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When Mom And Dad Are Away by Author Unknown

Chapter 1

The first thing Jenny did when she got home from school on the day her
parents left on vacation was to take off all her clothes. She didn't
know why she did it exactly--she just found herself doing it. With all
the doors of the house locked and all the curtains drawn and nobody to
see her, she stripped in the living room and trotted from one end of
the house to the other, giggling as her young tits bounced naked and

In her parents' bedroom, she posed in front of the mirror, running her
hands up and down her silky-smooth skin, admiring the size of her tits
and the voluptuous shape of her teenage body. She pulled her silky,
blonde hair in front of her shoulders and let the ends tickle her large
pink cherries, which swelled with tingly bumps and a pair of nipples
like fingertips. She stretched her arms overhead, dancing with sinuous
movements of her gymnast's body. Her hairless armpits were moist with
sweat. The golden fuzz on her tanned belly glowed in the soft afternoon
light that filtered through the curtains.

"You dirty little girl," she said out loud, leering mischievously at
herself in the mirror.

For the first time in her life she was actually alone in the house, and
she felt like being naughty. She didn't understand why she felt this
way. All she knew that the excitement was racing through her body,
pounding in her loins, and she felt like being wicked and running
around the house stark naked.

She headed for the kitchen, where she found some fruit and yogurt in
the refrigerator. Sitting naked at the kitchen table, she shimmied her
bare legs together as she ate. If her mother and father could see her
now, she didn't know what they'd do--probably both die of heart
attacks. She was being such a wicked girl, but she couldn't help it.
For the first time in her life she felt free. Until this moment she'd
never realized just how unfree she'd been all her life. She couldn't
understand it, but those were her feelings.

The telephone rang, startling her so that she jumped. It was as if

somebody had suddenly barged in through the kitchen door and caught her
naked at the table. Her heart pounding, she got up and snatched the
phone off the hook on its third ring.

"Jenny, are you all right?" The voice was only too familiar--Barb, her
old baby-sitter.

"Of course," Jenny said. "Why wouldn't I be all right?"

"You sounded strange when you answered," Barb said. "And you're
breathing hard."

"I was--exercising," Jenny said. "Anything I can do for you?"

"I'm just calling to check on you and Skip," Barb said. "Your mother
asked me to call from time to time while they're gone, to see how the
two of you are getting along."

"Mom and Dad only left a few hours ago," Jenny said, annoyed. "And Skip
and I can take care of ourselves. We're not babies anymore, you know."

"Of course you're not, darling. I just wanted to let you know that I'm
here if you need me. If anything comes up you can't handle, give me a
call. Is Skip home, by the way?"

"He's got track practice after school," Jenny said.

"Every afternoon?"

"I don't know. Not tomorrow, I don't think. Why?"

Barb chuckled foolishly. "Oh, no reason. Just curious. Well, I'm glad
everything's all right. I'll call again soon."

"Don't bother," Jenny said after she'd hung up the receiver.

Jenny carried her clothes and schoolbooks up to her bedroom. Barb's

call had cooled her off. Even with her parents out of town there was
still a nosy adult spying on her. Why couldn't she just be left alone
for once? Didn't her parents trust her? She'd never given them any
reason not to trust her, and neither had her twin brother Skip.

Both she and Skip had got straight A grades all through school, and
their grades for conduct were perfect too. Skip was a star in wrestling
and track, and Jenny was a varsity cheerleader, and a member of the
gymnastics team. She and Skip were the perfect son and daughter of a
pair of model parents. What could her parents possibly be worried

In the upstairs bathroom, Jenny weighed herself and measured her waist.
Both measurements were exactly what the gymnastics coach said they
should be. She picked up her hairbrush and brushed her long blonde hair
in front of the mirror. It was so nice to be able to stand here naked
like this with the bathroom door wide open, and to walk around the
house naked. Her tits jiggled as she brushed her hair, and she found
herself licking her lips at the sight of them. The nervous excitement
began throbbing again in her loins and soon she'd forgot all about
Barb's intrusive phone call.

She wiggled into the hallway and did a few cartwheels, laughing as her
naked tits flipped and flopped. She sank down into a full split, then
pressed into a handstand. Wouldn't it be exciting, she thought, to have
a girls' gymnastics meet where all the contestants were stark naked?

The thought was so wicked that she giggled. She flipped down from the
handstand and landed on her feet. She was standing outside Skip's

She'd never been in Skip's bedroom alone before, and certainly not
without any clothes on. But for some reason now, she couldn't resist.
She literally shivered with excitement as she slipped through Skip's

Athletic trophies sat on the dresser and bookshelves. At least a dozen

pictures of Skip on various athletic teams hung on the walls. The room
was neat and clean, just like Skip. Jenny didn't know what possessed
her, but she gave in to the urge to snoop in Skip's dresser drawers.

Her breath quickened at the sight of Skip's sweat socks and jockstraps.
She'd never done anything so wicked as this in her life. Under some T-
shirts in the lower, left-hand drawer, she discovered a key. She tried
the key in the one dresser drawer that had a lock on it and the drawer
slid open. She frowned at the sight of several pairs of panties in the
drawer. They were unwashed girls' panties! The aroma of pussy drifted
to her nose.

"What the heck?" Jenny gingerly picked up the panties and found that
two pair were her own! She'd wondered where they'd disappeared to.
"Skip, what is all this?"

Under the panties she found a lock of blonde hair tied up with some
yarn. It looked a lot like her own hair. And there were several small
envelopes with a different girl's name on the front of each. She opened
the envelope labeled Jenny, and inside she found what looked like
pussy-hairs--blonde pussy-hairs like her own. The other envelopes
contained pussy-hairs too, hairs of various colors.

"I don't believe this!" she whispered. She picked up a notebook in the
drawer and started paging through it. The handwriting in it was Skip's,
and the dirty words that she saw everywhere made her blush. Skip never
used such words. She caught sight of her own name and couldn't believe
what she read. I pry apart Jenny's pussy lips. They're elastic, and
covered with blonde fur. The meat between them is pink and juicy. She's
so sizzling-hot inside there's pussy-steam coming out of her hole. I
just about faint from sniffing her smell. I suck on her clit and she
groans that she can't stand it, that I've got to fuck her right now or
she'll go crazy. I slide up between her legs and stick my prickhead
between her pussy-lips. The sizzling lips close around my knob and I
almost cream it feels so good. Jenny moans as I slide my cock all the
way up her butter-slick cunt. I'm in her to the hilt, my prick just
about jumping out of its skin with pleasure. Her cunt starts clamping
around my cock as I start to ram ...

Jenny snapped the notebook shut. Her hands were shaking. As best she
could, she put back everything in the drawer as she'd found it, then
closed the drawer, locked it, and put the key back where she'd found
it. Flushed and dizzy, she tiptoed out of Skip's room and staggered
down the hallway to her own bedroom. She closed her door and locked it.
Her inner thighs were slick with lubricant that had leaked out of her
cunt. Lying back on her bed, she spread her legs and stuck her right-
hand middle finger up her pussy.

She moaned, her toes clutching, tremors of pleasure pulsing through her
body. She closed her eyes, trying not to think about what she'd found
in Skip's bedroom, trying to concentrate completely on the sensations
coursing through her body. She wanted to forget what she'd discovered
in Skip's bedroom, which was something too wicked to even think about.
How could he! How could her perfect twin brother possibly have written
such filthy things! She must have imagined it!

She writhed on the bed, moaning as she finger-fucked her sizzling,

juice-oozing crotch. Each thrust of her finger up her virgin fuck-hole
sent an electric current through her loins and made her gasp. Her
slippery, squirming, red-hot clit screamed with sensation each time her
finger touched it and she chewed her lips to keep from crying out loud.

She wasn't in the habit of masturbating. She never did it unless she
absolutely had to, only did it when the sexual tension built to such a
pitch in her loins that she could think of nothing else but relieving
herself of the agony. Twice, maybe three times a month, she was forced
to relieve herself. Once a week at the most. Masturbation was a wicked,
sinful practice. If anybody ever found out she jerked off, she'd never
be able to face them again.

"Oooh, yesss!" she breathed.

Despite herself, she felt so good she wanted to whine out loud. As she
squirmed on the bed, her blonde head rolling from side to side, her
right hand jerking rhythmically between her legs, she massaged her
belly and tits with her left hand. Her skin was so smooth and silky and
hot. She loved herself. As wicked and perverted as it sounded, she was
crazy about her own voluptuous young body.

Barb had once told her she was pretty. They'd been in the bathroom.
Barb was washing Jenny's hair as Jenny sat naked in the bathtub. Barb's
soapy hands slid down, rubbing Jenny's pert young tits with her
upturned cherries. She caught Jenny's nipples between her slick, hot
fingers and Jenny's eyes rolled back. Barb slid a hand down between
Jenny's thighs and started to rub her pussy. Shocked, yet delirious
with pleasure, Jenny spread her legs and let Barb slide a finger up
inside her. Jenny exploded in seconds, her pussy sucking Barb's finger
like a voracious little mouth. Barb finger-fucked Jenny's spasming cunt
until her blue eyes nearly popped out.

That's when and where Jenny had learned about the pleasures a finger
could give her--from Barb, who had been Skip's and Jenny's baby-sitter
since they'd been kids. And it was from Barb that Jenny had learned
just how voluptuous and sexy her teenage body was. Jenny had never
again allowed Barb to masturbate her, but once initiated, Jenny could
never forget what pleasure her body was capable of.

Now, squeezing her thighs around her twisting right hand, Jenny rocked
her loins up and down, fucking herself on her stiff, twisting middle
finger. Lifting her tits with her left hand, pushing them toward her
face, she darted her wet tongue at her nipples, each electric flick of
her tongue across her sensitive nipple-flesh sending a rush of
pleasure-tingles through her body and making her cunt contract. Her
asscheeks flexed as she humped upward, cunt-fucking her finger. Hot
juices seeped from her pussy, leaking down her ass-crack, leaving a
moist stain on the bedspread under her ass.

"Ohhh, yessss!" she moaned, no longer biting her lips to stifle her
pleasure-cries. She felt so good she couldn't help herself. But what
did it matter anyway if she moaned out loud? She was alone in the
house--all alone in the house for the first time in her life. She felt
free! She was in heaven!

"I'm coming!" she whined. And she arched up, the spasms erupting in her
loins, her cunt sucking fiercely at her finger. "Ohhh, yes!"

The pleasure exploded inside her and her body jerked.

Her eyes rolled back. Her toes clawed at the bedspread. She arched up,
humping wildly with each rush of spasms through her loins. Pussy cream
frothed from her cunt, dribbling down her ass-crack. She was a juicy
mess between the legs, but what did it matter? All that mattered was
the pleasure. She could die feeling like this and she wouldn't care.

Her humping slowed and she collapsed against the mattress, melting into
it. Sweat misted her body and she shivered as the breeze coming in
under the window curtains licked across her and gave her a momentary
chill. The chill passed and her sweaty body throbbed again with heat.

Holding her breath, she pulled her finger out of her pussy. Her fuck
juices were like spit running down her finger. She wiped the slippery
fluid on her belly and tits, then gathered the bedspread up around her
nude body and let herself relax totally. In seconds, she felt herself
drifting toward sleep. Luxuriating in her warm, post-orgasmic bliss,
she slipped into unconsciousness.

Chapter 2

When Jenny woke up from her nap she wasn't sure of the date, time, or
place. She unwrapped herself from the bedspread, startled to find
herself stark naked, the bedspread under her ass moist, as if she'd wet
the bed, she began to put things together, to recall what had happened
before she'd fallen asleep. She hadn't taken an afternoon nap in many
years, and she had never in her life slept stark naked, so at first she
thought she might be dreaming, dreaming that she'd just woken up from a
nap, dreaming that she was naked.

She pinched herself on the tender skin of her flank, to see if it would

"Ouch!" she said. She had definitely had not dreamed that pinch.

She stretched and yawned and forced herself to get up. She felt groggy.
She felt like going back to sleep and sinking back into blissful
forgetfulness, for she remembered now, remembered all that had happened
since she'd got home from school this afternoon, and her face turned
red with shame.

She debated whether to take a cold shower, a sort of punishment for her
filthy behavior, or whether to put on her gymnastics outfit and do some
hard exercise. She decided on the exercise. She needed activity to help
take her mind off things.

Since nobody was going to see her, she didn't bother to put on a
support bra or panties under her one-piece gymnastics uniform. Her legs
and feet were naked, and she tied up her hair in back in a ponytail.
Then she went down to the basement, which was outfitted with a large
exercise mat, weights, and gymnastics equipment. On the exercise mat
she sank immediately into a full split and began doing bending
stretches. Since she wasn't warmed up, the stretches hurt, but pain was
what she was after--she deserved punishment for her shameful behavior.

When Skip arrived home from wrestling practice an hour later, Jenny was
dripping with sweat. She'd just about knocked herself out with
stretching, calisthenics, and vigorous exercises on various apparatus.
Skip, dressed in jeans, T-shirt, and athletic shoes without socks,
dropped his gym bag on the floor and smiled at his twin sister, who was
stretching in the full split position up on the balance beam, her toes
pointed, a look of determination on her face.

"Hey, Sis, take it easy, there ain't any coach around to slave drive
you today--or any parents, either. You're gonna pull a muscle and lay
yourself up for a week."

Jenny looked up, wiping sweat off her face. She couldn't remember when
she'd ever worked out so hard.

"I'm almost done," she said. "Mom left microwave dinners for us. I'll
pop them in in a few minutes."

"Cool it," Skip said. "No need to hurry. I'm gonna take it easy with
the folks gone, take a vacation of my own, not bust my ass rushing
around doing homework and stuff. It's gonna be a relief having them off
my back for a few weeks."

Jenny brought her legs together and slid down off the balance beam. As
her feet hit the mat, a wave of dizziness caused her to lose her
balance, and she staggered. She'd literally knocked herself out by
overdoing her exercises.

Skip caught her before she fell, and her head fell against his chest.
"Hey, are you all right?"

Wrapped in her brother's arms, Jenny started to tremble, and Skip held
her tighter, pressing up against her. He stroked her head. His leg
pressed up between her thighs, rubbing hard against her crotch.

"Sis, what's wrong?"

A wild excitement saturated Jenny's loins and suddenly she found

herself in the throes of an orgasm. She clung to her twin brother, her
body shuddering, her spasming teen crotch pressed to his muscular
thigh. Her eyes rolled back and her bare toes clutched at the mat. The
orgasm lasted only a few seconds, then passed away as quickly as it had
come on.

Jenny pushed out of her brother's arms, trying to laugh. "I'm all
right. I think I hyperventilated or something. I was doing some deep-
breathing exercises before you came in."

Skip studied her. "I thought you were gonna faint. You sure you're all

"Of course, silly." Jenny did a cartwheel to show that she'd regained
her balance. Her ponytail flip-flopped.

"If you say so," Skip said. He picked up his gym bag. "You know how to
operate the washer and dryer? I got a shit-load of workout clothes to

"I'll wash them for you," Jenny said.

"I can do it," said Skip. "Just show me how to operate the machines."
"I said I'll do it," Jenny said, taking the gym bag away from her
brother. "And dinner will be ready in a half hour."

Skip went upstairs and Jenny went to the basement laundry room. She
emptied Skip's gym bag on the floor--T-shirts, gym trunks, sweat-socks,
and a jockstrap. Jenny began loading the clothing into the washer, but
paused when she discovered that the pouch of Skip's jockstrap was
moist. The woven, elastic pouch had supported Skip's balls only a short
while ago at wrestling practice. Jenny started to tremble again and her
breathing quickened.

What's happening to me? she thought. Then, as if she'd lost control of

herself, she lifted the jockstrap to her nose and inhaled the scent of
her brother's ball-sweat.

Her head whirled inside and she fell against the washer to keep from
falling over with dizziness.

Am I losing my mind? she wondered. What am I doing? But even as she

wondered, she couldn't help herself and she kept the jockstrap pressed
to her nose, inhaling the scent of her brother's balls. Her right hand
moved down between her thighs and her middle finger slipped under the
crotch of her gymnastics uniform and up into her cunt. She started
finger-fucking herself.

Each inhalation of her brother's ball-scent caused such a rush of

excitement through her body that she nearly came. Her middle finger
pistoned rapidly in her cunt and her fuck-juices dribbled down her hand
and thighs. She couldn't stop herself. It was as if she were losing her
mind. The throbbing feelings overwhelmed her body and she cared about
nothing else but the pleasure.

"Oh, Skip!" she moaned, rocking her loins and humping as she finger-
fucked her pussy. She chewed on the sweat-moist jockstrap, sucking on
it. She wanted to eat it, to swallow the flavor of her brother's balls.
She closed her eyes, remembering how Skip had held her just minutes
ago, and suddenly she was over the brink. Her eyes crossed as her body
jerked with ecstasy.

She rubbed the jockstrap all over her face as she came, her pussy
sucking fiercely at her thrusting middle finger, her body trembling
with each delicious spasm. She leaned against the washer for support.
If it hadn't been there, she would have collapsed on the concrete floor
and rolled herself into a ball, squeezing her thighs together and
crushing out the itchy, throbbing pleasure that racked her cunt.

When she'd regained her senses and caught her breath, she dropped the
jockstrap into the washer with the rest of her brother's clothing and
she set the water temperature to hot. Before she went upstairs, she
wiped the insides of her thighs clean of pussy-juice with a towel.

At the dinner table a half hour later, Skip sat across from Jenny
without either shoes on or a shirt. Jenny could hardly take her eyes
off his muscles. Because she couldn't see the lower half of his body,
he looked stark naked to her. From time to time his bare feet and her
bare feet accidentally met under the table, and Jenny quickly drew her
feet back. When this happened Skip would glance up and smile at her,
and Jenny's face would flush with heat.
"I suppose you wanna know why I'm not wearing a shirt at the dinner
table," Skip said.

"You read my mind," Jenny said.

"I'm not wearing a shirt just for the hell of it," Skip said. "Know
what I mean? I mean, why wear a shirt on a warm evening like this just
because I'm eating dinner? It's stupid. A guy oughta be comfortable."

"Mom would have a fit," Jenny said.

"I know," Skip said. "So would Dad. Which makes it that much more fun.
They got all these stupid rules we're supposed to follow, even if the
rules don't make any sense. Well, while they're gone I'm only gonna do
what makes sense to me. Do you realize this is the first time in our
lives we've been left alone in this house? This is the first time in my
life I've ever been able to do what I want around here."

