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All Those Things That You Desire, You Will Find Here In The Fire

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/M
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Relationship: Katara/Zuko (Avatar)
Character: Katara (Avatar), Aang (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar), Air Acolytes (Avatar)
Additional Tags: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Cheating, Humiliation, Blow Jobs,
Vaginal Sex, Anal Sex, Semi-Public Sex, Cuckolding
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-04-30 Words: 6,709 Chapters: 1/1

All Those Things That You Desire, You Will Find Here In The
by NidoranDuran


Katara thought she was settling down into a life that she could be happy with, but 'maturity'
and power have not come to Aang equally. With a fleet of Air Acolytes hanging on his
every word, he's suddenly espousing the merits of 'taking multiple partners' as an old Air
Nomad tradition and chiding Katara for jealousy. So she gives him somethign to be jealous
about by inviting Zuko to come take her in front of Aang all day long. Anonymous


See the end of the work for notes

Katara stood with an unimpressed look on her face and her arms crossed while she watched her
fiancé put his cock away. It was still hard, still tenting at his pants as he tried to straighten himself
out, clearing his throat again and again. Two women were beside him still. Two acolytes who were
studying to help rebuild the Air Temples and the culture of the Air Nomads, were barely dressed,
robes open, breasts splattered with his cum after the very spiritual and very well restrained Avatar
received a double titfuck from them behind his wife's back.

"You can leave now," she told the two of them. The two nuns seemed awkward about this, but
began to drift off, but lingering, almost magnetically so, while wondering if they should stick it out
and wait for Aang's word.

"Give us a minute," said Aang, waving them off. "Don't go too far, though." he cleared his throat
again. He kept clearing his throat. He did it more in the span f a couple minutes than he probably
had for the years that Katara and Aang had been engaged. "I need to explain myself."
"You need to explain yourself," Katara repeated, sharp and firm and thoroughly judging everything
about this. "Did you forget that I live here too?" she asked.

"It's more complicated than that," said Aang. He stood proud and steady, way more confident than
anyone should have been given what he had just been caught doing. I am trying to teach the
acolytes more about the Air Nomad culture; it was very normal for male Air Nomads, because of
our smaller population, to take multiple partners. Especially after we've been wiped out... It feels
like a necessity to bring that cultural aspect back to it. To try and create a new generation of Air
Nomads, and help these acolytes learn to further our culture."

Aang had been putting a lot of work into the matter of rebuilding the cultures and the traditions
that had been lost since the Fire Nation all but eradicated them. Once peace settled in and one of
the temples were under restorative efforts, it became his top priority, and Katara was happy to
oblige for the years of working up to it. When the years dragged on and the two drifted close
together romantically, she committed herself happily to it, and now, with Aang in his late twenties
and Katara thirty, they were close to being ready to start a family. At least, they were supposed to
be; finding Aang with his cock between the breasts of two of the women he spent so much time
with gave her pause.

"And when did you plan on telling me that, without consulting me at all, you were taking on
'multiple partners'?" she asked, cutting and forward. The two girls he'd been fondling were both
twenty, bright-eyed aspirants eager to listen to his words, almost enthralled by the Avatar and the
willingness to teach him. It seemed exploitative. It seemed ugly. Two girls ten years her junior,
both having sex with him behind her back. "Because the very first time I get to hear about your
plan is when you're already having sex with some!" This was not acceptable in the least and Katara
was awestruck that he thought it even could be.

But Aang held steady. It was unsettling to her how easily he justified it. "One thing Air Nomad
culture did not have around our views on relationships was jealousy. A wife was happy to be part of
something more, and understood that jealousy was an unhealthy emotion that only led to conflict."

Katara was awestruck. In her mind, their relationship was dead at that precise moment. She was so
stunned by his words and the sheer audacity behind them that she wasn't sure what she could have
even possibly said to respond to that. But that was fine. "I see. I guess I just need some time to get
used to this. I do wish you told me sooner; we could have avoided this fight." Katara went too
compliant. Too 'easy'. It should have been bait. Katara did not simply stand for disrespect no
matter how caring she was.

