MUN - Link Between Development and Climate Efforts

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Strengthening the link between development and climate efforts

Topic 2

Discussing the increasing call for energy system transitions in the mitigation of climate

1) Urges all Member States to promote and advocate for solar PV panels with the goal
of integrating them into society and thus creating a more sustainable environment,
by means such as but not limited to:
a) creating advertising campaigns which underline the long-lasting financial and
environmental benefits on a personal as well as universal scale, through:
i) state-wide information campaigns
ii) television advertisements
iii) online promotional campaigns
b) establishing a low but substantial subsidy in form of tax reductions for a time
frame of five years for individuals who have installed solar panel as a main
energy resource
c) integrating the domestic production of solar PVs in each individual state, in order
to reduce expenses caused by the import of the product from foreign countries
d) installing solar parks in public owned areas

2) Calls upon Member States to expand and promote the market of electric and hybrid
cars with the objective of reducing the demand for non-environmentally friendly
energy sources by measures such as but not limited to:

a) reducing or even abolishing import taxes in states in which they still apply, with
the goal of motivating consumers to purchase environmentally-friendly
transportation means from foreign states
b) subsidising citizens who purchase electric and hybrid cars by funding part of the
purchase amount
c) advertising the opportunity for investors to fund the manufacture and installation
of charging ports for electrical cars
d) promoting and advertising the financial and environmental benefits of electric and
hybrid cars, by means of:
i) television advertisements and programs
ii) newspaper articles
iii) governmental campaigns 

e) social media campaigns

f) encouraging the recycling of lithium batteries contained in electric cars, by

subsidising those individuals in form of a limited amount of cash payment
The implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in climate-resilient
development pathways

3) Encourages all member states to announce their set targets for 2030 of the Paris
Agreement, seeing as due to the COVID pandemic, most countries have set aside
their targets. That could be achieved by:
a) establishing an online forum, in which residents can come in contact with
authority figures to discuss environmental matters and about the Paris
Agreement, as well as propose innovative ideas about how to achieve their set
b) offering financial aid by the world bank for states facing difficulties balancing
finances of the COVID crisis and environmental matters
c) raising awareness on the matter so as to urge the residents to actively contribute
to the solution of the problem

4) Calls for the creation of an independent non-profit organization, titled Economic

Renewable Energy Evaluation Organization (EREEW), whose main aim will be to
evaluate which renewable energy sources should be implemented, in order to
ensure that the economy and social peace are not harmed, as well as what the
safest course of action would be. The organization will consist of qualified
economists and sociologists, who will have to be in close communication with the
government, so as to assist them in calculating and assessing, what decision would
be more beneficial.

5) Strongly requests member states to raise awareness and educate its residents
about the Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Agreement and the long lasting
effects of climate change. This will be achieved by means of:
a) organizing interactive lectures by experts at schools 
b) podcasts
c) social media
d) newspapers
e) television channels and campaigns
f) radio

Policy statement

As the delegation of the Dominican Republic, we would like to express our concerns
regarding climate change. We are fully aware of the consequences and since we signed
the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change in 2015, we are committed to cut down our greenhouse
gas emissions by 25% by 2025 in comparison to 2010.  Global warming is detrimental
to our country, since we are an island surrounded by water. The increased water levels
have contributed to major floods. Moreover, the higher temperatures have also led to
mudslides due to storms, and in the northwest of our country we are experiencing
drought, which reduces crop yields and water supplies.
Seeing all the aforementioned, we will do everything in our power to cut down on CO2
emissions and to protect the environment and thus hope that the clauses proposed in
this conference will help not only our, but all Member States to build a better future,
without the long-term effects of environmental damages.

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