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Intro #flushyourmeds ...

By Scott A. Barry / Scott A Barry / Scott Barry ... ;
Scott Alan Barry is an Atheist Holocaust Denier Dunce ... ;
Gang Stalking Ran by Freemason Sheriff's Departments ... ;
Gang Stalking Ran by The Government Driving Insane ... ;
We will start with the Exact Main Links Below : ... ; ... ; ... ; ... ;
%22 ... ;
Links to my #flushyourmeds Anti Psychiatry Website : ; ; ;
--Anti Psychiatry ... ;
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike ... ;
--Scott A. Barry ... ;
To Preface this Intro I just wanted to say that the Zionist
Jew Kike Gang Stalkers who are Annoying, Monologue,
Passive-Aggressive, Narcissistic all day, you literally just want
to kill them as a TI, and we all know that Aiding and Abetting
Someone's Suicide is Protect by Free Speech of The First
Amendment of the United States Constitution also Archived
to the US National Archives, Suicide is okay, only Religious
Dogma is stopping people from suicide, Many Spirits in the
Astral are 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 and so on and like their
youthfulness and attractiveness as they committed suicide
at those ages and preserved their youthfulness, suicide is
perfectly okay to do, USA is behind the times, Europe already
has Assisted Suicide, this shit is all BS started by Martians,
Freemasons, Jews, Zionists, The Talmud and Torah of Shit ... ;
We will Footer This with What Happens When Humans Die :
What Happens When You Die #flushyourmeds ... ;
Scott A. Barry is an Atheist Holocaust Denier Dunce … ;
What happens when you die? I’m gonna keep it short and
simple and to the point. When humans die they become telepathic
ghosts. As soon as humans die they become telepathic ghosts.
After that they become various other telepathic beings.
As soon as humans die they become telepathic ghosts.
As soon as humans die they become psychic ghosts.
When humans die they become telepathic ghosts.
When humans die they become psychic ghosts.
Nothing New. Nothing Special. To the point.
Religion is a Mind Control Cult started by The
Martians, God is not real, Got is imaginary,
and when you die you are a telepathic ghost.
When humans die they become telepathic ghosts.
That is all I have. God is not real, Satan is not real.
Heaven and Hell are not real, Angels and Demons
are not real. That is what happens, you leave your
body as a human and you become a Telepathic Ghost.
Below is a Raster of Thors Pagan Euro Hammer KEK … ;
This Will be the EOF of the Text File Right Exact Here ... ;

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