The Harmony Glade

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Factions of the Glade:
The Lord Harry Downy
A Northern Flicker and monarch of the Glade.

- The Scrubs. Scrub-Jay military force.
- Control of all Feed and Suet.
OOO Maintain peace and serenity in the Glade.

The Scrubs
The Lord’s private guard and defenders of the

Glade. (1d10 at any time around)
- Combat superiority.
OOO Uphold law and order in the Glade.

A Mausritter Location for Songbirds

Citizens of the Glade. (1d66 of each: Song
Rittermarch Sparrow, White-Crown Sparrow, House
Sparrow, Junco, Black-Capped Chickadee,
Spotted Towhee, House Finch, American
Goldfinch and Pine Siskin. 1d12 Eurasian Collard
Doves, 1d4 Chestnut Nuthatch and 1 Bewick’s
Squirrel Nation
Symbiotic co-inhabitants of the Glade. (neutral)
Sounds of melody and harmony blend Resources:
together illustriously in song. Waves of - Store house full of two Winter’s worth of nuts and
sweet tune, rising and falling. Whistles of Goals:
joy, chirps of careless peace. Notes sung OOO Foster a healthy relationship with the Songbirds to
with purpose, sounds of serenity ring aloud. acquire sufficient Feed for the tribe.
The glade is alive with vibrant noise, but a European Starlings
new sound interrupts the symphony; Enemies of the Glade. Want control.
invaders with an evil ploy. Harmony Glade Birdnapped the Lord’s fletchlings. (1d30 at any
is teeming with resource, yet a dark plan is moment)
in the works. Resources:
- Numbers, there are so many. Where are they coming
The Harmony Glade is an independent Goals:
production by ManaRampMatt and is not OOOOO Take control of the Feed source and take over
the Glade.
affiliated with Losing Games. It is
published under the Mausritter Third Party Wudratz
License. Mausritter is Copyright Losing Invasive gangsters and opportunists.
Games. - Underworld connections.
OOOO Inject Suet into the Rations trade.

Portwine Jarlsberg
Lone mouse in the Glade. Ambassador of the
Maus Kingdoms loyal “cupbearer” of the Lord.
1. The Giants Workshop: An old shed and 6. The Great Beyond: Telephone poles and
hemlock/holly trees. Wudratz base in the wire pass a maple tree. On the top of the tree
shed. is the Starling Enclave. 3-in-6 chance of
2. The Lord’s Manor: Two elms and a massive finding 1d4 Silver trinkets (50 pips).
dying oak tree. Home to Lord Harry Downy. 7. Feeder Haven: A wildflower garden and
3. The Giants Home: A run down house once d20 bird feeders and d4 suet feeders. (Each
occupied by a giant that loved and cared for feeder has a 3-in-6 chance of having d8
birds. Now Portwine resides here. songbirds on it)
4. Thornsburg Fortress: A hawthorn and 8. The Spa: A birdbath and d6 bird feeders. (d6
blackberry thicket. Within is a nest like songbirds bathing/feeding) Near the base of
“fortress” home to the Songbirds the bath is a spell tablet: Song Speak.
5. The Squirrel’s Den: A douglas fir and 9. Garden of the Sun: Sunflowers and d10 bird
perennial vegetable garden. The fir is home to feeders. (3-in-6 chance of d20 songbirds
the Squirrel Nation. feeding on various feeders)
Encounter Table: Bestiary:
Roll at each pentagon or once Songbird
per hour. 3hp | STR 10 | DEX 15 | WIL 10
Attack: d6 beak, 2d4 talons
2d6 Encounters in the Glade Wants: To grow the flock and sing.
2 30 Starlings swoop in.
3 1d30 Starlings fly down. Lord Harry Downy
16hp | STR 12 | DEX 15 | WIL 18
4 1d10 Squirrels crawl in. Attack: d1o beak, 2d4 talons
5 Portwine shows up. Wants: To see the Songbird flock increase and
see the peace in the Glade upheld.
6 Wudratz gathering Suet.
7 Songbirds feed and sing. Scrub-Jay
Lord Harry arrives. 12hp | STR 9 | DEX 15 | WIL 15
8 Attack: d6 beak, d8 talons
9 1d6 Wudratz engage 1d4 Wants: To protect the livelihood of all denizens
Squirrels. of the Glade.
10 1d10 Starlings attempt to
capture Portwine. Starling
1d8 Scrubs land with 4hp | STR 9 | DEX 12 | WIL 8
11 Attack: d6 beak, 2d4 talons
authority. Wants: To take over everything.
12 1d24 Starlings in combat
with 1d16 Scrubs. Squirrel
Whenever Starlings show up 5hp | STR 12| DEX 12 | WIL 12
all songbirds and squirrels will Attack: d8 bite
Wants: To eat in peace and make a safe home
scatter. Scrubs will arrive in for the tribe and future generations.
1d3 turns. Starlings will the
flee in 1d2 turns. Wudratz
3hp | STR 12 | DEX 8 | WIL 8
Attack: d6 scythe
Wants: Easy wealth, will take from anyone to
achieve goals.


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