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Title of paper I- Introduction to Forensic Science

03 Introduction of Forensic Science Introduction to Forensic Prof. Devasish Bose

Branches Science

Introduction of forensic science branches

Prof. Devasish Bose
Department of Criminology and Forensic Science,
Dr. Harisingh Gour University, Sagar (M.P.)

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Full academic script (around 3000 words)

Module 1: Introduction of forensic science branches,

Module 2: Classification of branches of forensic science,
Module 3: Explanation of branches of forensic science (own branches of forensic
Module 4: Explanation of branches of forensic science (borrowed branch of forensic
Module 5: Role of forensic science branches in criminal investigation,
Module 6: Conclusion

EXPERT: Prof. Devasish Bose Professor & Head, Department of Criminology & Forensic
Science, Dr. Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar, (M.P.).
Assisted by: Mr. Girraj Sharma, PhD Scholar, UGC-SRF, Department of Criminology and
Forensic Science, Dr. Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar, (M.P.)

Let’s start our discussion while taking a look at what we are going to learn
Module 1: Introduction of forensic science branches,
Module 2: Classification of branches of forensic science,
Module 3: Explanation of branches of forensic science (own branches of forensic
Module 4: Explanation of branches of forensic science (borrowed branch of forensic
Module 5: Role of forensic science branches in criminal investigation,
Module 6: Conclusion

Module 1: Introduction of forensic science branches- Dear students, now, we are going to
learn the branches of forensic science. As we know that for the sake of convenience, we
divide the subject in different branches like other subject’s such as chemistry has its own
branches such as physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry and organic chemistry. Moreover,
we can take the example of biology that has more than 200 hundred branches. Students, you
know this division of the branches creates interest for the different students in different areas.
One more thing is that now day’s forensic science is a facilitating subject for the students.
You know that forensic science is a combination of various sciences therefore it has also
various branches from the other subjects like physics, chemistry, biology, statistics, or
anthropology etc. These branches of the forensic science has its own importance like suppose
that investigating officer got the biological evidence from the crime scene, now, thing is that
where he should send. In addition to this if one will have knowledge about the branches; one
can easily send them into a particular section. Otherwise, it had to send into the biology
division or one sent it to the physics division so it could be problematic. Therefore, it is very
necessary to the investigating officer to have the knowledge of the forensic science. Dear
students, now, we are going to learn another module that is classification of branches of
forensic science.

Module 2: Classification of branches of forensic science- Here, in this module, we will

study about the branches of forensic science and what is the base of their classification or
why classification is so important. Moreover, we will also have the brief knowledge of the
forensic science branches. So, before going to discuss the branches of the forensic science we
need to discuss about the classification. So, let’s start with the classification- as we know that
since the dawn of the civilization, there have been many attempts to classify the living
organism. Here, we are going with the examples of biology because for the sake of students
because it would be simpler in comparison to other or you will easily grab. Perhaps, you
might have heard the name of Aristotle who was the first scientist that time who gave a
scientific basis for the classification. He did nothing but he used the morphological characters
to classify plants into trees, shrubs and herbs. Moreover, he also classified animals in two
categories, those which had red blood and those that did not. So, it was the scientific view of
Aristotle for the classification of the living organism. Dear students, classification means
arrange the things in a systematic and scientific way so people can use them it’s just like our
home kitchen where we put the spices in different container and do not mix them, if they will
mix so it would be difficult to separate and use them. Moreover, you can take the example of
our library where you get the separate rag for the separate subject such as physics book in
physics shelf and chemistry book in chemistry shelf etc. If you mix them it will take lot of
time to select the desired book. Now, here, I would like to remember the five kingdom
classification of living organism that is based on the certain characters. In five kingdom
classifications, all the living organisms have been divided in five groups such as kingdom
monera, kingdom protista, kingdom fungi, and kingdom animalia. I think, now, you have
understood the concept of classification. Even, in chemistry, we divide matter in solid, liquid
and gas. So, like these classifications, we can also divide forensic science in different groups
just you can take the example of crime scene management where the management of the
crime scene is divided I four parts such as information management, technology
management, manpower management and logistics management. So, these all are the way to
classify the branches of the forensic science. For the sake of the convenience, we can divide
in two groups-

1. Branches of forensic science – Under mention are the branches of the forensic science
that had been developed by the forensic science during the time of development and
after the development of the subject such as-
A. Forensic study of impressions
B. Firearms Identification Unit / Forensic Ballistics
C. Document Examination Division
D. Audio Forensic
E. Criminalistics
F. Forensic Photography
2. Branches of forensic science developed from other scientific streams-
A. Forensic Medicine
B. Forensic Anthropology
C. Forensic Chemistry
D. Forensic Biology
E. Forensic Physics
F. Forensic Geology
G. Forensic Pathology
H. Forensic Toxicology
I. Forensic Taphonomy
J. Forensic Statistics
K. Forensic Engineering
L. Forensic Psychiatry

Now, we are going to move towards next beautiful module that is explanation of
branches of forensic science (own branches of forensic science).

