Why Pyrotechnic Should Be Illegal

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Why Pyrotechnic Should Be Illegal

By: Dave p. Samson

There are few things that can draw a good crowd like a fireworks show .
Watching the skies light up with dazzling colors and designs at a festival , or lighting
your own in the backyard, can bring people together . But that beautiful spectacle
could come at a cost to our environment and our health .In this essay I will explain
why fireworks should be banned from in all forms of use.

A study by Tree Hugger, fireworks in the U.S. emit about 60,340 metric

tons of CO2 every year alone, put in the other perspective if added countries are
included how much do you think C02 is being produced . The use of pyrotechnics
during a new years eve NOAA study shows they temporarily increase particulate
pollution by an average of 42 percent. This dramatic change of air safety level will
result for respiratory conditions and others side effects due to the exposure of
dangerous particles that might still be airborne after the explosion or lighting a
pyrotechnic. Not only in using pyrotechnics pollution is created but also in making
them, factories in making pyrotechnics do not all used echo friendly materials in
which case plastic for example. There are more ways to celebrate without the use
of pyrotechnics

Property Damage and Safety Hazard. Every year, Many buildings are
engulfed in flames because of fireworks that have gotten onto their roof and
started a fire which soon got out of control. People getting injured and deaths
ensued just because of small spectacle called pyrotechnics. For what do we
celebrate I ask. It’s not for pyrotechnics we celebrate but for us to come together
and enjoy life as we live in and not wasting it with just a Bang!.

A Great stress to Animals. Pyrotechnics like fireworks frighten,

disorient and disturb wild animals. Our pets for example panic’s and cause
injury to themselves while trying to escape, some may run away, and some
may react with aggression. The night-blind birds crashed into houses, signs, and
other obstacles, causing blunt-force trauma and death. Fireworks can also
interrupt their natural feeding and breeding behaviors and even cause them
to abandon their young. There still many reasons why you shouldn’t use
pyrotechnics and on this essay are some of them. Still interesting in using

In conclusion, a Pyrotechnic is brilliant performance or display of

fireworks, especially of a specified skill. The use of small spectacle could come
at a cost not just to ourselves but others including also to our environment. Not
only with the use pyrotechnic we can celebrate new year’s eve and other holidays
we can also use alternatives like playing games, chatting with your love ones,
instead of endangering yourself and others. Some of the result in using them
includes air pollution, property damage and safety hazard and a great stress

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