eylinder having on average fin space of 0.101 ineh, a fin widtlt Tiavas 1—satioashowlag suitsase oy 4 4986. of 0.67 inch, and an average fin thickness of 0.035 inch. ‘The designations corresponding to the cylinders in table T can be obtainod by combining the values given in columns 2, 8, and 4, ‘BAFFLES AND JACKETS ‘The type of baffle used for the tests of tho eylinder with baflles in the free air stream is shownin figure 2 (a). Bat, 3ovus 2-Type cod end jst un tua abd Dower ong at, 0) Jute. ‘The ratio of the area of the exit to the area between Lhe fins was approximately 2. ‘The apparatus used in tho blower-cooling tests is described in references 3 and 5. ‘The jacket used in these tests is shown in figuro 2 (b). ‘The ratio of the entrance or the exit area of the jacket to tho flow area Ddetween the fins was approximately 1.6 for all of the cylinders except the copper eylindors, for which the ratio vatied from 1.0 to 1.7. SURFACE HEAT-TRANSFER COEFFICIENTS OF FINNED CYLINDERS TESTS ‘The tests covered in this report are listed in table I. In addition to the blower-cooling tests, this work included wind-tunnel tests with bafiles, without baffles, and with the cylinder axis at 45° with respect to the air stream. The methods of testing bave been desorbed in references 1 to 5. ‘The tests to determine the effect of turbulence on the heat-transfer coefficient were made in the wind tunnel with the 0.077-0.87-0.035 steel cylinder with boffies starting 90° from the front of the cylinder (180° opening) end with various devices for creating differ- ent amounta of turbulence. Tests with small-scale tur- bbulenoe were made for the following four conditions: (1) With honeyeomb. @) With screen. (8) Without honeycomb or screen. @) With honeycomb and screen. ‘The honeycomb was constructed of 0.36-inch-diam- eter tubes of 3-inch length. The screen wes of %inch ‘mesh with wires of 0.092-inch diameter and was similar to a screen proviously tested at the Nationel Bureeu of Standards for its turbulence-creating properties (ref- erence 8). In the tests of reference 8, the screen was found to produce @ very turbulent flow when placed 141 wire diameters ahead of the point of measurement, In the present tests, an indication of the intensity of turbulence was obteined for the foregoing conditions by the conventional sphere method. ‘The turbulence factors were determined with a sphere 4 inches in di- ameter by the method described in reference 9. ‘The four conditions of turbulence gave the following tur bulence factors, which indicate the range covered: With honeycomb. Without honeycomb or sereen. With soreen.. 2.06 ‘With honeycomb and screen 3.21 A large value of the turbulence factor indicates a high degree of turbulence. ‘A larger scale turbulence was produced by placing drum of 9-inch diameter various distances between 0.8 inch and 18 inches ahead of the test cylinder. ‘These tests were made with the axis of the dram both per- pendicular and parallel to the cylinder axis. ‘Tests previously reported (referee 10) showed high rates of heat flow when the fin-plene/air-stream angle was between 30° and 60°, Evidence shows that the front portions of cylinders placed within an N. A.C. A. cowling are cooled by 8 flow consisting mainly of large switls incident upon the fins et various angles. Tt is very likely that, in the tests with an N. A. O. A. cowl- fing, the fow plinomens between fins may be similar to that with different fin-plene/air-stream angles. Tn order to obtain more complete data on this subject, the range of the previous tests on fin-plene/sir-stream angle has been, extended to determine the effect of fin Lal 1.89 653 dimensions on the heat transfer of oylinders having ® fin-plane/air-stream angle of 45°. ‘The heat lost from air-cooled engine cylinders by direct radiation is generelly considered negligible as compared with the heat lost by convection. Some consideration has been given, however, to the merits of Dlack-enamel surfaces for improving the heat transfer. ‘Wind-tunnel tests were made to determine the effect of difforent thicknesses of black enamel and of oiled sur- faces on the surface heat-transfer coefficient of « cylinder without fins. ‘The use of a surface without fins avoided ‘any effect of change of space between fins caused by the enamel or oil thickness. The enamel was a black baking jepan applied by spraying and was baked for Lhour at 400° F. With blower cooling, measurements were made of the heat transfer, the weight of air used, and the pres- sure drop; with the other three sir-fiow arrangements, only heai-transfer measurements were obtained for a range of tunnel sir spa SYMBOLS y, specific heat of fluid at constant pressure, Bt. u. per pound per °F. 4, diameter of pipe, inches. dy, equivalent diameter of duct [éue/2(w+e)], inches. D, eylnder diameter at fin root inches. 