What's The Difference Game - Tricky Words and False Friends B2

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What’s the difference?

Set A
1. What’s the difference between to pass and exam, and to take an exam?
To take an exam means to sit it, with no indication of success or failure while to
pass an exam indicates that the person has done the exam and has succeeded.
2. What’s the difference between a lecturer and a professor?

While both involve educating postsecondary students A professor is more

senior a lecturer often has another career and is hired to teach a set course, while
professors usually follow academic career paths toward earning tenure.

3. What’s the difference between a phrase, and a sentence?

A phrase is a small group of words that adds meaning to a sentence.
A phrase is not a sentence because it is not a complete idea with a subject,
verb and a predicate. ... 
4. What’s the difference between a class and a course?
In both people are taught something. A course larger, it’s a set of classes
or plan of study, usually leading to exam or qualification. A class can be a singular
lesson or many lessons on the same subject.
5. What’s the difference between an agenda and a diary?

An agenda is a list of items to be discussed at a meeting; A diary is a book with, a

space for each day where you write down things that you have to do in the future

6. What’s the difference between a lecture and a talk?

A talk is more informal and usually in a subject of general interest, while a lecture
the speaker is speaking more on academics
7. What’s the difference between handing in something and handing out
To hand in something means to give it, when you finish your exam you hand it
in. To hand out is to distribute, the teacher handed out the report cards.
8. What’s the difference between a course and a scholarship?
A course is a program of lessons or classes. A scholarship is funding for a
course from an organisation.

9. What’s the difference between an article and a thesis?

A thesis is a very long piece of academic writing. An article is a short piece often
written for a newspaper or magazine’

10. What’s the difference between an animator and a facilitator?

a facilitator is someone in a group who encourages discussion an animator is an
artist who creates animated cartoons.
What’s the difference? Set B
1. What’s the difference between to assist and to attend?
To assist means to help, while to attend means to be present at something.
2. What’s the difference between being sympathetic, and being nice?
To be sympathetic is to be able to show and understand other people’s feelings.
To be nice is to be kind.
3. What’s the difference between to resume a story and to summarize a story?
To resume a story is to continue a story after having paused. To summarize a
story is to put into your own words them main gist of the story.
4. What’s the difference between a reunion and a meeting?
A reunion usually refers to a gathering of friends, relatives or classmates who have
been separated for a long time. A meeting, is an assembly of people for a
particular purpose especially for formal discussion.

5. What’s the difference between an essay and a dissertation?

The difference is length. An essay is a short piece of writing on a particular subject.
A dissertation is much longer (often book length)

6. What’s the difference between to support someone, and to put up with

To support someone is to help someone and be kind to them when they
are having a difficult time. To put up with someone, is to tolerate someone who is

7. What’s the difference between research and a discovery?

Research is investigating a subject. A discovery reveals something new.

8. What’s the difference between to remark and to notice?

To remark is to make a comment about something, while to notice is the act of
observing something, seeing something.
9. What’s the difference between to achieve and to finish?
Achieve is to succeed in something, especially within a professional or academic
scope. Finish is to complete anything.
10. What’s the difference between I have few friends, and I have a few friends?
I have few friends = not many friends almost none. I have a few friends = I have
some friends.
What’s the difference? Set C
1. What’s the difference between a university and a campus?
A campus is a grouping of buildings all on the same site. A university is an
institute for higher learning. Not all universities have campuses
2. What’s the difference between fun and funny
Funny is comical, humorous like a joke, Fun is enjoyable, amusing
3. What’s the difference between the location and the rent?
The location means where something is, the rent is the money paid to pay for
4. What’s the difference between to be sensitive, and to be sensible?
A person who is sensitive is easily offended or hurt, sensible, acting or showing
good sense, making good practical decisions
5. What’s the difference between the last film, and the latest film?
The last film will be the final film, the latest film will be the newest film

6. What’s the difference between lend and borrow?

Lend is to temporarily allow someone to use something. And borrow is to
temporarily take something to use.
7. What’s the difference between a teacher and a professor?
A teacher teaches at primary or secondary school. A professor teaches at a
8. What’s the difference between a first draft and a final draft?
A first draft is the beginning of a writing project, it’s the first version of a piece of
writing. A final draft is the last version of a piece of writing, the finished work.

9. What’s the difference between a lecturer and a tutor?

A lecturer is a person who gives lectures. A tutor teaches one to one or in small

10. What’s the difference between having enough room, and having enough
To have enough room is to have enough space in general. Having enough
rooms is about the number of rooms available versus rooms needed.
What’s the difference? Set D
1. What’s the difference between invent and discover?
To invent is to create something and to discover is to uncover or find something

2. What’s the difference between practice and repetition?

practice is one of a series of repeated performances of an activity for the purpose

of learning or improving a skill. repetition refers simply to the act of repeating

3. What’s the difference between being injured, and being insulted?
Insult, to offend someone by being rude, insensitive. Injure to cause harm.
4. What’s the difference between comprehensive and understanding?
Something that is comprehensive broadly or completely covers something.
Understanding, mental process of comprehending something.
5. What’s the difference between well-educated and well-raised?
Well-educated is about having a good formal education. Well-raised is about the
upbringing by parents.
6. What’s the difference between formidable and wonderful?
Formidable – causing fear, dread, awe or admiration as a result of strength or
some other impressive quality. Wonderful – something that is very good,
7. What’s the difference between marriage, and a wedding?
Marriage is the state of being married. Wedding is the ritual, the event of getting
8. What’s the difference between I fixed my car, and I had my car fixed?
I fixed my car, is that the person speaking made the repairs to their own car, I had
my car fixed, someone other than the car owner made the repairs on the car.

9. What’s the difference between I work hard, and I hardly work?

I work hard means that the person does a lot of work. I hardly work means that
the person does very little work.

10. What’s the difference between a conclusion and a summary?

A conclusion is the final thoughts, last idea communicated, it’s a decision reached
after careful thought. A summary is a condensed version, outlining the main ideas.

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