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Kirti et al.

, International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences,

ISSN 2250-0588, Impact Factor: 6.565, Volume 08 Issue 11, November 2018, Page 247-252

A Study On Review Of Literature On Soft

1 2
(research scholar, deptt. Of commerce, MDU Rohtak)
(research scholar of commerce, BMU Rohtak)
Every organisation requires the skills in mangers to deal effectively with other employees within the
organisation and in order to get work done effectively. For achieving organizational goals and aim, every
organisation must consider human element as most prominent element within the organisation so that human
qualities such as presenting skills, relationship management skills, teamwork and team management, decision
making, work-life management, problem solving abilities and communication skills will become as an important
factors for development of workers as well as organisation (Rangneka, 2014) 1. In this paper the researcher has
reviewed various aspects of soft skill and hard skill. This research paper focuses on the literature review on the
requirement of soft skills in the organization
Soft skills can be referred as a combination of self-management skills, communication skills,
leadership skills and Interpersonal skills. Interpersonal skills are the set of skills required to communicate and
understand others and influence them. Self-management skills can be defined as the abilities regarding one‟s
own thoughts, attitude, perception, and emotions which play a significant role at work place. Some of the other
skills closely related to explain the concepts of soft skills include "Employability skills", "life skills", "social
skills”, “Personal skills”, interpersonal skills", and “Transferable skills” (Parakandi, 2010)2.
Organisations, all over world, try to find out the people who have good skills for managing themselves
at work and also capable of handling critical things in different environmental situations. Various skills such as
communication skills, time management, leadership skills, optimism, discipline, self-awareness, mentoring and
inter-personal skills are some of the essential competencies in employees of a progressive organisation must to
possess. What clients and customers need is care and service, provided by individuals: Every employee is a
representative and ambassador of the company that‟s why organisations always welcome those employees who
possess soft skills and employability skills (Agarwal., A. (2014)3. Soft skills and employability skills are those
essential skills which must be acquired by people so that they can perform best at their work place and can
enhance their career development opportunity. Soft skills are very essential and important requirement for any
individual, along with technical skills to work efficiently and effectively, perform and grow on the activities and
1. A Mardatillah,, (2018)4 the research was done for the multilevel marketing strategies in marketing
industry of Indonesia. Indonesian society has become satured because of lack of soft skill of sales person
i.e., communication skills as customers does not only buy a product but also judge the behaviour of a sales
person. Sales person does not sell only product but also helps in promoting the product. But Indonesian
sales person mostly trying to convey message according to their own way and sometimes trying to win
argument with the customer. On the basis of previous literature the researcher had found that there are so
many variables/factors that affect the personal selling skill. The study is based on the problem of
unprofessional and irresponsible sales personal of the Indonesian multilevel marketing industry. In this
study, a survey based research is conducted with the analysis of various factors/variables such as
presentation skills, ability to perform a task, hard skill, self- confidence, interaction, sales environment and
interpersonal skills.
Data were collected from primary and secondary sources also help of a questionnaire which was filled by
salespersons who were from various area such as Medan, North Sumatra and Indonesia. A cluster sampling
techniques was used. The data were analysed with one sample t-test, multiple regression and ordinary least
square so that results are not biased. The researcher developed a general training and a special training program
for enhancing skills in sales person. After providing these training programs, it was revealed that more
important variable in increasing sales were presentation skills, communication skills, hard skills, self-
confidence, sales environment and ability to perform a task.
The basic training programs were more helpful for new sales persons which includes following training
program; induction training, job training, training for promotion, managerial development training and refresher Page 247

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Kirti et al., International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences,
ISSN 2250-0588, Impact Factor: 6.565, Volume 08 Issue 11, November 2018, Page 247-252

