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Bendyshock and the Infinite Ink Machine

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Category: Multi
Fandom: Bendy and the Ink Machine, BioShock Infinite, BioShock 1 & 2 (Video
Relationship: Robert Lutece/Rosalind Lutece, Henry Stein/Linda Stein, Susie
Campbell/Joey Drew, Wally Franks & Sammy Lawrence
Character: Robert Lutece, Rosalind Lutece, Henry Stein, Joey Drew, Sammy
Lawrence, Jack Fain, Jack (BioShock), Sander Cohen, Elizabeth
(BioShock), Daisy Fitzroy, Bertrum Piedmont, Lacie Benton, Alice Angel
(Bendy and the Ink Machine), Susie Campbell, Allison Angel, Wally
Franks, Buddy Lewek, Songbird (BioShock), Original Bendy and the Ink
Machine Character(s), Murray Hill, Wilson Arch
Additional Tags: Major Character Injury, Past Character Death, Rebellion, Period-Typical
Homophobia, Period-Typical Sexism, Period-Typical Racism, POV
Alternating, Dimension Travel, Alternate Universe - Gender Changes,
Plasmids (BioShock), Platonic Relationships, Past Relationship(s)
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2020-09-25 Completed: 2022-12-21 Words: 10,566
Chapters: 9/9

Bendyshock and the Infinite Ink Machine

by Mecha9Viceroy74


When a syphon opens up in an alternative version of Columbia that should not exist,
something is bound to go wrong, especially for the people already living in the dimension.
Can our unlikely hero Henriette Stein travel through alternate versions of the Sillyvision
studio, stop the Ink Machine from ruining time and space and get along with alternate
versions of herself, or himself?
Prologue: The Creator's Fall
Chapter Summary

What exactly happened before Henry's counterpart rose to the task of fair Columbia's
cartoon studio? Nothing but a ritual gone wrong, a studio fire and the other creator's
fall from her studio and grace itself, after nearly everybody died of course. But are you
brave enough to see the Creator's Fall?

As the menu title card of the Bendyshock and the Infinite Machine faded out to the sound of a
violin, a woman's voice talks over the sound of sea waves as a trio of people drive over to the
lighthouse on the Maine coast. Her Shadow forms a vaguely female silhouette.

"Dreams are funny little things. With enough enthusiasm or determination, you can make them
come true. But mine was a hefty one, that cost oh so many people their own and that was just the
people we knew. I should have told you sooner Stein, it hurts having to lie like this about what
became of our creations. But we both know that Columbia would have been too dangerous had you
returned during the war. Let me send you a letter, so that you can fix what I made."

Another voice, this one belonging to a male silhouette asked the other narrator. "Are you really
sure this is wise? If the Prime finds out what you intend for our hero to achieve, he might try and
push back against us and all the other versions of Henry." The female silhouette just responds back
as she is busy signing a letter.

"Regretfully brother despite our differences, that Machine could force us back into the script he
seems to be forcing other worlds to follow, even that of our own. I wish I never installed the
machine now. The workers called me wicked, the papers brought my misdeeds to light and what I
failed to do during that event haunts me even now."

The male figure briefly reveals his silhouette to have a double breasted three piece suit as he sighs
back. "You couldn't have known about the lengths Fink or the other Founders was willing to go to
keep you and everybody else in your world under their thumb in Columbia. What was is like when
yours went wrong?"

"Beautiful, yet terrifying, not just due to Songbird my fellow Drew. Let me think back a bit." The
narrator replies back as she narrates while showing a burn scarred hand.

"It happened barely six months after she, no Henrietta left the studio and shortly before Christmas
Eve during the year 1946.. It was meant to be our final showing of the Christmas shorts and the
final episode. Fate had other ideas in mind for us. I should have pushed harder to succeed, or was it
less to ease the other's pain? I can't even remember why I wrote this letter in the first place."

She shut her eyes and took a few deep breaths, as something bitter and sad threatened to break her
façade of calm over the Drew Campbell studios, or Sillyvision Studios as the workers unofficially
called it. But then again, something had seemed too wrong about the way one of the workers had
acted back then... Or maybe there had been more than one sign of something going amiss in
Something was wrong today on the Sillyvision Court Theatre, during Christmas Eve on the year
1946, barely a year after WW2 ended. However our protagonist of the moment is not the Henry
Stein of this universe, for she has already left the Sillyvision Studio of Columbia to stay in
California with her own counterpart of Linda Stein.

Instead as the cutscene pans out at the sound of an explosion in the lower levels that catches fire,
the vague female silhouette of this universe's version of Joey Drew himself is shown as the player
takes control of her as she nearly falls asleep on her desk, only to wake up at the smell of smoke.

She mutters in concern, while getting up. "A fire, here in Sillyvison Studios before Christmas? This
is ridiculous, that Fink said I would have the best foundations for the studio. It appears I need to
sound the fire warning tannoy and ensure we all evacuate in time before the fire kills us all. no
thanks to the shoddy architecture."

So the player's first objective is to head over to the office of Mr Rodriguez after you leave the
office with the administration corridors as the black secretary winces in the second cutscene of the
prologue. "What seems to be the issue Mrs Drew, or is it Campbell now? "

Mrs Drew replies back with concern. "Mr Rodriguez, can you call the Columbia Fire Protection
Association. I smelled smoke in my office and we need to get everybody out and quickly! Before
everybody dies or the Lutece particles get disrupted!" He turns pale in his brown suit, before
saying as he taps his finger.

"A fire here in the studio Mrs Drew? So soon before Christmas? Right, I'll get on it. We probably
should have picked New York and not here as the studio location, but oh well. Can't say that to
Fink's face. Guess the hydrogen could go any moment." So Rodriguez goes to send a fax and a
telephone dial elsewhere in the admin department leaving the tannoy ready for Josie to use.

Then as she heads over to the tannoy, she called out on the emergency broadcast. " Dear
department heads and employees at Sillyvision, otherwise known as Josephine Drew-Campbell
Studios, I have an urgent announcement to make tonight. Unfortunately there is a fire which has
sparked in our studio, which could cause a lethal explosion, do not try to fight the fire by yourself.
So please remain calm and follow evacuation procedures until the Columbia .Fire .Protection
.Aeronauts arrive. Please do not take any valuables with you, because they could catch on fire. For
the love of God nobody had better have taken a smoke on my watch! That is all, thank you for
listening to the DCC broadcast."

Then a new objective appears on the clipboard. Objective: Warn the department heads and head to
the fire exit. Josie also sighs while leafing through the keychain of studio keys. "I probably don't
need my pistol while talking to Benton and Piedmont or the others, but I'm keeping it with me and
the keys for the Vigor dispensers."

You then walk over to to the admin office and have to unlock the Vigor emergency vials dispensers
including a small purple vial with butterfly wings and some inky yellow, brown and monochrome
vials. As the Bertrum Piedmont, Grant Cohen, Shawn Flynn, Thomas Conner and Susie Campbell
counterparts all are queuing outside the admin department as the cutscene plays.

