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Travel ESL Conversation Questions

Where would you like to go on your next holiday?

What’s the best way to find deals on travel?

If you had to immigrate to another country, where would you go? Why?

What is the stereotype of your nation’s citizens?

Do you prefer active or relaxing holidays?

If you had more money, where would you go?

Do you like packaged holiday tours?

What was your best holiday?

What was your worst holiday?

Do you have any horrible or funny travel stories?

“When in Rome, do as the Romans” — do you agree with this idea?

Does your country have many tourists? What do you think of them?

What are the best places to visit in your city or town?

If you could only pack five things for a trip to an unknown place, what would you take?

Is there a place that you’d never visit again?

Who are the worst tourists?

What has been your worst experience at a hotel?

What are some common travel scams? Have you been the victim of a travel scam?

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