training program. On the other hand, specialized training was more helpful for experienced salespersons which
contribute more to increase overall sales.
2. Rosli Ibrahim,, (2017)5., in the research titled, ”The Effect of Soft Skills & Training Methodology on
Employee Performance” investigated the impact of soft skill acquisition and training techniques adopted on
employees job performance. To sustain into current dynamic and competitive corporate world, workers
need to possess two types of skills i.e., soft skill and hard skills. Soft skills refer as the grouping of qualities,
perception, habit, language, self-awareness and hard skills refers to experiences, technical skills and
education etc. training is a vital element for developing the best work performance spirit. Through that
paper the researcher wanted to throw light on the significance of soft skill over hard skills as developing
only hard skills of workers made them more task-oriented and rule adherent but less relationship and
initiative driven.
The study adopted quantitative research approach and used regression analysis technique and questionnaire
was designed for some managers and executives of few selected Malaysian private companies. The population
of this study was employees from Malaysian private companies and a sample of trainees were selected from the
defined population. The study concluded that there was positive relationship between workers having of soft
skills, training techniques adopted by the trainer and performance of employees.
3. Timothy Yeardly (2017)6, The aim of this research was to give an update on a longitudinal research study
which determines the content delivery of courses provided by private training providers (PTP) For the
FLMs(first level managers) and also to define the effect of new soft skill development paradigms. The
research was not just looking at the programmes of individual coaching or mentoring but also programmes
which PTPs provide to FLMs in an external environment.
The research has been carried out in 3 stages in which the 1st stage examines a multi - dimensional best
practise core soft skills framework for experienced qualified managers. In the 2nd stage, a pilot study has been
conducted using various online and direct marketing channels in research defined PTPs first line manager
courses in the UK over a period of 2 months and same exercise is repeated in the third stage for the same period
as defined in the second stage. The researcher found that PTP FLM training was not irrelevant; but was very
helpful and necessary for FLMs. As a result of this research paper was more emphasis needed to be placed on
interpersonal skills, communication skills and teamwork spirit.
4. Scarlett C. Wesley.,, (2017)7, focus of this study was to ascertain how students ranked the importance
of soft skills and making a comparative study of those ranking to retailing and tourism management faculty
and business ranking. This research is concerned about to understand why each group had a different idea
regarding various types of soft skills that is followed by a comparative study of three groups i.e., students,
faculty and industry leaders. A cross sectional survey method was designed for this research. The
population covered the three group i.e., retailing and tourism management students from selected university
and the industry leaders.
This research focused on seven soft skills which include experience, team, communication, leadership,
decision making, self-management and professional skills. A questionnaire was designed which includes
questions regarding all those seven skills with demographics profile of respondents. In the study, it was found
that each group give different ranking to different soft skills according to their requirement and preference. But
when comparing the ranking of all the groups, it was found that all groups were given a high ranking to work or
internship experiences and given least ranking to international experiences.
5. Sharif NadiyahRazal,, (2017)8, the primary purpose of the study was to examined the effectiveness of
Online Project Based Collaborative Learning (OPBCL) model in improving students‟ soft skills. In today‟s
rapidly changing environment, the employers more demanded for the soft skills rather than only hard skills.
Therefore it is essential that the development of soft skills in students takes place from their educational
institutions. In modern competitive world, Collaborative Learning (CL) is widely used in teaching and
learning and very much helpful in learning soft skills. This study is conducted to highlight dearth of soft
skills among Malaysian Polytechnic graduates.
The study adopted both quantitative and qualitative approach. This study was based on a real test in which
some students were randomly selected who were takers of the Nutrition subject from Polytechnic Merlimau
Melaka. The real test was evaluated on the basis of two groups i.e., experimental group and control group, and
then the treatment was also divided in two sub group which were treatment 1 and treatment 2. In the control
group, the students do their projects with traditional project collaborative learning method. Treatment1 group
complete their project with CIDOS model; and treatment 2 group completed their project OPBCL model. At last
the study revealed that all groups have a positive result in enhancement of soft skills. A Kruskal Wallis test
examined that which group was more successful. The result of treatment 2 was much better which was followed
by control group and then followed by treatment 1 group. It was also revealed that OPBCL model enhanced the
critical and problem solving soft skill more than using traditional model i.e., CIDOS model, conducted that the
study was provide evidence on students‟ soft skills improved via OPBCL model. Page 248

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Kirti et al., International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences,
ISSN 2250-0588, Impact Factor: 6.565, Volume 08 Issue 11, November 2018, Page 247-252

