Use of Paris Law For Prediction of Component Remaining

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Use of Paris Law for Prediction of Component Remaining

Eric Bechhoefer, Goodrich SIS, 100 Panton Rd, Vergennes, VT

Andreaus Bernhard, Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation, 6900 Main St, Shelton CT

David He, University of Illinois, Chicago, Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Abstract—Vibration based Health and Usage Monitoring calculation and automating the yellow sheet process,
Systems (HUMS) are providing good information as to the maintenance cost per flight hour has been reduced [1].
current state of a component, (e.g. health), but other than
simple trending, are not robust enough to yield an estimated The mechanical diagnostics (MD) functionality has been
of the remaining useful life (RUL). There are three beneficial: it has a proven capability to identifying
fundamental problems that need to be address to accurately anomalous components, which upon inspection required
estimate RUL. First, health index data is noisy. Even with maintenance. However, the full power of the system, the
filtering, the HI can be difficult to trend. Second – a damage ability to reduce unscheduled maintenance, has not been
model is required address component degradation. Finally, realized. Certainly, some opportunistic maintenance has
a relationship between physical damage and measured been performed based on high health indicators (HI) or ob
health/condition needs to be established. HIs that show a consistent upward trend, but the ability to
plan maintenance activities fifty or one hundred hours in the
This paper explores methodologies to de-noise vibration future remains elusive.
data, model damage propagation using Paris Law, and
address inferred damage via condition indicators by using The current trending/diagnostics capability has not fully
maintenance vs. safety of flight criteria to initiate repair negated the need for unscheduled maintenance. Nor does
activities. 1 2 the current capability significantly reduce the logistic
footprint by allowing maintenance to be planed tens even
hundreds of hours in the future. Such a capability would
The RUL prognostic is validated on established crack data,
have far reaching consequences in terms of the management
and testing on HUMS derived fault data.
of a fleet and greatly reduce the chance of unscheduled
maintenance occurring.
The ability to predict the RUL tens or hundreds of hours in
1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................1 the future requires three technical issues to be resolved.
3. CRACK PROPAGATION MODEL.............................2 (1) Vibration based prognostics/diagnostics measure a
4. FILTERING, ESTIMATION OF DA/DN AND D ..........3 signature on which an algorithm operates. The
5. REAL WORLD EXAMPLES .....................................5 output of the algorithm is a condition indicator,
6. DISCUSSION ...........................................................7 which is a descriptive statistic of the component
REFERENCES .............................................................8 health. In some cases, the measure is a direct
BIOGRAPHY ...............................................................9 metric, such as shaft order 1, 2 or 3 vibration in
inches per second (IPS). At other time, the metric
1. INTRODUCTION has no physical meaning, such as residual kurtosis
for a gear. In all cases, the CIs are noisy, due to
the interaction of component stiffness, torque,
The Goodrich IMD HUMS and the next generation IVHMU
airspeed, aircraft attitude, etc. This noise makes
have been equipped on a number of rotor aircraft. The total
even simple trending difficult.
fleet is over 40 S-92a aircraft, and close to 200 H-60
derivatives. These systems have increased operational
readiness by improving the quality of information needed to (2) The relationship between a vibration based CI and
perform maintenance. Additionally, by improving usage damage is not well established. Even in relatively
direct measured means such as shaft order 2 or 3,
which are indicative a cracked coupling or bent
1 shaft, it is not clear what level of damage is present
1-4244-1488-1/08/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE. on the shaft when these indicators are elevated.
IEEEAC paper #1173, Version 1, Updated Oct 22, 2007

