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June 22, 2023

Research Paper Reflection

Now that my research paper has come to its conclusion I can go into depth discussing my

research process going step by step. To begin is the discovery stage, where I was enlightened

with new found information, however, due to me growing up around business operations with

my father I had some prior experience on my topic. This being said growing up I never

specifically thought about how benefits and outside factors influence employee productivity, not

directly at least. The prior life experiences were helpful in coming up with questions to ask such

as: how do monetary and non-monetary benefits correlate in the workplace, how do financial and

non-financial incentives influence employee productivity, and how and what outside factors have

an impact on worker productivity. This leads to the research step, where it was originally

challenging to find sources that correlated to the niche area I was looking for, but through the use

of my questions I was able to find limited sources. However, the challenge was quickly

overcome by branching off of the sources I had already found, via the academic level sources

sprinkled throughout to support their findings. This allowed for a more overall research approach

and was insightful in finding counterarguments through the correlating data. Following the data

collection was the drafting stage, where I laid out all the information that was collected and

provided sufficient backing for each claim. Moreover, I believe the research paper was able to

answer the questions posed and ended up supporting my initial hypothesis, but also brought

about a secondary answer that readers must consider. Lastly, is the review step in which I peer

reviewed, I found some areas in my peers papers to be a bit wordy but very insightful into their

respective topic areas. In addition, through the use of their tips I was able to provide more

elaboration in certain areas and as noted by my peers expanded the paper from 2,192 to 2,522.

Overall, this paper bestowed a learning experience in researching topics we are passionate about,

and were allowed to view into peers topics and learn insightful information.

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