"Samuel, why are you here? There's a fire going on here and I don't think Mr Pendle is off sick. I
need to get everybody out and quick." Samuel scoffs in annoyance as he mutters back. "Well some
of us would rather not be here. Somebody has to keep an eye for the Devil, Wolf and Angel hun,
despite our past spats. If we get through this alive, I want to have my old job back."

Thomas's counterpart mutters with her slight Virginia accent as she adjusts her sleeves with her
good hand. " Samuel Campbell, you'll be lucky if the celloids doesn't catch fire and take us all with
them , along with everything else in this building. Hey Mrs Piedmont, you shut down all the theme
park electrics with Benton, right? We don't need them burning as well , electrical fires are murder
to put out."

Bertrum's counterpart nods her grey hairbunned head as she replies while towering over Josie. "Of
course I already did that, Mrs Campbell. The great Bertrude Piedmont does not deal in cheapness.
You go warn the other Gent employees Tanya, I shall assist the carnival workers with evacuation."
Shawn's counterpart, Shauna scowls at Josie Drew while chewing a pie. "What do ya want boss? I
was having my dinner. This about the fire?"

"Shauna, I know I've been a horrid boss lately. But I need your help to evacuate everybody
working in the heavenly toys warehouse. Surely ensuring we can all get out alive is the best course
of action?" The toymaker just raised her eyes at Drew, as if suspecting her of hiding something. "
Oh. Sure. Lawrence has been acting weird lately. I already stopped the toy belts yesterday Drew.
Eh, at least you aren't flying off the handle at me for some of the time."

This was troubling, as our hero twitched an eyebrow, while Shauna leaves the admin department.
"I should've checked up sooner with her and Hill, before the Christmas rush. The writing was on
the wall the moment I built that massive machine. We need to get out of here and quick Flynn,
before we all are killed!"

Meanwhile Murrina Hill the co-architect was looking at the ink machine as she muttered. "This
wasn't meant to happen, I didn't plan for this! I can't let the others see what gifts the machine gave
me, yet." Then she vanished ,although Tanya looked around in confusion. "Where'd you go
Murrina? We need all electrical equipment shut down, before the fire gets worse!"

The nervous glances, at the smoke, the ink and everybody's footsteps made it hard to move around
through the workplace and holler at everybody. Which probably was why the vague whispers
involving Daveigh, Rickie and Jacque going missing as Buffy Lewek and Derek gulps nervously
"A fire here! We need to get out of here and quick, before that ink. gets us!"

At a silhouette wearing a Bendy mask and carrying an ax arguing with a figure carrying a wrench
and a welding mask were standing near the circle, only for the welding figure to vanish as the three
people fled out of the door, much to the masked figure's dismay as she removed her own mask,
revealing herself to be an alternate version of Sammy Lawrence.

As this universe's version of Sammy Lawrence comes out of the theatre to try and give chase, it
was clear she is suffering from Vigor addiction and ink obsession at the same time as she holds an
axe in her hand and groans while nearly coughing up a black liquid which concerned everyone
along with the sweats.

"For once it's pitiful to see you Josie Drew. You think you can conduct our goddess's whims." This
does not impress Josie as she replies while visibly horrified. "Mrs Samantha Lawrence what
goddess? Who put those words into your head? Did you mishear what I said on the tannoy, there is
a fire in the building right now! I need you to get everybody in the music department out in time
before we all burn to a crisp!"

Samantha than gasps in shock as she nearly swings the axe head at the hero's right arm. "Oh, you're
serious Josie? After all you put us through, why change your mind now?" Now our temporary
protagonist shouts back, while backing away out of fear. " Put that axe down right now , Sammy
Lawrence! This is deadly important, music sheets can be replaced after a fire, but quite frankly your
talent and life can't be replaced."

At this as both Jack Fain and Emma Lamont's counterparts as the nice hat wearing lyricist mutters
"And as far as I am the Queen of Sheba boss. We probably all need to get out of here as our janitor
would say." "I suppose we'll need a new studio after all this. Or maybe a new employer instead of
you know who." Eric Lamont, the British dance instructor shrugged with a sneer.

Grace Cohen the red haired accountant shuffled out of her queue while holding a rope as she
gasped. "Had to leave some of the water buckets to stop it for a while, You should have hired
better electricians Josephine Drew, then we wouldn't be in this mess!"

Josie then sighed as she sniffed the air, still keeping her red, white and blue ribbon sunhat on. "I
doubt the smoke smelled like electric faults Mrs Cohen, it seems to be candles. Or cigarettes, even
though there's a rule about not smoking near the celloids" She vaguely remembered checking
everything, but had she cut corners somewhere with the architects and builders, or was it somebody
else? "You won't succeed dearie Drew. Let me help."

Was the stranger's voice a past version of one of the cartoons, a figure from the future, or
somebody else? Drew didn't know as she lip read with a curt. "As long as whoever you are can
ensure we all get out alive from the fire, it doesn't matter." The hurrying rush through the studio's
art department was the quickest and nerve wracking feeling of something not being right in the
studio. She remembered getting out a clip board and checking everybody's names, only to notice
that Shauna had snook off.

"That toymaker always seems to know how to needle me. Why has she snook off now? Grant,
Conner, Piedmont, Lawrence raise your hands if you got everybody in your department out." Three
pairs of hands came up, as Tanya sighed while wringing her own hands.

"Hill's not been back yet, she said that she had to do some last minute maintenance. I guess you
need me to do the fire safety checks?" Josephine sighs to Tanya as the harried and frustrated studio
head, tries to get everybody out and people near the Magnolia Promenade are shouting and running
about the fire. "Yes Tanya, but hurry up. We need to do the safety checks for a reason."

Suddenly the Columbia police force arrives as Josie gasps in relief only to notice something off.
"Excuse me officer, have you seen the fire brigade? A fire has broken out here and I need to get
everybody out of the studio, standing in the doorway of a burning building isn't safe."

The chief officer looks suspiciously at her sweating face as he replies. "Mrs Fink thought there
were Vox Populi sympathisers among your staff, Mrs Drew-Campbell. We cannot allow a second
Vox uprising to happen so close to the joyous day of Christ's birth. Though admittedly an
evacuation should take first priority, during a fire."

Then of all people Jeremiah Fink's counterpart, Jezebel Fink arrives much to Josie's annoyance. "
Jezebel Fink, can you please leave the premises, before I call my security guards. I am trying to get
everybody in my workplace to evacuate during a fire, which is not a drill, on Christmas Eve! So I
am not in the mood for a surprise inspection right now!"

Fink shrugs with annoyance as she barges into the hallway, trying to shove Drew aside with a gun.
"I was planning on sending some of my guards to investigate the Vox Populi hyenas. We cannot
have any interruptions so close to Christmas. I want a look at that Ink Machine for myself, so
would you kindly step aside!"

