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Catalina Castro Kalil

ID: 1001054542
Task 1

My best friend is someone who is friendly and lovely. She loves her pets; she has 3 cats and each
cat matches her personality. We known in the school, she was “a new girl” in my class so I decided
to talk whit her and then, we stayed together in a break. And the next days was the same. We are
friends since 2016. We like things similar, it means, we like the same movies, the food, the style is
similar and more thing something like that. However, we are different, I don’t like hugs but she
loves them. I am allergic to animal fur and she loves them.

Task 2

One day, I was relaxing on my home when my mom arrived from her job, we started to talk and she
told me “Cata, we need to talk” and (I think in this time, I was around 14 years old) I thought thar
say “Haha, you’re pregnant” was going to be fun. But then, my mom changes her gesture and she
was looking really surprised because, the true, she really was pregnant!! She had kept the secret for
a couple months. I never had a younger sister before. My reaction was very strange because I cried
a lot because I felt too many emotions. I felt blessed.

Task 3

If you really want to visit my city, you need to know some things. When you visit someone, it’s the
costume to bring a mall gift, flowers are a good option. If you have an appointment, you are
supposed to arrive 20 minutes before because it’s the rule; If you arrive 20 minutes late, your
appointment will be canceled. Another special thing, in my country is the costume to eat chocolate
with bread around 5 or 6 o’clock. If you want to greet someone, it’s the costume to kiss on the
cheek. If you want to go out with your friends for dancing, it’s not acceptable to wear hoodies or
something like that.

Task 4

I bought some gifts for Christmas on, the first was a toy for my younger sister
and I think that was my worst decision because was damaged!!! It was a Barbie and the dresses was
stained and torn. Second, I bought for an edition special about coffee cup and when I was packing
the gift, I realized that it has a chip in it with a few scratches on it. Finally, I bought a lamp for my
room and when I turning on, I realized that the lamp was flickered so I supposed that one needs
adjusting… So I tried to fix that but the lamp keeps flickered. I hope my refund.

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