For bearings or gears, the CI relationship to HI = β 0 + β1a + B2 a 2 (1)
damage is more tenuous. From service history and
test stand, one finds that elevated CI are indicative
of damage, but how much damage, and how much Secondly, the exact relationship between HI/CI and damage
RUL is unclear. is unimportant. As noted, in using HUMS for logistic
support requires no explicit relationship between damage
(3) It is not clear, once a component is in a fault and HI level. Logistics only requires that when maintenance
propagation mode, how to best model the RUL. It is recommended, the component is degraded enough for
is unlikely that the relationship is linear. maintenance to be appropriate. This allows a maintenance
Additionally, in most cases the components policy to govern when repairs are conducted. For example,
material properties are not entirely know. This a policy is set that maintenance is performance when the HI
makes detailed, physics based models exceeds some value, say 0.9. The maintainer is assured that
impracticable. Even if all of the inputs to the when a component is at an HI greater than 0.9, it has
model were know, it would be difficult compute damage, and that it is appropriate for maintenance to be
RUL for every component on the limited performance (e.g. low probability of a component at 0.9 not
computational resources available on the aircraft or requiring maintenance). Given more service history, the
a ground station. scaling of the HI can be made such that the explicit
relationship between crack/physical damage and HI is know
Presumably, if these technical hurdles can be surmounted, it (eq. 1), but at this time, it is only important to know that the
should be possible to estimate a RUL with some small relationship exits.
bound on error. It is felt that the most difficult of these
problems to resolve is (2): with small shift in paradigm, it In allowing the HI to only assure that the component is
becomes feasible. damaged, the problem reverts to one of identifying
components which are thought to be anomalous. A number
of algorithms have been proposed and tested for anomaly
detection [4], [5], [6], and [7]. For this paper, the HI is
2. LOGISTICS VS. CRITICAL SAFETY ITEM based on a statistical approach of multi-dimensional
hypothesis testing using the Nakagami probability
Problem (2) requires approaching the issue of maintenance distribution [8]. For shaft and bearing CI, the general form
from a logistics perspective instead of a critical safety item of the HI calculation is:
(CSI) or safety of flight (SOF) issue. Using non-destructive
inspection (e.g. HUMS data) for inspection of CSI requires
a higher standard of information. It is implied that failure of HI = CI T Σ −1CI * 0.7 v (2)
a CSI could result in lose of aircraft and crew. Thus,
gaining maintenance credit (using HUMS instead of where
inspection) requires an explicit relationship of damage to
CI is a vector of CI values
Σ is the covariance of the CI Values and
v is the critical value for a Nakagami with n
Alternatively, if HUMS CI/HI information is used for
degrees of freedom. For n = 3, and a probability of
logistics, there is no change concerning airworthiness
false alarm of 10-6, v = 9.44.
directives. Using HUMS to supplement existing inspection
and to schedule maintenance on components that are
thought to requirement maintenance can greatly reduce
unscheduled maintenance events. Changing to this logistics 3. CRACK PROPAGATION MODEL
paradigm relaxes the requirement for an explicit relationship
between damage and CI/HI value. For metallic components, if the cyclic stress level is
significantly high, surface micro cracks will spread across
A number of studies have shown that there exits a the surface. These cracks will penetrated into the body of
relationship between physical damage and measured the material and continue to grow. The growth behavior of
vibration signatures. Goodrich, under funding of the Center the crack has been the subject of numerous experiment
for Rotorcraft Innovation [2], [3] has shown that there is an studies. These studies have attempted to derive a theoretical
87% correlation between measured vibration (1 CI) to relationship between rate of crack growth and the number of
physical damage length, and over 95% correlation between stress cycles.
an HI (weighted sum of CIs) with physical damage. This is
important for two reasons. It suggests that crack length (a - Since 1953, a number of crack growth theories have been
physical damage) can use a surrogate, the HI, and that the presented:
HI can model crack length with a simple linear model: 1. Head’s Theory
2. The Geometrical Similarity hypothesis

3. Net area stress theories, af
N= dN da
4. Accumulated strain hypothesis ao
5. Dislocation theories
= 1 da (7)
6. Energy Theories D(4σ 2πa)
7. Frost and Dixon’s theory
8. Fracture-mechanics crack growth theory
= 1
D(4σ 2π )
(ln(a )− ln(a ))
f o

This list is not exhaustive [9]. On inspection, these theories

can be generalized by the Paris Law
This gives the number of cycles N from the current
measured crack ao to the final crack length af . As noted
da dN = D(ΔK )
(3) previously, the measured component health (HI) will be
used as a surrogate for crack length a, in keeping with the
which governs the rate of crack growth, where logistics paradigm. The only remaining unknown is D, a
material constant of the crack growth equation.
da/dN is the rate of change of the half crack length
D is a material constant of the crack growth equation
ΔK is the range of the K during a fatigue cycle
m is the exponent of the crack growth equation It was stated that vibration based CI/HI are noisy. From
equation (5), it is evident that in addition to a filtered/de-
The range of strain, ΔK is given as: noised HI, the rate of change of the HI is needed to estimate
D. One method for filter and state reconstruction (e.g.
ΔK = 2σα (πa ) reconstructing an unknown parameter from observed data)
1/ 2
is the Kalman filter [10].
σ is gross strain The Kalman filter is a kinematic model in which a filter
gain is set optimally based on the measurement and system
α is a geometric correction factor variance. The batch process for a system is:
a is the half crack length Xt|t-1 = F Xt-1|t-1 State Propagation