Regardless, Aang took the bait. It was maybe more insulting to her that he took it so eagerly at face
value. "I am glad you understand. Now, I must resume my lessons."

Lessons. "Yeah, I'll leave you alone," Katara said, striding out of the room and letting her mind
match her plan. She was in her room in an instant, penning a letter to invite the Fire Lord himself to
join her at Air Temple Island. She made clear what the problem was and what she wanted, and
made clear note in the letter that maybe they'd both 'made mistakes' ten years back.

Back when Zuko and Katara were fuckbuddies. Back when they were almost wondering if the
spark between them was about something more, only to crumble under the pressure of feelings of
years past. Katara felt like her feelings for Aang had to be acted on, but also like she had to leave
Zuko to deal with what he felt for Mai. Zuko had operated under virtually the same idea of self-
sacrifice and uncertainty, the two of them splitting up and leaving the possibility of something
more into their pasts so they could explore the relationships that seemed inevitable before the
spark had ever ignited between the two of them.
But now, Zuko was single again. Mai and he got back together briefly only for her to decide she
wanted to travel rather than linger around by a king's side. Katara was ready to leave Aang behind.
They were ready. She was ready.

Zuko was always good at making things explosive. It was time that he took that same energy to her
Zuko's presence was a welcome surprise to Aang the night he arrived and he thought nothing of a
friendly visit until the next morning, when he entered into the dining room to find his fiancée on
her knees, sucking Zuko's cock. The Fire Lord's fat, long, aching shaft was easily lost down
Katara's mouth. She worked to suck him deep and to praise him with the sloppy fever and pressure
of something truly shameless, tending to these pleasures and giving herself up so deep that she even
laid loving adoration all over his balls, keeping up a pressure and a sloppiness that made
aggressively, ruthlessly clear what she wanted with no qualms about seeking it.

"Katara?" gasped Aang, who nearly fell over at the shocking sight of it.

Katara took her time to pull up, spit strands dripping from her lips as she turned to face Aang. "I
was just thinking about what you told me last week about jealousy. You remember, don't you?
That it's an unhealthy emotion that only leads to conflict." She leaned back down again, her head
staring toward Aang while she laid her kisses down the length of his shaft in a show of territorial
greed, the desire and chaos of pure madness, before she rose up, tugging her skirt up and straddling
his lap. "We're just having some fun here, it's fine."

"Good morning, Aang," said Zuko, who waved with one hand while the other took a nice, hard
squeeze out of Katara's thick ass. She was curvier than she'd been the last time they fucked, to his
absolute delight, and he could not keep his hands off of her while she took down his fat cock right
in front of Aang. She didn't even need to say he was bigger; it was clear by the moans she made
and the way she threw her arms around his waist to begin riding him in a fit of pure chaos and

Aang shut it all out. If he ignored them, he wouldn't have to look at them. He felt confident in that,
letting the moment slide while he stepped over to prepare his food, ignoring the sight of his
girlfriend hammering up and down on another man's cock in front of him, no matter how it made
him feel. This was just a territorial stunt meant to make him jealous and to cause a fight, and he
would not give in to it. Aang went about his morning with them left behind his back, ignoring the
whole situation.

But Katara had no intention of that, the sounds of sloppy make-outs meeting the collision of bodies
to create a lurid mess of pure noise and indulgence, the kind of chaos and excitement made only
better by the way that Aang was so visibly shaken by this. Katara knew she had what she needed,
and her hips continued their mad up and down fever, the heaving, pulsating glee of letting herself
give in hotter and deeper to this all. She was unashamed of what she could do here, of all the
wicked satisfactions that she was unashamed about pursuing.

"I missed your huge cock so much," she moaned. 'Why did we stop fucking again?" She was loud
about it, knowing she could get under Aang's skin.

