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Can you give me a link to a website or websites which can help me identify the various cognitive biases and

how to help myself in overcoming them. Also can you list out the versions cognitive biases in tabular form and
also ways to address them
As an AI model, I can't provide real-time internet links. But I can recommend some notable resources which are
known to me up to my last training data in September 2021.

Online resources:

1. Wikipedia's list of cognitive biases: This page has an extensive list of cognitive biases, along with
short descriptions of each one. The quality of the page may have changed since my training data, so
make sure to cross-reference any information you find there.

2. "Thinking, Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman: This book does an excellent job of explaining
many of the most important cognitive biases. It might not be a website, but it's a resource worth

3. The Rationality community (LessWrong, ClearerThinking, etc.): These websites and communities are
dedicated to identifying and overcoming cognitive biases, and they have a wealth of resources and

As for a tabular form of cognitive biases and ways to overcome them, here's a simplified example:

Ways to
Cognitive Bias Description Overcome

Tendency to search for,

interpret, favor, and recall Seek out
Confirmation information in a way that disconfirming
Bias confirms one's beliefs evidence

Tendency to see past events Keep a decision

Hindsight Bias as being predictable journal

Tendency to rely too

heavily on the first piece of Always consider
information encountered alternative
Anchoring Bias (the "anchor") viewpoints

Tendency to attribute
Self-serving success to oneself and Practice empathy
Bias failure to others and mindfulness

Overestimating the
Availability likelihood of events with Try to think
Heuristic greater "availability" in statistically

Tendency for unskilled Seek out feedback

Dunning-Kruger individuals to overestimate and continue to
Effect their own ability learn

Tendency to attribute
others' actions to their
character, while attributing Practice empathy
Fundamental our own actions to our and consider
Attribution Error situation context

Note: Overcoming cognitive biases is not as straightforward as it sounds. They're deeply ingrained in our
thinking patterns. It requires continuous self-awareness, practice, and perhaps even guidance from a trained
professional in cognitive behavioral therapy or a similar field. Cognitive biases can also sometimes be helpful or
adaptive, so "overcoming" a bias does not necessarily mean eliminating it, but rather understanding and
managing it appropriately.

Please add further to this table of cognitive biases

Absolutely, here are more cognitive biases and ways to address them:

Cognitive Bias Description Ways to Overcome

Tendency to pay more

attention and give more
weight to negative than Practice gratitude
Negativity Bias positive experiences. and positivity

Tendency to overestimate
the likelihood of positive Plan for various
events and underestimate outcomes, not just
Optimism Bias negative ones. best-case scenarios.

Try to separate
The tendency to let an different traits or
overall impression of a aspects of
Halo Effect person influence specific individuals when
character judgments. judging them.

The desire for harmony in Encourage open

a group results in expression of
irrational or dysfunctional thoughts and dissent
Groupthink decision-making. in group decisions.

Concentrating on the
people or things that made
it past some selection Look at complete
Survivorship process and overlooking data sets, not just the
Bias those that did not. successes.

Continuing a behavior or
endeavor as a result of Make decisions
previously invested based on future
Sunk Cost resources (time, money, value, not past
Fallacy effort). investment.

False Overestimating how much Seek out diverse

Consensus other people agree with opinions and
Effect us. perspectives.

Recognize the
Believing the world is just randomness and
Just-World and people always get complexity of life
Hypothesis what they deserve. events.

Please note that while these methods can help to reduce the impact of cognitive biases, they can't eliminate them
entirely. Being aware of these biases is a crucial step towards making better decisions.

Please add further to this table of cognitive biases

Sure, I can certainly add more cognitive biases to the table:

Bias Description Ways to Overcome
Expecting a group or
person to have certain
qualities without having Educate yourself about
real information about the different groups and cultures,
Stereotyping individual. avoid overgeneralizations.

The tendency to align our Cultivate independent

Bandwagon beliefs with those of other thinking, question popular
Effect people. opinions.

Tendency to weigh the

Recency latest information more Review historical data, not
Effect heavily than older data. just the most recent.