Module 3: Explanation of branches of forensic science-Dear students, in the above

module, we have mentioned the name of the branches of the forensic science. So, let’s start
the detail discussion-

1. Forensic Study of Impressions- this is the study of the analysis and classification of
patterns observed in individual.
A. Finger print- Fingerprints are the unique source of individualization for human. In
essence, there is no one in the world who has similar fingerprints. Whenever person
touches, holds and lifts any object which he or she comes in contact, there is a chance
of transfer of his/her FP impressions. Fingerprints could be observed as a visible
pattern plastic pattern or latent on the object. In most of cases, latent fingerprints are
found at the scene of crime. The latent fingerprints need physical or chemical methods
for their development. Moreover, enhancement, classification, recording, comparison,
testimony of fingerprints is done by fingerprint expert.
B. Tool Marks Examination- its study is also important because these marks are
commonly encountered at various scene of crime such as robbery, theft, dacoity,
sabotage etc. It involves the examination of traditional and non-traditional tools.
C. Tyre and Track Marks- It includes the study, examination and comparison of
source of origin and interpretation of results of tyre and track marks. It also provides
information about width of tyre, design of tyre, pattern of tyre and distance between
two adjacent tyres.
D. Foot and Footwear marks- it deals with the examination of foot and footwear
marks and comparison of suspected marks. After examining these marks, we can
possible explain the gender, age, weight of the person involved.
2. Firearms Identification Unit/Forensic Ballistics- It involves the examination of
firearms, live cartridge, cartridge shell, discharged bullets, shotgun cases, gun powder,
gunshot residue, shotgun pellets pattern, distance estimation of firing, restoration of
numbers of firearms, wound ballistics and ammunition of all types. Moreover, it also
includes the different type of marks such as striation marks (friction marks), breech
face marks, firing pin marks and extractor or ejector marks.
3. Document Examination Division- Document examination is a term for a forensic
science discipline pertaining to documents that are potentially disputed at a court of
law. It includes the investigation of handwriting, typewriting, paper and ink. It also
examines obliterations, erasures, and burned or charred documents.
4. Audio Forensic- it is the field of forensic science which deals with the sound
recordings in a criminal investigation. It works on this principle -“No two human can
have similar voice”. This unique character of voice comes by the combination of
various throat organs like vocal cord mouth, tongue, teeth and lips.
5. Criminalistics- This term is sometimes used as a synonym of forensic science.
Criminalistics is an English word derived from the German word kriminalistik. This
was used for the first time by Hans Gross. It involves the collection and analysis of
physical evidence at the scene of crime. Moreover, it also deals with the various areas
such as fingerprint, tool marks and firearms, poisons and drugs, footwear, trace
evidences explosives and biological fluids.
6. Forensic Photography- photography is a felicity for the forensic science. It plays a
crucial role in each and every field of forensic science such as questioned document,
fingerprint, tool marks, foot and footwear marks, tyre and track marks, biological
fluids, firearms etc.
Module 4: Explanation of branches of forensic science which are developed from other
scientific streams- in the above module, we have learnt about the own branches of forensic
science. Now, we are going for other disciplines. So, let’s start-

1. Forensic Medicine- it is the subject concerned with the application of medical and
paramedical scientific knowledge to certain branches of law.
2. Forensic Anthropology- this is a special sub-area of Anthropology which deals with
the study of the identification and examination of human skeletal remains. Basically,
forensic anthropologist uses the skeletal remains to determine whether the skeletal
remains are of human origin or animal origin, if it is human origin, the age, sex,
height, race, place and other characteristics, such as socioeconomic status etc.
Forensic anthropologist also plays a significant role in the reconstruction of scene of
crime as well as identification of victims in mass disaster cases, such as bomb blast,
building collapse, natural disasters and plane crashing.