"I know what you mean," Jenny said.

Skip laughed, then patted his bare stomach and belched.

That night, for the first time that Jenny could remember, she couldn't
sleep. She usually fell sound asleep at night the moment her body hit
the bed, and then she slept like a dead person. Nothing short of
somebody shaking her violently and shouting her name repeatedly could
wake her up once she had slipped into deep sleep. Her mother often
complained about the ordeal it was trying to wake up Jenny for school
in the morning.

Maybe it was the accidental nap this afternoon that was interfering
with her sleep now. Or maybe it was that her mind wouldn't stop
churning. She kept thinking about the things she'd found in Skip's
dresser drawer--the panties and cunt-hairs, the notebook in which he'd
written things she couldn't believe. And then she remembered the way
he'd caught her this afternoon in his arms and the way she'd
immediately had an orgasm. Nothing like that had ever happened to her
before. How could such a thing have happened? And she remembered the
smell of Skip's jockstrap, still moist with the sweat of his balls.
She'd actually sniffed it. She must have been out of her mind. And
she'd jerked off sniffing it. How could she have done such a thing?

Her thoughts were interrupted suddenly when some light started beaming
in under her bedroom door. Somewhere out there Skip had turned on a
light. She listened for the sound of him using the bathroom, but she
couldn't hear anything. Her bedside digital clock read nearly one in
the morning. What was Skip doing up at this hour? Maybe he couldn't
sleep either. She strained her ears for a while longer, then, hearing
nothing, she got up as quietly as she could and stole from her room to

The hallway light was off, as was the bathroom light. Down at the end
of the hallway, light beamed out through Skip's half open door. Holding
her breath, Jenny tiptoed toward the light. She was dressed in nothing
but her negligee. Peeking around Skip's half open door, she looked into
his bedroom.

Skip stood stark naked in front of his dresser, his moving hand wrapped
around his cock. The upper, left-hand drawer of his dresser was open
and girls' panties spilled out onto the dresser top and floor. Skip had
one of the panties pressed to his nose and was inhaling its scent, his
eyes closed, his head swaying as if he were drugged. As he sniffed the
panties and masturbated, fuck-lube dripped from the tip of his cock.

Jenny grabbed the door frame for support. Her head swam and she thought
she might faint. The sight of her twin brother masturbating was almost
more than she could stand. Her body flushed with heat from scalp to
toes. Waves of lust pulsed from her loins and streamed to all parts of
her body. She gazed in a trance, her eyes followed each rhythmic stroke
of her brother's hand. Pussy-juice dribbled like hot sap down the
insides of her thighs.

"Mmm, yeahhh!" Skip sighed. "Pussy!

He rubbed the silky panties all over his face and over his chest and
nipples. He released his cock and let it quiver and throb in mid-air.

Jenny thought she must be hallucinating. That wasn't a cock sticking

out of her brother's loins, it was a billy-club, or a rattlesnake. A
cock that enormous couldn't be real! The line drawings of the erect
male organ Jenny had studied in her sex-education books had looked
nothing like this, or at least nowhere near this big. Jenny remembered
the text beneath the drawings. 'The normal male penis ranges from 4 to
7 inches.' Skip's cock looked almost twice the size Jenny thought it
should be. And it was alive, throbbing crazily and dripping fluid.

Suddenly, Skip dropped the panties and swung toward the door and Jenny
reacted instantly, jerking back out of sight before Skip caught sight
of her. Then she ran tiptoe down the carpeted hallway to her room. In
seconds, she was back behind her closed bedroom door and climbing into
bed. She lay back, her heart pounding, sweat misting her forehead.

I must have been crazy! she thought. She had no time for anymore
thoughts, because suddenly her door knob turned and her door opened a

Jenny held her breath, watching as her bedroom door inched open wider
and Skip slipped into her room. She could just make out his silhouette
in the darkness. As he tiptoed toward her bed, Jenny let out her breath
slowly, then tried to mimic the breath of a sleeper. Skip stood over
her, looking down at her awhile. Then, he lowered himself until he was
kneeling beside the bed. His breathing was heavy and shaky.

"Man!" he whispered. "Baby!"

Slowly, carefully, he raised the skirt of Jenny's negligee and

uncovered her to the waist. He lowered his face between her thighs and
kissed her muff.

Jenny stifled a gasp. She fought to keep her breathing deep and even.
Skip laid his hands on the thighs and pushed on them, spreading her
legs wider. His thumbs pressed into the spongy edges of her blonde
pussy-lips and peeled them apart. He breathed hotly against her open

"Baby! Candy-cunt!" Skip pressed his lips to Jenny's cunt and gave her
clit a sucking kiss.
Jenny's eyes rolled back behind her closed lids. An electric shock
coursed through her loins, the sensations shooting all the way to her
toes, which clutched sensuously. Her fingers dug into the bed sheets.

"Mmmm, baby!" Skip whispered, kissing up and down the inside of her
cunt-lips, sucking up the dewy droplets of pussy-nectar. He nuzzled her
clit and his tongue slipped up into her cunt.

Jenny couldn't stop herself. She sighed out loud, her loins straining
upward, her cunt working itself deeper onto her brother's squirming
tongue. Peering down at Skip through nearly closed eyelids, she saw the
silhouette of his blonde head bobbing between her thighs. He growled
softly, drinking her fuck-juices as he licked out her contracting

Did he know that she was awake? If he did, he apparently didn't care.
Maybe, though, he thought she was still sleeping. Maybe if he knew she
was awake he'd freak out and run away and Jenny didn't want him to run
away. She wanted him to keep doing what he was doing. She wasn't going
to announce her wakefulness to Skip, but at the same time she couldn't
very well control the reflexive responses of her young body to his

She breathed rapidly, letting out little gasps of pleasure, squirming

against the mattress, her head tossing slowly from side to side. She
kept her eyes closed enough so Skip, glancing up at her couldn't tell
whether she was asleep or awake.

Skip pulled his tongue out of her. He was painting. Carefully, he

pushed her negligee up higher, bunching the gauzy shift up above her
tits. Then he rose up, leaning over her nakedness, and he kissed her
tits and nipples, nibbled his way down her satin-smooth belly, licked
out her navel and nuzzled his way back down to her cunt.

"Oh, Jenny!" He spread her legs wider, actually lifting up her thighs
and pressing them to her tits. Sitting on the bed, he bent over her
crotch and started slurping, lapping up the pussy-nectar that bubbled
from her madly throbbing cunt and dribbled down her crotch. His tongue
slipped between her asscheeks, slurping down the length of it, tasting
her tangy ass-sweat and her pink, twitching asshole. His tongue probed
her asshole and entered it.

Jenny's head swam. Even though she was lying on her back, she nearly
fainted. The shock, the excitement, the pleasure were almost more than
she could bear. Never in her life had anything entered her asshole, not
even a finger, let alone somebody's tongue. She could not believe this
was happening, nor could she believe the pleasure her brother's asshole
reaming was giving her. She panted with each flick of his tongue
against the sensitive walls of her asshole. Her toes spread and
clutched and wriggled. She started to wiggle her ass, rubbing it in her
brother's face.

Skip was growling, thrusting his tongue deeper up her tasty girlish
butt-hole, rubbing his nose against her wet crotch. As the fuck-juices
ran out of her cunt, they dribbled against Skip's nose and lips. He
pulled his tongue out of her asshole and licked her crotch clean. Then
he drove his tongue to the hilt up her cunt. As he licked her out, he
pumped wildly on his lube-oozing prick.
Jenny's fingernails nearly tore through the bed sheets. She resisted
with all her strength the impulse to grab her brother's head and to
crush his face against her pleasure-raw crotch. Her entire body pulsed
with sensation. Her nipples and toes and clit all felt like they were
going to split open. She had never dreamed such pleasure was possible,
pleasure so intense it verged on pain.

Skip buried his nose between her crotch-lips, rubbing it against her
clit as he reamed out her cunt-hole with his tongue. His tongue jabbed
inside her, from time to time hitting the ultra sensitive spot in her
cunt that brought her instantly to the verge of orgasm. He seemed to
know just where to lick inside her to send her through the roof with
ecstasy. Jenny's eyes overflowed with tears, which ran down her cheeks.
Her pleasure and excitement were close to knocking her out. Unable to
control herself, she clamped her thighs around her brother's head, and
the feel of his head gripped between her legs brought her off

Her cunt exploded, grabbing spastically around her brother's tongue,

spurting pussy-juice into his mouth. She writhed against the mattress,
grinding her crotch in Skip's face, moaning with abandon as the
rhythmic jolts of ecstasy flashed through her body. Skip was choking,
grunting, smothering between her thighs. Suddenly, his hot jism started
spurting all over, some of it splashing against Jenny's ass and thighs,
some of it landing on the mattress and floor. Skip shuddered as he
came, each ejaculation making him groan. His tongue fluttered inside
Jenny, electricity shooting from it into the pleasure-raw meat of her
inner cunt.

At last, their orgasms subsided. Jenny's thighs relaxed, releasing

Skip's head. As her legs slid back down to the mattress, Skip slid off
the bed and stood up.

Jenny lay panting, her sweat-misted belly and tits rising and falling.
Skip's cum had made a mess all over the sheets, and Jenny's legs and
ass rested in puddles of it.

"Wow!" Skip whispered, wiping his mouth with his hand. His cock had
softened, dangling half hard over his balls like a huge, floppy salami.
He stood there, studying Jenny as he caught his breath.

Jenny's breathing slowed. She was still pretending to be asleep.

"Crazy girl," Skip said. "She could sleep through an earthquake."

He leaned over and pulled her negligee back down, covering her
nakedness. Then he moved up and planted a kiss on her lips, pressing
his own soft, spongy lips against her lips.

Jenny felt the flick of his tongue-tip between her lips. Her clit
stiffened and squirmed. She felt herself melting. Skip broke their kiss
before Jenny lost all control and threw her arms around him.

Skip tiptoed out of the bedroom and sealed shut her door behind him.
Jenny lay quivering on her bed for several moments before she could
gather the strength to sit up and swing her legs off the bed.

She felt around in the dark, smearing her fingers in Skip's cum on the
sheets. Her toes felt for Skip's cum on the floor and had no trouble
finding it, it was all over.

Jenny started shaking. She pulled off her negligee. In the dark, she
got down on the floor, smearing her fingers in the puddles of Skip's
cum and rubbing the sticky fluid on her tits and belly, raising her
fingers to her nose and sniffing. The peppery scent of Skip's jism
drove her crazy. She caught up a handful of the cock-juice and slapped
it between her cunt-lips. Sitting cross-legged on the floor, she
started jerking off with cum-wet fingers as she continued massaging cum
into her skin. She came in minutes, her head swimming, her naked body
jerking in the darkness.

Exhausted, she crawled back up on the bed and fell asleep instantly.

Chapter 3

The next day in school, Jenny couldn't keep her mind on her work. The
throbbing in her loins and the itch between her legs wouldn't quit. It
was the way she used to feel when she hadn't masturbated for weeks. Now
she was feeling that way even though she'd come several times
yesterday. The problem was, she kept thinking about Skip and his big
cock, and his hot, wet tongue. Every time she remembered the feel of
his tongue wiggling inside her cunt, or up her asshole, she nearly
jumped out of her skin with excitement. She didn't see how she was
going to make it through the day without going crazy.

In physics class, which she always found unbearably dull, she crossed
her bare legs under her skirt and started squeezing her thighs
together, working her slick pussy-lips against each other, massaging
her clit with the muscles of her cunt. She'd sworn that never in a
million years would she ever masturbate in the classroom--as she'd so
often observed other girls doing--but today it was either jack off in
class or start screaming.

The physics classroom had double desks, which looked like tables,
rather than single desks, and Jenny's desk was in the last row, in the
corner. Her desk partner, Tricia Blake, a dizzy little ninny who chewed
gum incessantly, noticed Jenny squeezing her legs together and gave
Jenny a wicked smirk, which Jenny tried to ignore. Tricia knew very
well what Jenny was doing, for Jenny had seen Tricia do the same thing
many times before.

Tricia leaned toward Jenny. "How's it feel?"

Jenny turned red, but said nothing. If she hadn't been so unbearably
horny, she'd have stopped masturbating immediately, but she couldn't
stop. All she wanted to do was to get off so she could recover her

Jenny's breathing became heavier and more rapid, and she prayed that
the whole classroom full of students wouldn't hear her and turn around
to look at her. If Mr. Phelps the physics teacher spotted her, she'd
throw herself out the window. She had to be out of her mind doing this,
but she couldn't help herself.
"Feels good," Tricia whispered. "Don't it?"

The dizzy little bitch reached over and started stroking Jenny's lower

Jenny glared at Tricia, but she didn't push Tricia's hand away. The
other girl's hand on her back felt good. She glanced down at Tricia's
legs and saw that Tricia had crossed her own legs and was squeezing
them together. Tricia's face was flushed, her eyes half closed as she
reveled in her girlish pleasure.

For a moment, Jenny felt like slugging the other girl. How dare she!
But a moment later, Jenny's excitement soared. There was something
ultra-exciting about the two of them masturbating together, both of
them pleasuring their teen pussies in the same way. She heard Tricia
breathing deeper, saw Tricia's blue eyes glaze over as her pleasure

Jenny was sopping wet between the legs. Pussy cream bubbled out between
her cunt-lips like hot spit, drenching the crotch of her panties. The
musky-sweet aroma of teen pussy rose in the air. Jenny was sure that
Tricia was juicing just as much as she was.

"I'm gonna come!" Tricia whispered, and her eyes rolled back to white
slits. A shiver went through her and her body jerked gently and

Jenny shimmied her thighs together in a last burst of masturbatory

excitement. The fuck itch saturated her loins and the tension burst.
Jenny clawed the desktop, trying to keep from toppling out of her seat
as the spasms gnawed repeatedly through her cunt and nearly made her
moan out loud.

After several seconds, a wave of relaxation flowed through her and she
sighed. The boy in the seat in front of her glanced over his shoulder
at her curiously and she stuck her tongue out at him. He stuck his
tongue out at her and turned forward again.

"How was it?" Tricia whispered, but still Jenny ignored her. "Mine was
heaven! Almost as good as a fuck!"

Jenny sighed and pretended to be interested in the equation Mr. Phelps

was writing on the blackboard.

By the time gymnastics practice rolled around after school, Jenny was
going out of her mind again. If anything, she felt even hornier than
before she'd jacked off in physics class. As she dressed in the locker
room, a few drops of pussy-juice trickled down the insides of her
thighs. Out in the gym, she stumbled and tripped and fell repeatedly
because her timing was all off. She couldn't concentrate on doing flips
and somersaults. She fell off the balance beam so many times that Coach
Peters focused all his attention on her, which made her twice as
nervous and uncoordinated. He caught her when she fell, always sliding
a hand between her legs for a moment and holding her by the crotch. He
did this with all the girls when he caught them, and Jenny was used to
feeling his hand between her legs, but today she was embarrassed
because the crotch of her gymnastics outfit was all wet.

"Jenny, honey, your mind seems to be on anything but gymnastics today,"

the coach said. He had his arm around her shoulder.

"I'm not feeling too well," Jenny said. "I think maybe I should go

"Would you like to lie down in my office for a while? See if you feel
any better after a rest?"

"I don't think so," Jenny said. "I'd better go home."

"All right, sweetheart. I hope you're not coming down with something.
We have a meet next week, you know."

Jenny undressed quickly in the locker room. Without bothering to

shower, she dressed again and grabbed her books. She left the locker
room by the rear exit and walked down the deserted north-basement
hallway, heading for a rear exit that was rarely used. Coach Peter's
office was the only room off this hallway, and Jenny had to pass by it
on her way out. As she was passing his office, she heard a girl's
giggle behind the closed office door.

Jenny stopped to listen, curious about who was in the coach's office.
She heard the girl's giggle again, then Coach Peter's deep-voiced
laugh, a laugh Jenny would have recognized anywhere. Jenny wondered if
the girl had been injured. The coach often took girls down to his
office if they got injured. The girl certainly didn't sound injured.
She sounded downright giddy. Jenny put her ear to the door.

"Yeah!" the coach said. "Yeah! Yeahhh!"

The girl had stopped giggling. Jenny heard rhythmic movements of some
kind, then thought she heard the girl gag.

"Suck it!" the coach groaned. "Suck every inch!"

Jenny started to sweat. Her heart pounded and she began to feel faint.
Although she wasn't exactly sure what was happening in the coach's
office, she knew it was something sexual. One of Jenny's teammates on
the gymnastics team was having sex with the coach. She couldn't believe

Suddenly, the coach grunted. "I'm coming! Drink it! Swallow every

The girl sounded as if she were choking to death. The coach grunted
repeatedly like a bull. Jenny thought she was going to faint with
excitement and fear. What if the coach caught her eavesdropping? What
if he suddenly yanked open the door and saw her standing there?

There was a commotion in the office, as if a desk was being moved, and
Jenny pulled away from the door and fled down the hallway and out of
the school building as quickly and quietly as she could.

She arrived home in what seemed like minutes. She'd been so absorbed in
thoughts, so lost in the whirling commotion of her mind that she'd
walked home mechanically, zombie-like, seeing nothing, hearing nothing.
It was only when she nearly bumped into the car parked in the driveway
that she came out of her trance.
It was Barb's car. What in the heck was Barb doing here? Checking up on
her and Skip? Trying still to be a baby-sitter?

Wouldn't that woman ever leave her and Skip alone? Was Barb going to
ruin their vacation from their parents by bugging the heck out of them
everyday, calling them and even coming over to snoop on them? You'd
think they were still kids, for godsake, the way Barb was treating

Jenny decided she was going to have a talk with Barb. And if need be,
she was going to tell Barb off.

The front door of the house was locked. Strange. Skip didn't have
practice this afternoon and should be home from school. And if Barb was
here, too, then why was the door locked?

Jenny let herself in, dropped her books on the living room couch,
kicked off her shoes, and went to the kitchen, where she expected Skip
to be having a snack. The kitchen was deserted.

Next she checked the workout room in the basement. Nobody in sight.
That left only the upstairs. What could Barb and Skip be doing up
there? Unless Barb was helping Skip with his homework or something in
his bedroom.

Jenny padded barefoot up the carpeted stairs and turned down the hall.
Immediately, she heard voices coming from Skip's bedroom. She moved
slowly down the shadowy hallway, listening.

