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RAYA PAMBUDHI • (+62) 85158251664 • Jl. Mushola Nurul Huda I, Pondok Aren • Tangerang Selatan Banten
I was an enthusiastic and driven Undergraduate Student pursuing studies in International Law at President
University in Cikarang, have a profound interest in Public Policy and Digital Security issue, I aspire to
contribute to the development of effective community engagement strategies. My previous experiences in
teaching and public preaching have honed my communication skills and ability to connect with diverse
audiences, also savvy in Digital Communication Abilities and Exploiting AI feature. I am eager to leverage
my knowledge and passion to make a positive impact within your organization and the communities it
President University 2021 – Present
Law Student on International Concentration
GPA: 3.88
Student Organization: President University Student Council (PUSC), Himpunan Keluarga Ma’had Daarul
Mughni (HIKMAD)
PresUniv ASEAN Comparative Talk 2.0: Education Towards Digital Literacy in ASEAN 2023
Event Organizer on Event that Collaborate with UNDP Indonesia and UNICEF Indonesia
- Success on the proceeding webinar that attended 100 Participant
- Brought to the audiences delightful Keynotes Speaker, Agung Prasetyo (UNDP Indonesia) and
Annisa Elok Budiyani (UNICEF Indonesia)
President University ASEAN Comparative Talk 2023: Free speech in ASEAN Region 2023
Speaker on Event provided by President University for public participant
- Speech about ASEAN Free Speech in General in Seminar that attended 50 Participant
- Presenting ideas and Discussions about our current condition of free speech, Press Immunity,
Important of Free speech based on precedent events, and Quo Vadis Free Speech in ASEAN?
Online Webinar: Implementation and Application of Law for Start Ups in Digital Ages 2022
Moderator on event provided by President University for Law Major Student
- Leading the Agenda on Webinar that attended 50 Participant
Literasi Digital with KEMENAG 2022
Project Manager on event that collaborate with PCNU Jawa Barat and Pondok Pesantren
Motivasi Indonesia
- Success on the proceeding event that attended 250 Participant
- Conducting event in Regional Scope of Kabupaten Bekasi
- In collaboration with PCNU (Pengurus Cabang Nahdatul Ulama’) Jawa Barat
Campus Career Expo: Goes to Siraajul Ummah 2022
Project Manager on event that talk about Highschool Student Preparation for College and
Future Career
- Success on the proceeding event that attended 100 Participant
- Leading Creative and Technicality for 50 Member
Private Highschool Pondok Siraajul Ummah Boarding School, Bekasi 2021-2022
Full-time Teacher/School Administrative
- Teaching on subject Civil Education (PKN) and Social Science (IPS) for Junior Highschool
- Teaching on subject Civil Education (PKN) and Sociology (Sosiologi) for Senior Highschool
- Administrative staff on Siraajul Ummah Boarding School office
Private Highschool Pondok Pesantren Motivasi Indonesia Boarding School, Setu 2022-2023

Part-time Teacher/School Administrative

- Teaching on subject Civil Education (PKN) and Social Science (IPS) for Junior Highschool
- Administrative staff on Siraajul Ummah Boarding School office
Caring Each Other (CEO) for Cianjur 2022 2022
Managing Leader on this Private Volunteer Group
- Participating on teaching to all children in affected area (Desa Pondok Cina, Cianjur)
- Grant Accommodation and Needs to all residences that located in site affected by earthquake
Young Volunteer for Human Equality 2022
Project Manager on this Private Volunteer Group
- Participating on teaching to all children in Yayasan Mulia Qolbu Insan, Cikarang Kota
- Engage in Voluntary Teaching and Build Micro-facility in 1 Month Duration
- Grant Accommodation and Needs to all residences that located in site affected by earthquake
Keguruan Muhammadiyah Sukoharjo 2021
- Participating on teaching to 4 Group (100 Participant) of unprivileged kids
- Initiating and Action to build Public Library

Arabic - basic competence in speech, reading, and writing
English - Intermediate competence in speech, reading, and writing
Highschool English Speech Competition at Regional level (Jawa Barat) 2018
Highschool English Speech Competition at Pre-Regional level (Kabupaten Bekasi) 2017

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