9, sccsleration of gravity, feel per second per second. eq, thermal conductivity of metal, B. tu. per square inch through 1 inch per hour per °F. thermal conduotivity of air, B. tu. per aquare inch through 1 inch per second per °F. 1, equivalent length for straight tube (pl) fect. 4, susfece hest-transfer coeficient, B. t.. per square inch total surfaco aren per hour per SF. temperature diference between surface and inlet cooling sir. surface heattransfer coefficient, B. &. u, per square inch total surface aren per hour per °F. temperature difference betwen surface and average cooling air. average radius from center of cylinder to By Snned surface (73+55%5)) fet radius from canter of cylinder to fn root (D/2), inches. +, average space beeen adjacent fin surfaces, inches. space between adjacent fin surfaces at in root, inches. 4, thickness of fins, inches, U, over-all heat-tranafer coeficient, B. tu. per quare inch base aren per °F. temperature difference between cylinder wall and cooling sir per hour. 654 ¥, velocity of air in tunnel throat in sir-flow ar- Tangements 1, 2, and 4 or average velocity Dotwoen fins in airflow arrangement 3, feat per second. (See table I.) 4, fin width, inches. W, quantity of air flowing, pounds per second. ag, specific weight of air in front of jacket in air flow arrangement 3 or specific weight of air in tunnel throat in front of eylinder in air flow arrangements 1, 2, and 4, pounds per cubie foot. epecific weight of air in rear of jacket in eool- ing method 8, pounds per eubic foot. pads average specific woight of air 29+29, 7 per cubie foot. pg, specific weight of air at 29.02 inches Hg and 80° F, (0.0734 Ib.jeu. ft.), pounds per cubic foot. #, equivalent angle of curvature (a+#/2), radi- ‘ans. 1, (See fig. 2(b)), radians. 1, absolute viscosity of air, pounds per second per foot. pressure difference across cylinder, inches of water. preseure difference caused by loss of veloc- ity head from exit of skirt of baffle or jacket, inches of water. Apuun total pressure difference across set-up (Api ‘Aps), inches of water. Pa, pounds 4p, APs COMPUTATIONS ‘The surface heat-transfer cooficient ¢ was obtained by dividing the heat input per hour by the product of the total cooling-surface area and the difference between, the average temperature of the cooling surface and the ontering-sir temperature. A complete description of the methods used in calculating the results lies been presented in references 1, 8, 4, end 5. ."The viscosity ‘and the conductivity of tho air were based on an average of the oylinder and the mean sir temperatures for air- flow arrangement 3 and on an average of the cylinder ‘and the tunnel-throat temperatures for airflow arrange- ments 1, 2, and 4, ‘The temperature of the outlet air ‘was calculated from the heat input to the oylinder, the quantity of air flowing over the oylinder, and’ the temperature of the inlet air. All tunnel air speeds and pressure differences have been corrected to a specific, weight of air of 0.0734 pound per eubie foot. In studies of the heat transfer from pipes, it is cus- tomary to base the average hoat-transfer ooeficient tu. on the difference between the average surface and the averago fluid temperatures. In the application of finned-surface heat-transfer data to engine oylinders and to the ealeulation of optimum fin constructions to meet varioue conditions of weight end pressure drop, it REPORT NO, 676—NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOE AERONAUTICS hhas been found advantageous to base g on the difference between the entering inlet-air temperature and tho average surface temperature. When the over-all hoat- ‘transfer coofiicient U is