"In the middle of a fire evacuation of a burning building? That's a horrible idea Fink and you know
it. One of my employees hasn't come back from the maintenance checks, so it's definitely
dangerous without Gent company advice!" Then suddenly as the brown haired chairwoman of Fink
was about to use a Vigour to have a look at the Ink Machine against Drew's wishes, a gunshot rang
out and a single dark brown eye fell onto the ground in a reddish puddle of blood.
There was only one person who had an eye colour like that among the visitors and given the
horrified looks of everyone else and the one bloodied woman on the ground, it was Jezebel Fink
herself, as the studio began to descend into even more panic.

"My right side hurts! Why's everything gone blurry? Wait a minute, is that my right eye? Argh the
agony!" Jezebel Fink muttered in pain as she blinked her own good eye in utter agony and writhed
while struggling to get up.

Suddenly the Ink machine roars as Grace Cohen screams in horror at Fink being shot in the eye.
"This doesn't add up! The numbers don't add up! What should we do now Fink's been shot Josie?"
"I don't know! Get some bandages and something to stop the bleeding Grace! Everybody stay calm
and evacuate the studio in an orderly fashion!"

Josie yells as she tries to take charge of the bad situation, while Wilma's voice is heard in the
background, and Shawn Flynn's counterpart shouts in the background while holding her smoking
gun up triumphantly. "No, no, no! I didn't intend for any of this to happen." "Death to that leon
soith Fink and glory to the late Fitzroy the Bold! Let's kick Drew's fucking arse too!"

The Vigoured Rebels then started drawing weapons as everybody else who hadn't brought a gun
for self defence panicked and tried to hide from the cops and get out in time. Things went downhill
from there, as now Josie felt a rush of fear and panic, as the ink began to bubble up and bullets
were exchanged like hated fruitcake.

"I'm outta here! Don't wanna die in a gun fight with cops!" " Wilma Franks, you lazy thief get back
here!" Samantha yelled as she held her inky hands like a shield. Wilma jumped out of the second
floor window after smashing down some of the doors with a fire axe, much to Josie's confusion as
the voices of everybody else blurred into one, using the circle button for stealth. She didn't know
how she'd pulled through the fray, but the studio head had nearly fallen into exhaustion from the
smoke as Samuel helped her up.

"Jesus Josie, are you okay? God half the people in the studio aren't aiming the guns right!" "Are
you going to complain about the shooting going on outside, or the fire here?" Josephine pointed out
at the crackling flames before grabbing a fire station extinguisher, as the sound of the fire engines
echoed around.

Suddenly just as everybody seems okay, Bertrude Piedmont screams in pain as the red eyed
Songbird tore her chest in half with a machine gun near the bendy land theme park warehouse
while the protector of Columbia nursing a scar from a rivet gun that looks crushed in the city's
protector's claws while the mechanic Lacie is lying nearly an animatronic with ink bleeding out.

But now after having to avoid being shot by her own workers, the Columbian police and
automatons, Josie's patience had worn thin as she snapped while shaking her fists as her messy hair
blew in the breeze. "Oh patriots and God know what? I regret to say this Songbird, but get off my
studio! Everyone in this place is going to die in the flames, if I don't get this place under control!"

A purple and silver glasslike blade emitted from her wrist with a crackle as Josie nearly felt sick at
the elaborate Vigour's little way of phasing the magic ingredient through her bloodstream. Before
aiming a sword blast at the enraged bird-like machine. Songbird's voice-box crackled at the blow.
"Thou must not suffer a witch live. Exodus chapter 22, part 18, as the good book says. May the
Vox be sent to Satan's realm!"

Then the hot fire of anger rose up in her face as she muttered. "Is killing people who weren't even
aware of the Vox's rage or the rot in here justified? No, I don't think so!"
The boss fight against Songbird ends as Songbird flies away from the studio . The purple and black
butterfly briefly fused with the Columbia flag as a horrified Josie sees Samuel Campbell jump in
front of her as his throat was cut by a sword as she muttered. "No, no, no. I couldn't save you.
Should have saved you! should have saved you! Argh, I'm sorry everybody. But I'll fix this soon,
no matter how long it takes! Wait, did I just-"

As the flames and the ink's whispers intensify, Josephine falls out of the fifth floor window as the
screen fades to black and the sound of Josephine screaming is heard in the background of the level
ending cutscene, along with shattering glass.

Linda's counterpart groans in the ending chapter of the prologue movie. "Why are we even going
back to that horrible place Henrietta? We both know Josephine Drew wasn't the nicest person to
you or anyone else 20 years ago." Henrietta turns her greying blond hair towards Linda's
counterpart as she replies.

"We both need closure, since the Pendles went missing from Massachusetts 10 years ago, I still
regret not warning them about what happened after the fire. Given they were last spotted in
Columbia, before entering Sillyvision, we'll have to look for answers there. I mean everybody
thought Josie died in the Sillyvision Fire, even me."

They went up the lighthouse, not noticing the swarm of butterflies watching in the background.
End prologue.
Chapter 1- Moving Pictures in the sky
Chapter Summary

Something goes wrong with the ink machine, two strangers who already know about
the studio incident show up and in other news Columbia has gone to rot. Can our duo
find out in the art department for the moving pictures? Or is there more then meets the
eye and ear?

The welcoming Center seemed as wonderous as ever, despite the peeling paint as Henriette sighed.
"Do you remember when we first came up here to meet your parents. Columbia seemed so shiny
and new with you. I just hadn't realised the other issues in my old home."

Then there was the sound of footsteps, behind Liam , as he gulped. " Wait , what's making that
sound?" A brief crackling sound came as an ominous shadow murmured. "Well, well old friend. A
new arrival to the Cycle."

But just as the walls nearly fell apart and the water turned to ink, the illusion faded away. Oddly
the priest wasn't there, but going through the entry motion of baptism was just another routine as
Liam replied back. "Well I just felt you actually brightened up the place, the whole of Columbia
was getting a bad patch without your talents."

Elisha Comstock was awaiting them in the top of the welcoming committee park near the broken
Mother Comstock statue and he sighed to his visitors. " I can't get inside Josie Drew Campbell
studios after Jezebel Fink died. The police sealed it off after the fire incident and it's a miracle the
whole of the Emporia district did not go with it. If you were told to go there, it could probably be a
trick or a trap. Were you happy down below Mr and Mrs Stein? "

This was troubling news as now Henriette paled. "The one that happened on Christmas eve, 1946?
The one that nearly got everybody there killed, apart from five survivors, including Wilma Franks?
I'd almost forgotten that horrible day. But Josephine Drew-Campbell sent me that letter and if she's
somehow alive, we need answers. Well, yes. It felt good to see my family again."

Liam winced at the bags of exhaustion around the Ram of Columbia. "It feels more alive, I mean
don't get me wrong Father there's no place like home. But New York and California are pretty
beautiful in their own little ways."

Father Comstock's face froze, in doubt and fear, as he warned Liam . " So, you actually had the
chance, to enjoy, out there? See to it, that neither of you head near the studio grounds. Something
rotten lurks in that place. Not fit for god fearing folk."