Barb was giggling. Barb was panting and gasping. Skip was grunting and
growling. Something kept knocking rhythmically against the wall.

Skip's bedroom door was wide open. Frowning, Jenny peered from the
darkened hallway into the bedroom.

Barb lay face-up on Skip's unmade bed, her naked legs wrapped around
Skip's thrusting loins, her toes clutching with each ramming of the
boy's cock into her pussy. Both Barb and Slap were stark naked. The
boy's thrusts were so powerful that the bed banged repeatedly against
the wall.

"Ahhh, you hot juicy bitch!" Skip growled. "I'm gonna plow your tight
pussy till you scream!"

"Baby!" Barb whined, clawing the boy's back, rocking her loins upward
to meet his grinding, ramming thrusts. "Ohhhh, Skip!"

Jenny stared as if hypnotized. Pussy-juice dribbled from under the

crotch of her panties and ran down her legs like hot sap. She reached
up under her skirt, up under her panties, and started finger-fucking
herself. She couldn't think. All she could do was watch and feel,

"Oh, you hunk!" Barb muttered, grinding up against the humping,

squirming teenager. "Such a big cock! And you know how to use it!"

"You taught me everything I know, baby-sitter." Skip licked Barb's

neck, then gnawed into the side of it like a vampire.

Barb's eyes rolled back and a wail of pain and ecstasy escaped her
slack mouth. Her body started to shake and jerk, her fingers and toes
clawing in a frenzy.

"I'm coming!" she whined. "Ohhhhh, Skip!"

The boy humped her wildly, slamming his cock in her spasming cunt until
Barb looked as if she would explode from the intensity of her
sensations. As her orgasms subsided, she pushed up at Skip with all her
strength and rolled him off her.

"Bitch!" Skip panted. "I was two seconds from creaming!"

"You must learn to hold it, horny boy," Barb said. "The longer you hold
it, the better it'll feel when you come."

"How do you know?"

"It's what all my boyfriends have always told me," Barb said. "And I've
had a lot of boyfriends." She kissed the tips of her fingers and
planted the kiss on Skip's nose. "Besides I want to do an experiment."

She reached off the bed into a handbag and pulled out a tape measure.

"You wanna measure my cock again?" Skip said. "You've already measured
it a thousand times."

"Lie back," Barb said. "And hold up your cock."

Skip groaned, but lay back on the mattress, holding his cock vertical
as Barb stretched the tape measure from his groin to his pisshole. "You
know it's eight inches."

"Nine," Barb said.

"What?" Skip's eyes widened as he studied the tape measure. "I'll be


"You're super-excited," Barb said. "You're cock's so hard it looks like

your knob's gonna pop off. When a cock gets as hard as this, it grows."
Barb giggled, gingerly squeezing the boy's cock with her fingertips.
"What a slab of meat! I wish I could measure it while you're coming. I
bet it would be even bigger."

Skip took the tape measure away from Barb. He put his free hand on top
of her head and pushed her face toward his cock. "Pleasure it, baby-
sitter! Gimme a blowjob!"

Barb took Skip's cock away from him and began to lick his knob. Holding
his foreskin down tight, she slurped around and around, slurped up and
down, lapped up the cock-drool as it oozed from the boy's wide-open
pisshole. Skip groaned, his toes working sensuously, all the sinews of
his feet sliding under the skin.

"You've got such a big, sweaty prick," Barb purred. "And such a tasty
knob. Don't ever wash this knob, baby! Anytime you want it washed I'll
lick it clean!"

Skip arched up, moaning, humping upward as Barb tortured the underside
of his knob with her wet, dripping tongue.
"Big prick!" Barb said. "I love big teen prick!"

She lapped from one end of the boy's cock to the other, lapped front
and back and sides, nuzzled down and licked the sweat off the boy's

Jenny saw double. Her vision blurred as hot tears of excitement flooded
her eyes. Spit filled her mouth, and she swallowed repeatedly. Her
panties felt unbearably tight, and she peeled them down her smooth legs
and dropped them, sopping wet, on the carpet.

Then she sat down, her legs crossed, her skirt hiked up to her middle,
and she pumped her middle finger in and out of her pussy, her eyes on
her brother's huge cock. She tried to imagine the smell of it, the
taste of it.

Gazing seductively into Skip's eyes, Barb opened her mouth wide and
swallowed the head of his cock. As she sucked, she churned her tongue
at his pleasure-strand, making him gasp and squirm.

"I'm close!" Skip moaned, and Barb left off licking his magic spot and
slid her lips down his veiny cockshaft. His knob stuffed her throat.
She looked like she'd swallowed a rattlesnake.

Skip writhed on the mattress, his blond head tossing from side to side,
his muscular feet working as the pleasure coursed through him.

"My balls are gonna bust if you don't get me off pretty soon, lady!"

Still gazing into Skip's eyes, Barb began to bob her head, to slide the
ring of her lips up and down his cockshaft, to massage his knob with
her throat and tongue. Her right hand was wrapped half around the base
of his super-thick cock. Her left hand slid down between her legs, her
middle finger disappearing between the furry lips of her cunt. Her eyes
rolled ecstatically as she began to jerk off while sucking the boy's
cock. What does it taste like? What does it feel like in your mouth?
Jenny wanted to ask Barb. Can I try? Can I suck it? I wanna suck it so

Skip spread his muscular legs wider. He clasped his hands behind his
head, relaxing as he let Barb do most of the work. Slowly, reflexively,
his hips rocked. Each suck of Barb's mouth made his balls swell and
lift in their smooth sac. His sensuously working toes looked so sexy to
Jenny that she felt a nearly irresistible urge to crawl into the
bedroom and to lick his feet.

Barb finger-fucked herself faster, her middle finger squashing

obscenely in her juicy cunt, matching the obscene rhythmic smacking of
her lips. Pussy-juice trickled down her hand as she spread her legs
wider so she could finger-fuck herself deeper. Her head bobbed quicker,
her lips rippling over the boy's prick-veins, her mouth sucking, her
tongue churning.

"Ahhhhhh, yeahhhh!" Skip moaned, ecstasy in his blue eyes as he bucked

up and down, fucking his salty cock in Barb's mouth and throat. "Feels-
so-good! Feels-so-fucking--awwwwwww!"

His body shuddered and his cum erupted into Barb's mouth. His eyes
rolled back with pleasure as the spasms shot through him.

Barb gagged, her throat and mouth overflowing with cum, her head
jerking with each powerful flex of the boy's cock. Cum bubbled out of
her mouth, running down the boy's cockshaft, creaming his pulsating
balls. Her throat bobbed as she swallowed what cum she could. Her legs
suddenly clamped together around her masturbating hand and her loins
went into spasms.

"Yes!" Jenny whispered, watching Barb jerk with ecstasy as she sucked
Skip's jism-gushing cock. "Oh yes!"

Jenny's eyes rolled back and the pleasure exploded in her pussy. Hot
teen fuck-juice spurted around her knifing finger as her pussy nearly
sucked her finger off. The pleasure was so intense that she lay back on
the floor, out of sight of the doorway, and writhed uncontrollably
until it was over.

"You shoot like a fucking stallion," Barb said, smacking her lips and
catching her breath. She licked the cum off Skip's cock and balls, then
licked her hand clean.

Skip groaned blissfully. He was lying with his forearm over his eyes.

Jenny had managed to sit up and was peering into the room again.

"What's the latest tally?" Barb said. "How many girls have you fucked
with this crowbar?"

"Three or four hundred," Skip said. "Give or take a few."

Barb laughed. "That's my boy. Bust any new cherries lately?"

Skip chuckled. "I broke in some little ass-wiggler last week and she
fucking fainted when her cherry ripped. She fainted again after it was
over and she saw the blood."

He laughed again.

Barb started jerking off. "Tell me all about it--in juicy detail."

"Some other time," Skip said. "Jenny will be home in a little while and
you'd better be going. We don't wanna have to explain your being here."

"You get any further into her pussy yet?" Barb asked.

"Just the old tongue so far," Skip said. "She still sleeps right
through it."

"I wanna watch sometime," Barb said. "I'll be able to tell if she's
sleeping or not."

"She sleeps right through it, I tell you," Skip said. "No way she's
faking. She's always slept like that. The old lady has to just about
hit her over the head in the morning with a baseball bat to wake her
up. I could fuck her pussy all night and she'd never wake up."

"Then why don't you stick your cock in her?"

"Because that might wake her up."

"Don't let her fool you," Barb said. "She's as awake as you are. No
girl can get her pussy licked off night after night without knowing it.
It's impossible."

"Jenny can," Skip said. "Hey, you'd better get going."

"Does she still squirt when she cums?"

"It runs out of her like syrup," Skip said. "And it tastes so fucking
good." He started stroking his cock. "I wish you'd go. All your
questions are getting me worked up again."

"I'll take care of that," Barb said.

"Well, be quick about it!"

Chapter 4

"Sit up," Barb said. "Lean your back against the pillows."

When Skip was in position, Barb sat at his feet and pressed them
between her legs and against her cunt. At the same time, she shoved her
own feet in his lap and squeezed his upright cock between them. Skip
grabbed her feet and started sliding his cock between her soles.

"You come up with the damndest, sexiest things," he said. "Mmm, wiggle
those toes. Stroke my knob with 'em."

"Stick your toes in my pussy," Barb said. "Oh, baby, wiggle that big
toe in deep." Her eyes rolled back as Skip twisted his toes between her
pussy-lips, getting the toes greasy with her juices. "Toe-fuck my
pussy, baby! Oh, baby!"

Jenny was on her hands and knees, peering into the bedroom. Her skirt
was up around her waist, her hot little ass stark naked and wiggling in
the air. Her right hand jerked between her legs and pussy cream
dribbled from her sizzling, juice-saturated cunt. She licked her lips,
watching Barb's hot toes slide up and down Skip's cock, watching Skip's
foreskin slide, watching fuck-lube bubble out of Skip's pisshole and
dribble over Barb's toes. She wanted to suck Skip's big cock, to lick
Barb's lube-wet toes. She wanted to pull Skip's toes out of Barb's
pussy and to taste them. She wanted to feel Skip's big toe stuck up her
own cunt.

"Oh, honey, I do believe I'm gonna come!" Barb moaned. "Oh yes!" Her
eyes rolled back and her body jerked and trembled. "Oooh, yes, yes!"

Skip grinned lecherously, grinding his hot, big toe deep in Barb's
spasming cunt, clawing her clit with his other toes. When Barb had
finished coming, Skip pulled his right foot out from between her thighs
and lifted it, toes dripping with pussy-goo, up to her tits. He clawed
and tweaked her nipples with his wet toes, making Barb gasp and shriek.

"You devil, I can't stand that! Not right after I've come!" Barb
grabbed Skip's foot and started sucking on his toes, sucking her pussy-
juice off them. At the same time, she deftly manipulated his foreskin
with her own feet and pleasured his cock with her toes.

"You get me so fucking horny!" Skip panted. His balls squirmed as Barb
foot-fucked his cock. "Man, I'm out of my fucking head! That feels so
fucking good!"

"Squirt your jism all over my toes," Barb purred. "Cream my feet, you
horny stallion."

"Yeah!" Skip humped upward, pressing Barb's feet firmly around his
thrusting cock. His knob swelled, turning purple, his pisshole gaping,
his lube bubbling out. "Awww, mannnn!"

"Shoot it, baby!" Barb wiggled her toes wildly. "Your cock's starting
to jerk! Come on stud, cream my toes!"

"Uhh, uhhh!" Skip thrust upward, ramming his cock between Barb's feet,
jerking the foreskin up and down his cock. His eyes rolled back, his
head snapped back, and he ejaculated. "Ahhhhh!"

His cum shot a foot straight up in the air before it splashed down on
Barb's feet. Barb rubbed her feet vigorously back and forth, rolling
the boy's spurting cock between them, making him gasp and whimper with

"Ohhh shit!" Skip moaned, humping, spurting. His cock swelled again and
again, its veins standing out, its entire length pulsing and quivering.
Ropes of cum gushed from his pisshole, rolling in slimy wads down
Barb's feet, slipping between her toes and greasing them. Finally, Skip
couldn't stand the stimulation of Barb's cum-drenched toes any longer
and he yanked his cock out from between them, groaning as he squeezed
out the last of his pleasure with a muscular hand. "Oh man!"

In the hallway, Jenny was delirious. She sat back on her heels--out of
sight of Skip and Barb--and as her hand jerked between her legs, her
pussy erupted with delicious spasms that nearly knocked her out. She
swayed dizzily, her blonde head swinging from side to side, the ecstasy
pulsing through her teen pussy again and again. Even out here in the
hallway she could smell Skip's cum.

When Jenny looked back into the bedroom, she saw Barb holding one of
her feet up to her mouth and slurping and sucking Skip's cum off her
toes. Barb licked one foot clean, then the other one, and Skip sat
there watching her with a grin on his face. He flicked his tongue
between his lips.

"You sure are flexible for an old lady,"' Skip said.

"I'm only thirty-six," Barb said. "You'll be there soon enough


She leaned over and grabbed Skip's cock and sucked it clean, her lips
sliding up and down the shaft, her tongue catching the last drops of
cum as it oozed from the boy's pisshole.

"Mmmmmm!" she purred, her lips smacking.

Skip groaned, working his cock slowly in and out of her mouth. "Feels

Barb released his cock, which was hard again. "Fuck me once more before
I leave."

"Jenny's gonna be home any second," the boy said. "You've gotta go."

"Party pooper," Barb said, and she got up off the bed.

Jenny eased away from the doorway and picked up her panties. Quietly,
she stood up and tiptoed down the hallway, then down the stairs. She
retrieved her books and shoes and slipped back out the front door.
Hiding in the bushes outside, she waited until Barb had left before she
returned to the house.

When Jenny re-entered the house, pretending to be just arriving home

from school, she heard the shower running upstairs.

"I'm home!" she yelled. She tromped up the steps. "I said, I'm home!"

The shower shut off.

"What?" Skip yelled.

"I said I'm home," Jenny shouted.

"I hear you," Skip said. He turned the shower on again.

Jenny stood in the hallway outside the bathroom door, listening to the
shower run and imagining Skip under it. She tried to imagine his big
cock swinging over his balls with water dripping off it. The thought
turned her to jelly inside and made her squeeze her legs together.
Suddenly, she was overcome with lust. She had to get in there and see
her brother's cock.

"Can I come in?" Jenny shouted. "I gotta pee!"

"You've gotta what?"

"Pee!" Jenny shouted.

"Why don't you use the bathroom down--" Skip paused. "Sure, come on

The bathroom was steamy inside and smelled like soap. Jenny shut the
door behind her.

"I'm just rinsing off," Skip said.

Jenny pushed down her panties, lifted her skirt, and sat on the toilet.
Just as Jenny began to piss, Skip turned off the shower and peeked out
from behind the curtain. Jenny sat there with her skirt up and her legs
spread, making no attempt to hide herself. Skip glanced between her
legs and his eyes bugged out. Jenny turned red in the face, but she
still made no attempt to cover her pussy. She wanted her brother to see
her. A stream of golden piss dribbled from between her cunt-lips.

"You wanna throw me that towel?" Skip said.

Jenny handed him the towel.

"Thanks," he said. He opened the shower curtain farther, showing Jenny

his right leg and hip, then turning to show her his ass. He glanced at
her to see if she was watching. "You're home early."

"I wasn't feeling well, so Coach let me go," Jenny said. "I'm feeling
better now."

Nervously, she pried off her shoes with her feet. Her panties slid off
her ankles with the shoes. Piss dripped from her blonde muff, but she
made no attempt to wipe herself.

Skip gazed between her legs. His tongue moistened his lips. He wrapped
his towel around his waist and stepped out of the shower. His erect
cock made the towel tent out, and the tent throbbed.

Jenny nearly fell off the toilet. Her cunt contracted and pussy cream
greased her pussy-slit. She reached up to touch the knob of her
brother's cock through the towel.

"What's this?" she said, trying to sound cool.

Skip swallowed. "You sure you're all right, Sis?"

Jenny's fingers closed on the head of her brother's cock.

"I'm fine,"' she said, her hand shaking. Skip's cock was so hard.

Skip loosened his towel and dropped it on the floor. His cock throbbed
just a foot from Jenny's face. Jenny slid her fingers up and down the
ivory-smooth shaft. It was hard as sculpted marble. Her eyes crossed,
hypnotized by the snakelike appendage. A pearl of clear lube oozed from
the pisshole and Jenny salivated. She wiped the lube droplet off with
her fingertip and smeared it all over Skip's knob. Then she licked her
finger. The fluid had a salty tang.

"Damn!" Skip said. "I'm dreaming!"

Leaning forward, he pulled Jenny's dress off over her head. With
experienced fingers, he undid her bra in back and slipped it off.

Jenny sat there stark naked and shaking like a leaf. Her entire body
was flushed like a rose.

"You aren't any dream," Skip said, feeling her tits. "You're real. Oh,
Sis!" He fell to his knees in front of her and shoved his head between
her legs. "Oh, Sis!"

Jenny shoved her piss-wet crotch in her brother's mouth. His tongue
slithered between her cunt-lips. Jenny spread her legs wide. Her toes
clutched at the floor. Pussy-juice dripped from her brother's chin into
the toilet.

Jenny melted, slumping on the toilet seat, moaning and cooing as her
brother ate her out. Being a gymnast and cheerleader, she was used to
doing splits, and now she split her legs perfectly, opening herself up
to the limit. Her swollen cunt-lips parted, her cunt opening like a
furry-lipped mouth. Skip's tongue darted into her pink, succulent
fuckhole, and her crotch-juices ran down his tongue and into his mouth.
He sucked greedily, drinking her pussy nectar. As he licked her out, he
stroked his massive cock.

Jenny ran her fingers through her brother's blond hair. She caressed
his forehead and cheeks. He was the handsomest boy she had ever seen in
her life, and now he was her lover.

"Oh, Skip, eat me! Lick me deep!"

"Hot pussy!" Skip muttered, rubbing his face in Jenny's juicy crotch,
fucking her with his nose and lips as well as with his tongue. "Candy
cunt. Mmmm, pussy!"

Jenny gasped as his tongue darted at her clit. She started humping,
rubbing her cunt in her brother's mouth. She reached up, squeezing and
juggling her tits, tweaking and pinching her nipples. She felt so good
she wanted to die.

Skip grinned up at her, pussy-juice running down his chin, a few blonde
cunt-hairs stuck to his mouth. "You horny little bitch! I never knew
you were into sex!"