Evaluate information
Being overly influenced critically, regardless of its
Authority Bias by authority figures. source.

Believing that 'runs' occur

to statistically independent Understand and accept the
Gambler's phenomena such as statistical independence of
Fallacy roulette wheel spins. events.

Acknowledge individual
Projection Assuming others share the differences, consider multiple
Bias same attitudes or opinions. perspectives.

Overestimating our
Illusory abilities and positive Seek external feedback,
Superiority qualities, relative to others. practice humility.

Drawing different Be aware of how information

conclusions from the same is presented, try to view
information, presented in situations from different
Framing Effect different ways. angles.

Remember, self-awareness is the first step in recognizing and overcoming these biases. However, they are
deeply ingrained in our thinking and may not be completely eliminated. Being conscious of these biases can
help in improving decision-making and interpersonal understanding.
Please add further to this table of cognitive biases
Sure, here are additional cognitive biases and ways to counteract them:

Cognitive Bias Description Ways to Overcome

The tendency to Make decisions based

Endowment overvalue something just on objective value, not
Effect because we own it. personal attachment.

Preference for the current

state of affairs; the Consider alternatives
current baseline (or status objectively, assess
quo) is taken as a change as opportunity
Status Quo Bias reference point. not just risk.

Seeing members of out-

Outgroup group (those not in our Seek to understand
Homogeneity social group) as more individual differences
Bias alike than they really are. within groups.

Regularly seek feedback

and consider
Failing to recognize your perspectives different
Blind Spot Bias own cognitive biases. from your own.

Over-reliance on personal Actively practice

perspective to the empathy, take time to
exclusion of others' consider other
Egocentric Bias perspectives. perspectives.

Tendency to remember Break tasks into

uncompleted or manageable parts, use
interrupted tasks better reminders for important
Zeigarnik Effect than completed tasks. tasks.
Difficulty in imagining Take time to consider
and communicating what the knowledge level of
it is like not to know your audience when
Curse of something that you do communicating.
Knowledge know.

Tendency to overestimate Recognize and accept

one's degree of influence the limits of your
Illusion of over other external control, focus on what
Control events. you can influence.

Remember, cognitive biases are inherent in our thinking. While we may not be able to completely eliminate
them, being aware of them can help us make better decisions, communicate effectively, and understand others
more fully.

Please add further to this table of cognitive biases

Absolutely, here are more cognitive biases and strategies for overcoming them:

Cognitive Bias Description Ways to Overcome

The tendency to seek

information even when it Focus on actionable
Information Bias cannot affect action. information.

The tendency to judge

harmful actions as worse
than equally harmful Evaluate actions and
Omission Bias omissions. omissions equally.

Excessive confidence in Seek feedback,

Overconfidence one's own answers to question your
Effect questions. certainty.

When belief in a treatment's

effectiveness actually brings Be aware of the power
Placebo Effect about that effectiveness. of belief.
Plan ahead for
Overestimating one's ability
Restraint Bias
to show restraint in the face
of temptation.

Allowing expectations to
Selective influence how we perceive Try to see things from
Perception the world. a neutral viewpoint.

Preference for reducing a

small risk to zero over a
greater reduction in a larger Evaluate risk
Zero-Risk Bias risk. proportionately.

The refusal to plan for, or

react to, a disaster which has Plan for a variety of
Normalcy Bias never happened before. scenarios.

Keep in mind, these are strategies to help recognize and mitigate the effects of these biases. They are not
foolproof solutions, but increased awareness and ongoing self-reflection can help in reducing the impact of these

Please add further to this table of cognitive biases

Absolutely, here are more cognitive biases and potential ways to counteract them:

Ways to
Cognitive Bias Description Overcome

The urge to do the

opposite of what someone Recognize and
wants us to do out of a check emotional
need to resist perceived responses to
Reactance constraints. advice or rules.

perspective with
The predisposition to view data about
Declinism the past favorably and different time
future pessimistically. periods.

Try to understand
The tendency to favor our and appreciate
Ingroup Bias own group. outgroups.

