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 UNIT 1: Genius: Nature or Nurture?

1. Why are some people geniuses and others are not? Does the
environment a person is raised in (nurture) create a genius, or is it
because the person was simply born that way (nature)? Which part
do you think each of these plays in being a genius?

I think some people are geniuses because they develop a higher

intelligencethan others, It can be the result of hard studying and it can be

influenced for the development of the brain. Each part of the brain has an

importantrole in how a person thinks and depending on which side is

developed itinfluences in different grades of intelligence.

2. What is one special talent or ability that you have? When did you
first become aware of it? Did it come naturally, or did you have to
practice a long time to perfect it? Explain. (You may instead answer
these questions about someone you know who has a talent or

At the age of 12 I spent a lot of time at home so I started drawing and

painting and I realized that I was very good at doing that, in order to

perfect my drawings my mom enrolled me in a course, so it took me a

while to perfect my drawings. although today I no longer do it, I still keep

all the drawings that have been realized during all that time.

 UNIT 2: FACING LIFE'S Obstacles

1. There are many different kinds of obstacles: Physical and economic

are two examples. What are some other examples of the kinds of
obstacles that people face?

Currently, many people have to face many obstacles in life one of these

is Mental Health Issues these are minor issues that we usually ignore

and do not deal with because we think they don’t make sense. We are so
busy improving our lives that we forget that mental stress and anxiety are

serious issues and you should seek help as soon as posible.

Another obtacles is fear, Fear is triggered when we have a thought or

perception that we are not safe and secure. fear can actually prevent us

from doing the work we need to do to achieve our goals.

2. What are some ways that people overcome their obstacles?

The best way to overcome an obstacle or overcome a problem is to stay

positive. When you're worried about something, it's hard to stay positive,

but think about the good things that can come from the difficult decision

you have to make. Another way is Ask for help we can find help. There is

no need to feel embarrassed about asking for help. Whether you choose

to trust a loved one, a stranger, a mentor, or a friend, we all have

someone who will always support us.

3. What obstacles have you faced in your life? How have you tried to
overcome them?

To be honest, I haven’t overcome any huge obstacles yet in my life.

I am lucky enough to be healthy, and I do most things I like. I know that

some obstacles will come later, in my personal and professional life. And

I hope to be ready to face them. Like everyone, I have ambitions in my

life and I know at some point in my life I have to overcome obstacles.

My life has been easy up to this point, but I know that things can turn

around pretty quickly at any time. I prepare every day to be ready to face


1. What role can genes play in medicine?

The role of genes in medicine has an impact on our understanding and

classification of diseases. Perhaps purely clinical diagnoses, such as

hereditary diseases, could be traced back to genetic origins. Ultimately,

this will better classify our understanding of diseases and help clinicians

improve treatment strategies and research so that clinicians can select

the best medication and dosage for each patient.

2. Do you think medical treatment could be more effective if doctors

had genetic information about their patients?

Yes, the treatments would be more efficient. If doctors knew our genes,

they could predict the response to drugs and incorporate this information

into the medical decisions they make. Therefore, they could improve the

lives of many patients.

3. Genetic testing is now available very cheaply. Would you want to be

tested to find out if you have the gene for a certain disease, even if
there were no cure for the disease?

Yes, I would like to take the genetic test, because it would bring me a lot

of benefits whether the results are positive or negative for a genetic

mutation. For example, a negative result may eliminate the need for

unnecessary screening and testing in some cases. A positive result can

help me to stop any disease early and follow it up and choose the best

treatment with the help of a specialist.

 UNIT 1: Genius: Nature or Nurture?


Meaning: To provide something good or special in place of something.

Sentence: I believe nothing will ever compensate for the lost of a son,

it’s one of the worst experiences ever a father can have and nothing

could repair it.


Meaning: To make a calculation, try to guess anumber or a quantity.

Sentence: Scientists estimate that by the 2050 there won’t be enough

water for all people, water Will become less accessible and much more



4. Meaning: To keep
something, to hide and
continue having
5. it.
6. Sentence: Venezuelans
are disappointed that
Maduro still
7. retains the control of the
government, creating a
crisis in
8. the country and forcing
them to scape from there.
Meaning: To keep something, to hide and continue having it.

Sentence: Venezuelans are disappointed that Maduro still retains the

control of the government, creating a crisis in the country and forcing

them to scape from there.