calculated from qu, it is noces- sary to determine the temperature rise of the air. ‘This, temperature rise, in tum, depends upon the value of the Uthat is being determined. For optimura fin eal- culations with limiting pressure differences, it is roadily seen that the use of ge, complicates the problem. If the ‘effect of flow-path length on g, based on inlet-air tem- perature, is known, the calculations of the heat transfer can be made in a simplo manner. In the present in- ‘vestigation, the effect of fow-path length on g based on inlet-air temperature hes been determined over a range of Iengths that is Inrge as compared with the rango found on aircraft-engine oylinders. ‘An additional edvantago in using g or U' based on the inlet-air temperature is thet the over-all heat- transfer coefficient U is proportional to the rate of heat transfer, which is a function of the power developed. ‘Thus an increase of U is also an indicetion as to how much the power can be increased. ‘The proportionality of the over-all heat-transfer coefficiont to the rate of heat transfer does not hold for J based on tho average ir temperature, ‘The heat-transfer coefficients in tho present report for the blower-cooling set-up have been calculated; both the difference between the average surface and the average air temperatures end the differ- enco between the average surface and tho inlet-air temperature were used. ‘The heat-transfer coefficients basod on the former temperature difference wero caleu- Inted to-determine whether factors used to correlate pipe dats would be applicable to finned-eylinder data. or the other sir-fow arrangements, only the inlet-sir ‘temperature difference was used. SURFACE HEAT-TRANSFER COBFFICIENTS ‘The over-all heat-transfer coefficient U of finned cylinders can bo ealoulated from the following equa- tion, which was derived in referonco 1: m2 14g) wah aw-ta} where o=/2ajlif and iv’'—w+1/2. Bauiation (1) has been experimentally verified for a large number of steel cylinders having a thermal conductivity ky of 2.17 B. tu, per square inch through 1 inch per how per °F. Tn the present investigation, farther verification has been made of this equation for pure copper, in. which eq was taken as 18,04, and for aluminom ¥ alloy, in which , was taken as 7.68. When aluminum’ or aluminum alloy is hereinafter mentioned, sluminum Y alloy is meant. ‘The results of these teata are shown in figure 3 for three copper cylinders having different fin designs and for one aluminumalloy oylinder. ‘These oylindars were tested with blower cooling. The values of U caleulated from equation (1) eonform reasonably wll with the experimental values of U7 [SURFACE HEAT-TRANSFER COBSFICIENTS OF FINNED CYLINDERS 655 In equation (1), variables and g depend upon experimental tesis, Suffiiently accurate date are generally available for the values of km. ‘The various possible factors that could affect the surface heat- transfer coefficient q of finned cylinders may be enumerated as follows: 1. Charecteristios of surface. 2. Intensity and scale of turbulence. 3. Finand oylinder dimensions: space, width, thick- ness, and diameter. ‘4. The weight velocity, the conductivity, and the viscosity of the cooling air. just sufficient enamel to produce s suooth, black surface; any further increase in thickness results in a lowered heat transfer enused by decressed thermal conductivity. In the tests to determine the effect of en oil film on the hest transfer, the effect of the air stream and the heated cylinder surfece was continuously to decresse the oililm thickness; and it was difficult to artive at f satisfactory conclusion from these tests. The oil film had no messurable effect on the heat transfer obteined during these tests. [EEFEOT oF TURBUL ‘The results of the tests with different devices for creating turbulence are shown in figure 5. A single curve adequately represents the date for design pur- poses. A maximum deviation of the test points of ue iT 10} i © Ses = é £ IE eeraiated 3 Se te tap a 4 ae| | [+1 @ oe 4 vast focfag a - Enamel thickness, in. ‘ovu4-Edee tesa on roa bab tase cates gefasmonth ede. ‘The effect of each of these factors will now be con- sidered. EFECT OF SURFACE CHARACTERISTICS ‘The results of the tests on the smooth-enameled