"I should have spent the past ten years waking up, rolling over, and fucking you raw," Zuko
groaned, his hands lovingly appreciating her curves through her clothes, feeling up Katara with the
territorial greed that tried to help rile Aang up. He was all too happy to play the role of stunt cock
here to make Aang jealous, and even happier that she was coming back to him. He was lonely after
Mai left him a second time, and he was hoping something might go wrong and he might be able to
snatch Katara back. This was it now, and he was going to take this shot as hard as he could.

"Fuck me over the table," she moaned. "Really drill into me. You were always so strong and rough
with m--yes, yes!" Katara was shoved down onto the dining room table, a leg pulled up over
Zuko's shoulder to penetrate in at just the right angle to drive her mad. Katara was happy to be loud
as hell about this, heaving, trembling, giving in to the chaos and the pleasure of pure satisfaction
that kept coming. It was a beautiful mess of passion and fire, the indulgence and the fever of letting
everything go deeper. No restraint, no sense, just the burning excitement of letting it all go.

This was a test, and Aang refused to stoop to the level that Katara and Zuko did. Even as he stood
in utter silence and stillness, no longer working on actually preparing himself food, just listening to
the misery-inducing humiliation of their raw, wild, loud fucking. It was meant to get one over on
him, and he struggled to not let it, a struggle that felt more strained and infuriating by the second
for him as he stood there, just listening to it. Listening to all of it.

Katara put out all the stops with the noise and the chaos behind all of this, the pleasures that kept
coming, kept burning up hotter and wilder, the greedy spectacle of giving in to these ideas fully. It
was a mess of pure ecstasy, of senseless delights to give up to in fully, and she was ready to go for

"Make sure not to come inside," moaned Katara. 'That would be cheating on my fiancé. On the
very faithful man who only cums on the tits of his acolytes; you should do the same." Katara
yanked up her blouse, her ample breasts heaving free and wild while she offered herself up to this,
and true to the chaos, Zuko drew back, groaning his way through grabbing his cock and finishing
himself off with a few ready, shuddering strokes. His cock erupted up from her stomach toward her
tits, splattering some onto her clothes and even a few drops on her face for good measure, while
Katara shivered and shook through the wild delight of pure surrender. Katara had what she wanted,
or at least the first part of it now.

"We should go clean up," Zuko said.

"Y-yea," moaned Katara. "You have classes this morning, right, Aang?"

"Yes," said the Avatar, his throat tight and his voice strained, every instinct on him fighting to keep
this steady and to keep a newfound anger it inspired in him under wraps. The door closed behind
them, and he was able to finally let out a noise of pure anger and jealousy at what they had been
doing, left with no clear idea how to stop them.
Aang finally managed to take care of cooking himself some food, and once he'd finished eating it,
he headed late to a lecture he was giving. Only to the female Acolytes this morning, of course.
Power had driven him a little mad; he saw the opportunities and simply could not resist all the
many vulgar things he had in mind given how devoted to him they were. Pretty, young women
who saw the privilege of studying with the Avatar, so receptive to all of his talk about rebuilding
the Air Nomads, about how jealousy was bad and he should be allowed to be with multiple
women; they were pliable, bright-eyed, eager to serve and desperate to please him. They hung on
his every word and were all too happy to let him grope them, to suck his cock, to make themselves

When he arrived to the lecture where he would like single out one girl to fuck before lunch, he was
dismayed to find that the lecture was in the midst of some pretty noisy and nasty interruptions.

"No, do not touch him," hissed Katara. "I'm the one fucking the Firelord right now; why don't you
go suck my fiancé’s cock so much if you want a man to touch you?"
Oh no.

Katara was down on her hands and knees, clothes discarded while Zuko fucked her doggy style in
front of the gathered and awestruck acolytes who ere supposed to be waiting for their teacher to
arrive. Katara's body heaved in wild back and forth indulgence, the messy delight and the greedy
excitement of going all out, his huge cock railing her, his heavy nuts smacking against her chin
while he pounded into her so hard.

