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ĐỀ THI NGÀY 18/01/2023

Task 1: Bar chart shows the percentage of households with cars in a European country between
1971 and 2001. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make
comparisons where relevant. (Bar chart)

Task 2: Businesses always aim to make more sales. What are some of the methods to do this? Which
one is the best method? (Two-part)


The proportion of families with cars in a particular European country in a 30-year period beginning in
1971 is depicted in the bar chart.

From an overall perspective, the ratio of households without cars witnessed a downward trend
whilst that of one car followed a contrasting movement. In addition, the percentage of 2-car
occupants fluctuated relatively wildly throughout the given period.

From a quick glance at the chart, in 1971, families with no car contributed the most appreciable
portion to the sample, at above 45%, which was radically higher compared to that of one and two
cars, with 35% and over 15% respectively. The year 1981 followed the same pattern in this statistical
report but the gap was more narrow.

Moving on to analyse the remaining years of the chart, it is immediately obvious that there was an
explosion in the proportion of one-car households in 1991 of more than 15% to a peak at over 45%,
equal to that of without cars in 1971. In contrast, the figure for the remaining categories dropped
considerably. Finally, in 2001, the proportion of one-car and car-free families decreased minimally to
over 40% and 25% correspondingly, while that of two cars increased tremendously to the same
statistics as households with no cars.


Occupant (n) người cư trú
 The previous occupants were an Italian family.
Fluctuate (v) dao động
 Vegetable prices fluctuate according to the season.
A quick glance at : một cái nhìn thoáng qua
Appreciable (adj) đánh giá
 There has been an appreciable drop in the number of unemployed since the
new government came to power.
Pattern (n) mẫu
 The pattern of family life has been changing over recent years.
Peak at over 45% : đỉnh cao hơn 45%
decreased minimally to over 40% and 25% : giảm tối thiểu xuống hơn 40% và 25%
Tremendously (adv) rất nhiều
 Our water resources are tremendously important.

These days the economy of many countries is growing rapidly partly due to the emergence of a
number of businesses. It is said that the ultimate goal of those enterprises regardless of their sizes is
to increase sales as much as possible and there are some certain ways to do this. 

One practical approach is to decrease prices of products or services by lowering production costs.
Building plants in developing nations such as China, Cambodia or Vietnam is the most common
solution. This can help reduce not only taxes, but also costs of human labor, operation and materials.
Nevertheless, bringing such costs down is not sustainable to some extent. Firstly, the low-
wage workers in those places are often exploited to the fullest in poor working conditions. Secondly,
such factories contribute to environmental pollution in the local area as by-products are usually not
treated properly.
Expanding enterprises’ scale is another method to be mentioned. It is recommended that businesses
open more branches or outlet stores as it allows customers to have easy access to their products or
services. There are also some downsides to this which include major financial risks. For instance,
Soya Garden, which was not a well-known brand in Ho Chi Minh City, decided to establish more
stores in many districts, but this did not did not work and they went bankrupt. This was partly
because their average prices were too high and the Covid-19 pandemic took place. Therefore, it is
extremely risky to implement this method.  

The most conventional and effective way is advertising on different media. The purpose of this is to
raise consumers’ awareness of the brands, therefore leading to a growing demand. Businesses can
advertise on their own or hire professional marketing firms. By opting for the latter, marketers help
them launch effective campaigns, produce impressive advertising videos and images. Take Coca
Cola, which is a giant corporation as a typical example. They widely broadcast meaningful videos
about their products in correlation with Tet holiday in Vietnam and gradually the drink
becomes indispensable on this occasion. However, promotion is too popular, leading to increasing
competition. As a result, it is not easy for companies to have outstanding and effective marketing

In conclusion, boosting sales and profits has been the main aim of most businesses. Business owners
can increase their companies’ size or reduce manufacturing costs to achieve that goal despite some
drawbacks. However, doing marketing is certainly the most ideal approach. 

Từ vựng highlight

 Outstanding [adj]: extremely good; excellent

 Indispensable [adj]: too important to be without
 Opt for something [v]: to choose to take or not to take a particular course of action
 Conventional [adj]: tending to follow what is done or considered acceptable by society in
general; normal and ordinary, and perhaps not very interesting
 By-product [n]: a substance that is produced during the process of making or destroying
something else
 Low-wage [adj]: used to describe jobs for which or places in which workers are paid little


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