cylinder are shown in figure 4 for wind-tunnel tests at 8 constant air speed of 52 miles per hour. ‘These tests show e slight improvement in q with enamel thicknesses ‘up to 0.002 inch; beyond this thickness, the heat transfer decreases and, with thicknesses greeter than 0,005 inch, it becomes less than it is without enamel. ‘The highest heat transfer is presumably obtained with approximately 10 percent is caused by placing the Qinch drum parallel and at distences between 0.3 inch and 18 inches from the test eylinder. The drum in this position caused a blocking effect in addition to the air swirl, and the condition is therefore outside the rango of useful design. If the test points for this condition are disregarded, much less deviation is obtained and the conclusion may be drawn that the scale and the intensity of turbulence in the tunnel air stream for the range covered in these tests have an inappreciable effect on tho heat transfer. ‘Although the turbulence impressed upon the air stream had little effect on the heat transfer, another flow condition produced between the fins when the fin- plane/air-stream angle lies between 30° and 60° hes resulted in high rates of heat transfer (reference 10). 656 Tepe ees Ue a peale devas nreronel 2 Rhexweron Fe) | SGT peta pratbt 0 ee aire pet LL SEE ee veto See, 1 4 ‘ ; er £ f ¥ &e z { || I {tf | t 4 1 ae ve0oBe mp ‘ravns §—Ee! of toradnt evs the vera Benner cnnt Tet oe ie ‘Sboce between fins, 8, ir. Proore Parag dares in aperture éitroee a cters with 8 Baciicnamenpe woman i nme pniateepl 25 REPORT NO. 67¢—NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR ABRONAUTICS Although the nature of the flow betweon the fins for this condition is not definitely known, lempblad kerosene pictures of the flow over the fin surfaces int | cate that, when the air stream strikes the fine at an | oblique angle, vortices formed between the fins move around the cylinder with the general flow. Additional | information on the result of this condition is given in figure,8. ‘This figure shows the percentage improvo- ment ‘in cooling obtained with the 45° fin-plane/air- streana angle as compared with the paraliellow con- dition for the front and the rear locations on the | oylinder for a range of fin spacing. In general, the | improvement becomes less with closely spaced fins. ‘The data on g for the 0.124-0.50-0.026 oylinder of | s.66-inch diameter and tho 0.12-0.52-0.03 cylinder of eo tamererin] | ct 366 | £0} se . (es fue Se g Sos R 8 2 1 = 38 Vag. (bono 1 7 ‘noone 7s bent oathclent fr nde nates 6.84-inch diameter are plotted in figure 7 to show the effect of cylinder dinmeter. For the range of duta obteined, the relation between q and D ean be cone veniently expressed by ge. Empirical functions determined from tests with coiled pipes show that q varies as an inverse function of the radius of curvature of the coils (Feferenco 11, p. 179). Little information is available to indicate more com- pletely the relationship between the cylinder diamoter and ¢. SURFACE HEAT-TRANSYER CORYFICLENTS OF YINNED CYLINDERS CORRELATION OF VARIABLES In the mechanism of heat transfer by convection in pipes, the velocity gradient across the stream does not follow any simple relation but apparently involves two zones: the film layer and the turbulent core. Three methods of attack heve been used to predict the heat transfer, namely: 1, By mathematical anslysis. 2, By analogy between results from heat transfer and, friction. 3. By dimensional analysis, With turbulent flow, the application of mathematical analysis has met with little success. Anslogies betwean heat transfer and friction hold only for simple cases, such as for straight pipes. The use of dimensionel analysis has been the most suecessfu! method of attack, the constants in the equations being experimentelly determined. For the conditions of viscous fiow, mathe- matical anslysis has been used with greater suecess; here again the experimental results are checked only by applying empirical corrections to the theory. ‘The heat transfer of straight pipes and ducts has been correlated by means of various dimensionless factors. Moddams (reference 11, pp. 203-210) has recorrelated 1 greater part of the available data on straight pipes in the