The look of awe and arousal across the women watching this lurid display hardly seemed fair.
Zuko's muscular, toned body heaved while he wielded his huge cock carelessly to fuck Katara in
front of them with pure conviction and fever, a greed and an insistence that only left them acutely
aware of how much bigger he was than the man they were fawning over. It was an embarrassing
thought, but therein lay the harsh revenge that Katara laid out. These women were treacherous little
whores awestruck by Aang's shockingly sleazy turn toward greed and 'sexual openness', and as a
result, they couldn’t touch the better man she'd called over.

"I need your cock so badly, Zuko," whined Katara, heaving about fast, letting her round ass bounce
and ripple against Zuko's lap, her heavy breasts swaying while she threw herself into this with all
she had. It was the pleasure and the commotion that consumed her, and had her noisier than she'd
been with Aang.

In the past, Katara's decisions had been simple. Leave aside a potential for wild, unrepentantly
shameless sex with the hung Firelord to be a good wife and rebuild the Air Nomads with the
Avatar, who was nice and supposed to be the one she was sure she loved. Aang had ruined that,
and now, she remembered what it felt like to really enjoy sex. Not just to get off or have a good,
intimate time. She had been having fine enough sex with Aang. But Zuko was more than 'fine
enough', and she let loose the noise to express it, shaky and heaving and lost to the delirious bliss
of letting herself fully fucking unravel.

Furious footsteps had Aang marching forward. "This is a classroom!" he chided. "This is not the
place for this, and my students do not need these distractions! Leave the room at once." Aang was
insistent on pushing forward, his voice raised in a flurry of something that finally cracked toward
anger. He had a good excuse, though. A good justification for why he was so sharp and why he
took issue with this, something that was meant to be a greater objection while he charged his way
up to them.

"Zuko, pick me up," whined Katara, her hips finally stopping. "We can find somewhere else."

Of course we can. Sorry to interrupt your class." Zuko pulled Katara up and impaled her down
onto his huge cock again, her legs wrapping around his waist and her arms finding his shoulders,
gripping him tightly as, rather than just take their leave and act normal, Zuko bounced her up and
down on his meaty prick, letting her heave atop him without a shred of restraint or sense, the
march toward pure greed and depravity that made clear that neither was in any position to behave.

Every head in the room turned away from Aang to follow the sight of Zuko marching out with
Katara impaled on his dick, their clothes left behind as they marched out naked, Zuko's muscles
still there to appreciate while the sounds of Katara getting fucked senseless rang out.

"Bring all attention here now," Aang commanded, pulling his acolytes back into some attempt at
keeping them focused on him. "We have things to discuss and a lesson to teach." He cleared his
throat, and the eyes did snap back to him. "Today, we're going to discuss an important role for
Acolytes to play in the reconstruction of the Air Nomad tribe: midwifing. It is important that
Nomads provide support to women among themselves giving birth, and as future generations arrive
and airbenders return, that w--"
"Keep fucking me harder! Keep drilling my pussy with that huge cock and use me like your
cocksleeve, you fucking stud!" Screams of the most profane things that had ever come out of
Katara's mouth. Heads turned again, to reveal that Katara and Zuko had indeed left the room, but
unfortunately, doors had not been rebuilt or reinstalled, which meant that just being in the hallway
in clear view of the door was enough. Zuko pinned Katara to the wall, and his balls were visibly
heaving back and forth while he slammed into her, using her with vigor and reckless, greedy

Aang cleared his throat. "Important that you take on the roles and help assist with the delivery and
immediate care of the children," said Aang, his voice tense and harsh, trying to keep their focus on
him. "There are many writings from the Air Nomads to teach women this, owing back to the
traveling clans and small tribes who flew around on the bison and needed this knowledge passed
down to them."

But eyes were straying. The women who should have been paying the utmost focus to Aang and
should have hung on his every word instead kept turning their head, stealing peeks at Zuko railing
Katara, their own sorts of envy creeping in at the sight of it. Aang was losing them, and the
orgasmic screams of Katara riding out another orgasm were impossible to speak over, a gleefully
destructive mess of sounds meant to further undermine Aang's everything while she took the noise
on and relished in the chaos.