He shoved a finger in his mouth, moistening it with spit, then shoved

the finger up Jenny's cunt. It was the middle finger of his right hand,
and he was fucking her with it. He grinned lecherously at her as she
squirmed and gasped.

Her brother's finger was a lot longer than her own finger, and it kept
jabbing at her cherry, stretching it painfully. She grabbed Skip's

"Not so deep!" she gasped.

"Jesus, you're a virgin!" Skip gasped. He pulled his finger out and
sucked it clean. "A super-horny virgin!"

"Lick!" Jenny panted. "Suck!" She pressed her brother's head between
her legs, rubbed her pussy in his mouth, fucked her clit against his
upper lip. "Oh, yes, yes!"

Skip growled, ramming his tongue up her crotch, sucking for every drop
of pussy-honey she could feed him. His tongue fluttered inside her,
probed the fluffy folds of her cunt walls, tortured her G-spot until
she nearly screamed. Her pussy contracted rapidly, sucking Skip's
tongue as he churned it inside her.

"I feel so good!" Jenny wailed. "Yesss, yesssss!"

She let go, writhing on the toilet, gasping and panting with abandon.
Her grunts and squeals of girlish pleasure echoed off the steamy
bathroom walls. Her succulent teen pussy drooled juice into her
brother's mouth. Her toes curled against the floor tiles and her cunt

Skip growled loudly, sucking and licking and gnawing, eating out
Jenny's pussy like he'd never dared eat it out before. He twisted his
head from side to side, grinding his nose between her cunt-lips,
smothering himself in her searing-hot girl-crotch.

Jenny shuddered with each round of spasms, flashbulbs going off in her
skull. As the spasms reached their peak, she swung her legs forward and
up, wrapping her thighs around Skip's head and crushing it between
them. She humped at his face, fucking his mouth until she'd squeezed
out every flicker of pleasure. Finally, her legs fell away from his
head and she sighed with relief. She would have slid off the toilet if
Skip hadn't held her up.

"You sure felt it," Skip said. "Sit up now." He stood up in front of
her, his cock dripping long strands of lube, and as Jenny forced
herself to sit up straight, he moved up close to her, jacking off in
her face. "Get ready for a load, girl."

Skip's fist was wrapped around his cock, pounding it fiercely, working
his foreskin up and down rapidly. His knob was inches from Jenny's
face, and Jenny flicked her tongue at it, slurping lube off his
pisshole, tasting the red-hot cock-flesh. Jenny gazed up at her
brother, her mouth open and waiting. Skip took one look at her upturned
blue eyes and his cock exploded.

"Ahhhhh!" he groaned, ropes of white jism spurting from his pisshole

and splashing in Jenny's mouth. "Ohhhh, yeahhhhh!"

The hot spurts gushed against Jenny's tonsils, pooled on her tongue,
filled her throat. The potent taste and slimy texture gagged her.

"Eat it!" Skip plugged her mouth with the end of his knob, shooting
jism straight down her throat as he pounded his lust-saturated cock.
"Swallow it!"

Jenny gulped, despite her gagging, swallowing a mouthful of cum. The

slimy wads slid down her gullet like hot oysters. Before she'd finished
swallowing, her mouth filled again. Her brother was shooting it by the
cupful. She choked trying to swallow the salty, alkaline fluid.

Skip pulled back and finished beating off against her face, grunting
deliriously with each ejaculation, rubbing his prickhead all over
Jenny's nose and cheeks.

Jenny swallowed, starting to savor the spunky flavor. She caught the
cum that had leaked down her chin and shoved it back in her mouth with
her fingers.

Skip smiled down at her, rubbing his cum-greasy cock all over her face.
It was half-hard now, and he shoved it back in Jenny's mouth. Jenny
sucked the huge, rubbery prong, milking jelly-like gobs from the
pisshole, sliding her lips and tongue up and down until her brother's
cock was clean.

Skip pulled his cock out, pulled Jenny to her feet, wrapped his arms
around her and kissed her. Jenny quivered in his muscular arms, moaning
as Skip's tongue probed her mouth and throat. She clung to him, rubbing
her nubile, ultra-soft young body against his muscular hardness. She
sucked his tongue and felt his sweet spit dribble down her throat.

"Gorgeous little mink," Skip said. "I've been waiting for this for
years. I'm out of my mind for you, Sis."
Jenny kissed her brother's chest, sucked his nipples, felt his cock
swell against her and harden.

"I wanna fuck you," Skip said.

Jenny pushed away.

"I need a shower," she said. "Then I'll make us some dinner. I bet
you're hungry. I sure am."

"I'd rather fuck you than eat dinner," Skip said.

Jenny pulled away from him and stepped into the bathtub.

"Let's shower together," Skip said.

"You already had your shower," Jenny said.

She closed the curtain and turned on the water. To her relief, Skip
mumbled something to himself and left the bathroom.

Chapter 5

Skip showed up in the kitchen for dinner with no clothes on. His cock
looked like a huge sausage flopping from side to side as he walked.
Jenny took one look at him, gulped, and pulled their dinners out of the
microwave. Skip pulled out a chair, sat down, and spread his legs,
showing Jenny everything. He stroked her ass as she placed the steaming
microwave dinner on the table in front of him.

"What's with all these clothes?" he said.

Jenny was dressed in a blouse and shorts. Her feet were bare.

"What's with what you're wearing?" she said. She sat down across the
table from him.

Skip scratched his balls. "You mind that I'm naked?"

"No," Jenny said. "I guess not."

She squeezed her legs together under the table. Putting her nose in her
plate, she started to eat.

"Why should I wear clothes in front of you anymore?" Skip said. "You've
seen all there is to see. Nothing more to hide, right?"

"Right," Jenny mumbled. Even though she was trying not to look at her
brother, she couldn't help but see him sitting there across from her,
his chair pulled well away from the table, his cock dangling on the
chair seat like a big snake. He looked so sexy she could hardly swallow
her food.

"So why don't you take off your clothes too?" Skip asked. "Get
"Why don't you start eating before your food gets cold?" Jenny asked.
She was embarrassed, even a little shocked about what she and Skip had
done together in the bathroom, and she was hoping to cool things off a
little. It had really stunned her when Skip had said that he wanted to
fuck her. She couldn't imagine withstanding the assault of that
enormous fuck-weapon of his up her cunt. It would kill her for sure.

"I'll start eating when you take off your clothes," Skip said. "Come
on, Sis, what's your hang-up?"

"Oh, all right!" Jenny dropped her fork, stood up, and started
unbuttoning her blouse.

"That's my girl," Skip said. "Nice. No bra. Now peel down those shorts.
No panties, huh? That's sexy."

Jenny dropped her shorts and sat down naked at the table. She didn't
know why she was letting Skip manipulate her like this. She looked
across the table at him. "Satisfied? Now will you please start eating?"

As Skip drew his chair up to the table, Jenny saw that his cock had
swelled and was standing straight up in the air. Her heart started to
pound with excitement and fear. Pussy cream dribbled from her throbbing
cunt and greased her chair seat. She squeezed her thighs together
rhythmically, working her swollen muff-lips against each other.

"You cook really good, Sis," Skip said. "You cook almost as good as you

"All I did was press a few buttons," Jenny said.

"And unbutton a few buttons," Skip said, eyeing her tits as he chewed
his food. "Yummy!"

As they ate, their toes started meeting under the table and soon they
were playing footsie in earnest and Jenny started to pant. Her brother
was so sexy that anything he did got her terribly worked up. All of a
sudden he slid a foot up her leg and tried to pry her thighs apart.

"Open up, Sis, I wanna feel your pussy."

Jenny resisted about two more seconds before giving in. With as sigh
she slumped in her chair and allowed her legs to spread. Skip's toes
stroked up her inner thigh and pressed against her cunt. Jenny gasped,
spreading her legs even wider.

"Sexy bitch," Skip said. "I wish I'd known about five years ago what a
slut you are. And here I thought you were sleeping all those times I
sucked you off during the night."

"I was sleeping," Jenny said, panting as Skip rubbed his big toe up and
down her crotch-slit. She moaned as he twisted it against her hard,
squirming little clit.

"Sure you were," Skip said.

"Well I was," Jenny insisted. "Except for last night."

"You didn't act any different last night than any other night," Skip
said. "Except maybe you moaned a little louder. But that was because
the folks are gone and you didn't have to worry about them hearing
you." He twisted his entire big toe up into her pussy.

Jenny's eyes rolled back. She groaned, squirming on her chair as her
twin brother churned his hot toe inside her. She grabbed his foot,
trying to fuck his toe into her deeper. "You like that, huh, Sis? I
have an imagination, don't I? I know how to really turn on a girl."

"Oooooh yesssss!" Jenny purred, her nipples thrusting upward like

fingertips as her tits rose and fell. "Fuck me with that hot toe!"

She released her brother's foot and clasped her hands behind her head,
letting Skip toe-fuck her however fast or slow he wanted. She writhed
on her chair, her blue eyes rolling deliriously, her ass sliding on the
juice-slick chair seat. As Skip twisted his foot between her legs, her
juices bubbled out around his grinding toe, getting his foot and the
chair seat greasy with her fuck-lube.

"You're the juiciest chick I ever saw," Skip said. "I love all this
hot, slippery pussy-butter you ooze. When you come, sometimes it
actually squirts. I've only seen a few other chicks squirt like that.
It turns me on."

"Oh Skip, do it!" Jenny whined, going crazy. "Shove it in deep! Deeper,
oh yes!"

Skip was pounding his cock. "Horny bitch! I only got so much toe, baby.
I'd have to stick my whole foot in you to fuck you as deep as you want

Jenny's cunt contracted rhythmically, sucking Skip's toe. As he twisted

his foot in larger circles, he stimulated Jenny's clit more directly,
sending her to the brink of orgasm.

"Your cunt's got electricity in it, baby. It's so hot and wet and tight
inside, and when it sucks my toe I get a jolt up my leg and through my
cock. Oh, yeah, feels so good!"

Skip tossed his head from side to side, his eyes glassy with pleasure,
his prick throbbing in his sliding fist.

Jenny could see her brother's cock sticking up just past the edge of
the table, could see his tight fist jerking and squeezing the lube out
the massive prong, lube that dribbled down over Skip's knuckles. She
licked her lips, wishing she could slurp at her brother's pronghead.

"Oh, Skip!" she moaned. "Do me, Skip, make me come! Oh yes, oh God
yes!" Jenny grabbed her tits, juggling and squeezing. She pinched her
nipples and rolled them between her fingers. Her cunt tightened
fiercely around her brother's grinding toe. Fuck-itch saturated her
loins. Her pleasure exploded.

"Ohhhhh, Skip! I'm coming!" Jenny jerked her head from side to side,
delirious with pleasure, going out of her mind as the intense fuck-
sensations pulsed through her loins again and again.

"Baby! Baby!" Skip watched his sister jerk, saw the ecstasy in her
face, felt her exploding crotch gnaw at his pleasure-saturated toe. He
pounded his fuck-meat in a frenzy and shuddered as his own spasms

Streams and gobs of spunk shot straight up out of Skip's cock and
splashed all over the dinner table, some of it getting on his food.

"Ohhhhh!" he groaned, his eyes glazed over and rolled back. "Mmmmm,

When it was over, Skip slipped his toe out of Jenny's cunt and slumped
back in his chair.

"I lost it!" he groaned. "But you got me so hot!"

Jenny leaned forward, resting her arms on the table and her head on her
arms. She was weak, almost exhausted. After a minute, the smell of
Skip's spunk revived her. She sat up and looked at the mess he'd made
all over the table.

"How's that for a load?" Skip said.

"It's a lot," Jenny said.

"Why don't you lick it up?" Skip said. "It turns me on to see chicks
eat my cum."

I thought you'd never ask, Jenny thought as she leaned over the table
and started lapping up her brother's fuck-cream. The wads were cool and
slimy, and at first Jenny almost gagged, but once she'd got the taste
she couldn't stop slurping and sucking and licking, not until the table
top was clean and tongue-buffed.

"You're a regular kitten," Skip said. He pulled his plate in front of

him and chowed down his dinner. He didn't seem to mind a little cum on

Chapter 6

That evening, Skip went out with his buddies and Jenny stayed home to
study for a history quiz. She wasn't about to neglect her studies while
her parents were gone just because Skip was neglecting his. By the time
nine o'clock rolled around, though, Jenny didn't feel that she knew
anymore about history than she'd known two hours earlier. She hadn't
been able to concentrate all evening.

All her mind wanted to do was dwell on the things she'd done with Skip,
and all her pussy wanted to do was throb and itch and cry for more
stimulation. She had to resist the urge to stick her finger up her
cunt, had to force her itchy fingers to keep turning the pages of her
history notebook, which she was only pretending to read.

A few minutes after nine a car pulled up outside. Jenny heard boys
shouting and laughing, heard a car door slam, heard a horn toot and the
car pull away, accelerating hard. Downstairs, the front door opened and
"I'm home!" Skip called.

"I'm up here!" Jenny called back. She was sitting at her desk in her
bedroom, dressed in shorts, a blouse, and no shoes.

Skip came up the stairs in three bounds and strutted into the bedroom.
He was dressed in tight jeans and a tank-top that showed off his
muscles. He flopped down on Jenny's bed and kicked of his shoes.

"What you been doing, Sis?"

"Studying," Jenny said.

"Why don't you take a break and come over here?"

Jenny closed her notebook. Her brother was lying on her bed with his
hands behind his head and the bulge of a hard-on in the front of his
jeans. Without hurrying, Jenny went to the bed and sat beside her

"Nice bed," Skip said. "Real comfortable."

There was the smell of beer on his breath.

Jenny began to stroke his chest.

"Nice hand," Skip said. He sighed and stretched out. "Real soft. Keep
moving it."

Jenny swallowed. Her fingers rippled down her brother's belly muscles
and slid over the bulge in his jeans. She squeezed the bulge with her
fingertips, outlining it. The cock was hard as bone. Jenny rubbed her
thumb up and down the underside of the knob. Skip groaned and pulled
Jenny down on top of him.

"I'm nuts for you," he said, and he kissed her.

His tongue stuffed her mouth. His huge cock pressed up hard against
her, throbbing, rubbing. He shoved his hands into her shorts and
started caressing and squeezing her asscheeks.

Jenny quivered, melting into her brother. She'd never felt this way
before. She kissed him madly, sucking his tongue, gazing deliriously
into his blue eyes. She drooled into his mouth, and he swallowed her
spit greedily. He groaned as he humped up against her.

His legs came up, wrapping around the backs of Jenny's legs. His
muscular arms crushed her. He smelled of sweat and beer. His body was
hard as a rock. Jenny knew that if he wanted to he could easily break
her in half, but she didn't care. She wanted him to keep crushing the
two of them together until they became one body.

His hands slipped under her blouse, kneading and pinching and clawing
her back. One hand slipped back down into her shorts, a finger sliding
up and down between her asscheeks, the tip of the finger probing her
asshole. The hand slid down further, rubbing in the hot, slippery flesh
between Jenny's legs, the middle finger twisting between the sizzling-
hot, lubricated slabs of her teenage cunt. She felt prickling
sensations all the way to the soles of her bare feet.
"Oh, Skip!" she mumbled. "I love you!"

"I love you," Skip said. "And so does my cock."

He arched up against her, grinding his cock against her pussy-mound. He

finger-fucked her pussy a few strokes, then started pulling off her

Jenny squirmed as her brother undressed her. Once he got her blouse
off, he pushed down her shorts and she kicked them off. She felt
lusciously naked, wriggling against her clothed brother. Her fuck-
juices were on his fingers and got smeared on her skin. The smell of
her hot cunt perfumed the air.

They kissed again, their tongues slipping in and out of each other's
mouth, both of them moaning as they gazed into each other's eyes. Jenny
felt her brother's massive cock pulsing against her belly and she
reached down into his jeans to finger the knob. The head-flesh was
searing-hot, and Jenny got fuck-lube on her fingers. She pulled her
hand out of Skip's pants and shoved her wet fingers between their
kissing lips, both of them tasting Skip's cocklube.

Without warning, Skip rolled over, rolling Jenny onto her back and
coming to rest on top of her. He humped against her vigorously, sucking
the breath out of her as they continued to kiss. He reached down
between them and unsnapped his jeans, then unzipped them. Jenny slid
her hands down inside the seat of his pants and started squeezing his
contracting asscheeks. She sucked his tongue rhythmically, drinking his

Skip shoved his jeans down, kicked them off, pressed his hot, drooling
prick against her stomach.

"Such soft, silky skin," he said. "Man I wanna feel all of you!"

He arched up and deftly pulled off his tank-top shirt, tossing it on

the floor, then settled back down stark-naked on top of Jenny.

Jenny was in heaven, smothering under the muscular body of her twin
brother, their flesh melting together. He made grunting, growling
sounds, and Jenny cooed and moaned, the wild throbbing in her loins
driving her nuts. She humped up against Skip, grinding her blonde muff
against his spunk-filled balls. She could feel hot lube oozing from
Skip's cock with each throbbing thrust of it against her belly.

"Skippy, I love you!" she purred, her hands sliding up and down her
brother's handsome cheeks. "I want you!"

"My cock wants you," Skip mumbled, his face flushed with such lust that
it looked almost frightening. He slid down, fucking his lusting cock
between Jenny's silky-smooth thighs. "I want you, baby!"

The knob of his cock started ramming Jenny's pussy-slit.

Jenny clamped her thighs as tightly together as she could. The feel of
her brother's red-hot, lube-slick cock sliding between her thighs was
driving her crazy. Each thrust of his prickhead against her pussy sent
tingles through her and made her shiver. She shimmied her thighs around
her brother's cock, feeling it swell and pulsate, feeling it harden
like steel.

"Baby, if I keep this up I'm gonna lose my load between your legs!"
Skip squirmed against her, grinding his muscular chest against her
swollen, up-thrust tits.

"Do it!" Jenny moaned. "Squirt it all over between my legs! I wanna
feel it shoot!"

She knew as soon as her brother started spurting jism between her
thighs, her pussy would explode. She wanted to come so bad.

"Uh-uh, baby, I'm not gonna waste it again," Skip said. "I wanna shoot
it inside you. Spread your legs, you hot little slut, and let me fuck

"I can't!" Jenny panted. "It'll kill me! It's too big!"

"I'll go easy," Skip said. "Trust me."

