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Chapter V


This chapter presents the summary and conclusion derived from the findings of this
study on the conclusions were based on the purpose, research questions and results of the
study. The implications of these findings and the resultant recommendations were based on the
conclusions and purpose of the study.

This study was conducted at Don Gerardo Llameral Ouano Memorial National High
School (DGLLOMNHS). The respondent of this study we’re the grade 11 student most focusing
on Facebook, with a few studies centered around the use of Twitter, and Facebook, or social
media in general.

Summary of findings

The findings of the study were summarized according to the statement of the problem
stated in chapter 1.

1. What is your coping mechanism from social media addiction?

“Prioritize household responsibilities”

One respondent stated that prioritizing household tasks was her coping method
for social media addiction. She limits her internet usage and prioritizes household
activities over social media. She was able to overcome her social media addiction after
implementing this technique.

“Spend time with family members and friends”

One of the respondents claimed that spending time with family is her way of
coping with social media addiction. Spending time with family can lower stress and
anxiety, promote a healthy lifestyle, and lengthen your life, according to studies. Your
family inspires you to strive to be your best self. Using this strategy, she was able to get
over her addiction to social media.

“Engaging in various interests”

Another participant stated that pursuing a variety of interests helped him

overcome social media addiction. Instead of using social media, the respondent uses his
time for exercises, playing basketball, and drawing. According to the respondent,
Hobbies are an effective way to relieve stress and give a sense of fulfillment and
satisfaction in life.

“Concentrate on the academics”

The respondent admitted that focusing on her schoolwork helped her deal with
her social media addiction. After implementing this technique, the respondent's grades
improved. Currently, the respondent only uses social media for school purposes.

2. What are symptoms of social media addiction?

“Anxiety, depression and low self-esteem”

According to the respondents, lack of actual and meaningful connections leads to

low self-esteem and negatively affects her emotional well-being. The respondents
become sad, worried, and isolated as they become reliant on their smartphones for
acceptance and recognition.

“Anemic and got bruises for no reason”

The respondent got anemic due to a lack of sleep caused by social media
addiction. According to research, being fatigued from a lack of sleep can cause your
blood circulation to perform less efficiently. As a result, there is less oxygen in the blood,
which can cause your skin to seem blotchy, pigmented, and grayish.

“Dizziness, mood changes and exhaustion”

One of the respondents stated that the symptoms of social media addiction
include dizziness, mood changes, and exhaustion. Overuse of social networking sites
can lead to a variety of health and personal relationship issues, similar to those seen in
other addictions. Social media addiction can lead to attitude and behavior changes.


Based on the indicated findings, the following conclusions were drawn:

1.  The respondents’ ways of coping with social media addiction are by
prioritizing household chores, spending time with family and friends, engaging
in various interests, and concentrating on academics. These coping
mechanisms are effective techniques in order to overcome social media

2. The results showed that the respondents were experiencing a variety of

symptoms of social media addiction, including depression, anxiety, low self-
esteem, being anemic and getting bruises without cause, dizziness, Mood
changes, and exhaustion.
3. Social media addiction can have a negative impact on the mental health,
academic performance, and real-life interactions of students. Encouraging
students to engage in alternative coping strategies, such as exercise,
hobbies, and face-to-face interactions, can help mitigate the harmful effects
of social media addiction and enhance their overall well-being. Excessive use
of social media can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and depression, as well
as a distorted sense of self-worth. Additionally, social media addiction can
hinder face-to-face social interactions, leading to feelings of loneliness,
isolation, and difficulty in communication skills.


This study revealed the effectiveness of the coping mechanisms from

social media by prioritizing household chores, spending time with family and
friends, engaging in various interests, and concentrating on academics. Thus, the
following recommendation are hereby presented:

1. To help reduce the growing number of social media addicts, school

officials should raise awareness on how to prevent and cope with social
media addiction.

2. Teachers should include lessons on how to cope with and prevent

social media addiction to raise awareness among their students.
3. Students who are addicted to social media should use any of these
coping strategies to deal with their addiction.

4. A similar study must be conducted to a larger sample to determine if

the same findings will be established

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