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Scenery (Pemandangan) Surroundings (Lingkungan sekitar)

Pantai (Beach) Perkebunan (Plantation)

Gunung (Mountain) Perairan (Water area)
Sawah (Rice fields) Tempat wisata (Tourist spot)
Tebing (Cliff) Kota kecil (Small town)
Air terjun (Waterfall) Desa wisata (Tourist village)
Hutan (Forest) Pusat kota (City center)
Danau (Lake) Tempat sejarah (Historical place)
Pura (Temple) Pantai pasir hitam (Black sand beach)
Desa (Village) Pesisir pantai (Coastal area)
Pasar tradisional (Traditional market) Pusat perbelanjaan (Shopping center)

Sights (Pemandangan) Smells (Aroma)

Terik matahari (Blazing sun) Aroma bunga frangipani (Frangipani flower
Ubud hijau (Green Ubud) aroma)
Pura yang megah (Magnificent temple) Bau laut yang segar (Fresh sea smell)
Hutan bambu yang menyejukkan (Soothing Aroma dupa (Incense aroma)
bamboo forest) Aroma tanah basah (Wet soil aroma)
Pantai yang berpasir putih (White sandy beach) Aroma rempah-rempah (Spice aroma)
Suasana pasar tradisional (Traditional market Bau kopi (Coffee smell)
atmosphere) Aroma kelapa muda (Young coconut aroma)
Terang benderang cahaya bulan (Bright Aroma bau kayu cendana (Sandalwood smell)
moonlight) Aroma kue Bali yang harum (Fragrant Balinese
Sisi timur Bali yang sepi (Quiet east side of Bali) pastry aroma)
Danau Batur yang menakjubkan (Amazing Lake Aroma bau bawang putih (Garlic smell)
Kecak dance yang mengagumkan (Amazing Tastes (Rasanya)
Kecak dance) Manis (Sweet)
Asam (Sour)
Atmosphere (Atmosfer) Pedas (Spicy)
Hangat (Warm) Gurih (Savory)
Bersahaja (Simple) Segar (Fresh)
Tenang (Calm) Tawar (Bland)
Meriah (Lively) Pahit (Bitter)
Kental dengan budaya (Rich in culture) Asem manis (Sweet and sour)
Santai (Relaxed) Pedas manis (Sweet and spicy)
Spiritual (Spiritual) Gurih pedas (Savory and spicy)
Akrab (Friendly)
Riuh (Noisy)
Suasana malam (Nighttime atmosphere)
These words can be used to describe the
tastes of various Balinese dishes such as nasi
campur, babi guling, sate lilit, lawar, and many

Feelings (Perasaan) - use merasakan with Kerajinan tangan (Handicraft)
these Arsitektur (Architecture)
Ketenangan (Serene)
Ketenangan batin (Peaceful)
"Budaya" and "kebudayaan" are two related
Kebahagiaan (Happiness)
terms in the Indonesian language, and they
Keterkesanan (Amazement)
are often used interchangeably. However,
Keterpukauan (Enchanted)
there is a subtle difference in their meanings.
Rasa hormat (Respectful)
Terpikat (Captivated)
"Budaya" refers to the concept of culture as a
Rasa syukur (Grateful)
broad, abstract concept. It encompasses the
Kegembiraan (Joy)
shared values, beliefs, attitudes, customs, and
Keterhubungan (Connectedness)
behaviors of a group of people. For example,
"budaya Indonesia" (Indonesian culture)
Feelings (Perasaan) - use merasa with these
refers to the overall cultural traits and
Bahagia - happy
characteristics of the Indonesian people.
Sedih - sad
Cemas - anxious
"Kebudayaan," on the other hand, refers to
Gembira - joyful
the concrete, tangible manifestations of
Kecewa - disappointed
culture. It refers to the artistic, intellectual, and
Senang - glad
material products that are created and
Marah - angry
produced by a culture. For example,
Takut - scared
"kebudayaan Bali" (Balinese culture) refers to
Tertekan - stressed
the specific traditional dances, music, art,
Terkesan - impressed
handicrafts, and other cultural products that
Riang - cheerful
are unique to Bali.
Bingung - confused
Terharu - touched
Malu - embarrassed
Tidak nyaman - uncomfortable Weather (Cuaca)
Tenang - calm Cerah - sunny, bright
Terhibur - entertained Berawan - cloudy
Kekasih - loved Hujan - rainy
Gelisah - restless Badai - stormy
Puas - satisfied Berangin - windy
Kesal - annoyed Lembap - humid, damp
Kering - dry
Culture (Kebudayaan) Panas - hot
Dingin - cold
Budaya (Culture) Berkabut - foggy, misty
Adat (Tradition) Gelap - dark
Seni (Art) Terik - scorching
Musik (Music) Mendung - overcast
Tarian (Dance) Basah - wet
Pakaian adat (Traditional dress) Gerimis - drizzly
Upacara (Ceremony) Berpetir - thunderous
Agama Hindu (Hindu religion) Berawan tebal - heavily cloudy
Kepercayaan (Belief) Bersih - clear
Kesenian (Artistry) Sejuk - cool
Pertunjukan (Performance)

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