He kissed her on the mouth, and the kiss so melted her that she almost
gave in. She wanted it bad, wanted to be fucked, but she knew it was
impossible, knew that she could never take that monstrous cylinder of
steel-hard fuckmeat up her cunt-hole.

"Please, Skip, just shoot it between my legs." She shimmied her legs
together until Skip's eyes rolled back and she was sure he was going to

With a gasp, Skip yanked his cock from between her thighs. He grabbed
his cock and squeezed it, holding his breath. Several drops of hot,
watery fluid shot against Jenny's belly and tits. Skip exhaled,
releasing his cock.

"That was too goddamned close," he said. "Let me fuck you, Sis."

"Skip, I can't!"

"I've fucked dozens of girls," Skip boasted. "And they're all still
alive. Not only that--they can never get enough of my big cock sliding
in and out of their pussies."

Jenny was about to bawl.

"I can't, Skip! I can't!" she blubbered.

"Then let me eat you," Skip said, and he fell on her legs, shoving his
nose between Jenny's thighs, licking at her crotch.

Her brother's tongue flicking between her furry cunt-slabs and against
her clit sent her into a fit of gasping. As his tongue probed deeper
between her cunt-lips, she couldn't help herself. Slowly, her legs
relaxed. Slowly, they spread. Skip settled down on the mattress between
her thighs, lapping with long, wet slurps of his tongue. He spread her
cunt-lips with his thumbs and slipped his tongue up her crotch.

Jenny sighed, spreading her legs as wide as she could, rubbing her ass
against the mattress and her crotch in her brother's face.
"Deeper!" she panted. "Stick it in deep!"

Skip wriggled his tongue inside her and Jenny squealed. In moments, she
was delirious. All she wanted was to lie here and be licked forever.

Skip sucked her clit, making her hump, making her toes clutch with each
smack of his lips. He gave her clit one long, hard suck that made
pleasure course through every part of her body and nearly brought her
off. She wailed, hardly aware anymore of where she was. Only the
pleasure mattered. She drowned in the pleasure, and she wanted more--

Then it happened so fast that by the time she realized what was
happening it was too late to save herself. As she writhed against the
mattress, her legs spread, her nude body undulating--as she writhed and
moaned and gibbered out of her mind--as she lost herself completely in
the pleasure--Skip suddenly slid up over her, pressed down on her, and
drove his cock against her sizzling, drooling, wide-open cunt. It
happened so fast that by the time she realized what was happening it
was too late to save herself. He had her now.

Before she could even start to resist, Skip forced his cockhead into
her pussy mouth, stretching it open mercilessly. He bit her lips and
she tasted her cunt-juice on his mouth. She dug her fingernails into
his back, starting to fight back, but Skip wouldn't be denied. With a
smooth thrust, he sank his eleven inch cock all the way up her cunt.

Something ripped inside her, snapped like a rubber band. The pain
nearly killed her, but it lasted only a moment. Then her cunt went
numb. "No!"

"I'm in you!" Skip panted. "You took every inch! It feels like heaven
inside you!"

Jenny still had her fingernails sunk into her brother's back. She lay
motionless under him, her breathing rapid, her legs clutching hard
around his legs. Little whimpers came from her throat. "Don't hurt me!
Take it out!"

"No way," Skip said. "I'm never gonna take it out."

Slowly he started to hump, to slide his cock in and out a few inches at
a stroke.

"Ohhhh, yeahhhh!"

Jenny's eyes rolled. She couldn't tell if she was in agony or ecstasy.
She clung to Skip for her life, feeling that monstrous tusk-like cock
of his beginning to take longer and longer plunges into her defenseless

"Ahhhn, feels so good!" Skip sighed. "Your pussy's so fucking juicy,

so fucking hot!"

His cock made squishing noises in her cunt as it slid in and out.

Jenny felt hot juices trickling from her cock-stuffed pussy and running
down her crotch, seeping down into her ass-crack. Skip's cock-shaft
slid against her clit, rubbed the G-spot in her pussy-hole. His
prickhead popped in and out of her womb-mouth. Suddenly, she became
aware of her loins rocking, of her cunt rising to meet her brother's
thrusts. And then the pleasure swept over her, swept through her,
saturated her. She was lost.

"Ohhhhhh!" she groaned, her eyes nearly popping out. "Uhhhhh! Ooooooh!"

She began to rock her loins faster, to the rhythm of her brother's
thrusting. Each slice of his long, smooth cock into her body brought
her to the verge of climax.

"Fuck me! Yes!"

"Baby! Sis!" Skip gazed down into her eyes, his face and forehead
beaded with sweat, his muscular body undulating on top of her. He
grunted with each fucking plunge of his cock, and as his cock hit
bottom the look of ecstasy in his eyes made Jenny shiver.

"Faster!" she panted, her hands sliding up and down the boy's sweat-
oiled back. "Deeper!"

Her loins humped, her asscheeks contracting. She wiggled her cunt on
her brother's cock, at the same time thrusting her tits against his
chest and rubbing her red-hot nipples into his skin.

"Yeahhh!" Skip groaned. "Yeahhh, yeahhh, yeahhh!"

He fucked with such long, swinging thrusts that his sweaty belly
smacked against Jenny's belly, and from time to time his hipbones
collided with Jenny's hipbones, sending electric jolts through both of

Jenny wrapped her legs around her brother's loins, digging her heels
into his asscheeks and trying to draw his cock deeper into her. As his
massive cockhead fucked in and out of the mouth of her womb, it made
popping sounds inside her.

"Fuck your juicy, hot pussy!" Skip grunted. "Bitch-baby!"

"Ohhhh! Fuck me!" Jenny moaned. "Fuck meeeeee!"

They moved together as if choreographed, the natural fucking movements

of their bodies perfectly synchronized. Each ramming penetration of her
brother's cock sent ecstasy coursing through Jenny's teenage body. It
was as if she were having orgasm after orgasm, but without the spasms.
She could fuck like this all night, she thought, but Skip had other

"I can't hold it!" Skip moaned. "Baby, here it comes!" His eyes rolled
back. His body shuddered. His cock flexed hard inside Jenny and his
jism spurted into her cunt. "Awwww, baaaaby, yeahhhhh!"

Jenny's eyes glazed over. The jerking and squirming and spurting of
Skip's cock inside her made her grunt with excitement. She gasped with
each explosion of cum into her, with each explosion of electricity that
saturated her cunt and loins. Her pleasure rose to the point of no
return, her body shivered. She toppled over the brink.
"Eeeeeh!" she squealed. "Ohhhhh! I'm cumming, Yesssss!"

She clung to her grunting jizz-squirting brother, her body jerking, her
pleasure so intense that tears ran down her cheeks.

"Take it, Sis!" Skip grunted as he lurched against her. "Take it!"

Jenny arched beneath him, her hips bucking against him, holding the
whole of his miraculous pleasure-giving manhood inside her, squeezing
the length of his cock with her most intimate femaleness.

"Yesssss!" she hissed against his neck. "All of it! Give me all of it!"

He rammed up her cunt, spurting cum, his body quivering. The more spunk
he shot into Jenny's cunt, the louder and more obscene were the
squishing sounds his cock made inside her.

Jenny felt her brother's jism oozing out of her and dribbling down her
pulsating teen crotch.

"I love it!" she moaned. "I love it, I love it, I love it!"

Her blonde head tossed deliriously from side to side.

Skip collapsed on top of her, gasping as her pussy sucked his cock dry.

Chapter 7

Jenny lay alone on her bed, tingling all over. Skip had left the
bedroom to go to the bathroom, he'd said, but that had been almost ten
minutes ago. She began to finger her pussy, no, her cunt she thought,
little girls and virgins had pussies. Grown women and experienced
girls, like her, had cunts that accommodated men's cocks. She had just
proved her pussy, her cunt, capable of accommodating a cock. Jesus what
a cock!

Her cunt felt all stretched out. Her loins throbbed, and it was as if
she could still feel Skip's fat cock sliding inside her. She reached
between her legs, gently massaging her pussy, stimulating her clit,
soothing her aching, well-stretched cunt-lips.

It's over, she thought. He did it to me. Nothing to be afraid of

anymore. I've been fucked. She slipped a finger between her cunt-lips,
squishing it in her brother's cum as she worked the finger up and down
her slit.

Jenny felt new pride in her body, her cunt. She had been proud of her
body before as a thing of beauty to be pampered and tease boys with.
She had always considered her pussy a sort of naughty secret.

Now she was proud of her body on a functional level as well, proud of
her pussy, her cunt, as a useful vessel for accommodating a man's cock.
Capable of both giving and receiving incredible pleasure.

Now that she had survived coitus with her hugely hung brother, and was
fairly certain that no damage had been done, just a feeling of being
thoroughly stretched and well used, she was eager to experience it

"Skip!" she called toward the open bathroom door. "What're you doing?
Come back to bed."

He'd been gone too long. She needed him.

"Skip, where are you?"

Skip finally swaggered into the bedroom, his right hand stroking his
dong. He looked down at Jenny, playing with his cock as she played with
her pussy.

"Where were you?" Jenny said.

"On the phone," Skip said.

"On the phone? I didn't hear the phone ring." Of course, she'd been
lying here in such a daze she could easily have missed the ring. "It
wasn't Mom, I hope."

Skip laughed. "Yup. And when she asked to talk to you I told her you
were too busy playing with your pussy to answer the phone. I also told
her I'd just fucked you."

"Tell me another one," Jenny said. "Who were you talking to?"

"Barb," Skip said. "I called her."

"Barb?" Jenny frowned. "For what?"

"I just felt like talking to her," Skip said.

"You didn't tell Barb what we did!"

"I can't remember," Skip said. He crawled onto the bed and lowered
himself on top of Jenny. His big cock throbbed against her belly.

Jenny started to speak, but Skip kissed her and she immediately forgot
whatever it was she was going to say. She and Skip gazed into each
other's eyes, kissing passionately, darting their tongues in each
other's mouth, tasting each other's saliva. Jenny wrapped her legs
around her brother and worked her muff against his balls.

"Stick your cock in me again," she purred.

"Not just yet," Skip said. "I wanna get you more worked up first."

He humped against her.

Jenny arched her back, straining up against him, aching to feel his
cock inside her again. Her fingernails clawed down his back. She
squirmed under him, moaning.

They lay there making out for several minutes, and Jenny was about to
lose her mind with frustration, when she thought she heard some noises
in the house and tried to push Skip off her.
"Get off me!" she panted. "I heard something. Somebody's in the house!"

"I heard something too," Skip said. "Seems to me I left the front door

"You what!" Jenny couldn't believe her ears. "Skip, get off me!"

A shadow fell through the open bedroom doorway and a form appeared in
the room.

"Hello, sweethearts," Barb said. "Aren't the two of you adorable? I

wish I'd brought camera."

Jenny stared open-mouthed at the woman, unable to say a word. Skip

glanced over his shoulder at Barb, grinning.

"You sure got over here fast enough," he said.

Barb had kicked off her shoes and was pulling off her clothes. Her big
tits wobbled as she bent over, peeling off her panties. She
straightened up, stark naked. Then she wiggled over to the bed and sat
down next to Skip and Jenny. She stroked Skip's ass.

"Thank you so much for inviting me, dear," Barb said.

"What is this?" Jenny said. "What is she doing here?"

"Baby-sitting," Barb said, and burst into laughter.

Skip rolled off Jenny.

"Oooooh, look at the blood!" Barb said. "You did it, you horny devil.
Stuck your sister. Congratulations, dear, but it was about time, don't
you think!"

"You should have heard the rip when I shoved it in," Skip said.

"I'll bet you just about died, sweetheart," Barb said to Jenny. "He's
got such a big one. But I had no idea you were still a virgin."

Jenny lay there, a frown on her face as she looked from Barb to Skip,
then back to Barb. She wasn't sure how to react to all this. Should she
tell them that she knew all about the two of them--that she'd seen them

"Honey, you are gorgeous," Barb said, stroking Jenny's thigh. "Skin
like silk. And look at this golden little pussy! I could just eat it

"Why don't you?" Skip said. "I've always wanted to see you suck cunt."

Barb kissed her fingers and planted the kiss on Skip's mouth. "What a
wonderful suggestion, darling." She winked at Skip. "I do believe I'll
sample this juicy little pussy."

"Hey!" Jenny said as Barb lay face-down on the mattress between Jenny's
legs. "I don't know about this."

"Your pussy must be terrible sore," Barb said. "I mean, look at all
this blood on the bedspread. After a bloody ordeal like this, a young
pussy needs some soothing."

Jenny didn't like all this talk about blood. She hadn't even realized
she'd bled.

Barb spread Jenny's cunt wide open with her thumbs, pressing her nose
close to the steaming teen fuckhole, inhaling the aroma of pussy cream
and male spunk. As Skip's cum bubbled out of the young girl, Barb began
to slurp. After a few licks, she plunged her face against Jenny's
crotch, burying her tongue in Jenny's pussy, slurping and sucking and

Jenny's blue eyes rolled back, glazed with pleasure. Her pert young
tits rose and fell, the cherry-bumps standing up, the nipples pointed
and quivering. She squirmed against the mattress, unable to do anything
but pant and gasp as the experienced older woman ate her out.

"Barb, you sound like a sow at a slop trough!" Skip laughed. "Suck up
that cum, bitch!" He leaned over Jenny and gave her a kiss. "God,
you're sexy!"

He slid down and started licking her tits. He got his mouth around her
left cherry and sucked.

"Oh, yes!" Jenny arched up, her eyes becoming white slits as Skip
sucked her nipple and Barb licked out her cunt. Each smack of her
brother's lips sent itchy thrills through her and brought her to the
brink of orgasm. Skip moved over to suck her other nipple, and she
gasped, her toes clutching, her cunt contracting in Barb's mouth.

"Mmmmm! Mmmmmm!" Barb growled, guzzling the young girl's sweet fuck-
juices, licking out her clutching cunt. She twisted her head from side
to side, grinding her nose against Jenny's clit, washing her face in
Jenny's spit-like cunt-drool.

Skip pushed Jenny's tits together, mounding them up, nearly bringing
their nipples together so he could suck both nipples at the same time.
His hot lips smacked. His tongue darted. His teeth gnawed gently on
Jenny's super-sensitive nipple-flesh.

"Oooooh yesssss!" Jenny whined, the fuck-itch shooting through her

loins, every cell of her body prickling with sensation. "I'm coming!"

Barb sucked frantically as Jenny's crotch exploded in her mouth. A few

spurts of hot girl-juice splashed against Barb's tongue, and she
slurped and sipped, extracting all the tart sweetness she could from
Jenny's candy cunt.

Skip growled, gnawing and sucking Jenny's nipples mercilessly as her

body writhed with orgasm. Jenny clawed the bedspread, her nails nearly
tearing through the cloth. The feelings were almost more intense than
she could bear.

Barb licked Jenny's pussy clean, her nimble tongue darting into every
tasty fold and crevice between the blonde-furred lips. She gave a suck
to Jenny's pleasure-raw clit that made Jenny shriek, then pulled back,
"Thank you for the delicious meal, darling," Barb said.

"Did she squirt?" Skip asked.

"But of course, sweetheart. It tasted like honey-water."

Jenny flushed, listening to Barb and Skip talk so intimately and

shamelessly about her.

"Now it's her turn," Skip said. "Sit on her face, Barb."

Before Jenny could say either yes or no to such a suggestion, Barb had
crawled up over her and had straddled her head. Barb's dark-furred
crotch was dripping hot juice, which splattered on Jenny's cheeks as
the woman's gaping cunt hovered over her. Jenny looked up, fascinated
by the sight. She was looking straight up into the woman's hot crotch.
Heat poured out of it as if from a volcano. The fuckmeat between the
parted lips looked pink and juicy and succulent. The hot crotch lowered
to Jenny's lips and pressed down into her mouth.

"Yeah!" Barb said. "Yeah, baby! Eat that horny cunt! Come on, you
little slut, lick it out!"

"Jesus, what a sight!" Skip gasped. "Makes me horny as hell."

"Stop pounding that sweaty hog and stick it in my mouth," Barb said.

Barb's lips smacked as she began to suck Skip's cock.

"Oh yeahhhhh, suck that fucker!" Skip moaned. "Tongue it where it feels
best! Aw yeah, right there!"

Jenny was smothering, her mouth and nose completely covered by Barb's
voracious, seething cunt. The horny cunt sizzled, pulsated, sucked at
Jenny's wiggling tongue. Barb's tart female juices poured into Jenny's
mouth, and Jenny had no choice but to swallow them. After a few gulps,
Jenny was used to the taste and began to find it pleasing. She sucked
for more, biting and gnawing Barb's nipple-like clit, licking deep into
the woman's heat-gushing cunt.

Barb groaned, her mouth stuffed with Skip's cock, her pussy grinding in
Jenny's wet mouth. She started to hump, to work her loins, to rub her
pussy all over Jenny's mouth and face. As her excitement mounted, she
fucked more wildly, scouring Jenny's tender skin with her kinky-haired

"Tongue the pisshole!" Skip moaned. "Eat my juice! Suck that knob!"
Skip sighed and grunted, working his lusting prong in Barb's mouth,
fucking her lips and tongue and throat. "Man, I'm close!"

Despite the fact that she was smothering, despite the fact that Barb
was just about scouring the skin off her face, Jenny couldn't help but
be excited. As she sucked out Barb's hot cunt, she finger-fucked her
own pussy, squeezing her jerking hand between her thighs, rubbing her
naked ass against the bedspread, humping upward, fucking the finger
buried in her cunt.

Barb grunted in a frenzy, gnawing on Skip's cock, grinding her cunt in

Jenny's mouth. The hot juice dribbled more freely from her sizzling
cunt, and her cuntal walls started to contract rhythmically around
Jenny's churning tongue. Barb was wheezing through her nose, her tits
rising and falling, the skin on her entire body prickling as if
electrified. Suddenly, she shuddered violently and exploded in Jenny's

"She's coming!" Skip groaned. "Christ, what an explosion! What a mouth

to screw!" He thrust rapidly, working his cock between Barb's lips,
against her tongue, deep into her throat, and within seconds his jism
splashed against her tonsils. "Ohhhh yeahhhh--ahhhh!"

Barb gulped the boy's profuse load of spunk, gagging a few times as the
forceful spurts drilled the back of her gullet. As she sucked the
bucking cock and drank hot jism, she fed her juicing twat to Jenny,
grinding her sizzling crotchmeat all over the girl's face.