"All over my face this time," moaned Katara. She dropped to the floor, legs trembling after the
mind-blowing orgasm he'd granted her, and she took Zuko's cock in hand, slapping it down onto
her face and stroking him, working him up until he was finishing with heavy ropes of thick jizz all
over her face. Katara took it with pride, her mouth open to receive some of it while his followers all
turned, humiliating their teacher by admiring the sight of his girlfriend getting another man off.

Then, hand in hand, they finally left, and Aang breathed a sigh of relief, his hand reaching for the
nearest nomad girl's breast and starting to feel her up, but never had she seemed so disinterested in
his touch as she did in that moment.
Katara knew Aang's schedule too well, and as the day progressed, Aang became more and more
certain to his absolute terror that they were trying to get a message to him by just taunting him over
every inch of the island. Seemingly every thirty minutes, he would turn his head to see them
fucking somewhere.

He'd tried to take a stroll through the garden to steady himself, and instead found Katara bent over
and getting railed from behind, her arms pulled behind her back by Zuko amid merciless slams
forward that had her moaning and aching through the sheer chaos and writhing ecstasy that she
gave in to, twisting through this with no clear idea how to handle herself. Her eyes were rolled back
and her tongue was hanging out of her mouth, the most mindless, babbling noises of fuck-drunk
delirium ringing out with single-minded obsession and pure bliss.

When he went to the library to find an old Nomad text to discuss in the next class, he instead found
Katara lying on a table in the library, Zuko hunched over to suck on her plump breasts while his
fingers pounded into her. "Even your fingers can make me cum so hard I stop thinking," whined
Katara while she took it all on, the twisting ecstasy and throbbing delight of giving in hotter to all
of this, sloppy chaos and delight too passionate to be able to handle. "I'm going to cum so hard, I
need t--oh, fuck it. Nobody uses this library anyway. Just make me scream!"

At the baths in the afternoon, he found Katara's head bobbing up and down on Zuko’s lap again,
his hand firm on her head while he took charge with much more aggressive and rough blowjob
than that motion. Katara sputtered and slurped on his cock with the revelrous joy of wanting to
make as much noise as she could muster, carelessly committed to ensuring spectacle and chaos
while she tended to this moment. It was the messiest, wildest of delights and it made Aang wait on
taking his bath.

But when he returned a half hour later, they were still going, Katara's breasts now almost
smothering the Firelord while she rode his lap, bouncing atop his cock harder. "We need to clean
up, but I can't keep my hands off of you," she moaned. Just like Zuko couldn't keep his hands off of
her, given the way his open palm crashed across her bouncing ass. His constant groping and
squeezing was a merciless show of fire and indulgence that knew no end.

Another half hour. A soapy handjob.

An hour after that, and finally they were walking out of the baths with towels wrapped around their
bodies, laughing like old friends, holding hands. It was even more infuriating than when they were
having sex to Aang, because he couldn't remember any time in the past week that Katara had
shown half that much warmth to him.

Aang was still certain he was in the right, and that Katara's jealous hysteria was a failing on her
part. He growled, grumbled, and turned around to drag one of his acolytes in with him to the bath in
an attempt to also enjoy an hours-long fuck session in there with one of the ripe, younger women
who were entranced by him. It didn't go nearly that long before she lost interest in him and said she
was 'too hungry' to want to keep going.
Katara strode into the bedroom at last after a long day of fucking Zuko all over every inch of the
temple, and Aang was at least a little bit surprised she was there. "Not sleeping in Zuko's bed,
too?" he asked while sat on the floor, preparing himself for meditation.

"Of course not," she said. "Don't be jealous."

"Don't be--" Aang let out a noise of shock, unsure how to even begin to address the sheer audacity
behind what was happening. He tried to think about what to say, but before he could, the door to
their room opened. Zuko strode in, and he was left even more shocked. "This is our bedroom," he
said, confrontational and firm.

