Flow 20 Chart

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Steps in the home

1. Build rapport and get the bill sent off to revisions ASAP (CC manager). Make sure to include
customer’s email address so they can put the proposal into the Dividend or Sunlight portal. In
Loan Only Territory they will automatically put proposal in the Dividend portal unless you
specifically request Sunlight. Put customer name in subject line. Ask for bill with this line:
“what’s a good email for you in-case we need to send you something?”

2. Company Story: Before you say the first line “so who referred...”, you should have covered:
“How long have you lived here?” at some point during your layering questions. Also, How long
have they been looking into solar? Don’t address how long they’ve been looking. Just reply
with: “what was it that made you open-minded to solar?”

3. How familiar are you with the Solar program & if it’s such a great money saver:
4. Qualification Criteria.

5. Functionality: How does solar work? How does Net Metering Work? Micro vs. Central.

6. What’s important to you about going solar? (this is lead in to Inflation and 3 circles).

7. What are you paying for a kWh now? Kill the Bill.

8. Financial T (learn from video called: most recent version partial offset financial )

9. Assumptive Close

10. Qualify them, enroll them, then bring them down the mountain with solar savings sheet and
buyer’s remorse script. They must be able to sell you on why they went solar.
INSTALL MOMENTUM APP ON THEIR PHONE. Enter your number in the phone. FIrst
Name, Solar for Last Name.
Write 3 reasons why they chose Momentum on savings sheet, scan a picture into one drive, and
leave savings sheet with customer.

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