Jenny groaned, twisting her head from side to side, licking blindly as
she washed her face in Barb's juicing crotch. The smell of cunt was
overpowering, intoxicating her, smothering her. She drowned in the
wonderful female aroma, in the luscious, hot female juices, and
suddenly her own pussy erupted with spasms. Her young body jerked, her
toes clutching, her legs shimmying, her stiff middle finger screwing
pleasure through her cunt. In her excitement, she gnawed into Barb's
cunt with her teeth and heard Barb gasp and shiver.

When it was over, Barb rolled off Jenny and collapsed beside her on the
bed. Skip was kneeling on the other side of Jenny, milking the last
fuck-feeling through his softening cock. Barb threw an arm over Jenny,
pressed up against her, and kissed her on the mouth.

As they kissed, Barb released a mouthful of Skip's cum into Jenny's

mouth, and Jenny groaned, swallowing the spunky fluid greedily. Barb
continued kissing her, darting her tongue in Jenny's mouth, and Jenny
lay there in a blissful daze, letting Barb do whatever she wanted.

Chapter 8

The two teenagers and their former baby-sitter lay side by side on the
bed, Jenny in the middle, squirming as Barb stroked and kissed and
finger-fucked her. Skip lay with his arm over his eyes, as if he were

"You're such a doll," Barb said. "Have you ever made it with a girl

"No," Jenny said. "Of course not."

Barb chuckled. "It's perfectly natural, you know. Most girls your age
have sucked pussy. Me, I've been sucking pussy and cock for as long as
I can remember."

Jenny gasped as the tip of Barb's finger prodded her G-spot. Barb
tittered and rubbed the super-sensitive spot in Jenny's cuntal wall
until Jenny thought she was going to come. Barb slipped the finger out
of Jenny's fuckhole and started rubbing Jenny's clit, wiggling it in
circles. The stimulation was different, but it affected Jenny the same
way. She groaned.

"I love to play with teen pussy," Barb said. "So sensitive. It's like
pressing a magic button. Touch a teen pussy and it explodes."

"I'm gonna explode if you keep that up," Jenny said.

Barb took a finger off Jenny's clit and slid it up her belly, leaving a
trail of pussy-juice on Jenny's skin. She rubbed some pussy-spit on
Jenny's nipples, then shoved the juice-slick finger in Jenny's mouth.
Jenny sucked it clean.

"What a dirty little girl," Barb said. "Eating your own fuck-juice.
Don't you wish you could suck your own pussy?"

Jenny rolled her eyes.

"I do," Barb said. "If I could suck my own pussy I'd have my head
between my legs about ten hours a day." She shrieked hilariously.

"Excuse me," Jenny said. She climbed over Barb and off the bed.

"Where are you going?" Barb asked.

"To the bathroom," Jenny said.

"Hurry back," Barb said.

Jenny hadn't settled her ass onto the toilet seat for more than a
second before Barb came wiggling into the bathroom, her big jugs
wobbling and jiggling. To Jenny's shock, the woman fell to her knees in
front of the toilet and shoved her head between Jenny's legs.

"I wanna watch," Barb said.

If Jenny hadn't had to piss so bad, she would have told Barb she was
crazy and to get out of the bathroom and let her pee in peace. But her
bladder was about to burst, and her piss-flow was already on the way,
so Jenny sighed and let it come.

"Mmmmmm!" Jenny moaned.

Barb, whose nose was only inches from Jenny's golden cunt, watched the
yellow piss-stream for about two seconds before she began to lap at it
like a cat, catching Jenny's piss and drinking it.

Jenny gazed down at her in shock, but she couldn't stop pissing. Barb
pressed her open mouth to Jenny's cunt, sucking and guzzling Jenny's
piss, some of which ran down Barb's neck and between her boobs. Jenny
started to pant as Barb's lips stimulated her pussy-lips and clit.

"Drink my hot pee!" Jenny growled, surprised that such filthy words had
come from her own mouth. There was something so disgusting about what
Barb was doing that Jenny lost all scruples. She slumped on the toilet,
rubbing her pissing crotch in Barb's mouth. "Eat my dirty pussy!"

Barb went berserk, pressing Jenny's legs wide apart, slurping and
sucking and gnawing. Her tongue slipped to the hilt up Jenny's cunt as
the last few dribbles of piss ran into her mouth. Jenny kicked her legs
up, feeding her pussy to Barb, pointing her sexy toes and playing with
her tits.

"Ooooh yessss!" Jenny purred, her entire body flushing and tingling.
She loved being licked between the legs. She loved being dirty and
sexy. She didn't care anymore what anybody thought of her. She just
wanted those wonderful feelings.

Barb pulled her head out from between Jenny's legs, then pulled Jenny
off the toilet and onto her knees on the floor.

"Bend over the bathtub, darling. Turn up this pretty little ass for me
and I'll lick it out."

Jenny rested her elbows on the bathtub and watched over her shoulder as
Barb, on her hands and knees behind Jenny, stuck her nose between
Jenny's asscheeks and started licking out Jenny's ass-cleft. Barb
licked Jenny's twitching shitter, and Jenny wiggled her ass.

"Stick it up my asshole!" Jenny panted. "Lick out my asshole!"

Barb probed Jenny's hot, sweaty shitter, her tongue-tip licking out the
tasty crevices. Barb reached up between Jenny's legs, and as she
slipped her tongue up Jenny's asshole, she slipped her middle finger up
Jenny's cunt.

"Oooooh yesssss!" Jenny cooed. "Do it!"

As the two females squirmed with excitement, the older woman rimming
the teenager, Skip walked into the bathroom, scratching his balls. The
moment he saw what was going on, his cock swelled like a balloon and
erected in two powerful jerks. He dropped to his knees behind Barb and
slipped his cock to the hilt up her pussy with one smooth thrust.

"Ahhhh!" Skip sighed. "Hot pussy!"

He grabbed Barb's ass and started to plunge his cock in and out.

Jenny watched over her shoulder as Skip fucked Barb. Barb's eyes had
turned back in ecstasy and she grunted with each ramming thrust Skip
gave her. Barb's tongue quivered in Jenny's asshole as if charged with
electricity, electricity fucked into Barb's body by Skip's huge cock.

Jenny squealed as Barb tongue-fucked her asshole and finger-fucked her

cunt. Her pussy-juices dribbled out, running down Barb's hand and arm.
Skip was watching her, and she smiled at him and licked her lips
seductively. Both she and Skip puckered their lips as if kissing each

Skip cracked the flat of his hand across Barb's ass, and Barb jerked,
gasping from the sudden slap.

"Juicy bitch slut," Skip said, slamming his cock up Barb's cunt and
smacking his hard belly against her ass.

He slapped Barb's ass again, and as she shivered from the stinging
sensation, he yanked his cock out of her. The massive prong bucked and
quivered, drenched and dripping with Barb's slick fuck-juices. Female
juices ran down Skip's balls.

Jenny gazed at Skip's dripping cock, licking her lips as she hungered
to taste it. Skip ran his hand up Barb's cunt, spreading slick cunt-
lube up Barb's asscrack. He rammed a finger up Barb's asshole and
pistoned rapidly as Barb squirmed, then yanked the finger out. Then he
mounted Barb again, guiding his slick cock between her asscheeks. With
a thrust, he buried his entire cock up Barb's asshole. Jenny's eyes
almost popped out at the sight.

Barb looked as if she were suffering either excruciating pain or

unbearable pleasure. Her eyes rolled deliriously. Her body trembled.
She still had her tongue up Jenny's asshole and a finger up her cunt.
She rammed her tongue even deeper into Jenny, grinding her nose between
Jenny's asscheeks. With her free hand she reached up between her own
legs and started jerking off her pussy.

"Ahhhhhh, I love a tight, hot ass!" Skip groaned, slicing his cock in
Barb's asshole with longer and longer strokes. "I love to fuck a
woman's tight shitter!"

He leered at Jenny, licking his lips as he screwed.

Jenny looked down at Skip's gleaming, rapidly sliding cock. Skip looked
as if he was having the time of his life, but Jenny wondered how Barb
could stand the pain.

Barb appeared to become more excited with each stroke of Skip's cock up
her butt. Her body writhed, undulated, her ass churning as Skip rammed
it. Her right hand jerked rhythmically between her legs, pussy cream
dripping from it as she finger-fucked herself. Her tongue wriggled and
darted in Jenny's asshole. The middle finger of her left hand knifed in
Jenny's pussy, the tip of it jabbing at Jenny's G-spot and making Jenny

"Ooooh yesss!" Jenny sighed. "Stick it in!"

She wiggled her ass, fucking her asshole on Barb's tongue. Her itchy
pussy sucked at Barb's drilling finger.

Barb started to groan. She jerked her ass back at Skip's smacking

"Come on, bitch!" Skip moaned. "You're almost there! Your asshole's
just about popping the knob off my prick! That's it, baby, tighten up!
Come on, slut! Oh Christ!"

Barb's eyes rolled back to white slits. Her body shuddered violently.
She groaned as if she were being whipped. Her tongue slipped out of
Jenny's asshole and she wailed in ecstasy.

Skip growled, ramming his cock repeatedly up Barb's spasming asshole.

Cunt juice poured from Barb's pussy, dripping off her jerking hand.

"Ahhhh, feels so good, don't it?" Skip said, slapping Barb's ass and
making her shriek. He plunged his cock up her butthole until Barb's
orgasm subsided and she begged him to stop. He laughed and yanked his
cock out. Then he grabbed Barb's ass and pulled her out of the way so
he could move up behind Jenny.
Jenny was shaking. Pussy-juice ran down the insides of her thighs like
hot oil. Skip slid his cock between her thighs, greasing it with her
slick fuckcream. He rubbed his cock up and down between her asscheeks,
greasing her cleft and pucker.

"What're you gonna do?" Jenny said.

"You know what I'm gonna do," Skip said. "Just relax, like you relaxed
when I fucked you pussy. You're gonna love it."

"Please don't," Jenny said. She thought Skip must be playing games with
her, teasing her, trying to scare her. He wouldn't dare try to ram his
cock up her asshole. It would kill her for sure.

"Barb primed your asshole for a fuck with her tongue," Skip said, the
knob of his cock searing Jenny's asshole. "Now all you gotta do is

He started to fuck into her.

"Don't!" Jenny gasped.

"I love you," Skip said, and half his cock disappeared up Jenny's
virgin asshole.

Jenny's mouth gaped, but no sound came out.

"I'm in!" Skip panted. "Tight ass!"

Jenny quivered, impaled on her brother's massive cock. Instinctively,

she reached down between her legs and started jerking off. The
stimulation in her cunt eased the searing pain in her asshole.

Skip's cock throbbed inside her. Gently but persistently, he pushed.

The rest of his cock disappeared up Jenny's asshole and his belly
rubbed against her butt.

"Yeahhhhhhh!" he sighed triumphantly.

Jenny straightened up, pressing her back against her brother's chest,
moaning as his huge cock throbbed inside her, buried up her ass to the
hilt. He nudged her blonde hair aside with his nose and nibbled at the
back and side of her neck. His hands slid up her front and started
playing with her nipples.

Jenny whimpered, masturbating frantically, squirming against her

brother, who held his cock motionless in her asshole. As her asshole
relaxed, he began to slide his cock in and out.

"Oh yes!" Jenny panted. "Oh God yes!"

She was breathless. It felt so good she couldn't believe it.

"Sis!" Skip growled, smoothly slicing his cock in and out. "What an
ass! So soft and tight and hot and slick! Man, what an ass!"

He gnawed into the side of her neck, drooling spit down her left tit.
His fingers pinched and twisted her nipples.
Jenny's belly heaved. She panted so fast that she hyperventilated and
swayed with dizziness. She'd have fallen over if she hadn't been
impaled on Skip's fence-post cock and crushed in his muscular arms. Her
middle finger rammed madly in and out of her pussy and the fuck-juices
poured down between her legs.

"Fuck meeeee!" she whined, out of her mind with excitement, every cell
of her young body turgid with fuck-tension and the itching, aching need
for release. "Screw me! Ram me!"

Skip fucked in a frenzy, his eleven inch cock plunging relentlessly in

Jenny's hot, tight shithole. "Oh, Sis, I'm so close!"

"Shoot it!" Jenny gasped. "Quick! Oh please!"

Skip slammed into her and ejaculated. His body shook as the hot spunk
splashed in her guts. "Ahhhhh, yeahhhhh!"

Jenny's vision blurred. Her pussy tightened around her finger and her
asshole squeezed her brother's spurting cock. An electric tingle
exploded in her loins and spread in a flash throughout her body. She
screamed sharply, her body jerking with spasms.

"Awwww!" Skip groaned, humping Jenny's ass, pumping cum up her

bunghole. "Tight ass!"

"Ohhhh yessss!" Jenny whined, writhing in her brother's arms, her loins
exploding, her asshole sucking greedily at his plunging, spurting cock.
"Shoot it in me!"

When it was finally over, Skip hauled his cock out of Jenny's asshole
and collapsed on the tile floor. Jenny slumped forward over the edge of
the bathtub. Barb, who'd watched everything, applauded the show, saying
she wished she'd had a video camera to catch it all on tape. Then she
crawled up behind Jenny, spread Jenny's asscheeks and began licking out
Jenny's asshole.

Jenny sighed, enjoying the feel of Barb's tongue in her well-stretched

pucker. Barb growled, licking and sucking until she'd cleaned all of
Skip's cum out of Jenny's twitching asshole.

Chapter 9

The next day in school, everything and everybody looked different to

Jenny. It was as if she was seeing everybody for the first time. She
found herself eyeing all the boys, wondering what their cocks looked
like, if they were near as big as Skip, wondering how many of them had
fucked girls. She looked at each girl who passed her, wondering if the
girl had been fucked, wondering how many girls had been fucked up the
ass, or how many had been fucked by their brothers, or how many girls
had been fucked up the ass by their brothers wonderfully huge cocks.
She felt like announcing that she was no longer a virgin, that she'd
been fucked by her brother, that she was ready to fuck almost any boy
who would shove his hard cock between her legs.
In physics class, Jenny actually spoke to her deskmate, Tricia Blake,
something she usually avoided whenever possible.

"How's it going?" Jenny said before class.

"Real good," Tricia said, chewing her gum and giving Jenny a seductive

During class, the two girls again jerked off as they had yesterday, by
squeezing their legs together under their skirts. Today's jack off was
better than yesterday's, however, because today Jenny wasn't wearing
panties under her skirt, which made the feeling that much better. And
today Jenny shamelessly watched Tricia's every move and facial
expression, which turned her on even more.

After class, Tricia leaned toward Jenny and said under her breath,
"Follow me. We'll have some more fun."

Since it was Jenny's free period, during which she usually went to the
school library to study, Jenny said what the heck and followed. Tricia
led Jenny past the cafeteria in the school basement to the girls'
restroom. Tricia grabbed Jenny's hand and pulled Jenny into the corner
toilet stall.

Tricia bolted the door. She wrapped her arms around Jenny's neck,
pressed up against Jenny, and started kissing Jenny on the mouth.
Tricia's mouth tasted like bubble gum.

Jenny pulled her head back. "Spit out your gum."

Tricia spit the gum in the toilet and smiled. "That better?"

Then she hugged Jenny fiercely and started kissing again, working her
tongue between Jenny's lips and into her mouth. Her hand went up under
Jenny's skirt and started playing with Jenny's pussy.

Jenny trembled, somewhat surprised by what was happening, but not

really shocked. After what had happened yesterday with Skip and Barb,
she didn't think anything would ever shock her again. She reached up
under Tricia's skirt to rub Tricia's pussy. Tricia wasn't wearing
panties either, and discovering that thrilled Jenny. Her hand trembled,
sliding in the other girl's fuck-juices.

Jenny broke their kiss. "Have you ever been fucked?"

"Of course," Tricia said. "Hundreds of times."

"By who?"

"By about every foxy guy I can get my hands on," Tricia said. "What
about you?"

"Same here," Jenny lied. "Hundreds of times. Hundreds of guys."

"I thought so," Tricia said. "You being a gymnast and a cheerleader and
all. You can get any guy in school." She slipped a finger up Jenny's
cunt and started working it in and out. "You've got a tight pussy."

Jenny panted, the fuck-juices pouring out of her cunt and running down
her legs.

"You sure are juicy," Tricia said. "You sure you're not peeing?"

"Does it feel like pee?" Jenny said, and she stuck one of her own
fingers up Tricia's cunt.

Tricia moaned, her eyes rolling. "Feels so good!"

The two girls kissed, tonguing each other's mouth, finger-fucking each
other's pussy. Fuck cream dribbled from both their cunts, trickling
down the insides of their thighs like warm, melted butter. Both girls
panted, their tits rising and falling rapidly. As they made out, they
kicked off their shoes and stood barefoot on the cool tile of the
restroom floor, their hot toes playing with each other's feet.

"I'd like to see you get fucked sometime," Tricia said. "I really get
off on seeing other girls get fucked."

"I'd like to see you get fucked," Jenny said. "I'd like to see you get
fucked up the asshole."

"I never knew you were such a dirty-mouthed bitch," Tricia said,
leering into Jenny's face. "I like you."

"I like you," Jenny said, her hand pounding between Tricia's legs, her
finger ramming Tricia's contracting cunt.

"Ooooh, Jenny, I'm gonna come!" Tricia gasped, her eyes rolling back.

"Me too!" Jenny moaned, her excitement surging to a head as she watched
the expression of ecstasy in Tricia's eyes.

"Eeeeeh!" Tricia squealed, her pussy exploding around Jenny's finger.

And Jenny exploded with her, her own pussy chewing up Tricia's finger.

The two girls kissed passionately, their loins pulsing with spasms,
their bare toes clawing each other's feet, fuck-juices running down
their legs. They swayed deliriously, clinging to each other, supporting
each other.

Tricia pulled her dripping hand out from between Jenny's legs and
started licking off the tart-sweet girl-juice.

"I swear, you squirt when you come," Tricia said.

"Most of the time," Jenny said with a smile. She licked Tricia's cunt
juice off her own hand. The taste was delicious, sweeter than the taste
of Barb's pussy.

"I wish I could squirt when I come," Tricia said. "I bet it drives the
guys nuts when you squirt on their cocks or in their mouths."

"Yeah," Jenny said, and for a moment she actually believed she'd had
sex with hundreds of guys instead of with only one. "They go nuts."

"Come on over to my house after school and I'll suck you off," Tricia
"Can't," Jenny said. "I got gymnastics practice. I'll take a rain
check, though."

