Dialogo de Ingles

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J: What kind of sports are you into?

S: I’m crazy about football, and you?

J:I’m into football too, especially when I play it with friends, do you like playing alone or with your

S: I love playing with friends , how do you spend your free time?

J: I enjoy listening to music on my phone, what kind of music do you listen?

S: I like pop and rock , both are great but I would think rock is better, and you?

J: I’m crazy about pop and reggaeton, what’s your favorite animal Samuel?

S: I adore cats and dogs , but I’m more of a dog person, what is your passion?

J: I want to become a vet; I love animals so I would like to take care of it. And you Samuel what is your

S: You know I don’t want to go to college, I just want to be rich when I grow up.

J: Oh, that’s interesting but how will you achieve it?

S: I am not sure yet, but probably create a business about mobile apps.

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