Meaning: To feel worried and nervous about something.

Sentence: When the pandemic started, students began to feel anxious

with online classes because they couldn’t adapt easily to this new

methodology far from home.


Meaning: to have a disability, it can be a physical or a mental issue.

Sentence: My father had a car accident three years ago,the accident

left him disabled, but it didn’t stop him, he is still working and he believes

that a disability shouldn’t be consider as a disability.

9. Meaning: To make a
calculation, try to guess a
10. number or a quantity.
11. Meaning: To make a
calculation, try to guess a
12. number or a quantity.
 UNIT 2: FACING LIFE'S Obstacles


Meaning: To leave someone or something and there is no return back.

Sentence: I don’t understand how many children are abandoned in the

streets, but some live in hostels, they don’t usually study because they

prefer to work to get some money.


Meaning: A great unhappiness, discomfort anddistress.

Sentence: Luis has been working 10 years for this company, he feels

that his life is a misery, he gets by and live with different debts, this

feeling of being trapped makes him so unhappy.


Meaning: To desire very strongly something that youcan not have or is

difficult to have.
Sentence: Many children yearned for becoming anastronaut, but they

had to prepare so much and what’ sthe hardest part is to be chosen, just

some people havethe opportunity to go to the space.


Meaning: To suffer, to be worried and anxious about something or by


Sentence: Students go to school to learn, unfortunately during

secondary school, some migh tbe tormented by other students,

becoming victims of abuse, this is called bullying.


Meaning: It is a the feeling that things are not going to get better or


Sentence: He felt hopelessness when he couldn’t find a job, he had so

many debts and he looked all the adsaround the town and no even in

one of them he washired.



Meaning: Have influence or a strong effect on a situation or a person.

Sentence: Michael Jackson makes an impact on new generations with

hismusic and dancing.


Meaning: Fit to be trusted.

Sentence: There is no reliable data on if dinosaurs were

converted to crocodiles.


Meaning: Make a big or radical change to improve something.

Sentence: The original Apple iPhone revolutionized the

international commercial industry.


Meaning: To make connections with people, things, or ideas.

Sentence: The Church of San Francisco is linked by canals

and carvedtunnels that lead to the catacombs of Lima.


Meananing: Influences or conditions that surround everyone that can

affect or develop people or animals.

Sentence: Green building products and designs not only help

the global environment, but also help you live in a cleaner environment.
Writing (final ones)

Albert Einstein is one of the most intelligent minds the world has ever seen, his

theory of relativity transformed our understanding of space, time, gravity, and

the universe and for this, he is considered a genius. But it was not always like

this, since he was a child he had problems speaking and before becoming a

physicist he could not find work in his career, so he thought of resigning and

becoming an insurance salesman. He spent almost all of his time thinking and

wondering "why things were the way they were?" and so this way he must have

developed many of his groundbreaking theories. He didn't think he had a

special talent he said "Genius is 1% talent and 99% hard work" so he should

work more than 10 hours a day and take the proper time to think, so it took him

more than 15 years to perfect his theory of relativity. Einstein believed that it

was better to develop the imagination also believed that creative thinking was

much more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited and will change

over time, whereas imagination has no limit.


I admire my grandfather Fermín, he had to overcome many obstacles in his life

when he decided to have a better life and leave all his suffering behind.

He was born in 1922 in San Luis - Huaraz, in a low-income family he was the

last of 10 siblings, my grandfather's father abandoned his family because he

moved to another city to work but they never knew what happened to him. He

and His family lived in misery, on many occasions they did not even have

enough to eat and they suffered a lot of financial hardship and that is why

during his childhood my grandfather suffered a lot.

At the age of 16, he decided to move to Lima to look for better opportunities, but

as soon as he arrived, he realized that it was not going to be easy, he had

difficulties finding a job. For a long time he had to work hard and for many hours

a day to be able to pay his expenses,but he felt defeated because he did not

see changes in his life. H e was always interested in opening his own business,

Until he met my grandmother Estela, she inspired him to open his own business

so that he can finally achieve his dreams of having a better life.

When he opened his own business, he was able to improve his quality of life by

offering his family everything he couldn't have as a child. That's why I really
admire my grandfather who works hard to be able to support his family without

letting them go through economic needs like him.

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