As the duo were about to head into the dilapidated Vigor fair grounds near the studio, a ginger
haired male tour guide with grey eyes along with a black haired and grey eyed tour guide lady ,
both appeared holding a coin toss guide and sighed. "We're holding an annual coin toss to
commemorate the tragedy of the Drew Campbell Arson, or the Sillyvison Fire. " "Do you wish to
pick heads?" "Or tails?" Henriette giggled. "I pick heads." The sound of a coin clinking, on
sideways, made the duo shrug.
"Ah, your toss went halfway. But it's tails. Better luck next time." The ginger haired man
whispered out of Henri and Liam's earshot. "Remind me again why I agreed to bet this plan on a
coin toss? Besides what kept on happening when we tried to stop it ourselves?"

"I hate lying like this, but it's the only way we could get help that won't attract the Songbird." The
lady whispered as the man whispered back, with a hint of anger and fear. "Jo. I doubt your world's
version of Stein will trust you after this." "Sometimes the truth in stranger than fiction, Mr
Twovoice." "I suppose you think it's amusing-" "to play the roles the Cycle wants of us, for now."

Liam shrugged at the arguing duo as they walked away from the charred gates outside the Drew-
Campbell studio. "You don't think those two were relatives of Josie, do you?" Henriette shook her
head while she leaded her husband past the gates. "I doubt it. She didn't have curly hair or was
ginger. Let's have a gander, if the Campbells aren't here, we'll have to leave."

The keys clinked and the door creaked open as Henriette sighed. "Alright Josie. We're both here.
Now let's see what you wanted me to see." The familiar brown and white wood had turned yellow
and brown with age, along with the smell of charred wood.

The duo walked up into the theater of the Art Department, where several boot prints, including
Allister and Tanya Pendle's own had been left behind, along with a Voxophone covered with dried
blood, near a police department tin whistle.

As the Voxophone clicked, the sound of police sirens and the fire department came, as the sound of
literally several workers screaming and running from the fire echoed, along with the sound of
breaking glass from somewhere that wasn't in the art department. "This is Sergeant Isaiah Brown
of the Columbian Fire Police department. Good god, Fink's dead and the rebels set the studio on
fire! Thank god the fire department are here. In the name of the Redeemer, I hope those poor souls
that burnt to death , find peace in God's own kingdom!"

As the Voxophone finished playing back the tape, Liam Stein froze. "Mein Gott. Father Comstock
wasn't lying. I always feared that old goat. This, must have been a Voxophone recording on the
night of the fire." Henrietta nodded, at the

"Lambs should not argue with the lion, you have to follow the reworked contract Miss Flynn! That
includes letting us know of contraband." "Oh really? Well last time I checked it didn't read Jezebel
Fink studios, so go bother somebody who cares! Ain't it ironic that your name belongs to a deceiver
of a king Jezzy. I have to go make this plushie, of Betty, for Drew. Says she wants it for some
strange project."

The Voxophone dating 1st of April 1935 , with the title, Contraband Goods , rang out and clicked
near the plushie of Betty the demon as Henrietta groaned while picking up the Betty Plushie doll
near the testing projector booth as it squeaked, Shauna had hated now towing to the likes of
Jezebel Fink and she privately agreed. "Hope you don't mind borrowing this for the machine
Shauna. Where are you, Drew and Franks, you should be here by now?"

Meanwhile, Liam groaned as he got the gear out of the dry cell container, after getting a lock pick
"Why'd the mechanic lady lock this gear under a double lock, something's not right here. Better go
meet up with Henriette, she's probably waiting for me.".

Henriette took out her reading glasses and checked the Ink Machine plans. "I think that's everything
in Wilma Franks and whoever that Murrina's instructions mentioned. Now we have to figure out
how to get the ink flowing." Now Liam was starting to have doubts as he sighed. "You sure this is
a good idea. Maybe we should just leave the place and quick."

"Well, I know it's a horrible idea, but somehow Allister and Tanya wound up in the lower levels."
Two people showed up wearing work overalls, arguing, as Henri arrived. "Well this bloody
pump's-" "not working right again? Oh, hello there. We're members of the Gent Manufacturing
company. I don't suppose you could lend us a hand?"

After the pump got lifted, Henri gulped, as if feeling that she shouldn't have done that.

At the sight of the distorted, two pink bow, one lacey glove and tattered ballet skirt wearing
version of Betty the Dancing Demon, Liam screamed in horror as he locked the door. "Now what
do we do? There's a monster version of your own cartoon after us!" Henriette gasped. "I don't
know. Run to the exit, we could be safe there!" But as the duo headed off on a running start, the
Ink Demoness smashed down the door with an angry scream.

Ink spurted all over the doors, blocking the planks and viewing theatre area as our heroes ran
towards the doorway for the exit and freedom in a panicked rush!

Then all of a sudden, the songbird, with several scars and in its rusted glory nearly tore down the
roof to grab our heroes, but the planks gave
Chapter 2: The Old Song
Chapter Summary

After the disastrous first attempt to escape the cursed Drew Campbell Studio lot, our
heroes try again, this time through the music department

Henriette felt her head ache as the feeling of being torn out and reassembled slowed down, as the
quickly got up with a slightly broken cross necklace on her neck. "Oh, my head. What even
happened with the candles? Liam, are you okay?"

Liam was out cold, which was un-nerving as he wasn't exactly a lightweight drinker of alcohol or
Vigors. She quickly checked his pulse as he quickly coughed up some ink. "Urgh, I don't wanna
know what just wound up in my mouth. That tasted worse then the Bucking Bronco Vigor, glad I
got clean until now."

"Do you need an abdominal thrust to clear the ink out?" "I didn't drink that much Henri. I'll live,
but thanks anyway." Liam chuckled as he climbed up after taking his wife's hand. Then he checked
his own gun, only to notice the bullets had been emptied, only to remember the monstrous version
of Bettie that had chased them across the Art department and the ground floor, before tutting in

"What the hell was up with that version of Bettie the Dancing Demon anyway Henri? She chased
us out of the Art Department, tried to kill us both before we could escape and God above,
something tells me she might have done something worse to everybody who couldn't get out of
that fire in time! Love, I need you to share everything you can think of about Bettie, if we need to
make it out. My gun's fresh out of ammo."

She shook her greying blond hair in dismay while struggling to hold the fire axe in her hand as she
replied. "I created her for the first short Little Devil Darling during the year 1929, helped animate
her, Bonnie the Wolf, who we just saw dissected an hour ago and Alex Angel till 1940, when I
resigned. Can remember those three the most, but I don't really remember her being that aggressive
in the shorts, she was meant to be a flapper and go-getter girl."

Then the clicking of two pairs of footsteps echoed across the ritual room as the two Drews arrived,
much to Henriette's exasperation at Josephine. " What is going on here Josie? I am not in the mood
for sugar coating things! People died here in that fire and I would not want to be here right now!"

