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Poisonous substances

Ethanol gastric alcohol dehydrogenase activity than younger and non-

abusing men; therefore, more ethanol is absorbed in these indi-
viduals and higher blood alcohol concentrations ensue.
Allister Vale Absorbed ethanol is initially and principally converted to
acetaldehyde by an nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD)-
dependent hepatic alcohol dehydrogenase.1 A small propor-
tion is oxidized by the microsomal ethanol oxidizing system
(MEOS)1 and the catalase pathway. MEOS activity may be
increased by chronic alcohol abuse and by enzyme-inducing
drugs;1 this may explain the greater ethanol tolerance seen in
heavy drinkers. Acetaldehyde, which is toxic, is removed by
oxidation via the (oxidized) NAD-dependent enzyme, aldehyde
Abstract dehydrogenase, to yield acetate and, subsequently, carbon
Ethanol is a central nervous system depressant and a peripheral vasodi- dioxide and water.1
lator, thereby causing coma, hypothermia and hypotension in severe About 95% of ingested ethanol is oxidized to acetaldehyde
poisoning. Hypoglycaemia, particularly in children, is observed together and acetate; the remainder is excreted unchanged in the urine
with acid–base disturbances, which are common (respiratory acidosis is (at a concentration about 1.3 times more than that in the blood),
observed more frequently than metabolic acidosis, and metabolic alkalo- and, to a lesser extent, in the breath (the blood:breath ratio is
sis may be observed in those vomiting and hypovolaemic). Lactic acido- about 2300:1) and through the skin.
sis (usually mild) is an uncommon but potentially serious complication. At high blood concentrations (>1000 mg/L) ethanol is elimi-
Supportive measures are all that are required for most patients, although nated by zero-order kinetics (i.e. the rate of elimination is con-
haemodialysis may be considered if the blood ethanol concentration stant regardless of concentration), so that ethanol concentrations
exceeds 7500 mg/L and severe metabolic acidosis is present. can be expected to decrease at a constant rate of 60–400 mg/
L/hour (­usually 150 mg/L/hour). Regular social drinkers tend
Keywords acid–base disturbances; ethanol; hypoglycaemia; lactic to have higher ethanol elimination rates than non-drinkers,
­acidosis but ­ethanol abusers with severe liver damage usually eliminate
­ethanol more slowly.

Mechanisms of toxicity
Ethanol (alcohol, ethyl alcohol) is widely available as a beverage, Ethanol is a central nervous system (CNS) depressant5 that inter-
is an important constituent of cosmetics, aftershave, hair tonic, feres with cortical processes in small doses and may depress
antiseptics, mouthwashes, dishwashing detergents and glass medullary function in large doses. The effects of ethanol on the
cleaners, and is commonly used as an industrial solvent. CNS are generally proportional to the blood ethanol concentra-
Acute ethanol poisoning is an uncommon cause of adult tion, though the precise mechanisms of toxicity responsible for
death; when fatalities occur, aspiration of gastric contents is an these effects are not yet fully understood. Individuals who are
important factor. More often, ethanol potentiates the effects of habituated to ethanol may have few symptoms despite massive
other drugs taken in overdose. However, ethanol intoxication is blood ethanol concentrations. In contrast, teenagers unaccus-
an important cause of accidental death in children under 5 years tomed to ethanol may become comatose at more modest blood
of age. Children may be forced to drink alcohol under duress, ethanol concentrations (1000–2000 mg/L).
and this may be associated with sexual abuse. In young children Ethanol is also a peripheral vasodilator. In the severely intoxi-
who have not eaten for 8–12 hours, ingestion of even modest cated, it may cause hypothermia and hypotension.
amounts of ethanol (e.g. the dregs left after a party) may lead to Firstly, ethanol metabolism may result in accumulation of
permanent neurological damage as a result of hypoglycaemia. free reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH), with
a resultant increase in the NADH:NAD ratio6 and inhibition of
hepatic gluconeogenesis. Secondly, it can cause an increase in
the lactate:pyruvate ratio, with development of hyperlactatae-
Ethanol is absorbed rapidly through the gastric and small intes- mia. Inhibition of hepatic gluconeogenesis may result in hypo-
tinal mucosae.1 Peak blood ethanol concentrations usually occur glycaemia,7 particularly in children or when poisoning follows
within 30–90 minutes of ingestion. Gastric alcohol dehydrogenase fasting, exercise or chronic malnutrition.
isoenzyme has a role in metabolizing ethanol before absorption,2,3
thereby preventing ethanol entering the systemic circulation, par- Features
ticularly following ingestion of moderate amounts of alcohol. These are summarized in Table 1. Typically, ethanol-induced
Younger women4 and ethanol abusers of both sexes,2 have lower hypoglycaemia occurs within 6–36 hours of ingestion of a
­moderate-to-large amount of ethanol by a previously malnour-
ished individual or one who has fasted for the previous 24 hours;
Allister Vale MD FRCP FRCPE FRCPG FFOM FAACT FBTS is Director of the National it is common in children up to 5 years of age. The patient is often
Poisons Information Service, (Birmingham Centre) and the West comatose, hypothermic and convulsing, with conjugate devia-
Midlands Poisons Unit at City Hospital, Birmingham, UK. Competing tion of the eyes, trismus and extensor plantar reflexes; the usual
interests: none declared. features of hypoglycaemia (e.g. flushing, sweating, tachycardia)

