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Members: Akeila Jawanza

Rondell Rankin
Teacher: Ms. Bovell
Due: 2022/11/18th

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Content page

Objectives………………………………………Pg. 3

Atomic Theory………………………………...Pg. 4-5

More about Atomic Theory…………………. Pg.5-8

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1. Describe what the atomic theory is.

2. Describe how these scientists impacted the atomic theory as it

relates to their discovery of the three particles. Descriptions must
o their model
o A brief explanation of the experiments carried out by

Describe what the atomic theory is.

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In contrast to the outdated notion that matter could be divided into any arbitrarily small
quantity, atomic theory states that matter is composed of discrete units called atoms.

Dalton and others imagined all matter's atoms as tiny, solid spheres in various states of motion.

Atoms are unbreakable and unchangeable. Atoms of one element cannot be created, destroyed,
divided, or transformed into atoms of another element. Dalton based his hypothesis on Antoine
Lavoisier's and others' 1785 statement of the law of conservation of mass.

The atomic theory of Dalton was the first comprehensive attempt to describe all matter in terms
of atoms and their properties.

Dalton's theory was founded on the laws of mass conservation and constant composition.

The first part of his theory states that all matter is made up of indivisible atoms. (Which isn’t
true, they contain subatomic particles)

According to the second part of the theory, all atoms of a given element have the same mass
and properties.

Compounds, according to the third section, are combinations of two or more different types of

According to the fourth part of the theory, a chemical reaction is a reorganization of atoms.

Because of the existence of subatomic particles and isotopes, parts of the theory had to be

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A depiction of John Dalton’s model

More about Atomic Theory

Describe how these scientists impacted the atomic theory as it relates to their
discovery of the three particles. Descriptions must include:

o their model
o A brief explanation of the experiments carried out by

J.J. Thomson
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After John Dalton, J.J. Thomas discovered electrons in atoms, which he called ‘corpuscles’. He
produced the plum pudding model of the atom. It showed that atoms are composed of electrons
scattered throughout a cloud of positive charge.

The cathode ray tube emits electron beams. However, this was not known at the time of the
development of cathode ray tubes. Experimenting with the elements and components that
make up cathode ray tubes resulted in the creation of an unusual glowing beam through a glass
tube. It wasn't until scientist named J.J. Thomson examined the cathode ray tube beams that the
negatively charged, subatomic particle now known as the electron was discovered. J.J. Thomson
used cathode ray tubes in three experiments to make this discovery.

Ernest Rutherford
Ernest Rutherford discovered, that the atom is mostly empty space, with nearly all of its mass
concentrated in a tiny central nucleus. Ernest Rutherford had created a nuclear model to depict

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Rutherford fired positively charged alpha particles at a thin sheet of gold file. Most passed
through with little deflation, but had been deflected at large angles. The only way this would
have been possible was if the atom was mostly an empty space, with the positive charge
concentrated in the center: the nucleus.

Niels Bohr
Niels Bohr improved Rutherford’s model by stating, that electrons moved around the nucleus in
orbits of fixed sizes and energies.

A model of the atom produced by Niels Bohr, in which the electron was able to occupy only
certain orbits around the nucleus. Electron energy in this model was quantized; electrons could
not occupy values of energy between the fixed energy levels.

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Erwin Schrödinger
Schrödinger stated that electrons did not move in set paths around the nucleus but rather in
waves. It is highly unlikeable to know the exact location, so instead, we have cloud of probability
called orbital which we are more likely to find an electron

Erwin Schrödinger had also formulated a wave equation that accurately calculated the energy
levels of electrons in atoms.

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