Most of these variables are specific to a given material and Pt|t-1 = F Pt-1|t-1F’ + Q Predicted Covariance
test article. For components encountered in a transmission, K = Pt|t-1 H’ [H Pt|t-1 H’ + R]-1 Kalman Gain
they are unknown. As such, some simplifying assumptions
can be made to simplify analysis. For many Pt|t = (I – KH) Pt|t-1 State Covariance
components/material, the crack growth exponent is 2, which X t|t = Xt|t-1 + K(Y-H Xt|t-1) State Update
will be used as a default value. The geometric correction
factor α, is set to 1. The equation (4) reduces to: Where:
t|t-1 is the condition statement (e.g. t given the
da dN = D(4σ πa) 2
(5) information at t-1)
X is the state information (x, x dot, x double dot)
The goal is to determine the number of cycles, N, remaining
P is the state covariance matrix
until a crack length a is reached. Taking the reciprocal of
(5) gives: Q is the process noise model
H is the measurement matrix
dN da = 1 (6)
D(4σ πa)
R is the measurement variance, and

Integrating gives the number of cycles (N) remaining. Note F is the state transition matrix. For this case, where
that N for synchronous systems (e.g. constant RPM) is the states are health, and the rate of change of health
equivalent to time by multiplying with a constant. (dHI/dt), F is an integrator.

Two Kalman filters are run: one to filter the measured HI,
and calculated dHI/dt (rate of crack growth) and one to
estimate the unknown parameter D. The unknown D can be
found via an extended Kalman filter, where an estimate of

HI (e.g. a) and strain σ is derived from the current estimate
of D. The state prediction of σ and a are:

aˆ = da dN ˆ
D 4σ 2πa ) (8)


σˆ = da dN ˆ (9)
D(4 πa)

ˆ is the state estimator for D.

where D
Figure 2 Derived da/dN from Kalman Filter
The measurement matrix H, which is now the Jacobian of
equation (8) and (9) While it is assumed that D is constant, it varies some small
amount, probably due to a model violation. Additionally,
since the Kalman filter is an iterative estimate of D, it
requires some small number of updates to converge.
⎡− da dN 0⎤
⎢ da dN ⎥
⎢ 4 D 2πa
H= D(4πa ) ⎥ (10)
⎢ ⎥
⎢ − da dN 0 ⎥
⎣ 4 D 2πσ 2 ⎦

Model Validation
In order to validation the assumption used in estimating the
number of cycles remaining, a crack growth data set from
[11] was used. This was crack length vs. number of cycles
in austenitic steel, where the cyclic loading was 62 MN/m2.
A sequential extended Kalman filter was used filter crack
length (figure 1) and to calculate da/dN (figure 2).
Equations 8, 9 and 10 where used to estimate D (figure 3).
Cycles remaining were calculated using (7) (figure 4). Figure 3 Estimate of D, Material Constant
The number of cycles remaining converges to the
experiment results quickly. It is noted that the number of
cycles remaining is a function of D and da/dN. Note that
the estimated RUL converges to the observed remaining life
quickly, and is remarkable accurate predictor of the cycles

Figure 1 Crack Length vs. Cycles

acquisitions. It is hypothesized that between two
acquisitions, any change in component health is a function
of torque: a flight regime requiring high torque are more
damaging than benign regimes.

The shaft example encompasses approximately 371 hour of

usage, over 304 operations (an operation in IMD-HUMS
generates a raw data file), at the end of which maintenance
was conducted. The time was calculated by measuring the
cumulative time between acquisitions where torque was >
10%. Approximately 60% of the time the aircraft a torque
less than 30%, suggesting a ground turn. Raw and filter data
are presented in figure 5.

Figure 4 Cycles Remaining

Given this validation, the same procedure was tested against
real work data acquired from a utility helicopter.


Two real world examples are presented, the first being a

shaft example, the second being a bearing example. The
shaft example case is a high-speed input shaft. It present
challenges in that the cyclic loading is not constant. It is
assumed that load is a function of mission/regime flown.
The second example is a generator drive ball bearing.
While the load is relatively constant, it was found that it
required a different crack growth exponent. Both examples
show encouraging results. Figure 5 Raw and Filtered Input Shaft

