Tarea Academica 3 Ingles 3 Jordan Chavez

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student s :

Karla Esquerre María Fernanda

Cabanillas . Flores Luna

jordán farro
Chávez .


UCORivas de r ios
(AC-S13) Week 13 - Task: Assignment - My
best birthday present
Karla: good afternoon colleagues, my name is Karla Esquerre
Jordan: Hello my name is Jordan Chavez.
Mafer: hello my name is Mafer Flores, let's talk about the best technological gift
we received on our birthday.
Karla: it's okay Mafer.
Jordan: okay.
Mafer: Well, Karla, ¿what was your best technological birthday present?
Karla: My parents gave it to me, an-iPhone XR, it was my first cell phone.
Mafer: ¿Why do you think your cell phone is important?
Karla: the cell phone is very important because it allows you to communicate with
yourself, send messages and search information of course.
Mafer: ¿What else can you tell me about your iPhone compared to others cell
Karla: This phone is rectangular, it has three cameras, it's blue and it's very
modern and works with ios operating system, it is very different from many
Jordan: It's interesting but I think mine is much better, I have a macbook pro, for
my birthday.
Karla: Wow, that's great, what's the most important thing about that gift?
Jordan: The most important thing in my opinion is that I got it from my
grandfather, and I watched it for a long time, it is perfect for work study because it
is much lighter than other laptops.
Mafer: ¿What makes it different from other laptops?
Jordan: As I keep repeating is its speed of 3.7 hz, its very light weight and its touch
function on the screen.
Mafer: wooo what a great gift, I have only received something traditionally
technology, a 55-inch TV. I use it to watch my series or movies in the afternoon, as
well as share photos from my cell phone to the screen for my family to see.
Jordan: but what characteristics does it have, what brand is it?
Mafer: it is 55 inches, it is FHD 4K, LG brand; it has a very good video quality.
Karla: Why was it important to you?
Mafer: Because my mother gave it to me with a lot of effort.
Karla: Well, it's been a pleasure talking to you, take care of yourself.
Mafer: Bye, nice to meet you.
Jodan: Bye.

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