"Anytime," Tricia said. "I wanna feel you squirt against my tongue."
She pulled a fresh stick of bubble gum out of her purse and popped it
in her mouth. "I'd better get to study hall or they'll think I skipped

Chapter 10

In gymnastics class, Jenny found herself eyeing the coach. She'd never
paid much attention to him in the past. Until yesterday, in fact, her
mind had always been on her gymnastics during practice. She'd been
aware of the coach more as a disembodied voice than as a living,
breathing man. Today she was very aware of the coach being a man, so
very aware that she stumbled through her exercises more or less in a

"Still feeling a bit under the weather?" the coach asked.

He was sticking close to her today, paying more attention to her than
any of the other girls. And when he caught her on some of her clumsy
dismounts, his hand pressing between her legs lingered longer than

"I'm all right," Jenny said, blushing. "Just a little weak yet, that's

"Maybe you should go down to my office and relax a while. I've got a
cot down there you can rest on."

"Maybe I should," Jenny said, blushing even more.

A few minutes later, Jenny found herself alone in the coach's office.
Funny, but she'd never been in here before. Dozens of photographs, some
framed, some clippings from newspapers, were mounted on the walls. All
were pictures of girl gymnasts, some schoolgirls, some Olympic
champions. Hundreds of willowy young bodies, slim, shapely legs, bare
feet and pointed toes adorned the walls. The coach was in a lot of the
pictures, his arms around the girls' shoulders, his mouth pressed to
victorious young cheeks.

A small cot lay along one wall of the small office. A desk, cluttered
with papers, took up the middle of the room. In one corner of the room
sat a canvas laundry bin, full of leotards, girls' panties, gymnastics
uniforms, and bras. From the sweaty, girlish smell that permeated the
office, it was evident that the clothing was in need of washing.

Jenny notice a pair of her own panties, marked with her name, lying
among the jumble of girls' athletic clothing. The coach insisted on
personally washing the sweaty clothing of the young gymnasts, but it
always took him forever to get washed clothing back to the girls.

Jenny stretched out on the cot, dressed in her gymnastics uniform, her
legs and feet bare. The uniform fit her like a satiny, shiny skin, and
she wore nothing under it--no panties, no bra. As she thought about the
coach's hand rubbing between her legs when he caught her, her pussy-
lips swelled and the crotch of her uniform pulled up between them like
a gag. Her pussy throbbed with every beat of her heart and pussy cream
started leaking out of her. Some of her blonde cunt-fur had curled out
around the edges of her uniform crotch. She wondered what the coach
would do when he saw her like this--maybe the same things he'd done
yesterday to the other girl behind the closed door of this same office-
-maybe the same things he'd done to several of the girls on the team,
and, she guessed, to many of the sexy nymphettes in the photographs on
the office wall.

"How are we doing, sweetheart?" Coach Peters stepped into the office
and closed the door behind him. His eyes immediately fell between
Jenny's spread legs. "Just thought I'd check up on you, darling. I like
to take care of my girls."

Jenny heard the bolt click in the door lock.

"I'm still a little weak," she said.

"I hope you're not coming down with mono or something," the coach said.
He came over to the cot and felt Jenny's forehead.

"I think you might have a slight fever."

"I do?" Jenny opened her eyes, surprised to hear she might actually be

"I don't think it's anything to worry about," the coach said. "But I'd
better take your temperature."

He opened a desk drawer and pulled out a thermometer.

Jenny opened her mouth.

The coach smiled at her. "Unfortunately, all I've got is a rectal

thermometer. If you don't mind, we'll take off your uniform."

Jenny swallowed. "Take my clothes off?"

"We can't take your temperature very easily otherwise," said the coach.
"Besides, these flimsy little things you girls wear show off more than
they hide. You won't be showing me anything I haven't already seen."

Jenny noticed the huge bulge in the man's sweatpants had tented out
further, as if he had a billyclub sticking up from between his legs.
She glanced at the tent and swallowed again. The man had a huge cock,
maybe even bigger than Skip's. With the help of the coach's fumbling
hands, she pulled off her uniform. She'd never felt so naked in her

The coach was breathing hotly through his nose. "Get up on your hands
and knees, darling. Put your sexy little ass up in the air."

Jenny was hot. She could hardly keep from squirming as she leaned
forward onto her elbows on the cot and stuck her naked ass high in the
air, turning it up as if for a fuck. Her tits dangled heavily, swollen
with excitement. Pussy cream dribbled down the insides of her thighs.
She saw the coach grope his cock. He was sitting on the cot behind her,
his nose inches from her gaping, oozing cunt. He slipped the
thermometer into her moist, twitching asshole.

"I'll have to hold onto the thermometer so it doesn't slip inside you
and disappear," the coach said. "We wouldn't want that, would we?"

Jenny giggled. "No."

"Just relax," the coach said. Slowly, he started twisting the

thermometer in Jenny's asshole, at the same time working it in and out,
as if fucking her with it.

Jenny started to pant. She couldn't keep her ass from wiggling. As she
grew more excited, she felt her pussy-lips swell even more, and as they
swelled they parted, opening up her cunt. The coach was breathing
heavily. Jenny heard him sniffing her ass and cunt.

"We'd better check this," the coach said. He slipped the thermometer
out of her asshole.

Looking up between her tits and legs, Jenny watched the coach push the
thermometer into his mouth and suck it clean.

"Hmm," he said. "According to this, you don't have a fever. You sure
feel warm, though. I wonder if this thing is broken." He reached over
and placed the thermometer on his desk. "Maybe I'd better check it out
with a more reliable gauge."

Jenny kept her ass high in the air, wondering what the coach would do
next. The end of the bulge in his sweatpants was all wet.

The coach sucked on the middle finger of his right hand, lubricating
it, then slipped the finger between Jenny's asscheeks. "Just relax,

He wiggled the tip of his finger against her ass-pucker, then pushed.
His finger disappeared up Jenny's asshole as if sucked inside.

"Oh, coach!" Jenny gasped. Her cunt contracted and a tiny stream of
pussy-juice squirted out, spraying onto the coach's nose.

"Jesus!" the coach said. "Honey, I can't help myself!"

Pumping his finger in and out of Jenny's asshole, he started slurping

at her upturned crotch, eating up her pussy juices, licking out the
tasty folds of succulent meat between her cunt-lips. He licked down
between her thighs, cleaning up the sweet juices that had dribbled down
her skin.

"Oh, honey! Gorgeous little bitch!"

Jenny churned her ass, moaning as the coach finger-fucked her asshole
and ate her pussy. She pushed her right foot into his lap, toeing his
cock through his sweatpants. The coach groaned and rammed his tongue up
her cunt.

"Oh, Coach, yesss!" Jenny whined. "Lick my pussy! Oh, yes!" She rubbed
her ass wildly in the man's face, grinding her pussy in his mouth,
fucking herself on his darting, twisting tongue. Pussy-juices seeped
out of her, running into the man's mouth and down his throat.

The coach sucked, slurped, slobbered, growling as he ate her out and
drank her tart-sweet girl-juices. His finger continued to twist in her
asshole, doubling the pleasure Jenny felt in her loins. The tip of his
tongue probed her G-spot, the most sensitive spot in her cuntal walls,
and Jenny let out such a squeal of delight that the coach continued
jabbing the spot with his tongue-tip. Jenny went crazy. In seconds, she

"Ooooooh!" she groaned, her cunt spasming around the coach's tongue,
her asshole clutching his finger. "Oooooh yessss, I'm coming!"

She wiggled and jerked her ass, feeding the coach her juicy pussy.

The coach sucked greedily, drinking her hot fuck-juice, growling and
groaning as if he were feeling as good as she was.

When it was over, the coach pulled both his tongue and finger out of
Jenny at the same time. Her fuckholes remained open for a few moments,
cool air licking their hot edges. The coach sucked his middle finger
clean, savoring the taste of Jenny's sweet young asshole.

Jenny relaxed down on the cot, turning on her side and curling up. The
coach stood up, pulling off his sweatshirt and sweatpants. From where
Jenny lay, the coach's cock looked like a baseball bat sticking up from
between his legs. Foreskin half covered the bulbous prickhead, and
veins bulged out all over the massively thick shaft. The coach's hairy
balls looked about the size of hen's eggs.

"How'd you like to suck this!" the coach said, massaging his cock,
making the foreskin slide. "How'd you like to taste this big thing!
How'd you like to eat my cum!"

Though still quivering from her orgasm, Jenny felt a new rush of heat
and excitement throughout her body. The spit flowed in her mouth,
trickling from one corner of her lips as she stuck her tongue out.

"Coach," she whispered. "Yes!"

The muscular coach dropped to his knees beside the low cot and shoved
his cock into Jenny's waiting hands. She stroked the huge, sweaty man-
cock, feeling its hardness and smoothness, rippling her fingers over
the cock veins, peeling the foreskin back off the knob and inhaling the
musky aroma. As she squeezed the massive fuck-rod, lube oozed out the
pisshole, and Jenny flicked it off with her tongue.

The coach pressed closer, shoving his cock at Jenny's mouth. "Suck it,
sweetheart! Lick it and suck it!"

Her hands trembling as she held the massive cock, she began lapping at
the naked knob, cleaning the salty moisture off, teasing the pisshole
with the tip of her tongue and sipping the lube as it bubbled out. Her
hands began to slide up and down, working the foreskin along the shaft.
Her mouth gaped and she engulfed the knob and a few inches of the
shaft. The cock was so thick that she couldn't swallow much of it.

The coach's eyes rolled. He had his hands on his hips, kneeling there
next to the cot as he fed the schoolgirl gymnast his rampant cock.
Slowly, he started rotating his hips, working his cock in Jenny's
mouth, rubbing the underside of his knob against her hot wriggling

"Oh, baby!" he groaned. "Pleasure that thing! Suck it, lick it, eat it!
Jerk it off! Oh shit, you're good!"

Jenny was delirious. She lay there on her side, cradling the coach's
big prick, playing with it and sucking it as if it were a giant toy
that she owned. She loved the salty taste of the man's cock. She stuck
the tip of her tongue a half inch up his pisshole, twisting it as she
vigorously jerked his foreskin up and down.

The coach was gasping, wiggling his ass and working his cockhead
between Jenny's lips, fucking the shaft between her silky-soft hands.

"Suck! Lick! Jack!" he panted.

Jenny felt his cock harden, felt it quiver in her hands, sensed the
electricity shooting through its core. The massive fucker flexed,
shuddered, and hot spunk shot into her mouth.

"Ahhhhhh!" the coach moaned. "Yeahhhhhh!"

He humped rapidly, rhythmically, working his spasming prick between

Jenny's hands, pleasuring the head in her mouth, shooting spunk against
her tonsils and tongue.

Jenny cooed, sucking and gulping the man's cum. It was so hot and thick
she could hardly swallow it. Huge slimy wads of the coach's spunk slid
down her gullet. She kept jerking her hands and sucking until the last
gobs oozed out and the cock began to soften.

The coach sighed and pulled his cock away.

"Thanks," he said. "You're a lot more experienced than I ever figured."

Jenny sat up, licking the cum off her lips. After sucking the man's
cock, her body was tingling all over. She spread her legs and started
rubbing her pussy, her eyes on the coach's massive, dangling cock.

"You wanna be fucked now, I guess," the coach said.

"Yes," said Jenny, her young body throbbing with renewed lust. "Fuck me

The coach grabbed his cock and started working up a fresh hard-on for
Jenny, his eyes roving all over her sexy teen gymnast's body.

The coach laid Jenny on her back across his desk, lifted her legs and
let them rest against his shoulders, wrapped his hands around her slim
waist and pulled her twitching little ass toward his cock. His cockhead
kissed her pussy, rubbing the fluffy pink fuckmeat between her blonde
cunt-slabs. He wiggled his cock, driving Jenny crazy, making her

The coach chuckled. "Anxious for it, huh?"

"Stick it in!" Jenny growled. "Oooooh, fuck me!"

"I bet you've never had one this big inside you. It's gonna hurt."

"I don't care," Jenny said. "I want it. I wanna be fucked."

Her cunt contracted, bubbling cuntlube all over the man's prickhead.
Her pussy cream trickled down his shaft and onto his balls.

"I don't think I've ever had a girl as juicy as you," the coach said.
"You actually squirt. I've only seen a few other girls do that before."

"Please put it in!" Jenny moaned.

Her toes worked crazily, and she started rubbing her feet up and down
the man's cheeks to entice him.

He turned his face from side to side, nuzzling her soles. He started
licking her feet, his tongue darting between her toes. He took several
toes into his mouth and started sucking them.

Jenny moaned, tossing her head from side to side. Her cunt started
contracting rhythmically. Just when she thought she was going to scream
with frustration, she felt the coach's cock slip into her cunt. It was
enormous, as thick as an arm, but it slipped in easily, disappearing
inside her to the hilt. Jenny's eyes rolled back in ecstasy. Both she
and the coach groaned. He was still sucking her toes.

"Yes!" Jenny sighed. "Fuck me!"

She wiggled her ass, rocked her loins, fucking herself on the coach's
cock. It was bigger than Skip's cock, but it really didn't feel that
much bigger inside her, and it slipped in and out smoothly.

The coach had hold of both Jenny's feet, and he continued to kiss and
lick and suck them as he fucked her. He chewed on her toenails, sucked
half her right foot into his mouth, spit it out and sucked up half her
left foot. Her feet were in ecstasy, and the coach continued to
pleasure them, sucking her toes until she wanted to scream.

"Oh yes!" she cried, squirming on the desk, her blonde head twisting
from side to side.

"Fuck me! Suck my toes! Oh yes!"

She wiggled her loins wildly, churning her madly throbbing cunt on the
man's rapidly thrusting cock.

"Mmmmm, mannnn!" the coach groaned, humping deliriously, sliding his

lust-saturated cock in the searing-hot pussy of the purring teenager,
sucking her sexy young toes as they wiggled and clutched in his mouth.

Jenny grabbed her tits, squeezing them, rubbing them in circles,

massaging her cherry-bumps and nipples. She felt sexy all over. Her
clit rubbed against the man's sliding cockshaft. The hot edges of his
knob massaged the sensitive folds of her cuntal walls. As his steel-
hard prong rubbed her G-spot, she started losing her mind. She thrashed
on the desk, rocking her loins, crazy to bring herself off.

The coach dropped her feet, fell forward over her, crushed his hairy
chest to her swollen tits, covered his mouth with hers. He humped
against her so forcefully, ramming his cock in so hard and deep, that
with each thrust the desk legs scraped along the concrete floor. He
rammed his tongue down her throat and she sucked it, gazing deliriously
into his lust-watery eyes. Her arms and legs wrapped around him. He was
fucking her so deep she thought his cock would come out of her mouth.
His eyes rolled back in ecstasy and he began to spurt.

"Awwwwww!" he groaned. "Ahhhhhh!"

He fucked out of control, ramming his cock up Jenny's pussy with all
his strength, firing stream after stream of scalding jism into her

Jenny hovered at the brink of orgasm for an endless moment. It was as

if time had stopped forever. The man's cock bucked inside her, spurting
endlessly, and Jenny lay under him, on the edge of ecstasy,
experiencing orgasm without the spasms. She thought she'd never get
over the hump, but at once, she exploded.

Her fingernails sank into the man's back, her toenails into his ass.
She squirmed up against him, crushing her body into his body, melting
into him. Her cunt contracted fast, hard, almost viciously, and the
coach gasped as her pussy nearly popped the knob off his pleasure-raw
cock. She bit the man's jaw, clawed his back, writhed under him so
violently that she nearly rolled them both off the desk. She felt a hot
cum-spurt drill her womb and she shrieked with delicious excitement
until her orgasm was over.

The coach pushed up off her, staggered around the office as if he were
lost. "Jesus, girl, you nearly sucked the life out of me! I ain't never
fucked a pussy like that before!"

Jenny lay across the desk, moaning softly. What a fuck! She thought.
What a feeling!

Before Jenny left his office, the coach said, "I hope you'll be coming
around regularly from now on, sweetheart."

"I hope so too," Jenny said. She glanced at the dangling outline of the
coach's cock in his sweatpants. "I know so, Coach."

Chapter 11

Over the next week, Jenny slept with Skip every night. Usually Skip
went to sleep with his cock buried in Jenny's cunt from behind, and the
two of them would remain coupled all night, waking periodically to fuck
themselves to a climax. He fucked her in the morning before school,
fucked her before dinner, and fucked her before the two of them went to
bed to fuck some more. She was never able to get enough of her twin
brother's huge, rock-hard cock, and he was never able to get enough of
her tight, super-juicy cunt.

But Skip wasn't the only person to keep Jenny's insatiable young cunt
satisfied. There was Barb, who stopped by at every chance to give Jenny
a tongue-job. And there was Tricia, who loved to suck Jenny's cunt as
much as Barb did. Barb stopped by one day while Tricia and Jenny were
sixty-nining, and Barb nearly had a heart attack as she joined in the
action and sucked off both squirming, squealing teenagers.

Then there was Coach Peters. Jenny was getting in the habit of stopping
by his office after gymnastics practice and turning her ass up for him
to lick and fuck. Sometimes when she stopped by his office his door was
locked and she could hear some other girl giggling and gasping as the
coach worked her over, and that always made Jenny fume with jealousy.
Despite her fuming, however, she usually pressed her ear to the door
and listened to every gasp and grunt, jerking herself off as she

One afternoon when Jenny got home from school, her ass and cunt still
throbbing from the after-practice workout the coach's cock had given
them, the coach's cum oozing from her asshole, she stepped through the
front door of the house and found three naked boys sprawled on the
floor in the living room. The boys were Skip and two of his buddies
from the wrestling team. They had the TV on and were jacking off as
they watched a video porn movie Skip had got hold of. All three boys
sat up and let go of their cocks as Jenny walked into the room.

"Hey, Sis," Skip said. "We've been waiting for you. Take off your
clothes and get comfortable."

Jenny flushed. It was obvious that Skip had been blabbing to his
buddies about his having fucked her, and now it was obvious that his
two buddies wanted to fuck her too.

"This is Todd," Skip said, nodding toward the redheaded boy sitting on
the floor to Skip's right. "And this is Greg."

Greg was short and stocky, with black hair and a thick stubby cock.
Todd was tall and gangly, with an uncut cock almost as big as Skip's.

