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- Musdalifah Ahmad / 210512601015

- Nurul Aulia / 210512601017
Please work on:
pg 50
Agreement Deadlock Disagreement
Win-Win solution Stalemate Confrontation
Deal Impasse Attacks
Solutions Standstill Escalation
“Golden” bridge Arguments

pg 51
3. Match expressions with their meanings
1. C 2. E 3. F 4. B 5. A 6. D
pg 52
5. Write, a short polite email.
Dear Simon,
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to follow up on a recent conversation I had with your colleague, Mr. Gilbert,
regarding the International Student Summer Games.
During our discussion, Mr. Gilbert expressed interest in supporting the Games as a sponsor, and I wanted to thank him for his
willingness to contribute. His company's involvement would not only help make the event a success, but also showcase the
community's support for international students.
I wanted to take a moment to encourage MQ Chemicals to consider becoming a sponsor for the International Student Summer
Games. As a company with a strong presence in our community, your participation would be greatly appreciated and would
have a positive impact on the students participating in the event.
Thank you for your consideration, and please let me know if there is anything I can do to assist in this process.


pg 53.
7. Match the sentence beginnings with endings
1. d 2. e 3. b 4. f 5. a 6. c
8. Use the words in bold
1. Mean
2. Progress
3. Opinion
4. Subsdiary
5. position
6. complete
7. machines
8. shut down

pg 54.
9. Make the following questions open or indirect
1. Can you tell me if you can give us a 20% discount?

2. Can you give me an idea of which other British companies you supply?
3. Could you tell me about your company's pollution levels?

4. Can you give me an idea if the pollution is decreasing?

5. Could you tell me about the age of your machinery?

6. Could you tell me how you can prove your company is safe?

pg. 55-56
10. Read the two letters and answer the questions.
1. I was horrified, I speak from a position of strength, I have no alternative, I insist
2. I would be very happy to meet, I can quite understand, I am sure that if I were ... , I am very interested ... , what do you feel
discuss, we need to.

Please read the previous first and second page. Make a dialogue between those two and come up with your own ending for their
All of these to be done in PAIRS and submitted by only one of you in PDF only.
If submitted in other form, it will not be marked.
Due : Wednesday 10 May 2023

Name: - Musdalifah Ahmad / 210512601015

- Nurul Aulia / 210512601017
Exercise 13 (A)
Builder: Hello, I am the builder in charge of the new project we have planned for the area. We believe that our project has many
advantages for the local community.
Partner: I'm not so sure about that. I think tearing down the old buildings is a mistake. What about the historical significance of
the area?
Builder: We understand your concerns, but we have conducted a survey of the local residents and the majority of them are actually
in favor of our project. In fact, we believe that the new buildings will provide many benefits for the community. They will create
jobs and help lower the unemployment rate, and the factory units will be modern and ecologically friendly.
Partner: But what about the cost of the project? Isn't it going to be very expensive?
Builder: We have carefully considered the cost of the project and we believe that it is a worthwhile investment for the community.
Furthermore, the survey results show that many local people want the old buildings pulled down because they are dangerous.
Partner: I still have my doubts.
Builder: We understand that change can be difficult, but we are confident that our project will bring many positive changes to
the area. We have already purchased the land and we need to get permission to build soon. We hope that you will consider the
benefits of our project and support our efforts to improve the community.
Partner: Well, I'll take some time to think about it.
Builder: That's perfectly understandable. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us. We
appreciate your time and consideration.
Exercise 13 (B)
Local Residents' Association: Look, we have some serious concerns about this new project you're proposing. We just moved to
this quiet town and we don't want it to expand too quickly. And what's with all these buildings you're planning? They'll increase
traffic and ruin the character of our lovely town!
Builder: I understand your concerns, but let me assure you that we have taken all necessary precautions to ensure that the
environment remains safe. Our factory units are modern and ecologically friendly, and we will be creating jobs that will benefit
the local community.
Local Residents' Association: That's all well and good, but we don't want dirty and noisy factories ruining our peaceful town!
We need proof that the environment will be safe and that the town will actually benefit from this project.
Builder: We have conducted surveys of the local residents and the majority of them are in favor of our project. We believe that
the benefits of this project far outweigh any potential drawbacks. The new buildings will create jobs and help lower the
unemployment rate, and the factory units will be modern and environmentally sustainable.
Local Residents' Association: We're not convinced. We don't want this town turning into some kind of industrial wasteland.
You need to prove to us that this project is actually going to benefit the community, and not just the builders.
Builder: We understand your concerns, but we are confident that this project will bring many positive changes to the area. We
have already purchased the land and we need to get permission to build soon. We hope that you will consider the benefits of our
project and support our efforts to improve the community.
Local Residents' Association: Well, we'll need to think about it some more. But just remember, we're not going to let you ruin
our town with your noisy factories and ugly buildings!

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