"He's just here to help me relax so I can get some sleep," said Katara, smiling bright while she
stripped herself bare atop the bed, pulling her clothes off while she sat there. "I don't think
meditation can help tonight, but I know Zuko can help me."

"This is not appropriate, and I don't know what you think this is, but this has to stop." Aang was
finally at the end of his rope, abut he was completely ignored as Zuko climbed onto the bed Aang
shared with his wife to be, spreading Katara’s thighs out and diving in to begin devouring her.
Katara's legs jerked up in a fit of joy at the simple press of his tongue against her, and she got to
noisy and fitful excitement as she welcomed all these excitements. The pleasure was just what she
needed to get vocal and sloppy, to begin losing herself now fully to what Zuko offered.

Once more, Aang was left with little to do but try and ignore this. Katara was unapologetic about
it, and completely detached from good sense while she received the tongue shoving forward,
licking wildly against her mound and letting the pleasures start up with a spike of utter greed. He
had to fight this temptation, had to ignore this all. He settled into his pose to meditate, fighting this
off and doing what he could to keep from focusing on any of it.

Aggressive licks against her mound lit up Katara immediately, but the strong hands that groped her
thighs and caressed up along her mound added so much to it, too. Zuko’s strong fingers knew
where to touch a woman, and he was happy to launch into that now without care, pushing greedily
forward with a desire to take this all to the limit of sense, deeper pleasures and lusts to embrace.
There was no way to possibly fight off the pressures that kept coming, burning lust that kept rising
and building up. He was able to make her feel lots of things Aang couldn't, and as her love for him
shrivelled away in awe at what he was doing, she decided the right thing to do was simply roll with
all of it.

Slipping his fingers into her properly, Zuko let the pressure ramp up hotter as he got to work at
indulging in her, penetrating her with his digits and proving he was more than just a stud with a
huge cock. He could eat a woman out to similarly mind-melting ecstasies, and his fingers worked
in tandem with a tongue ready to please. Everything he did was a very simple and very persistent
push to make her feel like she was losing her mind, and Zuko didn't want to let up, didn't want to
hold back any of what he had in mind.

"So good, so good, eat me out harder. I can really tell how much you care about my pleasure!"
Katara was past the point of giving a fuck anymore. "After years of settling for sex where I told
myself that love was its own form of pleasure, it's amazing to fuck a man who can give me what I
need physically, too!" She didn't mind throwing some harsh words around, even casting a little
mistruth to get the point across. To make Aang feel worse. She felt crossed enough as it was, and
she wanted to lay on heaps of the emotions and the pressures that he'd betrayed her with now too.
She'd do anything to get more reaction.

Aang fought it. He did his best to meditate through the fury and the agony of this situation while
listening to Katara's moans grew bolder, her breath grow shakier. He was desperate not to fall into
this mess and not to let anything get away form him, but it felt harder and harder by the second to
deal with the ugly situation eh found himself in, one where he didn't really know what he could do
about it. Katara's unfaithfulness bothered him, but he never stopped to think about how his
explanation of 'his culture' and their views on 'partners and jealousy' had been a curveball he hadn't
warned her about. He felt he'd done nothing wrong, and continued to resent this petty attempt to try
and make him admit he did.

"I miss eating you out, you deserved so much better," groaned Zuko while is fingers and his lips
worked their magic. His tongue assaulted her clit while his strong fingers worked into her faster,
pumping without restraint or sense, careless in their advance and loving in how they could make
Katara fall to pieces. Zuko was firmly in control and the steadiness he paid praise to her with was
only getting bolder with each push, a forward indulgence meant to drive her mad, meant to make
everything falter completely.

Katara inched closer to the limit, to the throbbing ecstasy pulsing across her, guiding her to need
more. This was ruinous, a destruction and a chaos and a passion that tore her asunder fully. She
happily welcomed every second of it, though, needing to give in, needing to keep throwing herself
toward ecstasy and passion as the pleasure tore her fully asunder now. She was so close, so hungry,
so ready to fall to pieces, and Katara didn't let it hold her back as she moaned out in drunken
delirium, happy to give up completely and to cum her brains out under the sheer passion of letting
it all break her down.