3. Forensic Chemistry- Forensic Chemistry is concerned with the application of

chemistry to the criminal justice system. Typically, forensic chemists do the
qualitative and quantitative study of the matter; he also determines the adulteration in
various materials such as, petrol, diesel, kerosene, spices, food products, clothes,
drugs, polymers, ink, paint, acid, base & alkalis etc.
Forensic chemists figure prominently in the case of bombings and composition of
4. Forensic Biology- Forensic biologists analyze the part of living beings as well as
biological fluid with the help of these evidences he can establish the identification of
living being.
It includes following branches-
a- Forensic Botany –Application of botany to criminal investigation. Moreover,
Forensic botany deals with identifying plants, plant origin and it’s trafficking
around the world. Generally, Forensic botanists analyze the plant parts, such as
root, stem, leaves, flowers, pollen grains, seed etc. under the microscope or by
using other suitable techniques.
b- Forensic Entomology- it is the application and study of insects in relation with
crime. Forensic entomology involves the life cycle of insect for investigating a
crime. Typically, forensic entomologists try to establish the relation to the dead
body of person. In which, he studies various type of insects and extract the
information like time since death, geographic place etc.
c- Forensic Odontology- it deals with dental evidences and sometimes called
forensic dentistry. Forensic odonatologist can draw the different type of
applications in various cases like identification of human remains in mass
disasters, comparison of bite marks in many cases like- assault, murder, poison
etc., in case of missing or unknown dead body post-mortem or ant-mortem x-rays
of teeth should be compared if it is available, age determination, sex
determination. Nobody can forget the famous bite mark case of Theodore Bundy.
In this case, Lowell Levine, a forensic odonatologist, testified the bite marks on
the victim’s body.
d- Forensic Serology- it mainly deals with the body fluids. Basically, forensic
serology is the study of antigen & antibody. Forensic serologist can individualize
a person from the body fluids such a blood, semen, saliva, sweat, urine, etc.
Forensic serology involves the individualization people from biological fluids
because these fluids are commonly encountered at scene of crime. Whether the
crime is against the animal or property.
5. Forensic Physics –
Forensic physics involves the application of physics to answer the questions raised by
the Court of Law. It mainly involves the study of physical characteristics of physical
evidences like density, birefringence, refraction, determination and comparative study
of optical properties etc. Moreover, it includes the physical matching of glass, paint,
pattern of clothes, fragments of wood and cord. It also examines the physical
matching of tool marks, foot prints, textile – matching etc.
6. Forensic Geology-
It covers the study of minerals, oil, petroleum, and other materials obtained from the
Earth. Typically, forensic geologist analyzes rocks, stones, minerals in context of
7. Forensic Pathology-
First of all, I would like to clear one misperception among the people that is forensic
science and forensic pathology is same – this misperception persists till date also. So,
my dear students both are different. It is the specialty of the medicine which deals
with the investigation of the questioned death and its causes. Indeed, forensic
pathologist is well trained in forensic pathology whether it is clinical and anatomic
pathology. He plays a significant role in the determination of cause of death and
manner of death in those cases where death occurred in suspicious or unknown
circumstances. Its central part is to perform autopsy or post-mortem examination of
the dead body.
8. Forensic Toxicology-
Forensic toxicology deals with the determination of drugs and poisons in body fluids
and tissues whether drug or poison is present or absent. It also involves the
examination of effect of drug and poison on subject. Forensic toxicologist often works
with medical examiners or coroners. Moreover, he should have basic knowledge
about the other disciplines like human physiology, biochemistry and chemistry.
Forensic toxicologist receives most of the cases related to drunk driving and the
quantification of the amount of alcohol in blood, urine, saliva, breath etc.
9. Forensic Taphonomy-
Taphonomy has applied in forensic deals with the history of body after death. How
environmental factors affect the corpse and its surrounding.
10. Forensic Statistics-
It is the application of statistics to the legal system.
11. Forensic Engineering-
It deals with the testing of materials, products, structures or essential components that
do not work as they should do or fail in functioning. So, they can damage the property
or cause personal injury. Forensic engineering also plays a major role in the
investigation of building collapse as well as bridge.
12. Forensic Psychiatry-
Forensic psychiatry explains the relationship between human behavior and legal
proceedings. Forensic psychiatrists encounter civil as well as criminal judicial