viscous region according to a theoretical equation that assumes a perabolic velocity distribution and an absence of free convection currents. ‘This equation can be approximately represented, for values of Wep/ke greater than 10, by the equation Su FF)" By the substitution of the weight velocity and the aren for 1, equation (2) can be rearranged as follows: sean” For air, the Prandtl number, ¢y/ke, is approximately 1, and substitution in equation (8) gives the Nusselt number os a function of the Reynolds Number and the all ratio of the pipe wed _y 5(Vood d* fai“) ‘The designation of the symbols are es previously given but the dimensions are so chosen as to make both sides of equations (2), (8), and (4) dimensionless. Colburn (reference 12) has pointed out thet Mo- Adams’ correlations show thet data on heating fall above the theoretical curve and that data on cooling fall about equally ebove and below the theoretical equation. Colburn attributed the discrepaney be- FRCTING 4 @) ® 657 tween the theory and the date to free convection effects and to velocity distributions different from that as- sumed in deriving the equation. Accordingly, Colbum ‘amplified equation (2) to include these effects by intro- ducing a factor &, which involves the Greshof number and the ratio of the viscosity of the fluid, based on an arithmetic mean temperature of the fluid to the vis- cosity of the fluid based on an average fluid-flm tem- perature, Equation (2) has been found, however, to apply with a foir degree of accuracy when the Grashof number and the ratio of the viscosities are approxi- mately 1. For the turbulent region, the Nusselt number has been found to be a function of the Reynolds Number and the Prandtl number; and, as the valuo of the Prandtl number is approximately 1 for air, it can be liminated from the equations with little error. In provious investigations, the heat-transfer date of rectangular duets have beon correlated in a manner similar to that of pipes by using an “equivalent” diam- eter equal fo four times the area of the duct divided by the perimeter. Practically no deta aro evaileble on the offect of curvature in ducts other than pipes. In tests on coiled pipes, the Nusselt number was found to be function of the retio of the radius of the pipe to the radius of curvature in addition to the factors already mentioned. ‘The correlation of heat-transfer data for finned cyl- inders is made more difficult than the correlation for pipes because of the complicated shape of finned eyl- inders end the fact thet the boundary-layer velocity gradient between the fins from the front to the rear probably changes. The flow passages between the fins of finned cylinders can bo considered as curved duct especially when baffles ora jacket is used. It is possible thet the variables—heat-transfer coefficient, cylinder and fin dimensions, and sir-stream characteristios— ‘oan be correlated by means of one or more of the dimen- sionless factors considered in the foregoing paregraphs. Owing to the difficulty of applying mathematics to this problem, recourse was had to the experimental results ‘with blower cooling to determine empirical relationships for correlating the date. Colburn (reference 12) found that, in the turbulent region, date on pipes could be correlated if the viscosity ‘was based on the film temperature of the @uid, a mean of the average surfece and the average Suid tempera- ‘tures; whereas, in the viscous region, it made no differ- ence whether the fluid or the film temperature was used. Tn the following correlation of hoat-transfer data, the viscosity and the conductivity of the cooling air for both the turbulent and the viseous flow regions were based on the film temperature of the fluid. 