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Bose-Einstein Condensation of Potassium Atoms by Sympathetic Cooling

Article  in  Science · December 2001

DOI: 10.1126/science.1066687 · Source: PubMed

435 424

6 authors, including:

Giovanni Modugno Giacomo Roati

University of Florence INO - Istituto Nazionale di Ottica


R.J. Brecha
University of Dayton


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perature of liquid nitrogen in order to minimize the
roughness of the Al surface.
Capacitance measurements on two large Al films
Bose-Einstein Condensation of
separated by such an oxide layer indicates a thickness
of about 2 nm, whereas ellipsometry measurements
indicate a value of about 5 nm.
Potassium Atoms by
20. Several volts can been applied to the gate without
destroying the oxide layer. This is quite remarkable
because the insulator layer is only a few nanometers
Sympathetic Cooling
thick, and it indicates the excellent quality of the gate
oxide. The breakdown threshold voltage where the layer
G. Modugno, G. Ferrari, G. Roati, R. J. Brecha, A. Simoni, M. Inguscio
is destroyed is typically between 2 and ⬎4 V. A small
gate leakage current (a few pA) is observed for Vg We report on the Bose-Einstein condensation of potassium atoms, whereby quan-
approaching such large gate voltages. The whole I(Vg)
tum degeneracy is achieved by sympathetic cooling with evaporatively cooled
curve may be somewhat shifted horizontally in a hys-
teretic way after a sweep to such extreme gate volt- rubidium. Because of the rapid thermalization of the two different atoms, the
ages (⬃4 V ). For this reason, we refrain from fitting efficiency of the cooling process is high. The ability to achieve condensation by
the horizontal position of the I(Vg) curve with the sympathetic cooling with a different species may provide a route to the
theory that is discussed in the text.
21. P. Horowitz, W. Hill, The Art of Electronics (Cam- production of degenerate systems with a larger choice of components.
bridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1980).
22. The data of Fig. 3 can be fitted to a generic p-type metal Since the first realizations of Bose-Einstein loaded in a magnetic trap. Evaporative cool-
oxide semiconductor FET (MOSFET ) model. The model
describes the current in the linear regime as I ⫽ –k(1 –
condensation (BEC) in a dilute gas of alkali ing of Rb is performed, and the evolution of
␭Vsd)Vsd[2(Vg – Vt) – Vsd] and the current in the satura- atoms (1–3), research in the interdiscipli- both samples is monitored by means of ab-
tion regime as I ⫽ –k(1 – ␭Vsd) (Vg ⫺ Vt)2, with k and ␭ nary fields of atom optics and quantum sorption imaging.
as fit parameters and Vt the threshold voltage. These fluids has flourished (4 ). BEC has been The laser system to manipulate the two
equations were found to approximate the data well for
the parameters k ⫽ 2.3 ⫻ 10⫺7 A/V2, Vt ⫽ –1 V, and observed in five atomic species: H (5), 4He atomic species consists of three sources: a tita-
␭ ⫽ 1 V⫺1. This model provides a reasonable starting (6 ), 7Li (3), 23Na (2), and the two isotopes nium:sapphire laser operating on the K optical
point for modeling our devices, but a full theoretical 85
Rb (7 ) and 87Rb (1). Direct forced evap- transitions (767 nm) and two diode lasers op-
description will need to consider the one-dimensional
nature and semi-ballistic transport of semiconducting orative cooling of the bosonic isotopes of erating on the Rb transitions (780 nm). The two
carbon nanotubes. potassium has been prevented by limita- pairs of frequencies at different wavelengths
23. C. Zhou, J. Kong, H. Dai, Appl. Phys. Lett. 76, 1597 tions in the temperature and density ranges necessary for magneto-optical trapping are then
24. C. P. Collier et al., Science 285, 391 (1999). achievable by laser cooling (8). We show injected simultaneously in a semiconductor ta-
25. A. A. Odintsov, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 150 (2000). that by taking advantage of thermalization pered amplifier (TA), which provides the re-
26. F. Léonard, J. Tersoff, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 5174 (1999). between a small dilute sample of potassium quired power for the two MOTs (17).
27. The electrostatic kernel corresponds to a cylinder sep-
arated by an insulating layer from a horizontal plane.
(41K) and evaporatively cooled rubidium The experimental sequence begins with
The dielectric constant of the Al2O3 layer that was used (87Rb), these limitations can be overcome. the loading of Rb in MOT2 for 30 s. During
is 5. The gap of the semiconducting nanotube is taken The technique of sympathetic cooling had this phase, the TA power is totally dedicated
