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 Village of Galilee, located North of

LESSON #3 Nazareth, and the site of Jesus' first
miracle (Jn 2:1-11)
Geography of PALESTINE
Land of Jesus
 Jesus would have taught here frequently.
 what we call today as Palestine  It has an ornamental shell which would have
 145 miles from north to south, and anywhere been the top part of the cabinet where the
from 25 to 85 miles from its western coast at Torah and Old Testament Scrolls would have
the Mediterranean sea to its eastern boarder been kept.
 This land is often referred to in the
Scriptures as the Land of Israel, and in Jesus Seat of Moses
' time it was most often called the Land of  An unusual find in the ruins of the
Canaan, The Promised land, or the Land synagogue was a Seat of Moses carved out
of Judah. The Greeks named it Palestine of a single basalt block.
after the Philistines who had inhabited the  -The "Seat of Moses” was a phrase used by
coastal area at one time. Palestine is Jesus to signify the place of authority that
considered the Heart of the Orient because the Scribes and Pharisees had in interpreting
it was here that most biblical events took the Law and exercising their authority over
place the Jewish people.
Galilee Capernaum
 The most Northerly region of Palestine  Little town located northwest of lake
and the most favored by nature. Among its Tiberias which served as headquarters for
flourishing towns were Cana, Chorazin, Jesus' ministry in Galilee (Mt 4:13). He
Nazareth, Capernaum, Bethsaida and, cured a paralytic man (Mk 2:1) and servant
Tiberias. The population was mostly of centurion (Mt 28:5-13).
Jewish, but there was a distinct Galilean
dialect ( Mt. 26: 73 ). The Galileans were Gennesaret
totally loyal to their religion and nation,
despite being regarded as ignorant and  Plain to the northwest of the Sea of Tiberias.
lawless by the Judeans ( Jn 7:41 ; Mk It gave its name to a town close to
14:70). Our Lord was reared in Galilee, Capernaum. Jesus sojourned there for a
where he spent the majority of his time long time (Mt 14:34).
preaching there, and all but one of his Magdala
apostles were from Galilee. -Judah From
Judea  A small port on the shore of Lake of
Tiberias; Mary Magdalene was from this
Galilee in the time of Jesus city (Lk 8: 2).

Bethsaida Mt. Tabor

 A fishing village, north of the Lake of  Tradition has placed the transfiguration of
Tiberius (Lk 9-10 ) and the birthplace of Jesus on this mountain (Lk 9: 28- 36) Mt.
Peter, Andrew and Philip. Jesus cured a Tabor stands majestically alone in a wide
blind man in this town (Mk 8:22 - 26) valley—it is the most prominent thing on
the landscape for miles and miles.
 A town in Galilee c. 2.5 miles north of
Capernaum. Because it remained  A city of Galilee where Jesus raised to life
unrepentant, Jesus denounced it (Mt a widow's only son who was being brought
11:21; Lk 10:13). In the ruins of the local to burial and restored him to her ( Lk 7: 11-
synagogue archaeologist found a "Moses 16)
seat" (Mt 23:2)
Nazareth them. This was done with success, and a
Christian community was early fromed
 The largest city in the Northern District among the Samaritans (Acts 8: 4- 17; 9: 31;
of Israel. Nazareth is known as "the Arab 15: 3)
capital of Israel. A town in Galilee where
Jesus spent his early life ( Mt 2:23; Lk 2: 39- Sychar
46) and the site of the annunciation of
 A place named only in John 4:5, as "a city of
Gabriel to Mary (Lk 1: 26- 38)
Samaria called Sychar, near the ground
Sea of Galilee which Jacob gave to Joseph his son; and
there was the well of Jacob."
 A lake that formed the eastern boundary of
Galilee. It was also called the Lake of Mount Gerizim
Gennesaret, from the plain on its northwest
 The center of Samaritan during the time of
corner ( Lk 5:1), and the Sea of Tiberias,
Jesus. In religion, the Samaritans
from the city of this name, the residence of
acknowledged the Pentateuch, Joshua, and
Herod Antipas (Jn 6: 1). The lake is about
Judges, but not the additional revelation or
13 miles long and six broad. In the shore,
Jewish traditional doctrine. They looked for
Jesus called Simon Peter; performed a
Messiah who would teach all truth (Jn 4:25).
miraculous catch of fish; and walked on the
In practice they worshipped the same God as
the Jews, and in such matters as Sabbaths
Tiberias and feasts, circumcision, and worship, they
did not dissent. But though vying with the
 Tiberias is an Israeli city on the western Jews in the strict observance of Mosaic
shore of the Sea of Galilee. Its Old City regulations, they disowned the Jerusalem
holds important Jewish and Christian temple and priesthood. The rival sanctuary
pilgrimage sites including the Tomb of of Gerizim they revered as their holy place
Maimonides and Abulafia (Etz Chaim) (Jn 4: 20)
Synagogue. City situated on the left bank of
the sea of Galilee which is thus called the JUDEA
Sea of Tiberias ( Jn 6: 1; 21:1)
 The most southern of the three district of
Samaria Palestine west of Jordan.
 Capital: Jerusalem
 Capital of the Kingdom of Israel  Places under the territory of Judea;
 Founded by Omri in 885 B.C ( 1 Kings Arimathea, Bethany, Bethlehem,
16:24), and destroyed by Sargon in 721 B.C Bethpage, Emmaus, Ephraim and
( 1 kings 18: 9- 12). It was rebuilt by Herod Jericho.
the Great who named it Sebaste in honor of  The seat of Roman procurator was
Augustus who gave it to him. The Caesarea
inhabitants of Samaria were mixed race,
 From its high rocky plateau it sloped toward
descended from the intermarriage of
the east through the Judean desert and
Israelites and Assyrian colonists. The enmity
toward the west through hills that led down
between the Jews and the Samaritans was so
to the philistine plain.
great that travelers between Galilee and
Judea often had to cross the Jordan into ARIMATHEA
Perea for Safety. In various uprisings, this
race was almost exterminated, and only a  Native City of Joseph, who buried the body
small remnant survives today. of Jesus in a new sepulchre on hiw own.