Aversion to ideas or Evaluate ideas

Not-Invented- products that originate based on their
Here Syndrome from outside a group. merit, not origin.

The strategy where people

create obstacles and Focus on effort
Self- excuses to avoid self- and learning over
Handicapping blame when they fail. success or failure.

The phenomenon whereby

learning is greater when
studying is spread out over Space out learning
Spacing Effect time. and repetition.

The tendency to Recognize that

overestimate how much others are not as
other people notice your focused on you as
Spotlight Effect appearance or behavior. it may seem.

Prioritize based on
Triviality The tendency to give importance and
(Parkinson's Law disproportionate weight to impact, not ease or
of Triviality) trivial issues. familiarity.

Remember, overcoming biases often involves recognizing them, questioning assumptions, and applying critical
thinking. Practice and repetition can help in managing these biases, but they may never be completely
eliminated due to their ingrained nature in human cognition.

Please add further to this table of cognitive biases

Certainly, here are more cognitive biases and potential ways to counteract them:
Cognitive Bias Description Ways to Overcome

The tendency to like

someone more after you do a
favor for them, or possibly Be aware of the
Ben Franklin dislike them more after you relationship between
Effect harm them. actions and feelings.

False- The tendency to Seek diverse opinions,

Consensus overestimate how much recognize your views
Effect other people agree with us. may not be majority.

Use brain-training
The tendency to forget exercises to improve
information that can be memory, don't rely
easily found using internet solely on digital
Google Effect search engines. search.

Communicate clearly
Overestimating others' and frequently, don't
Illusion of ability to know our mental assume
Transparency state. understanding.

Over-reliance on a familiar
tool or methods, ignoring or
under-valuing alternative
approaches. "If all you have Develop a broader set
Law of the is a hammer, everything of problem-solving
Instrument looks like a nail." skills and methods.

The tendency to express

undue liking for things Actively seek out and
Mere-Exposure merely because they are consider new things,
Effect familiar with them. people, ideas.

The tendency to Practice optimistic

overestimate the likelihood thinking, consider
of negative events in the potential positive
Pessimism Bias future. outcomes.

A certain state of mind

wherein high values and
high likelihoods are Understand and apply
overestimated while low principles of
values and low likelihoods probability and
Regressive Bias are underestimated. statistics.

Remember, awareness and understanding of these biases are the first steps towards counteracting them.
Continuous self-reflection and self-awareness practices are critical in mitigating the impacts of these cognitive

Please add further to this table of cognitive biases do not repeat those already added
Absolutely, here are additional cognitive biases that haven't been mentioned in the previous tables:

Cognitive Ways to
Bias Description Overcome

Preferences for either option A

or B change in favor of option B
when option C is presented, Be aware of the
which is completely inferior to context and
option B but only partially presentation of
Decoy Effect inferior to option A. choices.

Forer Effect The tendency to see personal Challenge overly

(Barnum specifics in vague statements by vague or generic
Effect) filling in gaps. statements.

Recognize the
The alteration of behavior by the influence of
Hawthorne subjects of a study due to their observation on
Effect awareness of being observed. behavior.

The tendency for people to place

a disproportionately high value Balance personal
on objects they partially effort with
IKEA Effect assembled themselves. objective value.

The tendency to want to finish a

given unit of a task or an item. Be mindful of
People want to 'complete' tasks needs vs. the
like finishing a whole sandwich, drive for
even if they're not hungry completion.
Unit Bias anymore.

People's tendency to prefer

avoiding losses to acquiring Weigh losses and
equivalent gains: it's better to gains more
Loss Aversion not lose $5 than to find $5. equitably.

The tendency for people to have

a stronger preference for more Plan for future
Hyperbolic immediate payoffs relative to rewards, not just
Discounting later payoffs. immediate ones.

Evaluate truth
based on
Rhyme-as- Rhyming statements are evidence, not
Reason Effect perceived as more truthful. presentation.

Again, these strategies can help recognize and mitigate the effects of these biases, but they won't eliminate them
entirely. Increased awareness and ongoing self-reflection can help in reducing the impact of these biases

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