Her old friend just rolled her eyes before saying. "Unfortunately Henri, somebody seems to have
ruined the stairs while you were unconscious, so we can't get out. I don't know how this place got
brought back the way it shouldn't have been, the machine can't be that powerful surely? Truly

Joshua then clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Sorry for the poor introduction. My name is Joshua
Drew, but you've already known Josephine aka Josie already Mrs Stein."

"Urgh, at least we've both got wellington boots. Ladies first, since you were the co-founder and all
that jazz." Liam Stein moaned upon noticing the massive ink flood in the T shaped hallway
covered with the classic trademarked, as his wife groaned upon noticing the knee deep ink, which
was a logical inconsistency in a formerly burnt animation studio.

"That's not right. If a fire broke out, then the whole music department and the rest of this building
would be a charred husk of a building, due to ink containing ethanol. Even if Betty has become
monstrous, we need to push on and find another way out." The squelching of the ink echoed, as
suddenly on the other side of the hallway, a woman and a man wearing Betty masks walked across
the T hallway's end. "Sheep sheep, sheep. It's time for sleep." "We need something fresh for this
performance. The devil darling must be kept happy.

"Excuse me please, we're lost! Is anybody here?" Henriette yelled as her husband whispered.
"Those two seem busy with something else. We can't just ask complete strangers in an abandoned
building for help." But the odd duo that were not the two odd tour guides who had been giving out
free coin tosses near the ruined statue of Comstock, but the inky figures walked down the other end
as our heroes quickly looked around, but only a cardboard cut-out of Betty was standing there .

"How could they vanish like that?" Henri muttered as she moved towards the cut-out, which didn't
come to life, before moving towards a Voxphone near some ritual candles in the utility shaft, only
to blanch in fear, when she heard Samantha Lawrence's word recorded on vinyl. Samantha
Lawrence had been the music department head.

"Even though the False Prophet forbade our worship, she appears from the shadows, to rain down
her sweet blessings of the Vigour upon me. The figure in the ink, I see her, but I pray you can hear
me." Samantha took a quick breath from her sermon, before continuing. "Those old songs, yes I
still sing them. For I know you are coming to save me, no all of us. And I will be swept into your
loving embrace." The rasp of something threatening echoed, as Samantha's voice wrapped up her
Voxophone. "But, even after fate chose us to live, love requires a sacrifice. Can I get an amen?"

A cold voice gurgled at the duo. "I said, could I get an amen in here?". The inky figure whispered
as she was walking down the corridor, into the music department.

Suddenly six moaning humanoid ink monsters jumped out of the puddles! "What in the name of
the three Saints are those things!?" A rain of cold sweat trickled down

As our heroes went to hide in the cafeteria, Joshua and Josie were already manning the canteen,
with faded Bettie the Dancing Demon, Bonnie the Wolf , Alex Angel, Gent Company and Fink
Industry posters all over the walls.

The odd Searcher with the brown straw Stretson Straw hat warbled in surprise as the duo puzzled
out what to do. "Now what, if that's actually Jane Fain the lyricist and if the Betty masked woman
was Samantha, then now what?" "I don't want to push the crate, maybe we should hand over
something to jog her memory."

"Not now little sheep. While it pleases me greatly that you spared our Provider, the believers must
have their saviour. She must notice me." Samantha Lawrence whispered to Henri in a low prophet
voice that sounded like a Universal picture movie monster as Eric Lamont tilted his inky head.
"You mean the two of us, my dear prophetess?"
Chapter 3: Rise and fall
Chapter Summary

A treacherous Angel lurks within Heavenly Toys.

After the horrifying near death experience of being tied up and sacrificed to the ink Demoness and
a second encounter near the ink filled exit which had led to a chase through a maze full of office
corridors and being locked in the Store 3 vault before Bonnie had saved their metaphorical bacons,
the two Steins were relaxing in the same room in the safehouse, which had blue and red curling

"Think whatever happened to Eric, Samantha, Jane and everybody else in the music department
spread to the others in the studio during the fire dear?" Liam stated as he played catch with a
baseball, like he used to with his fellow GIs during the Victory Day party as his wife replied while
throwing it . "Given what Eric was complaining about in that audio log we uncovered and the
shouting in the second audio log, maybe. We still don't know everything though."

She yawned while getting up and changed into her studio travelling uniform. "For once, I'm glad
my budget didn't cover heels. Oh hello there Bonnie. Or is it Bonny now?" The calm she wolf
wearing her iconic headscarf waved happily, before our hero quickly raised an eyebrow.

The sight of the massive toy warehouse threw Henriette for a loop as she muttered to Liam. "Now
my memory's faulty in some places hubby, but I don't remember any of this. It looks so beautiful up
here. Even in somewhere as horrifying as this, there's still hope for us yet Liam." Then suddenly a
smooth man's voice humming a song echoed as Liam asked her a question while peeking at all of
the stuffed toys, trains and animatronic models. "You mentioned Alex Angel earlier. Wasn't that
Samuel Campbell guy voicing him for a while? Because this song sounds just like his pipes!"

But there was nobody there in the toy machine room, only abandoned toy belts, scorched dolls and
some work benches cluttered with gunsmithing tools and hidden copies of the People's Voice and
devil masks. "Wait a minute, something's not right here. What was going on after I left this place?"

There were two audio logs, near a big puddle of ink, near Shawna Flynn's desk. The first one, had
the resident Irish toymaker, go off into a very hectic rant about "Mrs Drew not really being helpful.
If she really wanted to lend a hand, she could help with all the spare Angel whatchamacallit. It's
better then melting it all down though." While the second, seemed to involve a secret meeting
between the staff, about the Vox Populi.

"I'm Alexander Angel!" Then suddenly a vaguely wrong version of Alexander Angel jumped in
front of the window and started smashing the glass as he laughed at their discomfort, while the
TVs turned off and the lights dimmed ominously. "Wait, did somebody turn off the lights? Henri,
where are you?"

Liam gasped, while Henriette looked around, for the source of the sound. "I'm near the-" A deep,
husky voice, that didn't sound like anybody Henriette Stein's memory recognised, interrupted her
reply to Liam. "Oh, I see you there. So, you brought your partner. New flies in my endless web.
Well, run along now. Let's see if you really want to walk with Angels."
The two Drews showed up again, this time arguing over a fork in the corridor, much to Henriette
and Liam's annoyance. "Why is this ridiculous turnpike here and-" "why do we keep on doing this?
I suppose it's to preserve the mystique. Anyway, which way do you wish to see lovebirds? The
Devil path of our monsterous minx?" "Or maybe the Angel path?"

The Songbird peeked his head through the pipes and Liam muttered to Henriette as they hid in the
little miracle station. "Thought we saw the last of that bird, after the whole Searcher attack in the
recording booth. Why is the Songbird after us and the Demoness?" "I don't know, you've lived here
longer then me!" Henriette whispered back as the Songbird searched for any signs of his enemy
while shrieking angrily.

