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History Test for Alonso Labra.

Which of the following was a major trade route connecting Asia

and Europe?

a) Spice Route

b) Silk Road*

c) Tea Trail

d) Salt Path

The Silk Road was primarily used for trading which of the following

a) Silk*

b) Potatoes

c) Coffee

d) Chocolate

Who was the Italian explorer credited with discovering America?

a) Ferdinand Magellan

b) Christopher Columbus*

c) Hernando de Magallanes

d) Vasco da Gama
Christopher Columbus made his first voyage to the Americas in
which year?

a) 1492*

b) 1505

c) 1520

d) 1498

Which country sponsored Christopher Columbus' voyage to the


a) Spain*

b) Portugal

c) Italy

d) England

Columbus believed he had reached which place when he landed in

the Americas?

a) India

b) China

c) Japan

d) Asia*

Who led the first circumnavigation of the world?

a) Hernando de Soto
b) Hernando de Magallanes*

c) Francisco Pizarro

d) Juan Ponce de León

What was the purpose of Magellan's voyage?

a) To find a western route to Asia

b) To find a new continent

c) To conquer the Inca Empire

d) To find gold and treasure

Which strait did Magellan discover during his voyage?

a) Strait of Gibraltar

b) Strait of Magellan*

c) Panama Canal

d) Bering Strait

What happened to Magellan during the voyage?

a) He died in a battle with Native Americans

b) He was killed in a mutiny by his own crew

c) He returned safely to Spain

d) He was captured by pirates

Which of the following was a major trade item exchanged between
Asia and Europe along the Silk Road?

a) Potatoes

b) Silk*

c) Coffee

d) Corn

Which of the following European countries established colonies in

the Americas?

a) China

b) Spain*

c) India

d) Egypt

The Silk Road stretched from which continent to which continent?

a) Europe to Africa

b) Asia to Europe*

c) North America to South America

d) Australia to Asia

What was the primary motivation for European exploration of the


a) To spread Christianity*
b) To find gold and treasure

c) To establish new trade routes

d) To conquer native civilizations

Which of the following explorers landed in Mexico and conquered

the Aztec Empire?

a) Christopher Columbus

b) Hernando de Magallanes

c) Francisco Pizarro

d) Hernán Cortés*

What was the name of the ship on which Columbus made his first

a) Santa Maria*

b) Victoria

c) Golden Hind

d) Mayflower

Which ocean did Magellan's expedition cross during their


a) Pacific Ocean*

b) Indian Ocean

c) Atlantic Ocean
d) Arctic Ocean

What was the main objective of the Silk Road traders?

a) To exchange cultural ideas

b) To establish military alliances

c) To trade goods and earn profits*

d) To promote tourism

The Silk Road had a significant impact on the spread of which


a) Buddhism*

b) Christianity

c) Islam

d) Hinduism

Who funded Christopher Columbus' voyage to the Americas?

a) Queen Elizabeth I

b) King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain*

c) King Henry VIII

d) Pope Alexander VI

Which of the following continents did the Silk Road not connect?
a) Europe

b) Africa

c) North America*

d) Asia

What was the purpose of Magellan's circumnavigation?

a) To find a shorter route to India

b) To prove that the Earth was round

c) To claim new territories for Spain

d) To establish new trade routes

Which explorer is known for discovering the Pacific Ocean?

a) Christopher Columbus

b) Hernando de Soto

c) Ferdinand Magellan*

d) Juan Ponce de León

Who was the first European explorer to reach the Americas?

a) Christopher Columbus*

b) Vasco da Gama

c) Hernán Cortés

d) James Cook
Which country did Hernando de Magallanes (Hernando Magellan)
sail for?

a) Spain*

b) Portugal

c) Italy

d) England

Which city did Columbus set sail from on his first voyage?

a) Seville*

b) Lisbon

c) Genoa

d) Barcelona

The Silk Road played a crucial role in the exchange of which luxury

a) Spices*

b) Gold

c) Furs

d) Timber

Which explorer is credited with opening a direct sea route from

Europe to India?
a) Ferdinand Magellan

b) Christopher Columbus

c) Vasco da Gama*

d) James Cook

Which continent did Columbus mistakenly believe he had reached?

a) Asia*

b) Africa

c) Australia

d) South America

What was the impact of the Silk Road on the spread of ideas and

a) It led to the development of new inventions

b) It facilitated the exchange of ideas and knowledge*

c) It resulted in the decline of trade and communication

d) It caused conflicts between different civilizations

The Americas were named after which explorer?

a) Christopher Columbus

b) Amerigo Vespucci*

c) Ferdinand Magellan
d) Vasco da Gama

Which country did Christopher Columbus originally come from?

a) Spain

b) Italy*

c) Portugal

d) England

The Silk Road was named after which valuable commodity?

a) Gold

b) Spices

c) Silk*

d) Ivory

Who financed the voyage of Hernando de Magallanes?

a) King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain

b) King Henry VIII of England

c) Pope Alexander VI

d) Antonio Pigafetta (Italian scholar)*

Which of the following animals was not introduced to the Americas

as part of the Columbian Exchange?
a) Horses*

b) Pigs

c) Cows

d) Sheep

How did the discovery of the Americas impact European trade and

a) It led to the establishment of new trade routes and increased


b) It resulted in the decline of trade and economic instability

c) It had no significant impact on European trade and economy

d) It caused conflicts and wars between European countries

Which of the following goods were commonly traded along the Silk

a) Bananas

b) Potatoes

c) Jade

d) Silk*

Which explorer is known for sailing around the southern tip of


a) Christopher Columbus
b) Vasco da Gama*

c) Ferdinand Magellan

d) Hernando de Soto

What was the main motivation for European explorers to find a sea
route to Asia?

a) To establish new colonies

b) To spread Christianity

c) To gain access to valuable spices and luxury goods*

d) To discover new lands and civilizations

Which explorer is often credited with initiating the Age of


a) Christopher Columbus

b) Hernando de Magallanes

c) Ferdinand Magellan

d) Prince Henry the Navigator*

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