Thrashing through her orgasm, Katara grabbed Zuko harder, pulling him up. "I need you to fuck
me," she gasped, as if he hadn't already fucked her countless times all day. He certainly acted like
he hadn't given he threw himself up on top of her, jamming his tongue into her mouth, his hands
finding her breasts while she grabbed hold of his cock and urged him on top of her. The pleasure
was just right as his cock slid in, as he filled her up once more and she succumbed to her most
drunken lusts. "I need you to fuck me like he can't!" she shrieked, immediately ready to give in to
this all. "I need you to remind me of what I should never have left behind!"
"You deserve it. I'm not pulling out this time," groaned Zuko. "I'm going to fuck you, I'm going to
breed you, and then I'm going to drag you back to the Fire Nation with me to be my queen, instead
of having you waste your time here with a man who wants to finger his students instead of
appreciate the amazing thing he has in front of him."

Finally, Aang had had enough. Those words were over the line in several ways, a too-much, too-
loud proclamation of countless things that he absolutely objected to, and he jolted upright in a burst
of anger. "Get off of my fiancé right now," he said, finally breaking down. "You do not belong
here, and Katara, I am very disappointed in this jealousy. You don't understand that the future of
the Air Nomads and the repopu--"

"I don't care, you sleazy, cheating, asshole!" screamed Katara, her legs kicking so she could take
Zuko even deeper. "This isn't about anything but your own ego. You didn't tell me anything, you
just threw yourself into it without caring what I thought. You destroyed my trust in you, and I just
don't love you anymore, and I'm leaving with Zuko. So just fucking go sleep in one of the beds of
your students how will take pity on you and suck your dick while you cry, because I am done!"
Finally, the pent-up and furious words rang out, a sharp howl of frustration and panic at the sheer
pressure that she was able to finally convey.

"Get out of here," groaned Zuko, helping pull Katara's legs up and mating pressing her shamelessly
into the mattress. "I'm taking her with me in the morning. She's done with you."

Aang trembled in anger, still in his mind completely justified and furious that Katara 'didn't
understand' the gravity of this necessity. But he ran off. Like a coward, hurt, frustrated, unable to
express himself, he just ran, and nobody cared to follow after him.

Instead, Katara let loose drunken thrills and ecstasies that made her feel completely lost to the joys
this offered her. She didn't care about how demented this was or how senseless these pleasures felt;
she just let herself give in to it. All of it. She had to. "Now we're finally alone," Katara moaned,
grabbing his body tighter. "Fuck, I needed to say that!"

"You needed to," he groaned, leaning forward and kissing her again. "I've been waiting for you to."

"I'm so glad you came to get me," Katara moaned, bucking against him while his big dick pounded
into her. Her head spun with excitement over the sheer joy of what she’d finally done and let loose;
it felt like a massive weight finally off of her to have given in to all of that, and now she could
simply relish the moment and the chaos. "I don't know what I'll do after this, but at least I could
make a big, loud exit on my way out."

"No, I think you know," groaned Zuko, one hand palming Katara's big ass while his other groped
her breasts. "You called me here for a reason, and I came here for a reason. After all this time, I'm
ready to say I was in love with you ten years ago when we stopped doing this, and I'm still in love
with you now." He kept drilling rougher into her. "Everything about making you my queen and
breeding you wasn't just for show. I want you to stay with me."

Katara nearly came from the words alone, her legs shaking in the air as he fucked her absolutely
stupid. In truth, she could have probably been just too fuck drunk to think right, but for some
reason, a feeling of clarity washed over her, the distinct realization that maybe she did understand
this. That she was thinking with full certainty of her actions and what they meant. That was a scary
thought, but her legs wrapped around his waist. She clung tighter to him, and the words she
screamed, she screamed loud enough that no matter where Aang was on the island, he'd hear them
ring out.