"Kzzzt! Aiding the Pharisee is not abetted! Zzzt! Nor the false shepherd!" The voice-box of the
Songbird crackled as he left in anger, while the soft voice of whoever Icarus was echoed over the
short hand radio. "Oh sorry you fine two. Made a brodie there. Alex said he'd meet you down at
Level 9. Better not keep that guy waiting." The ominous voce of the twisted Alex Angel muttered.
"Or you'll never ascend out."

Then suddenly Henriette screamed as something pierced her side and the lift crashed onto the
Chapter 4: Colossal Wonders
Chapter Summary

Wandering through a partisaned theme park and fighting in the Bendy Land
warehouse isn't ideal. But rescuing Bonnie is the first priority for Henriette and Liam,
before the double crossing Alex Angel goes for a lethal upgrade.

She couldn't remember much of what had happened as Josephine pulled her up from the bloodied
remains of the lift she'd plummeted down, before sweating as her old friend apologised. "I'm sorry
I couldn't intervene against the lift, but there's more then one demon living in this studio. She
listens to every single warp of space, every whispered desire in this place. Well enough
lollygagging. Here, take this flashlight, you'll need it for the next step." But the frustrated Henriette
punched her old friend's shoulder before yelling. "Alright then, what did you really want me to see
Josie? Our own cartoons turned into monsters, the songbird, or the ruined remains of the studio
which should have burned down all those years ago after I left in 1946!?"

The blow didn't catch, as Joshua groaned while helping Liam down the stairs. "Henri, what are
you doing? " "Getting answers off an old friend, like she should have given us before all of this!" A
mutter of spite escaped Henriette's lips in a reply towards the ginger guy who looked like
Josephine, before Josie sighed as she tried to give a straight answer. "I have no idea how most of
this happened, but it's something to deal with the ink machine. I tried to give Bettie and the others
life, but she took my memories, after I fell. The one you saw in the vision when you took my
personal Vigor."

The accounting department seemed oddly abandoned as the tinny sound of the Readiness is all
echoed and Liam groaned as he tried to open the door. " Okay, why's there a naval porthole in the
middle of a corridor that's not a submarine? This doesn't make sense." "Let's not question it and
keep going." But then the door slammed shut, as several people wearing studio uniforms all
covered in the ink started whispering about wanting to be set free. Eerily, they were all wearing
Bettie demon masks.

"These girls and guys get to waste their time playing carnival games, while I'm stuck cleaning up
after them! They kept on getting locked out of their rooms last week without the punch cards. So I
says to em, look maybe rig up the carnival games to knock open the door if ya win? Save me the
trouble of cleaning up all the time. They went for it like a dog to pot roast, especially with the
fancy-schmancy Vigors. I'm telling you, if folks round Columbia don't realise the real genius, I'm
outta here!" Wilma's audio log crackled.

The snide voice of the twisted Alex angel called out on the tannoy as Henriette and Liam tried the
test your strength game near the haunted house. "You two finished playing with the games? I'm
sure your precious Bonnie is having trouble staying in one piece." "Leave us alone Sammy, we
want at least some closure, even if it's going through all of these carnival games to get the haunted
house powered up!" Liam grumbled as the evil angel muttered. "Don't call me by my old name
Stein! It's Alex Angel! Shame, you two could have joined me. Guess we have to be enemies, for

Meanwhile Henri took a deep breath at the target shooting game, before taking aim at the bull's eye
targets, while a bull automaton commentated on the skill, which was a
Chapter 5:Is It truely The Last Reel?
Chapter Summary

Following the traumatising battle against the Brute Bonnie, Henriette and Liam have
been held prisoner by another version of Alex Angel and Bonnie the wolf. But is it
really the end, or just another part of the cycle?

Henriette felt too drained to stand up as she hummed Sent from Above in her shared bed, a simple
group of overturned crates with a bandage over her elevator wound, as the other Alex Angel was
humming along Bettie's tin whistle theme tune, near the makeshift prison in another hideout. This
one, had been hidden within the maintenance tunnels. This one, didn't quite seem like Twisted
Alex, with a scraggly beard, broken devil horns and a practical work uniform, compared to Twisted
Alex's eerily attractive suit , with ink dripping over one eye beihnd an old masquerade mask, or the
Vigor scars, they both shared

Liam had fallen asleep as the brusque angel was drawing on the wall. "I don't suppose you could
let us out of here Mr Angel?" He stopped humming before replying as he turned his neck at the
sound of the animator's weary voice. "Well down here , strangers aren't good things. Especially not
ones who get easily tricked by the other angel. What's your name?"

"Henriette Stein, or Henri if you'd prefer a shorter one. What's yours?" The other angel shrugged
with a snort. "I can barely remember my own name. They call me Alex, but I'm no angel. Not with
the nightmares of before the studio." She could tell the signs were the same, of always feeling
anxious, the sweats whenever the War got brought up, nightmares and the distressing sensation of
shellshock, no they were calling it Post Traumatic Stress Disorder now.

She sometimes, got the same terrible symptoms, when her mind would wander, to a nightmarish
cacophony of cannon fire, patients screaming in pain for medical treatment and hot jungle nights,
full of fear and dread.

As inky ribbons covered the outside of the hideout, Tanya the Wolf signed in ASL angrily as she
was about to open the door. "Something's wrong, we all need to leave." "Bettie's nearly here
Allister! We can't take them with us, that Ink Demoness would spot us!" But Allister quickly
handed the seeing tool over as he apologised to Henriette. "I'm sorry Henri. Neither of us have
enough time, but maybe that tool could brighten the way." The ink Demoness smashed her fist on
the door with a curt yell as Tanya and Allister fled. "Let. them. go."

And then everything was silent as Liam woke up. "What just happened love? Swear I was out like
a light." "Allister and Tanya left from this prison of a hideout because of the Ink Demoness. We
need to find another way out, also Allister barely remembered his old life, my letters to Tanya or
you." Liam then gawped in shock as he rubbed his eyes and got up. "Wait, I know you and Tanya
were pen-pals while you were stationed in the Pacific and me and Liam fought in the same unit
against the Axis Powers in Europe. So they must have been taking Vigors for a pretty long time to
forget, or maybe it's the ink doing it."

Together, the duo fruitlessly searched, until Henri remembered the seeing tool and lifted it out of
the pocket of her coat. "He will leave you for dead. Morbid, but true." Henri muttered as she
pushed the secret passage to lead them out of the cell. The free part of the hideout was full of
Allister's drawings, a workbench, some corrugated metal and Bertrude Piedmont's blueprints for
the theme park rides in Bettie Land as the duo moved to the next skyhook station, outside the

The duo walked through the hideout, only to see multiple Voxophone records from the other parts
of the studio scattered around their temporary ally's rooms. "Who brought those here? I mean we
put them in the Voxophone tab, unless they were taking a peek for themselves? To remember
maybe." Liam asked the unspoken question, while Henriette wracked her brain.

All of the Voxophones, were labelled with the names and dates, along with several messy
transcripts, covered with ink by Allister and Tanya, like "Did I really say that back then?" At least
organising things, after Henri had left, would be a bit easier. Besides the Christmas Eve Fire, which
had ended the Josie Drew Campbell studio, along with the instalment of the Ink Machine, that had
started due to Fink's orders on October the 31st, 1940.