High Speed Input Shaft The Kalman filter “filter factor” and ability to reconstruct
and observables is based on configuration input variables
The high-speed input shaft rotates at approximately 22,000 for the plant noise and the measurement noise. The Kalman
RPM and delivers a maximum of 700+ horse power and filter parameters for plant noise was set at 0.01 (e.g.
300 ftlbs of torque to the main module. While shaft failures maximum rate of change of health is .01/hour), while the
are exceeding rare, at times shaft balances are required for measurement noise was 0.2 (standard deviation of the HI).
maintenance. Additionally, there is a limited chance that The median % torque between acquisitions was found to
the shaft coupling could crack or become loose. have the highest correlation with the rate of change in
health. This was then used for strain metric at each update
In the validation example, known crack values and strain to N. Note that at approximately time 150, torque and rate
where used. In the shaft example, there is no direct measure of change correlate reasonable well (figure 6). In figure 5,
of physical damage. Instead, as previously noted in it appears that at time 150, the shaft starts to propagate the
addressing problem (2), the shaft health (HI) was used as a fault, which supports supported by figure 6.
surrogate for damage. The metric for RUL was hours until
the HI was greater than 0.9 as per the maintenance policy.
The HI was derived from (2), where the CI’s where
magnitude of vibration for shaft orders 1, 2 and 3. Note that
for a constant RPM system, the only difference between
cycles (N) and time is a scalar multiplier.

The power transmitted to the main module is dependent on

how the aircraft is flown. Ostensible, there is a relationship
between engine torque and cyclic strain – again, it is unclear
what that relationship is. For that reason, four measures of
torque were used to estimate cyclic loading between

Figure 6 dH/dt and Median % Torque vs. Time Figure 8 RUL and Prognostics Hours Remaining
Some assumptions were made with the Kalman filter model,
for both filtering the shaft health and for estimation of the At approximately 220 hours, the predicted RUL prognostic
material constant D. First, it is assumed a priori that is within a few percent of the actual hours remaining until
components do not “heal” themselves (that is, dH/dt is zero maintenance (e.g. HI > 0.9). This suggests a prognostic of
or positive). Thus, in the filtering operations, if dH/dt was 150 operational hours.
negative, it was set to zero. Second, from equation (7), it is
apparent that D must be greater than zero. A test for this Generator Shaft Drive Ball Bearing
condition was made as well, with D being set to 1e-7 if
The generator shaft drive ball bearing showed elevated
negative or zero (figure 7).
HI/CI was removed for operation. The HI was derived from
(2) where the CI’s where the envelope cage, ball, inner and
outer race values and envelope RMS. For a full description
of the CI algorithms for bearing, see reference [2]. On
inspection, it was found that the ball elements were pitted
and was in need of maintenance [12]. For this component,
the Paris Law model crack growth exponent was 1/2 (vs. 2
for the shaft example). This gives the following model for
crack propagation

da dN = D 4σ 2πa )1/ 2

putting (11) in terms of N gives:

1/ 2
dN da = 1
D 4σ πa 2
) (12)

Figure 7 D (Material Constrant) and dD/dN Integrating gives the number of cycles (N) remaining.
Note that dD/dN is effectively zero until time 230. This
corresponds well with when the prognostic for RUL tracks af
2σ D(πa ) 4 | afa.
well with the actual RUL (figure 8) N = ∫ dN da = 2a (13)
ao 3

Similarly to previous example, D is found using an

extended Kalman filter, state prediction of σ and a are:

da dN
aˆ = (14)
( )
Dˆ 2σ π 1/ 4


σˆ = da dN (15)
( )
Dˆ 2 (πa)
1/ 4

The measurement matrix H, which is now the Jacobian for

equation (14) and (15) is:

−0.318 da dN 2 0
H= D3σ 2 (16)
−0.318 da dN 4
D5 a

Given that the torque for a generator is a function of power

required, and that it is likely that electrical power would Figure 10 RUL and Prognostics Hours Remaining for
remain fairly constant throughout the operating regimes of Bearing
the helicopter, the mean torque was used for strain (26%).
The HI for the generator drive ball is calculated from the 6. DISCUSSION
Inner, Outer, Ball and Cage envelope analysis, and envelope
RMS (figure 9).
In the short term, it is unlikely that any HUMS algorithm
will be able to quantify physical damage based on a
vibration based sensor. This in of itself will limit the ability
for maintenance credits to be applied to HUMS equipped
aircraft. However, this does not limited the reduction in
aircraft operating cost that could be achieve by using MD
information into reduce unscheduled maintenance and
reduce the logistics foot print required to operate a fleet of
aircraft. As demonstrated, techniques for prognostics could
be available for operators use.