6. SitraselviChandren,, (2016)9, The primary objective of this study was to improve oral presentation
skill among accounting students as it played a very significant role in their educational life as well as in
professional life. The oral presentation skill is not just an expression of views but it is an art which includes
proper communication, proper body language, gesture and posture, good and loud voice and have a proper
eye contact with audience, proper planned content of the presentation, proficiency in language, confidence
and positive attitude of the presenter. This study examined how to enhance the actual presentation skills of
accounting students and techniques used to enhance the oral presentation skill.
Action research was conducted on the selected accounting students undertaking Financial Accounting and
Reporting class in school of accounting (SOA), University Utara Malaysia. The participants were allowed to
give presentation on certain topic. The study conducted action research as a full involvement in research by the
participant which practices a spiral of four self- reflective cycles i.e., cycle1: rubric assessment, cycle2: rubric
assessment and video simulation interviews, cycle3: video simulation interviews and cycle4: questionnaire and
students self- reflections on their improvement in their oral presentation skill. It was examined that from cycle 1
to cycle 4, there was a positive development in oral presentation skill. The study also revealed that from cycle 1
to 3 helped the learner to build up self-confidence and motivation to present views in front of the audience
without any hesitation with mastery of all oral presentation skills. From cycle 4 i.e., self- reflection stage, it was
found that video stimulation interview was much better relative to rubric assessment.
7. Tang KeowNgang and Tan Chan Chan (2015)10, a research attempted to assess the variables of soft skills
especially problem solving skills, moral and professional skills, leadership skills and entrepreneurship skills
which are required by new comers teachers in at workplace. The study was given more importance to soft
skills required for novice teacher which plays significant role in developing overall personality of teacher
communities. The study was conducted to determine the ethics, moral and professional skill of new comer
teachers in secondary schools of Malaysia from the point of view of their administration. In the research
study there was seven soft skill variables were considered which includes critical thinking, communication
skill, ethics, moral & professional skill, group working skill, life-long learning and entrepreneurship skill.
The study adopted a qualitative research approach and used focus group interviews to obtain data from
selected novice teachers. The result to be found from quantitative data was contradicted with qualitative results.
Among the seven defined variables of soft skill in this study, quantitative result showed that ethics moral and
professional skill had been ranked as second least required after entrepreneurship skill at the workplace from the
novice teacher‟s point of view. School administrators stated hat soft skill variable are the mainly required and it
was also find that there is a dearth of ethics, moral and professional skill among novice teachers. Efforts should
be made by the teacher trainees to enhance soft skills among novice teachers.
8. M. S. Rao. (2014)11., in his study “Enhancing employability in Engineering & management students
through soft skills” was focused on the significance of soft skills for the management & engineering
students and also to determine the innovative tools, method and techniques to import soft skills to both
institutes. Enhancing employability is one of the most common challenge for Indian students especially
who are from engineering and management institutions. Indian student faces more unemployability than
unemployment problem due to lack of soft skills. The research was done to explain the requirement of soft
skills among management and engineering studentsand also to fill the gap between campus and industry by
enhance students‟ employability.
In that research, the various job training methods were adopted such as role playing, corporate case
analysis, business games, T-training, debates, group discussions. That research study consists both engineering
and management students from the district of Nijemabad in India and the random sample was selected from
students, faculty, industry and directors of the selected educational institute. The data was collected from both
primary and secondary sources. That research paper designed an interview questioner having both open and
close-ended questions for getting accurate response from sample of educational institutes. The study was
revealed that those who were better equipped with hard and soft skills were able to succeed professionally. It
also revealed that those who were succeedat the work place were also strong in feeling, attitude and personal
9. Suave Rangaung,, (2014)12, the purpose of the study was to determine the soft skill for teacher
working in private basic education schools in SamutPrakan province at Thailand and also to evaluate
techniques of soft skills for inexperienced teachers. It is necessary that every teacher, educator must possess
all the hard skills with soft skills so that they may become able to fostering children in a better way. The
paper examined the important soft skills for the teacher in private basic education school.
This study examined the current situation of new teachers who have a experience of less than 2years, in
service at private schools teaching basic education in Thailand. Simple random sampling technique was used
and a questionnaire was administered to study the current situation of selected private school. Through the
questionnaire the researcher examined the requirement of soft skills and also found the important components
required for the soft skills for inexperienced teachers. The result stated that the self-evaluation showed that new Page 249

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Kirti et al., International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences,
ISSN 2250-0588, Impact Factor: 6.565, Volume 08 Issue 11, November 2018, Page 247-252