Anyway, after double checking for any little miracle stations, the sound of a door creaking, made
Henri jump, as Josephine's voice crackled on the radio. "Are you okay Henri? I couldn't find you in
Bettie land, old friend and I thought the Ink Demonness, no Bettie herself had already gotten you.
Anyway, you need to get to the admin department. Normally, the Ink Machine, would not have
been right near my own office. "

"Can you hear it traitor? The studio whispers and creaks and it will be brighter, better then before ,
waiting for a new era of cartoons. Of course, I won't need you or those two by then. Once my
daughter is perfected , I will have no more need for hiding between realms, away from that blasted
Songbird. Say hello to Samuel and the others in Heck for me will you." Then suddenly as the eerie
radio message cut out, that sounded like the purple monster, but clearer and more familiar, the
wooden boards over the wonky cavernous platform smashed over the Stein duo's feet as Allister
Angel cried out in horror. "Henriette, oh no!"

She screamed in surprise as her trousers nearly turned into a skirt which looked like Helen Angel's
first concept art, Liam just felt sick as suddenly they landed onto a cavern as the Lonely Angel
played on tinny records through the administration lobby and the stranger's voice echoed. "I
suppose you intend to finish this old friend, not so fast. If it was not for the way Samuel, Drew or
the songbird kept me from leaving the studio, I would've finished the job myself. Let's see if you
can handle these pipe puzzles."

Josie and Joshua both winced as Henriette complained to Josie, as her former friend looked worse
then before. "Is it me, or does whoever the Lady in Purple is sound a bit like you? Because I've
only seen a bit of your memories through the Butterfly Effect Vigor and we were voicing
something for an episode. Forgive me for being a fuddy duddy old lady." Josie then sighed, as she
checked all of the Voxophones, with he rown name on them, including several ones with a butterfly
lapel pin on them. "You've heard all of my Voxophones up to this point right?"

" That's Bettana, the antagonist I created for the Sleeping beauty episode and somehow she became
real after a failed attempt to take over my own body and escape into the real world . She's been
behind most of this mess, apart from the fire. I can't help you if she's started becoming an active
presence in the studio. Also whatever you do, don't use the Butterfly effect Vigour to avoid the
Dressmaker Gang in the admin hallways, she'll spot you!"

The seeing tool did not show what she expected, instead of the a sentence showing a missing film
reel it showed a film reel torn in half covered in smoke as Allister snook up behind Liam as he
asked. "Wait, that's new. I didn't think this image would would change. That other you saw a
sentence saying the demon stole it. Got any theories?" Liam shoved Allister off as the former GI
muttered. "No need to stand that close Mr Right side angel. Let my own wife, Henri speak on her
own theory." "It's not just the Ink Demoness. Bettana, she must have stolen the other half of the

Tanya signed in American Sign language. "Well, that's strange. The weird purple butterfly lady,
never normally leaves the office of Drew. I mean, she showed up a few times, in different places
before we could run and hide." Anyway, the Dressmaker gang, seemed more spooked then before,
as the gang hid in separate versions, of the Little Miracle stations, only, for a ripping sound, to echo
throughout the administration department.

A tall, feminine silhouette, the same one, who had tried to push Henri into a Helen Angel themed
mannequin, glided out of the inky purple fractal portal, which looked like a twisted version of the
Butterfly Effect Vigor, that had torn a hole through one of Alex Angel posters and faded away,
before giving a mocking taunt, which sounded like a rasping, almost hellish mockery of Josephine
Drew's own voice . "So, you're still hiding away, from me? Just doing what my Creator said? Oh,
maybe I'll have a bit of entertainment, before the show's over. Don't think, I haven't seen every
little creak, every struggle and every death here. I must saw, Henriette, I'm actually impressed.
You certainly show more restrain, then your own Prime."

Then, the stranger, walked closer, towards the nearest record player and placed a record in the
record layer, as some strange song, that Henri had never heard in her life played mournfully, before
tapping the door of the Little Miracle Station, causing Henriette to jump inside her own Little
Miracle Station. Whoever the stranger was, they looked like a masked version of Olive Oyl, but
more like somebody had created a wicked fairy version of her, with a long sepia coat, covered in
almost lifelike purple flowers, with a long black dress and smart plimsolls. But, there was a cruel
glint, in whatever eyes lurked behind that butterfly mask, along with several faded burn scars,
twisted ink web tattoos linked around the stranger's wrists and gloved palms. But what was most
unsettling, was the way, that the Butterfly Effect Vigor caused the creature to flicker in and out of
existence, while illusory butterfly wings beated slowly near the stranger's scarred back. "Well,
never mind. After all, Josie, she did always say there was no time like the present. Ask yourself this
Henri, is the reality we are in really set in the draft. I, Bettana am going to wait for you. At the End
of this farce."

Josephine sighed in frustration, as the other voices started to cut into her speeches again, through
the Voxophone recording, near the bottle of Butterfly effect Vigor Salts. "I locked this Vigor away,
because anybody who uses it too much, could get quantum untangled form their own reality.
Honestly Fink, I'm thinking of putting a stop to these experiments- ADAM is too dangerous-
because at this rate, we won't have much of a whole Columbia left. "

The second Voxophone, was about a conversation between Samuel Campbell, Josie and Murrina
Hill, about the role of Alexander Angel. Jospehine went first, in the transcript. "Oh, Murrina. Why
are you in my office? Me and Samuel were about to have a private conversation." " I'm not sure if
letting you use that Ink machine, is a good idea. Samuel, I'd rather not-".

Then, whoever this Joey Drew figure was, overwrote Josephine's words mid gasp, as she could do
nothing but parrot Joey's own words. It was even more unsettling, to actually hear how these Tear-
cuts were happening in the middle of talking, while Henri gulped. Samuel froze at the odd echo as
his ex struggled to catch for breath. "Josephine. You really need to see a shrink, about these voices.
But, if you're wording this whole part of Alexander Angel is that big a deal, for you to be worried.
Well, I'll be him again. Just give me a call on the Vox okay."

"If my temporary boss, wants Bettie to have a soul. Well, there's bounds to be hundreds of
desperate people, even outside of this dump a floating city, who'd want to be Bettie the Dancing
Demoness for real!" Whoever the strange figure was, on the other end of the Voxophone near the
Gent blueprints was, sounded raspy, as a terrified Josie whispered. "Excuse me. Wait a minute,
who's talking this late in the night?

Henriette fell through the Tear as Liam tried to grab her wrist. But a tide of water and ink separated
the couple, as unknown to everybody in Columbia, the Herald of the Ink Machine took out her
wrench and began to work on another smaller machine. The Prime Joey Drew suddenly winced,
like something had stabbed him in the gut. "You two again? Why resist the narrative?" To be
continued in the Rapture Chapter.....
Chapter 6: Rapture's Rondo
Chapter Summary

In which Henri struggles to deal with Rapture, splicers, reality distortions, Sander
Cohen's rants and alternative reality versions of people she already knows.