equal to 0.7 eV as measured with scanning tunneling
microscopy on similar material (34).
been proposed for the cooling of ions (9) to Rb, and 109 Rb atoms are loaded into
28. Supplementary data is available at Science Online at and, in the case of neutral trapped atoms, MOT2. Half of the TA power is then has been used to obtain quantum degener- switched to K, and about 107 K atoms are
29. J. Kong, H. Soh, A. M. Cassel, C. F. Quate, H. Dai, acy, but only for two different internal loaded into MOT2 in 8 s. The overall effi-
Nature 395, 878 (1998).
30. J. Liu et al., Chem. Phys. Lett. 303, 125 (1999). states of the same atom (10) or for two ciency of the Rb MOT in this phase is strong-
31. Y. Huang, X. Duan, Q. Wei, C. M. Lieber, Science 291, isotopes of the same species (11–13). The ly reduced because of nonlinear processes in
630 (2001). mixing of two different atomic species turned the TA, resulting in a loss of about 50% of the
32. P. G. Collins, M. S. Arnold, Ph. Avouris, Science 292, 706
(2001). out to be a successful strategy, although their initial Rb sample (18).
33. R. R. Schlittler et al., Science 292, 1136 (2001). interaction properties could be discovered The magnetic trap consists of a Ioffe-Prit-
34. L. C. Venema et al., Phys. Rev. B 62, 5238 (2000). only by attempting the experiment. In the chard potential created by three coils in quad-
35. F. Leonard, J. Tersoff, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 4693 (2000).
36. Four parameters appear in the fit of the model: the case of K, sympathetic cooling of its fermi- rupole Ioffe configuration (QUIC) (19). Both
thickness d of the Al2O3 layer, the difference ⌬W be- onic isotope 40K (14) with Rb represents the species are optically pumped into the low-field
tween the Au work function and the nanotube ionization natural extension of this technique, and may seeking state ⱍF ⫽ 2, mF ⫽ 2⬎, before mag-
potential, the doping fraction f in units of e/atom, and
a constant D0 which describes the dipole resulting
be a new way to explore the physics below netic trapping. The typical axial and radial os-
from the metal-induced gap states (35). The form of Fermi temperature (15), as demonstrated in cillation frequencies of Rb in the harmonic trap
the I(Vg) curve (the width of the gap region and the the case of Li (12, 16). are ␯ax⫽ 16 Hz and ␯rad ⫽ 200 Hz, respectively,
asymmetry) depends principally on d and ⌬W. We
obtain ⌬W ⫽ 0.61 eV, d ⫽ 23 nm, f ⫽ 0.0015 and
The experimental apparatus is based on a whereas those of K are larger by a factor (MRb/
D0 ⫽ 0.21 state/(atom-eV ). The values of ⌬W, f , and conventional double magneto-optical trap MK)1/2 ⫽ 1.46, where MRb and MK are the masses
D0 are quite reasonable, but d appears to be overes- (MOT) apparatus, although the complexity is of the two species. In the QUIC, we typically
timated by a factor of around 5. This is likely to
increased because of the requirement for the load 2 ⫻ 108 Rb atoms and 2 ⫻ 106 K atoms,
originate from an oversimplification of the device
geometry, which is used for the description of the simultaneous trapping and cooling of two with both at a temperature of about 300 ␮K.
Coulomb interaction in the calculation (27). different atomic species. K and Rb atoms are Evaporative cooling of Rb is done with a
37. We thank R. E. Smalley for providing the nanotubes, captured from a vapor background in the first microwave knife tuned to the hyperfine transi-
H. W. Ch. Postma and Y. M. Blanter for discussions, E.
Swinkels and C. P. Heij for assistance with measurements MOT (MOT1) and then transferred by reso- tion at 6.8 GHz, which induces transitions from
of the oxide thickness, and B. van den Enden for technical nant laser beams to a second cell with a much the trapped state to the untrapped ⱍF ⫽ 1, mF ⫽
assistance. The research has been supported by the lower background pressure, where they are 1⬎ state, without affecting the K sample. Thus,
European Community SATURN project and by the Dutch recaptured in a second MOT (MOT2) and the evaporation reduces the temperature of both
Foundation for Fundamental Research on Material
(FOM). trapped samples, in principle keeping the K
population constant. Actually, we observe losses
29 August 2001; accepted 26 September 2001 European Laboratory for Nonlinear Spectroscopy
(LENS), Università di Firenze, and Istituto Nazionale
of K atoms in the first part of the evaporation,
Published online 4 October 2001;
10.1126/science.1065824 per la Fisica della Materia (INFM), Largo Enrico Fermi which can be minimized by forcing the speed of
Include this information when citing this paper. 2, 50125 Firenze, Italy. the evaporation ramp. We attribute these losses

