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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Butuan City
West Butuan District III
Brgy. Bayanihan, Butuan City

1st Quarter Examination Score: _________


__________________________ _________________________ _____________________

Family/Surname Name First Name Middle Name

Teacher: ___________________________________ Grade& Section: _________________________

I. Choose the letter of your answer and write it on your paper.

1. links are to chain as recipes are to
a. cookbook b. food c. delicious d. none
2. sour is to lemon as sweet is to
a. eat b. candy c. pickle d. none
3. banana is to yellow as wizard is to
a. fairy tales b. magical c. elf d. none
4. lemon is to lemonade as milk is to
a. drink b. glass c. cheese d.none
5. ounce is to pound as minute is to
a. hour b. time c. second d.none
6. cat is to furry as porcupine is to
a. animal b. prickly c. pie d.none
7. whisper is to quiet as shout is to
a. yell b. voice c. loud d. none
8. jack o’lantern is to pumpkin as bean bag is to
a. beans b. toy c. throw d. none
9. dark is to black as light is to
a. bulb b. white c. shining d. none
10. hard is to cement as round is to
a. circle b. square c. rosy d. none

II. A. Choose the best answer. Write the letter of your answer on your paper.
1. I ate a piece of chocolate cake. a. Active b. passive
2. The librarian read the book to the students. a. Active b. passive
3. The money was stolen. a. Active b. passive
4. They are paid on Fridays. a. Active b. passive
5. The movie is being made in Hollywood. a. Active b. passive
6. I washed my car three weeks ago. a. Active b. Passive
7. His hair was cut by a professional. a. Active b. Passive
8. I will introduce you to my boss this week. a. Active b. Passive
9. It would have been fixed at the weekend. a. Active b. Passive
10.The National Anthem is being sung by Jason this time. a. Active b. Passive

B. Transform these Passive voices to Active voices. Write them on your paper.
1. The school was struck by lightning.
2. This morning the burglar was arrested by the police.
3. One type of air pollution is caused by hydrocarbons.
4. An elaborate supper for the miners was prepared by Mr. Patel and his children.
5. The cookies were stolen by the Mad Hatter.
6. New York City's Central Park was designed in 1857 by F.L. Olmsted and Calbert Vaux.
7. It was decided by the court that the contract was invalid.
8. The first commercially successful portable vacuum cleaner was invented by a janitor who was allergic to dust.
9. After Leonardo da Vinci's death, the Mona Lisa was purchased by King Francis I of France.
10.The allegorical novel Animal Farm was written by British author George Orwell during World War II.

III. Choose the correct form of "to be" in past tense. Write the letter of your answer on your paper.

Example: You / We / They (be) were sick yesterday.

Example: I / He / She / It (be) was sick yesterday.

1) I (be) ________ tired yesterday. A. was B. were

2) You (be) ________ happy yesterday. A. was B. were
3) We (be) ________ sad yesterday. A. was B. were
4) They (be) ________ busy yesterday. A. was B. were
5) He (be) ________ angry yesterday. A. was B. were
6) She (be) ________ sleepy yesterday. A. was B. were
7) It (be) ________ cold yesterday. A. was B. were
8) They (be) ______ reading books a while ago. A. was B. were
9. Their relatives (be) ________ joined the reunion last year. A. was B. were
10. My mother (be) _______ cooked lasagna last night. A. was B. were

IV. On your paper, write P if it is a phrase, C if it is a clause and S if it is a sentence.

______1. Over my head

______2. Because I was afraid
______3. I didn’t get very much sleep
______4. That night
______5. I knew what happened
______6. So that I could get some rest
______7. I heard the cat’s meow
______8. Sitting by the broken plate licking the crumbs
______9. When I finally got up
______10. I got so tired

IV. Copy the sentences on your paper. Underline the dependent clauses and circle the

subordinating conjunctions (dependent words) that introduce the dependent clauses.

Example: The class is suspended today because of the typhoon.

1. I refused to go because I had homework to do.

2. I could make good grades if I studied.

3. After I finish college, I’ll get a job.

4. They were playing Frisbee while he was studying.

5. Her essay would have been better if she had rewritten it.

6. Unless you return your library book today, you’ll have to pay a fine of ten cents per day.

7. A large vocabulary is the characteristic that most often accompanies outstanding success.

8. He was searching for the money that he had dropped in the snow on Christmas Day.

9. Although he looked a long time, he couldn’t find it.

10. Until you understand subjects and verbs, you cannot understand clauses and their purposes in sentences.

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