Henriette Stein got up on the Sillyvision floor, only to find herself all alone without in an
underwater city playground of a casino and she looked around with dawning horror at the flooded
billboards. "Is this that Rapture place Joshua mentioned? Looks like a right Atlantis here."

The eerie laugh of a circus clown made her stop in fright, at the odd vending machine she hadn't
seen before. " A, ha, ha, ha, ha! Welcome to the Circus of Values! Rapture's clowningly good
prices, it'll be a steal."

To someone who'd visited the surprising vendor of the Dollar Bill of Columbia, the box shaped
figure didn't really impress her at all. There were no Vigour salts, as the tell tale sound of a radio
crackling made the 63 year old former animator at Josie Drew studios check the transmitter. "What
just happened Joshua? One minute I was about to put the END Reel in, then all of the ink machine
nearly exploded in the brawl? Is Josie okay here?" The reply was rather disconcerting, as the sound
of Josie, yelling in pain at the infirmary reached her ears from Columbia.

"I'm sorry Henri, but Josie couldn't step through the Tear to Rapture. Bettana did something to her
ankles in the brawl against Songbird. You'll have to stick with me, can't believe Fort Frolic's been
let go this badly. Cohen was meant to help me out, along with my world's version of you, Henry
Lime. An animator and soldier from New Orleans back in World War 2, I was too young to enlist
and a contentious objector. But hey, at least I made a career in radio before Sillyvision."

This wasn't exactly new, apart from the radio bit or the age gap, but to keep her spirits up, Henriette
looked around. "Okay, well the way back to your Sillyvision studio was somewhere in Fort Frolic,
right? Which part."

The monster looked like the Ink Demoness, but more masculine, with a badly fused combination
of a bendy mask and Tanya Conner, or was it Thomas Conner's gent uniform as he roared while
pointing the Tommie gun at her head. "Lime, show your wolfy mug here right now! Or I'll shoot
this parasite dame's block off!"

A more masculine version of Bonnie the Wolf showed up and signed. "Thomas Conner, what the
honk are you thinking?! This ADAM's driving you mad!"
Bioshocking Finale
Chapter Summary

In which Henriette and Henry Lime meet up with the famed Henry Stein, have to stop
ink fused monsters and a dimensional paradox caused by Joey Drew underestimating
universal mechanics.

After the bizzare encounter with Sander Cohen, Henriette Stein woke up, with a headache, there
was something wrong with her own head, as Henry Lime was standing on the table with the break
room. "Okay, this isn't good. The Ink Machine is acting up."

The sound of Prime Joey's voice from the shorthand radio didn't help. "I'll say! Nearly everybody
in New York could hear it. So listen up. I want you two, to fix this mess and get everything back
on track."

A discordant symphony of a mix of sounds, instruments and badly tuned singing echoed along
with the Prime Joey Drew's pained screams in the music department, all to the tune of Sander
Cohen's Masterpiece on the piano as Henry Lime asked Henriette a question. "Please tell me you
left that Cohen guy for dead, or finished him off? Because the other Henry's gone missing and he
might have kidnapped him!"

Henriette sighed in reply. "No, that Jack fellow showed up and nearly did it, before the Ink Demon
Splicer that Thomas Conner became in your universe tried to kill us both." It was eerie as the
sounds nearly stopped, only for Joey Drew to start yelling at the duo.

"Golly, thank god somebody heard me. That masked maniac stabbed me, said he wanted to turn
me into a plaster sculpture, made music lyrics out of my blood and then drew an animation of my
death on the posters and walls! He literally has six arms!" A laugh coming from the fused stage of
the music department and Fort frolic's upper atrium sounded almost like Henry' Steins dryest

Suddenly, the Projectionist came out of the projector room, as Joshua Drew quickly his underneath
a desk, while the three alternate timeline selves of Henry Stein hid in the sanctuary of Sammy
Lawrence, which looked like a mismatched mess, of somebody else's flat.
The Next Story Hook
Chapter Summary

Is the Story really over? Or is a Dark Revival in the cards?

As the Ending Credits echoed and everybody was resting after all the chaos and near multiversal
destruction that the Ink Titan had nearly caused, in his attempts to make, elsewhere, somebody else
had looked through the Tears of time and Space itself.

They smiled within the bowels of Archgate Pictures, all the way in California, USA . "How very
interesting. It looks like one of the Cycles Joey Drew created, leaked elsewhere." A Syringe
radiating multicoloured ink and several bottles of Vigors, lying drained on the floor, were near the
Ink Machine as two grey eyes, turned yellow. "Ah, ah, ah. I'm not going to show you ghoulish
fools, who I am. Not yet."

Murrina Hill saluted the mysterious figure, while she replaced her Sillyvison Studio pin, with an
Archgate Pictures lapel pin, as she gave a report. "Everything almost went as planned, back in my
world, we could have rubbed out the Ink Demon for good. Apart from the dimension break. Mr
Grant is busy, over in Borealis. He says it's for a vacation in the Antarctic, away from the loose
ends at Gent. I'm surprised you didn't go see him yourself boss. ".

The mysterious figure groaned, as his right hand shone with a multi-coloured and terrible light.
"The Antarctic? A city in the ice? I've read too much HP Lovecraft books, to know where that
could go. Anyway, the plan will hopefully go ahead. We've both worked to the bone Mrs Hill. But
for now, we celebrate with some of the stolen Vigors."

The two mysterious figures laughed, as back in Pasadena, Henriette Stein looked at an audio log,
that Tanya had found, in her own suitcase. "Tanya, what's wrong? You've been worried all day."
Tanya Conner revealed an odd Voxophone called A Splash of Purpose , next to an audio log, titled
the Dark Revival and replied to Henriette, while Liam and Allister Pendle were helping cook
dinner. "Henriette. There's something odd about this one. I think Murrina recorded it, in a bad
place. "

. The Voxophone crackled, as Murrina Hill was stamping around, breaking Vigor bottles. "The
machine lied to me! That Dancing Demon is too dangerous! Everybody else in this studio, apart
from my colleagues in Gent, are utterly useless! But, my life can't have been for nothing."

Murrina composed herself, before continuing to talk into the Voxophone , as the sound of frantic
breathing intensified as the Gent worker tried not to get more worked up. "I worked in munitions
plants during the War, disguised myself as a bloke in order to get a proper working wage, during
the Great Depression. Alan Grant told me to keep an eye on Conner. But , everything in Columbia
is just so grey, drab and lifeless. The studio staff respect me, but nobody else does."

What happened next, was the sound of the Butterfly effect Vigor activating, as the sound of an odd
song, something about a sailor man and a cartoon character called Ship Ahoy Dudley echoed.
"Well, you see to be in a sorry state. All unappreciated and alone, here in a city up in the sky.
Allow me to assist you, in getting rid of the Ink Demon." A stranger's voice cut into the

The next audio log, wasn't any less unsettling. It sounded like lots of different audio logs, all
spliced together , into one sentence.

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