Jenny's tongue almost dropped out as she eyed the three rigid cocks
waiting for her. On the TV screen an actress was shrieking. Jenny
dropped her books on a chair and shakily began taking off her clothes,
starting with her shoes. The three boys watched her every move,
salivating as if they were going to eat her alive.

"Man, your sister's one hot chick!" Greg said. He grabbed his cock and
started to stroke it. "Great tits."

"She does everything," Skip said. "She can't get enough hard prick."

"I got some hard prick for her," Todd said. He held his cock at the
base of the shaft, waving it at Jenny like a club. His foreskin was
pulled back nearly off his knob, and the fuck-lube oozed from his

Skip turned off the TV.

"We don't need this on anymore," he said. "Not when we got the real

Jenny stood naked in front of the three boys, quivering from head to
toes. She reached up behind her head and took down her ponytail,
letting her long blonde hair hang freely halfway down her back. As she
eyed the boys' throbbing cocks, pussy-juice started leaking down
between her thighs.

"So, what you guys wanna do?" Skip asked.

"I want a blow-job," said Greg. He stood up, his hands on his hips, his
thick cock ready to split out of its foreskin from hardness.

Jenny took one look at Greg's lube-oozing prick and she went down on
her knees in front of him. She swallowed his cock to the balls, burying
her nose in his thatch of black groin hair. The cock tasted sweaty. It
was red-hot and harder than a bone. As Jenny started to suck, Greg's
ball swelled and lifted in their sac, and he moaned, wrapping his hands
around Jenny's head.

"Yeah, baby, suck that thing!" Greg humped into Jenny's mouth, rubbing
the underside of his cock against her tongue. His dark eyes rolled with
pleasure. The muscles of his body undulated under his smooth skin.

"She sure loves prick," Todd said, sliding the foreskin up and down his

"She loves to eat cum," Skip said. "I can't feed her enough of it."

"She can eat my cum anytime," Todd said.

"Mmmm yeahhh, baby, suck it!" Greg wrapped his fingers in Jenny's hair,
dug his fingernails into her scalp, and thrust forward, ramming his
cock rapidly in and out of her mouth. "Shit, she's good! Yeah, lick it
right there!"

Jenny twirled her tongue at the underside of Greg's cock as he slipped

it in and out. She could taste the salty gobs of his fuck-lube as they
rolled out of his pisshole and down her throat. She closed her eyes,
enjoying the sensation of having a sweaty, rock-hard cock stuffing her
face. As the cock slipped in and out, itchy fuck-sensations saturated
her lips and tongue and excitement pulsed through her body. She rammed
a finger up her pussy and started jerking off.

"Hot!" Todd gasped. "Look at that horny little bitch finger-fuck her
pussy! Christ, there's juice running down her legs.

"She's a juicy bitch," Skip said. "I've never fucked one juicier."

"Man!" Todd yelled.

He crawled on his hands and knees around behind Jenny, his hand jerking
up and down his prick, and crouching low, he shoved his red head
between her thighs from behind. His hot tongue lapped up the juice
running down the insides of Jenny's thighs.

"Tastes great!"

As Jenny sucked Greg's cock, she turned up her ass, wiggling it in

Todd's face. Todd plunged his nose between her asscheeks, his tongue
slurping at her crotch as Jenny finger-fucked herself. Todd licked up
Jenny's asscrack and shoved his tongue in her recently fucked asshole,
rimming her, eating her asshole out.
"Damn, this is hot!" Greg panted, ramming his cock faster and faster in
Jenny's mouth. "What a girl!"

Jenny groaned, sucking vigorously, her tongue churning nonstop at the

sensitive underside of Greg's cock. Todd's tongue in her asshole made
her squirm. She gazed up seductively at Greg, showing him her cute,
sexy blue eyes. Greg looked as if he were going to pass out with
pleasure. His cock began to pulse and quiver in Jenny's mouth.

"I'm coming!" Greg gasped. "Yeah, eat it!"

He rammed his cock to the hilt into Jenny's mouth. His body shuddered,
his cock flexed, and a stream of hot spunk splashed against Jenny's

Jenny gulped, guzzling the hot, slimy jism. It was salty, but much
sweeter tasting than she'd expected. She cooed, sucking rhythmically,
delighting at each buck and spurt of the boy's hot prick between her

Greg moaned, ramming his cock into Jenny's mouth again and again and
again. "Eat my load! Suck out my cum!"

At last as Greg pulled his cock out of Jenny's mouth and staggered over
to the couch to collapse on it, Todd slipped his tongue out of Jenny's
asshole and slid up behind her. "I wanna fuck your hot little shitter,"
Todd growled in Jenny's ear.

Jenny shivered. "Mmmm, stick it in!"

"Yeahhhh," Todd said. He spit in his hands and smeared his cock with
the spit. Jenny dropped forward onto her hands and knees so Todd would
have a better angle to penetrate her, and she turned up her sexy, jizz-
oozing ass at him. Todd took one look at her twitching pucker and
rammed his cockhead against it. Her asshole opened and sucked Todd's
cock in all the way.

"Ahhhhh!" Todd groaned. "What a hole! I've never fucked a girl's

asshole this easy!"

"That's 'cause I taught her how to relax," Skip said. "Plus, I've
reamed her out about a hundred times."

"She's so tight," Todd said, sliding his cock in and out and groaning
with pleasure.

"Tight but slick," Skip said. "I've never fucked a better ass."

As Todd humped Jenny's ass, moaning deliriously with each screw, Skip
kneeled in front of Jenny so she could suck his cock. Jenny stuck the
middle finger of her right hand up her cunt, beating off as she ass-
fucked Todd's cock and sucked on Skip.

"Suck slow and easy, Skip said. "I don't wanna come right off. Careful
with that tongue."

Jenny was so experienced at sucking Skip's cock by now that she'd

learned exactly how to pleasure it to bring him off in seconds. All she
had to do was get her tongue under his foreskin and tongue his knob,
which drove him nuts, then slurp the underside of his knob a few times
while sucking his shaft. If she hit just the right spot, he'd be
gushing like a geyser in seconds.

"Sis, watch that tongue!" Skip cautioned as Jenny started getting too

"I'm in fuck-heaven!" Todd groaned, his hands clutching Jenny's loins,

his own loins swinging, driving his rigid cock up Jenny's asshole again
and again. "I swear, this asshole feels better than any pussy I've ever

"Try out her pussy," Skip said. "See what you think."

"I think I will," Todd said.

As Todd slipped his cock out of Jenny's asshole, Jenny pulled her
finger out of her cunt and turned her ass up higher. Todd pushed the
bulbous head of his cock between Jenny's pussy-lips, and with an easy
thrust, he buried his entire cock up her cunt.

"Ahhhhh!" Todd groaned, his eyes rolling back. "Tight, hot pussy!"

He fucked rapidly, grunting with each thrust. His belly smack against
Jenny's ass.

Jenny squealed, sucking harder on Skip's cock, wiggling her ass as Todd
screwed her pussy.

"What do you think?" Skip asked, panting as Jenny sucked his cock.

"Feels great!" Todd gasped. "Different, but just as good! This girl's
got the best-feeling holes I've ever fucked!"

Skip laughed. "You ought to feel her mouth." He pulled his cock out of
Jenny's Mouth. "Come on, Todd, try out her mouth."

"I like this," Todd said. "Any hole I want I can stick it in is mine."
He pulled his cock out of Jenny's pussy. It was dripping with her fuck-
juices. On his knees, he moved around in front of Jenny and stuck his
cunt-wet cock in her mouth.

Jenny stuck her tongue under Todd's foreskin and started slurping,
twirling her tongue around and around his knob.

"Awww, yeahhhh!" Todd groaned. "What a mouth! What a hot, electric

tongue! Suck my prong, you jizz-hungry slut!"

Jenny stuck her finger back up her cunt, jerking off as she sucked and
licked Todd's cunt-flavored cock. There was something wickedly exciting
about sucking Todd's cock right after he'd pulled it out of her cunt,
and she sucked greedily, twisting her blonde head from side to side.
Her tongue twirled and churned, pleasuring the most sensitive parts of
Todd's bucking teen cock. In a matter of seconds the cock flexed hard
in Jenny's mouth and began to spurt.

"I'm cumming!" Todd grunted. "Jesus, ahhhh!" He rammed his cock to the
hilt down Jenny's throat, then humped rhythmically, spurting again and
again. "Eat it, bitch!"
Jenny was delirious. The potent aroma of hot spunk filled her head. She
choked as the cum flooded her throat and overflowed her mouth. Todd's
cock was big, and the head of it kept lodging in Jenny's throat as the
spunk shot from the pisshole. Jenny gulped as best she could, but cum
escaped her mouth and dripped from her chin.

"Look at that chick suck cock!" Greg said, getting up off the couch,
his cock in his hand. He watched closely as Jenny gulped down Todd's

Next to Greg, Skip stood beating his own cock, smiling as Jenny
struggled with Todd's bucking cock as if she'd swallowed a rattlesnake.
"Way to go, Sis! eat that cock! Guzzle that slop!"

Jenny closed her eyes, gulped a throatful of spunk, and exploded

between her legs as her finger knifed in her pussy. She squeezed her
thighs together, shimmying them, squirming as the jolts of electric
pleasure surged through her body. Pussy-juice gushed out of her,
running like hot sap between her thighs. She opened her eyes and saw
all three boys watching her, and their ogling attention turned her on
even more. She rolled her glazed eyes at them, her body spasming with

"Sexy fucking chick!" Greg panted, jerking on his cock.

Chapter 12

Jenny had hardly finished spasming when Greg rolled her onto her back
on the floor and sprawled out on top of her. He had his legs between
her thighs and he forced them further apart so he could stick his cock
up her pussy. Jenny gasped as the hot, stiff cock began to fuck her
feverishly spasmed crotch. Her arms and legs closed around the grunting
boy, crushing his muscular body against her, hugging him tightly in an
effort to slow down his thrusting.

"Please, my pussy's sensitive!" Jenny gasped, and her eyes almost

popped out as Greg's searing-hot cock kissed her G-spot.

"Slow down, billy-goat," Skip said to Greg. "You're gonna blow your
nuts before you've had any fun."

"I'm having fun," Greg grunted, humping fast and hard, driving his
rigid cock up Jenny's pussy again and again. "Feels so fucking good!"

"Roll over on your back," Skip said. "Pull her on top of you. I wanna
screw her asshole."

"Huh?" Greg threw a puzzled glance over his shoulder at Skip. His loins
kept moving.

Skip gave Greg a push with his foot, rolling Greg and Jenny onto their
sides. Greg fell onto his back and Jenny, clinging to him, came down on
top of him. Now she was on top with Greg beneath her, humping upward
into her cunt. Skip got down over Jenny from behind and started working
his cock into her asshole.
"Oooooh yessss!" Jenny purred, shaking with excitement.

She was going to be fucked by two cocks at once--one up the cunt, one
up the asshole. As Skip's cock slipped to the hilt up her asshole, her
mouth gaped from the pressure in her loins. The two cocks felt enormous
inside her, as big as arms.

Greg gnawed the front of Jenny's neck, sucked up flesh and gave her
hickies. Skip gnawed the back of Jenny's neck, nuzzling under her
blonde hair, giving her goosebumps that covered her entire body. Jenny
squirmed crazily between the two rutting teenagers, groaning and
panting, her ass wiggling with wild gyrations.

"Fuck me!" she squealed. "Ooooh fuck me!" The two cocks were like two
hot, oiled snakes sliding in and out of her. Each screwing thrust sent
fuck sensations shooting to her toes.

Todd came over and kneeled in front of Jenny. His big uncut cock was
hard again, and he was working it in his fist, jerking the foreskin up
and down. Fuck-lube oozed from the pisshole, greasing the shiny knob,
leaking under his foreskin. Jenny stuck her tongue out, and Todd shoved
his cock in Jenny's mouth.

Jenny's eyes crossed, turned back, rolled deliriously. She'd never been
so stuffed with cock. Her every fuckhole was filled with hard,
throbbing dick. She salivated profusely, sucking Todd's cock. Her
asshole and cunt tightened, sucking the cocks of Greg and Skip. She was
in fuck heaven, and she wanted it to last forever.

The boys grunted and moaned, getting hotter and sweatier as they worked
their teen cocks inside her. Her lips smacked. The cocks in her cunt
and asshole made squashing sounds as they rubbed her juicy fuckmeat.
She nearly came each time she felt the three cocks swell and pulsate in
her pussy, ass, and mouth.

"I'm getting fucking close!" Greg panted.

"Let's come together," Skip said. "I'll blast her asshole and you blast
her cunt."

"Yeah," Greg said, thrusting faster, knifing his cock up Jenny's pussy.
"Yeah! Yeahhh, let's shoot!"

"Yeahhh!" Skip moaned, thrusting rapidly up Jenny's asshole. "Let's

cream this bitch!"

Jenny nearly jumped out of her skin from the sensation of the two hard
cocks pistoning in her loins. Her toes clutched. Her nipples hardened
as she rubbed them against Greg's chest. She felt the two cocks growing
larger and harder inside her.

Greg was humping like a jackrabbit, thrusting upward, his back arched,
all his strength directed into fucking Jenny's pussy. Jenny's fuck-
juices washed down over his balls.

"I'm gonna come!" Greg panted. "Shit!"

"Here I go!" Skip moaned. "Here it comes!"

The two cocks flexed murderously hard inside Jenny, flexed in unison,
flexed and shuddered, shuddered and shot off. Hot spunk gushed into
Jenny's loins, splashing in her pussy, splashing in her bowels.

"Ahhhhh!" Greg and Skip moaned in unison. "Ahhhhhh!"

Jenny would have screamed if Todd's cock hadn't been stuffed in her
mouth to keep her quiet. She could feel the hot spunk shooting inside
her, could feel every flex and quiver and ejaculation of the two cocks
impaling her loins. She wiggled her ass in a frenzy of lust, and
suddenly she exploded. Todd yanked his cock out of her mouth as she bit
into it, and Jenny wailed louder than Greg and Skip together. The
pleasure was nearly unbearable.

Greg and Skip gasped as Jenny's fuckholes rapidly milked their bucking,
spurting cocks. Greg let out a whimper, his body shivering, his cock
nearly jumping out of its skin in Jenny's hard-sucking pussy. Skip kept
humping, pleasuring his cock in Jenny's contracting shithole. Jenny
writhed between the muscular boys, gasping and shrieking until every
twinge of spastic ecstasy had been milked from her loins.

Skip pulled his cock out and rolled off. Greg pushed Jenny away and
rolled out from under her. Before Jenny could collapse against the
floor and relax, Todd grabbed her from behind and pulled her to her
hands and knees. Kneeling up behind her, he stuck his cock up her jizz-
oozing cunt.

"This is living!" Todd sighed. "All the pussy and ass a guy could want.

His fingers clutching Jenny's hips, he plunged his cock up her pussy
again and again.

Jenny, who'd just experienced two orgasms in close succession, shrieked

from the intense stimulation of a hard cock ramming her pussy. Her cunt
was so sensitive that Todd's fucking was nearly unbearable. She pleaded
with him to stop, to give her a break, but his itch-saturated cock was
not about to pull out of the hole that gave it satisfaction.

"I'm gonna fuck you to death!" Todd muttered, screwing faster, his
belly slamming Jenny's upturned ass. "Ahhh, yeahhhhh!"

As Todd fucked, Greg's cum bubbled from Jenny's cunt and creamed Todd's
balls. His fat cock rammed her deep, the head of it popping in and out
of her womb.

Jenny whined as if she were being whipped, her entire body shuddering.
For a few moments she thought she would pass out, then her cunt began
to suck as the ultra-sensitivity of her pussy gave way to a throbbing,
aching lust. Gnawing her lips, she began to churn her ass, screwing her
cunt on Todd's cock.

"Give it to me! Fuck me!"

"Jesus!" Todd gasped, his eyes nearly popping out. "What a pussy!"

He hugged Jenny's loins, ramming her hard-sucking cunt, plunging his

cock in the depths of her pussy.
Jenny leered, tossing her blonde head from side to side, churning her
ass. Her tits wobbled under her. Her toes clutched with each rush of
sensations through her body. She tightened her pussy, trying to tease
the spunk from Todd's balls.

"I'm gonna cum!" Todd groaned. "Fuck!" He fell forward over Jenny, his
arms around her loins, his own loins jerking. His eyes rolled back and
his body shook. His jism spurted up Jenny's cunt. "Ahhhhhhh!"

Jenny cooed, contracting her cunt to the rhythm of Todd's spurting. As

her loins tightened, Skip's cum seeped from her asshole, trickling down
her asscrack. Todd humped and grunted until he'd squeezed every drop of
spunk and pleasure from his cock. As he pulled out, some of Skip's cum
leaking down Jenny's asscrack dribbled onto his prickhead.

Before Jenny had a chance to move, Greg was kneeling behind her. He
grabbed her ass and stuck his cock up her asshole. "Ahhhh!"

"Don't you guys ever go soft?" Jenny said. Giving Greg a seductive leer
over her shoulder, she began to rotate her ass.

Skip kneeled in front of Jenny. Wrapping his left-hand fingers in her

blonde hair and keeping her face turned up, he began to jack off near
her mouth. She flicked her tongue at his pisshole, catching the drips
of his warm fuck-lube.

"You guys like my sister?" Skip panted as he stroked his stiff cock

Todd, who was lying on the couch in a daze, grunted. Greg, whose tongue
was hanging out like a dog's as he humped Jenny's ass, groaned

"Animals," Skip said. "All you wanna do is sleep and fuck--just like

It took Greg less than two minutes of ass-humping before he shot off.
He moaned as if being whipped, "Awwwwwww!" and emptied his third load
of spunk into Jenny's body,

Skip watched for a few seconds as Greg humped spastically against

Jenny's smooth white buttocks, then looked downward. Brother and sister
gazed into each other's eyes.

"Sis!" Skip cried.

"Skip!" Jenny shouted.

Cum burst from Skip's cock, drenching Jenny's face. Cum ran down her
neck and tits, dripping from her nipples. Skip stuffed his cock into
Jenny's mouth, crushing her upper lips painfully against her teeth in
his haste. He shoved it down her throat, catching her unprepared,
causing her throat to burn and her eyes to water as she fought the gag
reflex. He shot his cum straight down her gullet.

Jenny pushed forward, ignoring the pain of Skip's hand twisting in her
hair, swallowed his magnificent cock clear to the root, buried her nose
in Skip's pubic hair and gulped her brother's delicious cum as she
began to spasm.
The End

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