teachers have established group work skill, ethics & professionalism and leadership skill at workplace but there
is a dearth of innovation, communication & thinking and problem solving skills among inexperienced teachers.
10. David A., (2013)13, conducted a study on “Global Marketing Manager- improving global
marketing”. The research was done to find out the ability of a manager to develop and implement the global
marketing strategy. The main focus of the study was to develop a model that identified a list of soft-skills
that contribute in improving managers‟ ability to develop effective global marketing strategies to increase
their work performance in the firm in increasingly complex and dynamic global market. The main focus of
the study was not only on the understanding how global marketing strategy related to the work performance
but also focused on those who are actually responsible for development and implementation of global
marketing strategy in market i.e global marketing managers. The researcher in that research mainly
identified 10 soft skills.
Basically, managers perform the key role in developing and implementing the global marketing strategies.
And soft skills aid global marketing managers in their ability to make tactical adaptation enhance their decisions
in worldwide market. That research believed that it had applicability of their research for researcher, educators,
field workers practitioners etc. who have the focus in future advancing the knowledge on and ability of
worldwide marketing managers to improve their global marketing strategy and decision making.
11. Prof. Ritu Goswami (2013)14, this paper was to highlighted the significance of soft skills particular for I.T
students and also to know why IT students need to learn soft skills with hard skills. The paper was
evaluated the responsibility of lecturers and educational institutions in enhancing soft skills in IT students
and find out the various methods to improve soft skills. It was a conceptual study which was based on
empirical research and also helped by other experts with their experiences.
The main focus of this conceptual study was on IT students because it has been observed during I.T courses
of studies, more emphasis is given on developing technical skills in them. Curriculum of I.T courses must also
be updated from time to time based on the need of the industry and students also needed to be groomed well
from the starting of the courses so that their understanding is better.
12. Daine H. Parente,, (2012)15, focus of this study was to identify whether managers can acquire strategic
skills using management education methods with respect to experience. It explained that experienced-based
pedagogical ways can be more effective in developing traditional skills and soft skills which then help the
gaining of strategic skills. This paper was presented a model which determined various factors that affects
the acquision of strategic skills. Simulation management experience method is used for the research study
which mainly emphasized on experimental learning in group work situation. The approach of simulated
management experience was a combination of role playing, basic theoretical concepts and also use of the
computer business simulation.
The population of the study consisted some U.G students of business administration courses at two US
Universities. The selected sample of students were place in the team work environment and each participants
were examined within one week of being placed on a group using defined tools. The study found out that there
is a positive relationship between expectations of individual experience and realization of individual experience.
Overall this research revealed that soft skills and hard skills are complementary to each other and together
helped to better acquisition of strategic skills.
13. Ruhanita,, (2012)16, Malaysian Institute of Accountant (MIA) demanded a six months industrial
training for accounting students and that training programmes offered by any university in Malaysia since
2005. It was also formed by various literatures that no priority given to the development of soft skills
among students. This study is conducted to examine the perceptions of accounting students on the benefits
gained from industrial soft skill training programmes. Moreover, the basic purpose of the study was to
evaluate the advantages gained from the soft skill training provided by the industries.
The study was conducted a survey with a questionnaire to examine the perception of students on the
advantages of soft skill training and identified the vital components of soft skills required by accounting
students. The respondents/ participants of the study were those students who had completed their six months
industrial training. It was revealed from the study that trainees believed that the training enable them to develop
attitude that was in accordance with ethics and social responsibilities, performed team work and life- long
learning commitment and professional development.
14. P.V Dharmarajan,, (2012)17, through this research paper the researcher throw the light on significance
of the soft skill in the students‟ life as well as in the professional life. Researcher explained that soft skills
are not only essential but also compulsory with the other technical skills. The paper also defined the role of
teacher faculties, lecturers and trainers in developing and improving soft skills in students at studying time
which are acquired at every sphere of life. More significant role of I.T professors in developing soft skills in
engineering students as the professors who train I.T students in technical skills are in a good position to
blend soft skills along with other technical skills. There are various soft skills which are categories in three
different parts i.e., qualities that can be acquired like skills which relate between one individual to other,
skill, characteristics present within the individual .but this paper only focus on skill which relate between Page 250

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Kirti et al., International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences,
ISSN 2250-0588, Impact Factor: 6.565, Volume 08 Issue 11, November 2018, Page 247-252