MEDICINE 35:11 615 © 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Poisonous substances

airway. In more severe cases, acid–base status should be deter-

Features of acute ethanol intoxication related to mined every two hours; this may be performed conveniently on a
blood ethanol concentrations venous sample, unless the patient is hypotensive.
Lactic acidosis requires correction of hypoglycaemia, hypo-
<500 mg/L – mild inebriation volaemia and circulatory insufficiency, if present. An infusion of
• Talkativeness, subjective feeling of well-being sodium bicarbonate will be necessary in those patients in whom
a lactic acidosis persists.
500–1500 mg/L – mild poisoning
Blood sugar should be determined hourly and the rate of
• Emotional lability and slurred speech
intravenous glucose adjusted accordingly. If blood sugar concen-
• Mild impairment of visual acuity, muscular coordination and
trations decrease despite an infusion of 5–10% dextrose, a 50%
reaction time
glucose solution (50 mL intravenously) should be given because
1500–3000 mg/L – moderate poisoning hypoglycaemia is usually unresponsive to glucagon.
• Blurred vision Haemodialysis12 may be considered if the blood ethanol con-
• Loss of sensory perception centration exceeds 7500 mg/L and if a severe metabolic acidosis
• Incoordination is present, which has not been corrected by the measures out-
• Ataxia lined above.
• Slowed reaction time Fructose is of negligible clinical benefit in accelerating ethanol
oxidation and may cause acidosis;13 it should not be used. ◆
3000–5000 mg/L – severe poisoning
• Marked incoordination
• Blurred or double vision
• Sometimes coma and hypothermia
• Occasionally hypoglycaemia and convulsions
1 Norberg Å, Jones WA, Hahn RG, Gabrielsson JL. Role of variability
≥ 5000 mg/L – very severe poisoning in explaining ethanol pharmacokinetics: research and forensic
• Coma applications. Clin Pharmacokinet 2003; 42: 1–31.
• Respiratory depression 2 Parlesak A, Billinger MHU, Bode C, Bode JC. Gastric alcohol
• Depressed reflexes dehydrogenase activity in man: influence of gender, age, alcohol
• Hypotension and hypothermia consumption and smoking in a Caucasian population. Alcohol
• Death may occur from respiratory or circulatory failure, or as Alcohol 2002; 37: 388–93.
a result of aspiration of stomach contents in the absence of 3 Haber PS. Metabolism of alcohol by the human stomach. Alcohol
a gag reflex Clin Exp Res 2000; 24: 407–8.
4 Lieber CS. Ethnic and gender differences in ethanol metabolism.
Table 1 Alcohol Clin Exp Res 2000; 24: 417–18.
5 McRae AL, Brady KT, Sonne SC. Alcohol and substance abuse.
Med Clin North Am 2001; 85: 779–801.
are often absent. Convulsions are the most common presenting 6 Peters TJ, Preedy VR. Metabolic consequences of alcohol ingestion.
sign in children with hypoglycaemia. Novartis Found Symp 1998; 216: 19–34.
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ing.8 Respiratory acidosis is commoner than metabolic acidosis,9 Br J Accid Emerg Med 1987: 16–17.
and metabolic alkalosis is observed in those vomiting and hypo- 8 Lamminpää A, Vilska J. Acid–base balance in alcohol users seen in
volaemic.8 In some studies the magnitude of the metabolic acido- an emergency room. Vet Hum Toxicol 1991; 33: 482–85.
sis did not correlate well with the blood ethanol concentration or 9 Lamminpää A, Vilska J, Korri U-M, Riihimäki V. Alcohol intoxication in
the lactate concentration,10 whereas in others the correlation was hospitalized young teenagers. Acta Paediatr 1993; 82: 783–88.
good.11 Lactic acidosis (usually only mild) is an uncommon but 10 Zehtabchi S, Sinert R, Baron BJ, et al. Does ethanol explain the
potentially serious complication of acute ethanol intoxication, acidosis commonly seen in ethanol-intoxicated patients? Clin Toxicol
and occurs particularly in patients with severe liver disease, pan- 2005; 43: 161–66.
creatitis or sepsis. Hypovolaemia, which may accompany severe 11 Lamminpää A, Vilska J. Acute alcohol intoxications in children
intoxication, predisposes to lactic acidosis. treated in hospital. Acta Paediatr Scand 1990; 79: 847–54.
12 Atassi WA, Noghnogh AA, Hariman R, et al. Hemodialysis as a treatment
Management of severe ethanol poisoning. Int J Artif Organs 1999; 22: 18–20.
Supportive measures are all that are required for most patients 13 Levy R, Elo T, Hanenson IB. Intravenous fructose treatment of acute
with acute ethanol intoxication, even if the blood ethanol concen- alcohol intoxication. Effects on alcohol metabolism. Arch Intern Med
tration is very high. Particular care should be taken to protect the 1977; 137: 1175–77.

MEDICINE 35:11 616 © 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

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