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The Botanic Mutants

ORCHID WIZARD Plumeria creates Floramancies - soulless, animated plant material with botanic mutations. They aid
in his research, guard his tower, and quell his appetite for living creatures.

Plumeria is a towering Orchid Mantis magician. He Plumeria Roll 1d8 for each column to determine what you encounter.
isolated himself at the top of an old cherry blossom 15 HP, STR 12, DEX 15, WIL 15
tree to practice his botanic-magic in peace. Attack: d12 Slash, Summon Floramancy d8 Attribute Material (HP) Creature (STR, DEX, WIL) ATT
Critical: Vice Grip: 1d4 STR damage per 1 Sticky Floral (3) Spider (6 str, 13 dex, 6 wil) d6 bite
Adventureres who get caught in his laboratory will round until rescued or escape
likely be devoured. However, he is a good host, and Wants: To be alone with his magic and collect 2 Poisonous Bark (10, +2 Armor) Centipede (8 str, 12 dex, 6 wil) d6 bite
will never eat his guests until after tea and dessert. Rare botanic artifacts 3 Regenerating Moss (4) Worm (8 str, 4 dex, 4 wil) d4 thrash
4 Beautiful Vine (6, long reach) Butterfly (3 str, 15 dex, 10 wil) doesn’t attack
5 Itchy Mushroom (8) Beetle (11 str, 4 dex, 5 wil) d4 tackle
6 Allergenic Herb (2) Mouse (12 str, 10 dex, 8 wil) d6 improvised weapon
7 Luminous Cacti (6, +3 att) Mantis (8 str, 12 dex, 8 wil) d6 claw
8 Hypnotizing Fruit (4) Wasp (8 str, 10 dex, 6 wil) d12 sting

Magical seeds that can grow to immense sizes in moments. They are kept in
Plumeria’s laboratory, but can occasionally be foraged off of his Floramancies.

As soon as quick-seeds make contact with water, they begin to sprout. It takes
one round for the plant to fully grow.

They come in sets of three, and function similarly to spells. Roll a d6 equal to the number of seeds
you are using. The size of the plant depends on the number of [DICE] used, and the [SUM] of the
rolled dice. Mark usage dots accordingly. If one or more 6s are rolled, the plant’s size is doubled.

If the conditions aren’t suitable for the plant and they go without care, they will die after one day.

d6 Seed Effect
1 Climbing Vine Grows a Climbable Vine [SUM+DICE] inches high
Grows [SUM+DICE] square inches. creatures who contact the leaves
2 Poison Ivy
gains the Itchy Rash condition
Grows a dandelion with roots that reach a depth and width of
3 Dandelion
[SUM+DICE] inches. Creates cracks & fissures in hard surfaces
4 Rose Bush Grows into a [SUM+DICE] square inch Thorny Rose Bush
5 Jumping Cactus Grows into [SUM+DICE] square inches of Jumping Cactus
Grows into a Trampoline Mushroom [SUM+DICE] inches in diame-
6 Mushroom
ter. Mice can use it to jump [SUM+DICE] inches high.
The Orchid Wizard is an independent production by Josiah Moore and is not affiliated with Losing Games.
It is published under the Mausritter Third Party Licence. Mausritter is copyright Losing Games.

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