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Remedial worksheet

Name:__________________________ grade:________date:____________
1. Read the following text, highlight 5 verbs in past and answer the questions.
(10 pts)
Corpse Bride

Victor headed into the dark forest that surrounds the town. Once alone, he was able to
recite his vows perfectly, even going so far as to gently place the wedding ring on a tree
root as a finishing touch. But, after all, it was not a root.

Terrifyingly, the strange and beautiful decomposing body of a woman wearing the tattered
remains of a wedding dress rose from the ground, with Victoria's ring on her bony finger.
It seems that Victor had inadvertently become engaged to the Corpse Bride.

Ever since she was mysteriously murdered on her wedding night, the Corpse Bride has
waited, heartbroken, for her bridegroom to return and claim her. While her heart may
have long since stopped beating, her search for her true love, and for a husband to share
her eternal rest with, is not over. Victor mistakenly became that boyfriend and is dragged
underground to the Land of the Dead, a tumultuous role reversal of the dull life he's
always known - in the Land of the Dead, the pubs are always open, and the corpses are
fuller of life than anything to be found upstairs in the dull and bleak Country of the

Victor tried in vain to find his way back to Victoria, who was waiting disconsolately in the
Land of the Living, unable to convince anyone that a dead woman has dragged her fiancé
to the underworld. Instead of helping his daughter, the Everglots hastily arrange a second
marriage, this time to the mysterious and sinister Barkis Bittern, who just happens to be
in the right place at the right time to hold Victoria's hand.

a. Why did Victor go to the forest?

b. How did she die?
c. What was she doing in the forest?
d. How does Victor get engaged to the corpse bride?
e. What did Victoria's family do in the face of Victor's mysterious disappearance?

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