658 ‘REPORT NO. 670—NATIONAL ADVISORY GOMMITTER FOR AERONAUTICS wie) Lin) 297 cage Ht 035 035 038 38 GeRRRRAS 35 ase 95 28 ‘250 bpevenaeboove @ ae eal gear ee 20, vagetien ‘Poons Relation teen fico nvaling gu a sande, lect hart er ono 1000000; 0 SURFACE HEAT-TRANSFER CORFFICIENTS OF FINED, CYLINDERS " Ss Cinder 8 tn) ward io) fin} wind thin) Te" ahha BGP ébep BF aba “718 87 “ow “tat ta 08 88: snorsannavce 5 RRRRRRGRRRRERSSS 8588 ia 2 100 1008 Voostitaup™ane 5 (0) Opocarn w aru, 20 atin, ‘ioeax -Relaon betwen esto tavevig¢ 88 Aenons, per lee, abd acarnc charac 659 7.200 660 REPORT NO, 676—NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS scopy i Cxlgdor + Goh a) Ln) 35% BSF doe O35 “048 ‘ge tor “a7 bee ae Lil ete 1000 Vagstjeupw (2) Cpt in ts teste, 10 bate gous ¢-Contaund Reb between fst Lnavlag gf dliselos epladerdlametr, and tram erie SURFACE HEAT-TRANSFER CORYEICIENTS OF FINED CYLINDERS 661 10000000 finder + elie) tn, cee 9 S58 9) S88 ee fat “30 32 ae 1 Se 3 1.000000] Lbia a Tagst/teun=sare 74200 (o) Opting reat steam, onan at esteem. Consoued —Reliton betwen crs tnvelviag gf melt, epinder daneter, and scars chaser, 0014210 —18 662 ‘REPORT NO, 67¢—NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS 1000000 ein), Orinoer 3 fn) wld fn) Cinder 9 tin) wlio} | 58GB YEG 800) BOP S8G E 5.002 300 Abah sesso os 8 2h M09 787 Cas "888 39 “ass “ag 87 ‘38 og ee oF 120 a 33 3 oe 37 a6 “300 eeigeRRBRES. ed 7 3 DoD Ktr 09, 23 yaaveoove, qpureesal 104000 Fra000| (005 S86 oo Oe Vosgutjteube™ (@) Opteron tn set, bower noe. ‘ioona &-Ooatisoed Redon between ster avrg a imetns, ender ety, en alte haart, SURFACE HEAT-TRANSFER CORFFICIENTS OF FINNED CYLINDERS In the correlation of tho data of the present tests, the heat-transfer coefficients ware based on the difference between the average surface temperature and the aver age fiuid temperature. The correct temperature differ ence to use in calculating heat-trensfer cocfficients de- pends upon the temperature distributions of the sur face end the fluid elong tho duct length. In cases where the surface temperatures remain approximately eon- stant throughout the length of the duct, the correct av- erage temperature difference is the logarithmic meen average. In cases where the surface temperatures rise linearly with that of the fluid, es is practically always true for air-cooled finned cylinders, the difference be- ‘tween the everage surface and the average fluid tem- peratures should be used. In the present investigation, little success toward cor- relating the date was had by plotting Nusselt number against Reynolds Number asis done in the heat-transfer tests of pipes in the turbulent region or by plotting the results in which the fectors in equation (4) were used. ‘Tho equivalent diameter and the length of passage were used in. these caloulations. Tho calculations showed that the Greshof number and the ratio of viscosities mentioned proviously were practically 1, so that the fnotor ® was considered not to enter into the correlation. ‘After soverel trials, it was found that the best corre- lation of the data could be obtained by plotting as follows: - aie) where gort/3600 ka is & Nusselt number and Vougs/12y is e Reynolds Number. ‘The replacement of # by da, the equivalent diamoter of the passage, resulted in a satisfactory correlation but with e greater dispersion of the test points than when # was used. Figure 8 shows th zesults of the tosts with blower cooling plotted ac- cording to equation (5). Efforts to correlate the data by inserting 1, D, or Jin the right-hand side of equa- tion (6) to make this factor dimensionless were un- satisfactory. ‘Figure 0 shows the variation of q with fin and eylinder dimensions and eir-stream cheracteristies for four differ- ent airfiow arrangements. Tho functions given for each arrangement are purely empirical and hold for the range of conditions tested. Tt was found thet, for tho oylinders with and without beffles and for the cylinders tested at 45° fin-plane/air-stream angle, i, ( Vogs* :) TDP and, for the blower-cooling arrangement, fr Gite ‘The curves of figure 9 represent the data well enough for all practical purposes. ®) ®) m 663 PRESSURE DIFFERENCES WITH BLOWER COOLING EVECT OF FIN SPACE AND WIDTHL ‘Tho weight velocity required between fins to obtain the desired values of g often requires much higher pressure differences than ere available. For this reason, the pressure drop across finned cylinders is of considerable interest. ‘Tho pressuro differences across cylinders enclosed in jackets similar to the ons shown in figure 2 (b) have ‘been determined for a large number of cylinders in addition to those tested in this investigation (reference 5). Faired curves of all these date are plotted in figure 10. The effect of the fin width on the