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Giorgi Soselia

Taiwan and the fight for democracy A

force for good in the changing international order
“Taiwan and the fight for democracy” is an article by Tsai Ing-Wen speaks about Taiwan’s role and
importance in the international system. The author considers Taiwan as the frontline of a new clash
of ideologies (between authoritarianism and liberal democracy). The author discusses Taiwan’s as
the independent state’s role and importance in the modern world
In the beginning, the author emphasizes that during the covid-19 pandemic authoritarian regimes
showed more effectiveness than liberal democracies in the terms of the contest between them.
Taiwan is a part of liberal democracy even though Many countries don’t recognize it. And now there
is a threat under Taiwan posed by China. But China doesn’t threaten only Taiwan in this way but
whole liberal countries which share values with Taiwan.
If China achieves its purpose and returns the control on Taiwan, It also gets more power in the Indo-
Pacific region, which is one of the fastest-increasing regions and has immense economic potential.
As already mentioned there is a contest between liberal democracy and authoritarianism. Taiwan
represents liberal democracy, China – authoritarianism. During the last few days, tensions between
them are rising. Taiwan should be considered as the frontline of the clash of values. Even though
Taiwan is ready for negotiations, it has already shown that democracy is non-negotiable and they are
preparing to protect their values. As the author says democracy is part of the identity of Taiwanese
The effectiveness of the Taiwanese democracy is caused by a strong civil society, which is the main
reason why Taiwan survived in the terms where the majority of countries don’t acknowledge it.
Taiwanese people found a way and become members of international society
Nowadays, Taiwan is developed in many ways. Especially It successfully struggled against Covid 19
pandemic and tries to share its experience with other countries in many other fields too.
In my opinion, discussion about how will be consequences if Taiwan falls is the central part of the
article. The author emphasises Taiwan’s good strategical position, its connections around the world
and technological development. It can be an important resource for the liberal world also it would be
a great loss if china reconquer Taiwan.
Finally, the author declares Taiwan as a potential member of the liberal world which can strengthen
international cooperation. The article should be regarded as a message for the countries that share
liberal democracy to show more interest in Beijing’s last days' military actions. 1 China actively
moves to reunification and the Taiwanese are waiting for partners support.


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