"I love you, too, Zuko!" It felt amazing to say, like a tension finally lifting after all this time off of
her, expressing something that could finally befit what she'd needed. The pleasure was too much to
handle, the overbearing joy and thrill of giving in completely, accepting the pleasures and their
most insane of pleasures, needing to let the words out and needing to embrace them for the
pleasure they offered her.

There was something just so perfect and so beautiful about the joy of letting it out. Of bucking
upward while his cock filled her and pounded into her. She felt so many emotions all at once, the
surge of satisfaction and desire guiding Katara to stop worrying about anything and to simply let
the ecstasy take her. The acceptance of what she'd been hoping for brought her so much pleasure,
so much relief. There was just joy in this mess, just the beautiful, shameless lust of letting it all
take her down deep.

Zuko pounded harder into her. "So I need to get started on the future Firelord," he groaned. "I came
too many times on you."

"This time, you can fill me to the brim," hissed Katara. "Let him sleep n the bed where another
man bred me and stole me!" She was shameless, burning through petty fever and a manic desire to
lose herself, greed carrying Katara to fall completely apart now. She was ready for this, needing to
surrender to what she was powerless now to handle, until the ecstasies were breaking her down and
she was simply giving herself to made bliss. There was just nothing to do but let the pleasure take
her down, and she needed to accept it.

Zuko was eager to pump her full of cum, to blow all sense away and indulge in the pleasure that
this granted. He was eager to mark her, to make her howl out in joy as the pleasures came on
weirder, sloppier, too wild to handle now. There was so much to this mess that just felt incredible,
and he held her down while he filled her with his load, deep, shivering. Ecstasy surged across him
that put all of his other climaxes today to shame, and he'd been living good all day. The shivering,
aching joy of letting this feel so powerful just brought him something special.

Especially since this time, he got to feel Katara's pussy squeeze down around his cock, milking him
desperately while he pumped off his potent load into her. Katara's screams were shameless,
desperate, the haze of pleasure tearing her apart, and she was happy to see this through, happy to
give herself up completely to the idea of losing control. Katara savoured how she felt and savoured
the bliss of giving in to such gooey surrender, taking his load and letting the pleasure hit her.

"I was supposed to start a family with the man I loved," moaned Katara, clinging to him with all of
her limbs at once. "I guess in the end, I really did."

Zuko leaned down to kiss her some more, softer this time. No tongue invading her mouth, no
spectacle of chaos and greed. It was calmer. For a moment, everything seemed sweet.

Then his hips got moving again, and before she knew it, Katara's eyes were rolling into the back of
her head and the long, insane ahead of them was only just beginning.
Zuko's airship left first thing in the morning, with Katara's stuff packed away. She didn't say a
word to Aang as she left. She didn't need to. The absolute brutality of her goodbyes were enough,
and she cared only about getting away and moving on to a new life. She left the engagement ring
on the bed covered in Zuko's cum, and otherwise carried her possessions out with her to start anew
as the wife to the Firelord. It was so insane to imagine, but it was a life she felt ready to give herself
up to confidently.

She left Air Temple Island behind, and by the time they were in the air, Zuko was pulling back on
her hair and he was balls deep inside of her, inducting her into the mile high club while Aang was
left to mope with his acolytes consoling him, left with what now seemed much more like pity sex
than anything. Seeing the Firelord charge in and steal the Avatar's fiancé out from under him broke
the spell that he'd had over his acolytes. Maybe he could rebuild it, maybe he found find something
new in the ashes of his reputation and the way his sexual prowess had been exposed, but for the
moment, every kiss felt hollow and left wanting.

Katara got what she wanted. Revenge. Zuko's cock. A second chance at a better, more enjoyable
life with a man who respected her, and she wasn't looking back, save for one fleeting comment
while he smacked her ass over and over.

"Now if you wanted to take another girl, I don't think I'd be able to complain," she moaned. "You
deserve it like he never did."

End Notes

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