pressure differ- once for the range of widths covered between 0.87 inch and 1.5 inches was negligible. Ya. 9, b/s0e[s9 ff. Cgemer compere mman rd Spoca between fn. locas Bit osu on press ieenc are ned angers wot ‘matt roa of te olng wee Hin wth fom 07 fo. oan Blower ‘Since the foregoing results weré published, additional measurements of pressure drop have been mede on a cylinder having a fin width of 3 inches and fin spaces of 0.028, 0.055, and 0.08 inch. ‘Theso deta show a higher pressure drop for the same fin spacing than was obtained ‘with the nevrower fin widths. Provious tests (reference 5) have shown that tho pressure difference is directly proportional to the length [ of the flow path. ‘The date obtained with the 3-inch fins ere plotted in figure 11 in terms of Api/l together with curves obtained by cross- plotting figure 10 for the seme values of fin space 2s ‘wore used in the oylinders with wide fins. ‘The length 1 of the flow path for the eylinders of igure 10 was taken fas an evorage value corresponding to an average fin width of 0.085 inch. ‘The data for the 3-inch fins were in good agreement with the curves eross-plotted from figure 10 for all but the smallest value of ». From these data it may be concluded that, for the useful rango of jaegea 40) 664 fin spacing, the pressure drop is proportionsl to the length of the flow path. ‘The pressure difference is affected by the fin width in direet proportion to the ‘effect of the width on the length of the flow path. Eerrer oF CYLINDER DIAMET ‘The values of Apy/l for the cylinders of diameters 3.66 and 6.34 inches are also plotted in figure 11 for comparison with the data from the 4.66-inch-diemeter ‘eylinder. With the exception of the data for the emall- diameter oylinder at the low weight velocities, the pres- sure drop across the cylinders again varies as the Iength of the flow path and is affected by the cylinder diameter in direct proportion to the effect of the diameter on the length of the flow path, 109, ao} 2 a ft 8 OP, PanlPalfiin water S46 80 2 T 1 ¥e.9,/sec,/sg.fh Poy Etat of wala valotyofcatig aa he rsa darance pot hogh afb eaten of res a Wit ae dawees. CONCLUSIONS 1. The surface heat-transfer coefficients of finned cylinders can be correlated for any one air-fow arrange- ment by plotting a factor involving the surface heat- transfer coefficients, the fin space, and the conductivity of the cooling eir against « factor involving the velocity, REPORT NO. 676—NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTER FOR ABRONAUTICS the density, and the viscosity of the cooling air and the fin space, the fin width, and the eylinder diameter. 2. A variation of the initial turbulence in the tunnel air stream for the renge covered in the present tests had very little effect on the surface heat-transfer coefficient 3. The improvement in heat transfer obtained with « fin-plane/air-stream angle of 45° as compared with one of 0° is appreciably affected by the value of the space between fins, 4. The pressure difference across a finned oplinder is affected by the fin width, the cylinder diameter, and the front baffle opening in direct proportion to the effect thnt these three dimensions have on the length of path Tas defined in the report. Lancter Mexoniay Amnonaurica Laponatony, ‘Narionat, Apvisony Commrrres ron Asnoxaurics, Lawouey Frac, Va., April £7, 1939. REFERENCES 1, Biermana, Arnold B,, and Pinkel, Benjamin: Heat Transfer from Finned Metal Cylinders in an Air Stream, T. R, No. 488, N. A. C. A. 1034. 2. Sohes, Oscar W., and Rolin, Vern G.: Tho Effect of Bates ‘op the ‘Temperature Distribution and Meat-Tranater Coefficients of Finned Cylinders. TR. No. 611, N. A. ©. A, 1084 8. Sohey, Osoar W., and Ellerbrock, Herman H., Jr: Blowor Cooling of Fianed Cylinders. . R. No. 687, N. A. C. 1987. 4, Biermann, Arnold E.: Host Transfer from Cylinders Having Corey Spaced Fins. TN, No. 002, N, A. C. A, 1097. 5. 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MeGraw-Hil Book C2, Tne, 1088. 12, Colbura, Allan P: A Method of Correlating Furced Couvae- tion Hent Transfer Data and a Comparison with Fluid Friction, Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Eng, vol. XXIX, 1985, pp. 174-210.

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