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What is a cyber espionage in relation to economic crime.

Enumerate four (4)

types of cyber espionage. Explain how each is committed.

In relation to economic crimes, cyber espionage refers to the use of cyber tools and
techniques to gain illegal access to sensitive information and intellectual property for
economic or competitive benefit. It entails the covert gathering of useful information
from individuals, organizations, or governments for the benefit of a nation-state,
organization, or individual players.

(1) Hacking - this involves exploiting weaknesses in computer networks, systems, or

software to gain unauthorized access to the networks or devices of targeted

(2) Malware - Malicious software, such as spyware or keyloggers, can penetrate

computers, monitor activity, and steal sensitive data without being detected.

(3) Phishing and Social Engineering - Cybercriminals may use deceptive tactics to
lure employees into disclosing sensitive information such as login passwords or
access codes.

(4) Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) - APTs are sophisticated and focused
assaults that are aimed to gain persistent unauthorized access to networks or
systems, allowing cyber attackers to steal valuable data over time.

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