Student Soluble Tablet - Surface Area and Temperature

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Experiment – ‘Soluble Tablets-Surface Area and Temperature’: factors affecting Rate of Reaction:

Aim: To Investigate the surface area and temperature with the rate of reaction

Formulate a Hypothesis:
Part A: Surface Area/Particle Size. If……., then…., because…….

Part B: Temperature effect. If….., then…., because…..

OR Combination Hypothesis for Part A and Part B: If …… , then …. , because

Equipment for Part A and Part B:

 Soluble Tablet x 5
 3 100mL beakers (or larger)
 25mL Graduated Measuring Cylinder
 Stopwatch
 Room temp water
 Hot water
 Cold water
 Paper and spatula for crushing 1 tablet
 Labels and marking pen
 Prepare a table of data

Part A: Surface Area


1. Collect all required equipment.

2. Label the 3 beakers: whole tablet, 2X half tablets, 1 tablet crushed using the paper and
3. Measure 25mL of tap temperature water and pour into 100mL beaker for each of the 3
4. Add one (1) whole Soluble Tablet to its labelled beaker. Record the amount of time (in secs)
for it to dissolve or when the reaction has subsided, in the Data Table.
5. Repeat Step 4 for the two half tablet
6. Repeat Step 4 for the crushed tablet

Identify the control, independent, and dependent


Part B: Temperature

Method: Write a methodology to test the effect of

temperature on solubility
Identify the control, independent, and dependent

Graphical representation:

Construct a graph/s for both Part A and Part B:

Analysis of Data:

1. Label the independent and dependent variables axes.

2. Identify trend and /or pattern in data.
3. Using interpolation describe the relationship between Dissolving time and Surface area.
4. Draw (write) a conclusion
5. Evaluate the method for the investigation.
6. Relate the science concept to everyday life.


Draw / write a Conclusion:

Evaluation of method:

Science and Society:

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