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Indices Test
(32 marks)

Name: _________________________


Tick the box if you have the following:

Bound Reference Calculator

Rate how prepared you feel for this test (10 is the highest, 1 is the lowest)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Did you do any study outside of class time to prepare?

Yes No How much time:

Did you complete all the course work set in class?

Yes Most A few None

Did you complete and correct the chapter review questions/revision test set in class?

Yes and corrected Yes Mostly No

Write at least one thing you could have done to prepare more for this test:
(Eg. Asking clarifying questions before leaving for lunch, coming to Maths help on
Monday’s afterschool...etc)




Part A – Multiple-choice (10 marks)

1 (3x) in expanded form is:
3 3 3
A x×x×x B (3x) × (3x) × (3x) C 3× 3× 3× x × x × x

2 2x 7 × 7x 3 is simplified to:

A 14x10 B 9x10 C 14x 4

3 212 ÷ 2 7 is evaluated to:

A 4 B 32 C 16

4 is evaluated to:

4 8 16
81 18 81

5 a3b-2c7d-5 simplifies to:

6 Solve the following 43 + 74 –54 =

A 1840 B 60 C 28

6a 7b 5
7 simplifies to:
3a 2b 8

2a 5 b5 2a 3
b3 2a 3 b5
8 5(xy)2 in expanded form is:

A 5×5×x×x×y×y B 5×x×y C 5×x×x×y×y

9 –(4x)0 + 5x0 – 1 is equal to:

A –1 B 0 C 3

10 is equal to:
2 −3

5 5
A − B C 40
8 8
Part B – Short-answer (22 marks)

1 a Express each of the following in index form.

i 7×k×k×k ii 6x × xy × 6yx

b Expand the following and simplify where possible.

i 92b0 ii (3a)24b3

(1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4 marks)

2 Simplify each of the following.

a x × x4 × x5 b 8n7 ÷ n3

9 𝑝𝑝2
c 3a2 × 4a3 d
15 𝑝𝑝

(1 + 1 + 2 + 2 = 6 marks)
3 Simplify each of the following.

a (y3)7 b (x3)3

c (–2c)0 d -3b0

(1 + 1 +1 + 1 = 4 marks)

4 Determine whether the following calculations are correct. HINT – some are correct.

Circle INCORRECT workings and REWRITE the workings to MAKE IT CORRECT

if needed in the space below.

a 3(42b)3 b m
 
= 3 x 46 x b3
= 23
= 3 x 24 x b3 m3

= 72 x b3 = 8

= 72b3 m3

= 42x5
c (–6c5d3)2 d 72y2z7
= -62 x c10 x d =4 x 2 x X x X x X x X x X
= -6 x -6 x c10 x d6 =7 x 2 x y x y x Z x Z x Z x Z x Z x Z x Z
= -36 x c10 x d6 = 8x5
= -36c10d6 14y2z7
= 4x5

(2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8 marks)
5 Express each of the following using positive indices only.

a b 1
y −6

c d 10-4

(1 + 1 + 2 + 2 = 6 marks)

Part C – Extended-response (4 marks)

1 Simplify the following using a combination of index laws. Express each answer using
positive indices only.

(2a b) × 6 ( ab )
2 2
4 0

a (3b ) × ( 2a )
0 3
5 2

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