Module 5: Role of forensic science branches in the criminal investigation-

Dear students, now, we will have discussion on the role of forensic science branches in the
criminal investigation. As we have studied these branches of forensic science give the
forensic science a unique role for criminal investigation. Here, we will take an example-
suppose that if investigating officer locates the blood at a crime scene definitely he will send
to the forensic science laboratory for analysis. After examining, forensic scientist gives
opinion based on the result such as, first of all, it is to be decide whether is it blood or not
which means one will performs the preliminary examination of the blood then confirmatory
examination of the blood, species determination from the blood and finally the
individualization from the blood. Thus, it is forensic serology where one performs all the
examination of the blood. So, forensic serology is the branch of forensic science that reveals
the truth from the blood. Like forensic serology, there are other branches of the forensic
science that led the scientific basis for the examination of the physical evidence. I would like
to give one more example- criminalistics. As we know about criminalistics, this word is
imported originated the German word Kriminalistik. The word was coined to tap the various
aspects of applying scientific and technological evidence methods to the investigation and
resolution of the legal matters. In addition to this, it involves the collection and analysis of
physical evidence generated by criminal activity. Moreover, it includes areas such as
fingerprints, foot prints; tool marks and firearms, drugs, viscera, blood and body fluids, trace
evidences. With this we come to end and in the essence of this topic, we can say each and
every branch of the forensic science has its unique role for criminal investigation.

Module 6-Conclusion- Dear students, now, we are going to sum up the lecture. The whole
lecture was based on the branches of the forensic science. In this lecture we have discussed
the different branches of the forensic science and how these branches help in the criminal
investigation. Indeed, investigating officer should also have knowledge of these branches for
getting good results.

II.LOR Questions:
1. How will you define Forensic Physics?

Ans: Forensic Physics involves the application of physics to answer the questions raised
by the Court of Law.

2. What is Forensic Geology?

Ans: It covers the study of minerals, oil, petroleum, and other materials obtained from the
Earth. Typically, forensic geologist analyzes rocks, stones, minerals in context of crime.

3. Define Forensic Statics.

Ans: Forensic Statistics- it is the application of statistics to the legal system.

4. What do you mean by Foot and Footwear marks?

Ans. Foot and Footwear marks- it deals with the examination of foot and footwear marks
and comparison of suspected marks. After examining these marks, we can possible
explain the gender, age, weight of the person involved.
5. What do you mean by Tool mark examination?

Ans: Tool Marks Examination- its study is also important because these marks are
commonly encountered at various scene of crime such as robbery, theft, dacoity, sabotage
etc. it involves the examination of traditional and non-traditional tools.

6. Explain tyre and track mark.

Ans. Tyre and Track Marks- It include the study, examination and comparison of source
of origin and interpretation of results of tyre and track marks. It also provides information
about width of tyre, design of tyre, pattern of tyre and distance between two adjacent

7. How will you define Forensic Taphonomy?

Ans: Forensic Taphonomy- Taphonomy as applied in forensic deals with the history of
body after death. How environmental factors affect the corpse and its surrounding.

1. Define forensic toxicology?

Ans- Forensic toxicology deals with the determination of drugs and poisons in body fluids
and tissues whether drug or poison is present or absent. It also involves the examination of
effect of drug and poison on subject.

2. What do you mean by Forensic Geology?

Ans- It is the alternative branch of Forensic Science, which has been taken from Geology. It
covers the study of minerals, oil, petroleum, and other materials obtained from the Earth.
Typically, forensic geologist analyzes rocks, stones, minerals in context of crime.
3. What is Forensic chemistry?

Ans- Forensic Chemistry is concerned with the application of chemistry to the criminal
justice system. Typically, forensic chemists do the qualitative and quantitative study of the
matter; he also determines the adulteration in various materials such as, petrol, diesel,
kerosene, spices, food products, clothes, drugs, polymers, ink, paint, acid, base & alkalis etc.
4. What do you mean by Forensic Serology?
Ans- It mainly deals with the body fluids. Basically, forensic serology is the study of antigen
& antibody. Forensic serologist can individualize a person from the body fluids such a blood,
semen, saliva, sweat, urine, etc. Forensic serology involves the individualization of people
from biological fluids because these fluids are commonly encountered at scene of crime.
5. What do you mean by Forensic entomology?

Ans- - It is the application and study of insects in relation with crime. Forensic entomology
involves the life cycle of insect for investigation of crime. Typically, forensic entomologists
try to establish the relation to the dead body of person in which, he studies various type of
insects and extract the information like time since death, geographic place etc.
6. Describe Forensic Physics.

