Citizens Commission On Human Rights #Flushyourmeds SAB

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CCHR #flushyourmeds … ;

Antipsychiatry Dot Org The Anti Psychiatry

Coalition is Alternative … ;
Flushyourmeds*com Archive*today*org Perma*cc
Anti Psychiatry Anti Zionism Anti Talmud … ;
Sure they are based on Scientology, but they have
Five Documentaries ... ;
CCHR has made Five documentaries exposing the
different aspects of psychiatry.
Making A Killing, Prescription for Violence, The
Marketing of Madness, Dead Wrong, and Psychiatry:
An Industry of Death ... ;
Ending with a Thors Hammer of Course … ;
—Scott A. Barry … ;
This will be the Footer EOF of this File … ;

This will be the Exact Footer EOF of this File … ;

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