Prognostics techniques based on probabilistic models [13],

[14], such as Hidden Semi-Markov Models, based repair
activity on the cumulative probabilities that the component
will last n units of time. This is a difficult concept to
articulate and hard to make maintenance decisions on. The
technique presented here could simplify the decision
process of maintainers by giving a rough estimate of the
time remaining until a maintenance action is taken. This is
Figure 9 Raw and Filter HI for Generator Drive Ball a policy decision and does not impact safety of flight.
Over the past two years, IMD-HUMS has captured a Certainly this methodology requires additional work.
number of generator related faults, such as the generator Additional area of work could be:
drive shaft. The trend of shaft order 1, 2 and 3 are similar
to the trend observed in figure 9. This suggests that the 1. For a class of components, is the material constant
failure model is not a function of component type (bearing D the same between components?
vs. shaft), but location. Figure 10 displays the RUL and the
2. Does the application of a geometric correction
predicted RUL using this model. It is likely that the
factor improve performance?
accuracy is limited to the resolution of measuring cyclic
strain. Currently, there is no parametric data to measure 3. Are there better measures of cyclic strain that
current load on the generator. torque?
4. The Kalman filter is used for filtering, are other
methodologies, such as particle filter, more

5. In smoothing the data, couple curve fitting REFERENCES
techniques be applied with better results
6. When is the RUL prognostic accurate? [1] Somers, T. M., et. al, “HUMS/MMIS as an Aviation
Combat Multiplier” AHS International Forum 63, Mar 1-
7. How best can this information be displayed to the 3, 2007, Virginia Beach., VA.
Given the increased service history of HUMS equipped [2] Bechhoefer, E., He, D., “Bearing Damage Condition
aircraft, it is likely that additional faulted components will Indicator Correlation” Center for Rotorcraft Innovation
be found and tested. Hopefully, this Paris Law model will Project: 07-B-6-59-S2.1
provide useful indication of the RUL and eventually be
incorporated into a maintenance support tool. [3] Wu, S., He, D., Bechhoefer, E., “Development and
Validation of HUMS Prognostics Capability” Center for
Rotorcraft Innovation Project: 2006-C-10-01.1

[4] J. Derek Smith, Gear Noise and Vibration 1999, Marcel

Dekker, Inc. New York

[5] Bechhoefer, E., Mayhew, E., “Mechanical Diagnostics

System Engineering in IMD-HUMS” IEEE Aerospace
Conference, Big Sky, 2006.

[6] Bechhoefer, E., Bernhard, A., “Use of Non-Gaussian

Distribution for Analysis of Shaft Components” IEEE
Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, 2006.

[7] Bechhoefer, E., Bernhard A., “HUMS Optimal Weighting

of Condition Indicators to Determine the Health of a
Component”, American Helicopter Society #60,
Baltimore, USA, 2004

[8] Bechhoefer, E., Bernhard, A., “A Generalized Process for

Optimal Threshold Setting in HUMS” IEEE Aerospace
Conference, Big Sky, 2007.

[9] Frost, N. E., March, K. J., Pook, L. P., Metal Fatigue,

1999, Dover Publications, Mineola, NY., page 228-244.

[10] Bierman, G., Factorization Methods for Discrete

Sequential Estimation, Academic Press, New York, 1977

[11] Frost, N.E. DSR, NEL Rep No PM 287 (1959)

[12] Suggs, D., Wade, D., “Utilizing On-Aircraft Distributed

Fault Data to Improve the Removal Decision Process”,
AHS International Forum 63, May 1-3, Virginia Beach
VA 2007

[13] Dong, M., He, D., “Hidden Semi-Markov Models for

Machinery Health Diagnostics and Prognostics”
Transactions ofNAMRI/SME, Vol 32, 2004

[14] Bechhoefer, E., Bernhard, A., He, D., Banerjee, P., “Use
of Hidden Semi –Markov Models in the Prognostics of
Shaft Failure”, AHS International Forum 62, Phoenix, AZ
Mar 2006.


Dr. Bechhoefer is a retired Naval aviator with a M.S. in

Operation Research and a Ph.D. in General Engineering.
Dr Bechhoefer has focus on Statistics and Optimization and
Signal Processing. Dr. Bechhoefer has worked at Goodrich
Aerospace since 2000 on project related to HUMS, wire
fault detection and wireless sensor systems. Dr. Bechhoefer
holds over 8 patents and has published over 20 HUMS
related papers.

Dr. Bernhard is a Senior Dynamicist at Sikorsky and is the

lead dynamics engineer for prognostics and health
management and for active rotor control. Dr. Bernhard has
a Ph.D. from the University of Maryland (2000) focusing on
smart rotor technology.

Dr. David He is an Associate Professor and the Director of

The Intelligent Systems Modeling & Development
Laboratory in the Department of Mechanical & Industrial
Engineering at The University of Illinois-Chicago. His
research interests include: equipment health diagnostics
and prognostics, wireless sensor network modeling and
analysis, systems reliability modeling and analysis,
statistical quality control, manufacturing scheduling.

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