Samaria in the time of Jesus BETHANY

 Located two miles from jerualem.
 Jesus spent nights in this town during his
 Our Lord passed through their country more last week in jerusalem area
than once, and preached and worked  He also dined in the house of Simon the
miracles among the people (Lk 17: 1- 19). leper
He spoke well of them (Lk 10: 30- 37),  a village where Martha, Mary and their
defended them (Lk 9: 51- 56), and brother Lazarus lived.
commanded that the gospel be preached to
BETHLEHEM meanderings the stream itself is more than
double that. The width varies from 80-150
 Little town located in Judea, five miles to feet and the depth in summer from 4 to 12
the south of Jerusalem. It is the birthplace of feet.
David and Jesus  The river is generally hidden by a thick
 Bethlehem is an extremely old city During growth of willow. - There were many fords
this time, Bethlehem was known as which allow passage from the one bank to
“Ephrath” the other. - John the Baptist baptized Jesus in
the river. - acted as both an obstacle and
pathway. - Jordan River played an important
 In the Bible, it is called the Salt Sea and Sea role in preparing people for the ministry of
of Arabah Jesus Christ.
 the border of the Promised Land, Israel.
 makes any marine life impossible.
 has no outlet and so is subject to intense  A confederation of ten or more pagan cities,
evaporation leaving the waters with an each of which had its own suburban
unusual high level percentage of salts of territory, lying mostly east of Jordan, from
magnesium, sodium and calcium. Damascus on the north almost to the region
of the Dead Sea.
EMMAUS  The cities of Decapolis were the site of some
 Village situated about twenty miles from of Jesus' miracles.
Jerusalem. o Scythopolis
 Two disciples were on the way there when o Philadelphia
Jesus appeared to them on the evening of the o Raphanae
resurrection. o Gadara
o Hippos
 The word, which signifies "oil press," o Pella
became the name for the plantation of olive o Gerasa
trees located opposite the temple of o Canatha
Jerusalem, east of the torrent of Kidron. o Damascus
 This is the "Mount of Olives," scene of
Christ's agony and betrayal (Mt 26:36-56) JERUSALEM

GOLGOTHA  The form "Yerushalaim" or "Yerushalayim"

first appears in the Hebrew Bible which
 Aramaic word signifying "skull place,". It means a vision of peace.
was the name of hill located in the northwest  The origin of the name seems to be
of the city of Jerusalem. "Ursalim" which signifies foundation of
 Those condemned executed there, and it was Salem, a Canaanite divinity.
here that Jesus suffered crucifixion (Mt
27:33). QUMRAN
 The latin rendering of this word is Calvaria  Qumran was inhabited by a Jewish
which is the origin of the word "Calvary". community of the late Second Temple
JERICHO period, which most scholars identify with
the mystic sect of the Essenes.
 City of Palestine made famous by Joshua's
victory (Jos 6:1-20). IDUMEA
 Jesus encountered Zaccheus there (Lk 19:1-  In New Testament times, it's a district to the
10) and situated his parable of the Good south and east of Judea occupied by the
Samaritan (Lk 10:29-33). descendants of the ancient Edomites (Mk
 Herod the Great belonged to a leading
 The foremost river of Palestine. From the Idumean family.
Lebanons to the Dead Sea it covers a
distance of 125 miles, though its
 Region comprising Mount Lebanon and the
coastal area from Carmel along the
Mediterranean. It belonged to the province
of Syria. Known as Tyre and Sidon in the
Old Testament, it was included in the
promised land but never conquered (Jos
 The healing of the Canaanite
(Syrophoenician) woman's daughter
tormented by a demon took place in this
region (Mt 15:21-28).

 A port restored by Herod the Great on the
Mediterranean between Carmel and Jaffia.
This Town was the residence of the Roman
procurator of Judea and the home of Philip
and Cornelius (Acts 8:40; 10:1)
 Caesarea was originally called Straton's
Tower after its founder Straton( ruler of
Sidon)in the 4th century BCE, Herod
renamed the city Caesarea in honor of the
emperor, Augustus BCE—died 34 CE), son
of Herod I the Great and Cleopatra of

 It designates the territories given by Herod
the Great to his son Philip
 Philip, also called Philip the Tetrarch or
Herod Philip, (born 20 BCE—died 34 CE),
son of Herod I the Great and Cleopatra of
Jerusalem. (Picture)

 Situated to the North, near the sources of the
Jordan River, it was founded by Philip, son
of Herod the Great founded and built it in
honor of the Roman Emperor

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