1320 9 NOVEMBER 2001 VOL 294 SCIENCE

to inelastic collisions with an initial tiny fraction thermalization rate, using the model presented in the theoretical expectation for the transition tem-
of Rb atoms in the trapped ⱍF ⫽ 2, mF ⫽ 1⬎ (20), we obtain a large value for the zero-energy perature, TC ⫽ h/kB (N ␯ax ␯rad2/1.202)1/3 ⫽ 150
state. s-wave triplet scattering length, determined to nK, where h and kB are the Planck’s and Boltz-
In the evolution of the two species during the within a sign as aK41-Rb87 ⫽ 206⫺38 ⫹35
a0 or man’s constants (23).
whole evaporation over 50 s (Fig. 1), the tem- aK41-Rb87 ⫽ –266⫺50 a0 (21). These values de-
Due to the different gravitational sag of the
perature of the K cloud follows that of Rb (Fig. termine a corresponding range of values for the K and Rb samples in the magnetic trap, their
1A), thus indicating a very efficient interspecies triplet scattering length of the pair 40K-87Rb, via spatial overlap can be reduced at low tempera-
thermalization. It should be noted that once the mass scaling: We obtain aK40-Rb87 ⫽ ⫺95⫺98 ⫹33
a0 tures. However, we expect the vertical separa-
populations of Rb and K become similar (Fig. or aK40-Rb87 ⫽ 30⫺2 ⫹3
a0, for positive or negative tion of the two clouds to become larger than
1B), the efficiency of the evaporation decreases: signs of the 41K-87Rb scattering length, respec- their thermal radius only below the K critical
The ratio ␩ between the evaporation threshold tively. At low temperature, the collisional cross- temperature. As discussed in (24) and con-
and the temperature of the two samples is re- section is proportional to the square of the scat- firmed by our experimental observation, this
duced from about 7 to 5 because of the relative tering length (21), and so the two different cases results in a good thermal contact between the
increase of the K heat capacity, which is pro- result in completely different scenarios for sym- two species all the way down to the BEC of K.
portional to the number of atoms, with respect to pathetic cooling of the fermionic K with Rb. We have also measured the K-K triplet scat-
that of Rb. Even though the evaporation re- At the end of the evaporation stage, we tering length with a conventional cross-dimen-
moves only Rb atoms from the trap, the two heat observe the formation of a BEC of K out of the sional thermalization technique (25), on a pure
capacities remain comparable in this final stage thermal sample (22) (Fig. 3). The density of K sample at 13 ␮K, obtaining aK-K ⫽ 78 ⫾ 20
of evaporation because of relatively large losses the central part of the K cloud increases as the a0. The repulsive character of the interaction
of K atoms, and the cooling continues. Such evaporation threshold is lowered below 40 kHz, between K atoms (that is, the positive sign of
losses are probably due to inelastic collisions indicating the onset of the quantum degeneracy aK-K) results from our observation of stable
within the K sample, which become relevant as regime. Further evaporation of Rb reduces the condensates containing about 104 atoms (23).
the density increases with the lowering of tem- number of K atoms in the broad thermal com- Our direct determination of the scattering
perature (Fig. 2). ponent, which eventually is undetectable, leav- length is in agreement with the prediction aK-K
In this crucial phase of the evaporation, the ing an almost pure condensate. The typical num- ⫽ 60 ⫾ 2 a0 from molecular photoassociation
efficiency of the sympathetic cooling process is ber of atoms in the condensate is N ⬇ 104, and measurement on the isotope 39K (26).
sustained by the large collisional interaction be- a Gaussian fit to the wings of the bimodal The K-Rb mixture is an interesting candi-
tween the two species. This observation is con- density distribution gives a temperature T ⬇ 160 date for the formation of ultracold polar mol-
firmed by our determination of the elastic K-Rb nK (Fig. 4). This observation is consistent with ecules, using recently developed schemes
collisional cross-section in a mixed sample con-
taining a comparable number of atoms of the
two species, at a temperature of 13 ␮K. Taking
advantage of the different trap frequencies for
the two species, we have performed a selective
parametric excitation of the motion of Rb, re-
cording the subsequent increase of the temper-
ature of the K cloud as a consequence of the
collisional energy exchange. From the measured

