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Effects of natural Changes to environments on people

& places.
*make all examples relevant to the Australian environment. Specifically, the Victoria Alpine Environment where possible.

Short Term Changes

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definitions support support

Day to Night Nocturnal https:// The Circadian When we do not This is one
(Archie) Plants and animals Biorhythms rhythms discuss have sunlight, explanation for
that are active /werribee/ theory how sensitivity parts of our the effects of
during the night.
animals/ suggests our to light and metabolism, long distance
Diurnal eastern-barred- daily life is darkness and physiology and plane
Animals and plants
that are active bandicoot interrupted by sleep/wakefulne behaviour
during day time the rhythmic ss patterns. continue to be
Biorhythms cycles such as regulated by a
Cyclic patterns of day to night. “biological
changes in activity clock”
of living organisms
A 24-hour cycle in the
physiological process
of living organisms

Seasons Each of the four https:// The earth is Indigenous

{Maisy} divisions of the tilted at an Australians
year {summer, om/watch? angle of 23.5 understand the
autumn, winter, v=NavWWM2iT seasons and
degrees, this
spring} marked Ew the natural
by a particular means as the changes that
weather pattern earth takes its occur
and daylight annual trip throughout
hours, resulting around the sun, them and utilise
from the earth's different areas them to their
changing of the planet advantage.
position with face the sun
regard to the more directly
sun. during their
daylight hours
at different
times of the

Tidal Flow Tidal flow is video-king-tide- There are 4 The intertidal King tides have In Australia,
(Charlie) how the sea timelapse-in- major areas zone is an area a negative most coastal
levels change broome,-wa based on the of the foreshore impact of the areas
within the and seabed that surrounding experience two
tides, the splash
effects of the is exposed to environments, it high tides and
gravitational zone, the upper air at low tide can lead to the two low tides
forces. While zone,the middle and submerged loss of sand every 24 hours,
the moon shore and the at high tide. The dunes and every high and
circles the Earth lower shore. intertidal zone coastal low tide are at a
the gravity is Each if these mainly provides vegetation, it different time
pulling the areas provide a a habitat for can also lead to every day. King
water of our small flooding of tides generally
different habitat
seas and organisms. developing only occur twice
oceans towards to different areas. a year.
it. types of flora
and fauna.

Flood & drought Flood: is a Drought: Flooding is a The Australia is the Droughts have
Kala great flowing or natural part of management driest inhabited tremendous
overflowing of the water cycle, strategies to continent in the effects on the
water, ? and when reduce flooding world, and our environment
especially over v=u9s_A0G7oU interfered by in cities often climate is highly and people who
land that is not U borders and have a terrible variable with a live there.
usually dams to prevent effect on the range of long Causing a loss
submerged. flooding in environment, as wet and dry of crops and
urbanised and they remove periods. livestock,
Drought: a developed natural releasing toxic
prolonged, places, high vegetation and algae
abnormally dry levels of habitats. outbreaks,
period when the floodplain increasing the
amount of management threat of
available water strategies is bushfires, and
is insufficient to necessary to losing valuable
meet our prevent high nutrients in soil
normal use. volume from erosion.
floodings. Some
of these It also affects
strategies are the economy
retarding with a reduction
basins, storage in livestock
areas and productions,
excavation of and food
waterways. shortages.

Long Term Changes

Terms & definitions Image to support Video Key Point 1 Key Point 2 Key Point 3 Key Point 4

Migration Migration occurs Video Birds fatten Migrating is Most migration is

when when Link themselves with exhausting and due to the lack of
(Arthur) species move from food before they so small birds food and climate
one location to embark on their often travel while others
another in journey to another during the night relate to
response to country. as big birds breeding
changes in habitat. would always seasons and
Birds then travel pick the small habitat changes
Emigration: 1,000’s of miles birds from the
Leaving one's away. sky for food.
country or region
with intent to settle

Primary Primary primary Primary succession Primary Succession in a Succession in a

(Josh) & succession: when and occurs after a succession will rocky coastal
(Greg)Secon a community is second major ecological be established in environment environment
dary established where ary structure of a an area occurs after sand
occurs after
Succession it has never been Succes community over previously has been
before time. unvegetated. volcanic eruption deposited by
------------------- ----------------------- which results in wave action,
Climax https:// Secondary Many factors can rock formation. after this salt
community: the www.yo succession only affect secondary Lichens then tolerant plants
development of utube.c occurs when a succession, such appear on the will establish
vegetation in an om/ community has rocks which themselves in
as trophic
area over time that watch? been in that the sand. As
interaction, initial breaks them
has reached a v=V49I environment plants
steady state. composition. down to form
ovRSJ previously. decompose the
Ds soils. Mosses sand will
Succession: the and ferns will eventually be
process of change take position in replaced with
in the species crevices. soil, allowing
structure of an Eventually more more plants to
ecological grow there.
species of plants
community over -----------------------
time. will become
established in succession is the
Secondary the area. ecological
succession: ----------------------- succession that
When an area has The factors that occurs after the
previously been
used or occupied control the initial succession
by another increase in has been
community in the abundance of a disrupted and
past. species during some plants and
secondary animals still
succession may exist.
be determined
mainly by seed.
production and

Climate Climate Change is Australian Climate changes Some people It seems clear
change a change in temperatures will can also affect rely on snowfall that there has
(Siena) temperature that continue to victoria's flora for their income been an increase
can result in increase more and fauna. For over winter and in global
significant climate extremely hot days example the they claim that temperature in
changes and and less cold days mountain pygmy the effect of the past century,
noticeable local which will highley possum habitat climate change is and there is
changes. effect alpine is a limited area already being evidence to link
environments. It within the alpine felt. This reduces this change with
Greenhouse gas : will result in a environment. the time increases in
a gas in an reduction to Habitat loss available for greenhouse
atmosphere that snowfall and would be one those relying on gasses in the
absorbs and emits shorter seasons. result of a tourism during atmosphere.
radiation. reduction in cold the winter
and snow season.

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