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When the panels go on your roof, they capture our greatest natural resource, the sun, and they

that sunlight into electricity. That electricity goes into an inverter and the inverter simply converts it
from DC power to AC power, which is the electricity we use in our home for our air conditioner,
appliances and anything else electric in the house.

During the day your system will produce more power than your home can consume and so the extra
electricity has to go somewhere. Now, there’s a meter on your house somewhere, which side is that on?
Ok, great, let’s go take a look!

*Go outside with the customer, go to the meter*

Do you ever watch that meter? Do you see how it’s always spinning forward? What do you think it’s
doing? Exactly, it’s ringing you up! Even when everything is turned off in your home it’s still spinning
forward because things like your refrigerator and oven clocks are always using power.

Now if you qualify for solar, UTILITY will come out and change that meter to what’s called a bi-
directional meter that will spin both forward and backward. In the daytime when your system is
producing more power than your home can consume, that excess power, once your home is fed with
what it needs, is going back to UTILITY through what we call the grid, and your meter will actually spin
backwards. Because battery technology isn’t where is needs to be the state mandates that UTILITY give
you a one-to-one credit in your account for each kilowatt-hour that you send to them. A kwh is just a
unit of measure for electricity like gallons is to gas. Now at nighttime or on raining days, cloudy days,
you’re not going to be sitting here in the dark. UTILITY will seamlessly supply your home with electricity
as they have always done, but you will not be charged because it comes out of your banked kilowatt-
hours. Does that make sense to you? Great, so this process is called net-metering.

Now in months where your system produces more electricity than you used during the day and more
than you drew back at night, you’ll end the month with unused credits of kilowatt hours in your account
with UTILITY. Those credits will simply roll over to the next month and you’ll start the month with a
positive balance of kilowatt hours. By building up a reserve during the months of the year where the
days are longer, you’ll have that cushion to draw from when we get to the time of the year with less
hours of daylight.

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