one individual to other and characteristics within individuals. At the last the researcher revealed that the
most important soft skill is the communication skill in which English language is on the prominent position
which is followed by language proficiency, body language, analytical skills, creativity skills and problem
solving skills. Moreover, it is everybody‟s responsibility to make participation in grooming, improving soft
skills in students.
15. Jungsunkim, et. al., (2011)18, The research study was particular for the hotel industry to identified the
perceived importance of non-technical skill i.e., soft skills for hotel employees and their preference to adopt
electronic learning (e-learning) as a training method to enhance non-technical skills and also find out the
impact of hotel employees‟ individual features (motivation, self- awareness etc.) on their intentions to use
E-learning training tool across different age groups.
This research was designed on the basis of quantitative and qualitative research approach. A random
sampling method was used from hotel employees who were working at different upscale international chain
hotels in South Korea and those hotels who adopted e-learning training programme. A self- administered survey
was developed for different age group employees and a open- ended questionnaire was also adopted with that
survey. The data were analysed using various quantitative techniques with the help of SEM (structural equation
modelling) in order to determine the impact of all the selected determinants on the intention of employees to use
e- learning training tool. The result was found that practical implication of the study for the hotel trainers/
managers as they can focus on extrinsic motivation rather than intrinsic motivation to motivate the workers to
use e- learning tool. The study also revealed that technology anxiety had no direct effect/ impact on the intention
of employees to use e-learning tool.
16. Dr. Jerry John (2009)19, the purpose of his study on titled “Blend Hard and Soft Skills to fast track
Management career “ was to develop effective soft skills specially communication skills i.e. spoken and
writing. Moreover to build-up effective presentation skills. Main focus was to develop inter-personal skills,
group management skills, leadership and good communication skills. Today‟s rapidly changing global
environment, technical skills and experience are not enough for the career development for an individual.
Employers prefer to select and promote those employees who are confident, ethical, self-directed and self-
motivatedwith good soft skills at work place. It was an empirical study which was conducted for
comparison b/w students who regularly exposed to soft skills sessions and those who were deprived of the
soft skills.
The researcher conduct the study in Jaipur management college (randomly selection of students of age
group 21-25) using simple random sampling methods. For that research he formed two groups one was
experimental group and other control group. That study considered soft skill training as the independent
variable. Environmental variable make equal impact on both experimental and control group. Data was collected
from a questioner that included different soft skill components. That paper revealed that by providing soft skill
training, we can enhance soft skills of management students which help them in future. It also concluded that by
giving soft skill training management institution can upgrade employability of their learner up to higher level.
17. Bernd Schulz (2008)20, this paper presented a survey study on the importance of soft skill in student‟s both
educational and professional lives. It explained how soft skills complement hard skills that are essential
perquisite of a this research study various soft skills are considered and all the skills are categories in
three parts, i.e., personal qualities, interpersonal skills and additional skills. But later study restricted to the
two categories of personal traits and interpersonal skills. Researcher explained various reasons for
requirement of soft skills, like one of the significant reason is today‟s job market, which in every field is
becoming ever increasingly competitive. Soft skills are shaping human beings‟ personality which is
required at every sphere of life. The paper also explained two way of acquiring or learning and improving
soft skills i.e., formal training and self- efforts/ training. For enhancing soft skills in students the educator
may play a significant role by finding out students‟ shortcoming and motivating them to learn/ enhance
their soft skills. Soft skills play a very important role in improving overall personality of an individual and
also complement to hard and technical skills.
18. Florence Yean- Yang Ling,, (2000)21, the study attempted to find out the requirement of both soft and
hard skills for Architects and Engineers (AE). AE must possess hard skill as hard skill or technical skill are
the basic requirement for their profession but with the hard skills there is a requirement of soft skills
because AE do not work themselves but have to interact with the system and environment.
The study basically held for two groups of construction industry; AE & Contractors. The study with the
selection of consultants by DB contractors in Singapore was held with the purpose of constructing a multi-
attribute value model for DB contractors to use when selecting consultants. The population was considered from
foreign and local contractors in Singapore who had DB experience and purposive sampling technique was used
to select a representative sample of DB contractors. It was found that from the survey that there are five soft
skills that effect work performance‟, „conscientiousness‟, „social skills‟, „initiative‟, „control‟ and
„commitment‟. The researcher concluded that the contractors must look out soft skills then select consultants for Page 251

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Kirti et al., International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences,
ISSN 2250-0588, Impact Factor: 6.565, Volume 08 Issue 11, November 2018, Page 247-252

DB projects. Therefore consultants & AE should not assume that they can satisfy contractor just by having the
required technical skills to undertake the design.
Skill is defined as the ability, talent to do a job or an activity in a better way, especially due to
continuous practising it. It is the ability that comes from one‟s knowledge, practice, aptitude, etc., to do a job
well. To sustain in the current dynamic and competitive corporate world, everyone must possess two types of
skills i.e., hard skill and soft skill. Soft skill refers to the grouping of qualities, attitudes, perceptions, habits,
attitudes, languages, self-awareness and hard skill refers to experiences, technical skills, education etc. Soft
skills are those vital skills that make any individual smart in dealing with the environment; these are the non-
technical, personal-specific skills that ascertain one‟s strengths such as a leader, manager, communicator,
listener, speaker, negotiator etc. Every individual must have a proper mix of hard skills and soft skills for
fulfilling of their duties and responsibilities in various areas.
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