Temperature (µK)



Fig. 2. False color absorption images of Rb (left) and K (right) at four different stages of the
sympathetic cooling. The density of the K sample increases by more than two orders of magnitude,
B going from 4 ⫻ 109 cm⫺3 to 6 ⫻ 1011 cm⫺3, when the temperature is lowered from 40 to 0.9 ␮K.
The density of the Rb sample is instead approximately constant during the evaporation.
Atom Number


Fig. 3. False color den-
sity profiles of the 41K
cloud after 15 ms of
ballistic expansion,
across the phase tran-
sition to BEC. From
0.1 1 10
Microwave Threshold (MHz)
right to left, profiles
are as follows: thermal
Fig. 1. Evolution of the number of atoms (A) cloud at T ⬎ TC; par-
and temperature (B) of the two atomic samples tially condensed sam-
in the magnetic trap as a function of the mi- ple at T ⬇ TC; and al-
crowave evaporation threshold of Rb. The solid most pure condensate
circles correspond to 87Rb and the open circles at T ⬍ TC, containing
to 41K. about 104 atoms. SCIENCE VOL 294 9 NOVEMBER 2001 1321

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Optical Density

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21. The interaction properties of ultracold atoms are de- 34. We benefited from stimulating discussions with all
0.0 scribed by a single parameter, namely the scattering the colleagues of the laser cooling and BEC group
length a, which we give in atomic units (a0 ⫽ 0.0529 at LENS. We thank W. Jastrzebski, N. Poli, F. Riboli,
0.4 A nm). The zero-energy collisional cross-section between and L. Ricci for their contribution to the experi-
distinguishable particles can be expressed as ␴ ⫽ 4␲a2. ment; I. Bloch for useful hints for the construction
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a Bose-Einstein condensate can be expressed as E ⫽ assistance. Supported by the Ministero
h2na /(␲M), where n is the gas density. dell’Università e della Ricerca Scientifica; by the
0.0 22. Because the evaporation ramp is optimized for K, at European Community under contract HPRICT1999-
0 200 400 600 800 1000 this stage the Rb sample typically contains less than 00111; and by the Istituto Nazionale per la Fisica
104 atoms and still follows a thermal distribution. della Materia, Progetto di Ricerca Avanzata “Pho-
Position (µm)
Further reduction of the evaporation threshold re- tonmatter.” G.R. is also at Dipartimento di Fisica,
Fig. 4. Density profiles of three samples of 41K sults in a complete loss of all the Rb atoms. Università di Trento; R.B. is presently at the De-
after 15 ms of expansion, showing the transition 23. F. Dalfovo, S. Giorgini, L. P. Pitaevskii, S. Stringari, Rev. partment of Physics, University of Dayton, OH; A.S.
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(27, 28), which may represent a new system therein. Include this information when citing this paper.
for quantum computing (29).
The possibility of sympathetic cooling to
quantum degeneracy with a different species
broadens the spectrum of coolable particles to
include molecules as well (30). Because Rb is
Bulk-Like Features in the
the workhorse for experiments on cold atoms,
one could take advantage of recently demon-
Photoemission Spectra of
strated techniques for a simultaneous trapping
of the partner species. For example, a BEC of
Hydrated Doubly Charged
Anion Clusters
Rb has been produced in an optical dipole
trap (31), which is an ideal tool to trap a large
variety of atoms and molecules lacking a mag-
netic moment in their ground state. Sympathetic Xue-Bin Wang,1,2 Xin Yang,1,2 John B. Nicholas,3
cooling in this kind of trap would have reper- Lai-Sheng Wang1,2*
cussions for high-resolution spectroscopy and
metrology (32), tests of fundamental theories
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1322 9 NOVEMBER 2001 VOL 294 SCIENCE

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