Ans- Forensic physics involves the application of physics to answer the questions raised by
the Court of Law. It mainly involves the study of physical characteristics of physical
evidences like density, birefringence, refraction, determination and comparative study of
optical properties etc. Moreover, it includes the physical matching of glass, paint, pattern of
clothes, fragments of wood and cord. It also examines the physical matching of tool marks,
foot prints, textile – matching etc.
7. Elaborate Forensic Engineering.
Ans- It deals with the testing of materials, products, structures or essential components that
do not work as they should do or fail in functioning. So, they can damage the property or
cause personal injury. Forensic engineering also plays a major role in the investigation of
building collapse as well as bridge.
8. Explain the role of Forensic Photography.
Ans- Photography is a felicity for the forensic science. It plays a crucial role in each and
every field of forensic science such as questioned document, fingerprint, tool marks, foot and
footwear marks, tyre and track marks, biological fluids, firearms etc.
9. Write down about Forensic Ballistics.
Ans- It involves the examination of firearms, live cartridge, cartridge shell, discharged
bullets, shotgun cases, gun powder, gunshot residue, shotgun pellets pattern, distance
estimation of firing, restoration of numbers of firearms, wound ballistics and ammunition of
all types. Moreover, it also includes the different type of marks such as striation marks
(friction marks), breech face marks, firing pin marks and extractor or ejector marks.
IV. Objectives
1. The main objective of this script is to make the students knowledgeable about basics
of Forensic science.
2. To give knowledge about basic branches of forensic science.
3. To give knowledge about branches of forensic science, which have been taken from
other streams.
4. To give knowledge about examination carried out in basic branches of forensic
5. To give knowledge about examination carried out in branches of forensic science,
which has been taken from other streams.

V. Summary
Forensic Science is an applied science in which all the fundamentals of basic science are
utilized for the purpose of law and justice. Forensic science study and examination is divided
into different branches so that the accuracy and reliability can be achieved in the
examination. Divisions also reduce the time of examination because one task is divided into
different experts in different divisions. Forensic study of impressions, firearms identification
unit / forensic ballistics, document examination division, audio forensic, criminalistics and
forensic photography are the basic branches of forensic science while some branches made
by other streams like forensic medicine, forensic anthropology, forensic chemistry, forensic
biology, forensic physics, forensic geology, forensic pathology, forensic toxicology, forensic
taphonomy, forensic statistics, forensic engineering and forensic psychiatry. These all
branches of forensic science utilized for the purpose of justice.

VI. Quiz
1. Which of the following is not the branch of forensic science?
a) Forensic ballistics
b) Forensic serology
c) Management science
d) Forensic biology
Ans- c
2. In which branch of forensic science we study about insects?
a) Forensic Entomology
b) Forensic Toxicology
c) Forensic Physics
d) Forensic Photography
Ans- a
3. Which branch of Forensic Science deals with poisons?
a) Fingerprinting
b) Forensic Toxicology
c) Forensic Biology
d) Forensic Ecology
Ans- b
4. Narco-analysis test is included in which branch of forensic science?
a) Forensic Psychiatry
b) Forensic Toxicology
c) Forensic Biology
d) Forensic Ecology
Ans- a
5. Forensic science is an
a) Applied Science
b) Basic Science
c) Both a and b
d) None
Ans- a

VII. Assignments
1. Classify physical evidences according to branches of Forensic Science.
2. Write down the functions of main branches of Forensic Science.
3. Write down the functions of alternative branches of Forensic Science.
4. Differentiate between Forensic Medicine and Medical jurisprudence.
5. Explain the role of Forensic Photography in solving the crime.

VIII. References
1. James, S.H. and Nordby, J.J.; Forensic Science; an Introduction to Scientific and
Investigative Techniques, CRC Press, USA, 2003.
2. John Horswell: The Practice Of Crime Scene Investigation, CRC Press, 2016.
3. Saferstein: Criminalistics – An Introduction to Forensic Science, Prentice hall Inc. USA,
4. Sharma B R: Forensic Science in Criminal Investigation and Trials: Universal Law
Publishing Company, 2003.
5. Stuart H. James: Forensic Science: An Introduction to Scientific and Investigative
Techniques, 4th edit., Taylor & Francis, 2014.
IX. Glossary
1. Analysis- Detailed examination of the elements
2. Anthropology- The study of human societies and cultures and their development
3. Forensics- Scientific tests or techniques used in connection with the detection of
4. Pathology- The branch of medicine that deals with the laboratory examination of
samples of body tissue for diagnostic or forensic purposes
5. Probability- The extent to which something is likely to happen
6. Progressive- Happening or developing gradually or in stages
7. Psychiatry- The study and treatment of mental illness, emotional disturbance, and
abnormal behaviour
8. Toxicology- The branch of science concerned with the nature, effects, and detection
of poisons
9. Forensic expert- Person which are having deep knowledge in Forensic science.
10. Crime scene- Place where crime has been committed.
X. Links

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