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Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 37 (2005) 327–346

Phylogeny of eagles, Old World vultures, and other

Accipitridae based on nuclear and mitochondrial DNA
Heather R.L. Lerner *, David P. Mindell
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, 1109 Geddes Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1079, USA

Received 16 November 2004; revised 31 March 2005

Available online 31 May 2005


We assessed phylogenetic relationships for birds of prey in the family Accipitridae using molecular sequence from two mitochondrial
genes (1047 bases ND2 and 1041 bases cyt-b) and one nuclear intron (1074 bases b-fibrinogen intron 7). We sampled representatives of all
14 Accipitridae subfamilies, focusing on four subfamilies of eagles (booted eagles, sea eagles, harpy eagles, and snake eagles) and two
subfamilies of Old World vultures (Gypaetinae and Aegypiinae) with nearly all known species represented. Multiple well-supported
relationships among accipitrids identified with DNA differ from those traditionally recognized based on morphology or life history traits.
Monophyly of sea eagles (Haliaeetinae) and booted eagles (Aquilinae) was supported; however, harpy eagles (Harpiinae), snake eagles
(Circaetinae), and Old World vultures were found to be non-monophyletic. The Gymnogene (Polyboroides typus) and the Crane Hawk
(Geranospiza caerulescens) were not found to be close relatives, presenting an example of convergent evolution for specialized limb
morphology enabling predation on cavity nesting species. Investigation of named subspecies within Hieraaetus fasciatus and H.
morphnoides revealed significant genetic differentiation or non-monophyly supporting recognition of H. spilogaster and H. weiskei as
distinctive species. 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Accipitridae; Avian systematics; Phylogenetics; Molecular evolution; Cytochrome-b; ND2; b-Fibrinogen intron 7

1. Introduction Corresponding author. Fax: +1 734 763 4080.

E-mail address: (H.R.L. Lerner).
Accipitridae is a diverse avian family, comprising up to
1055-7903/$ - see front matter 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
14 subfamilies, 65 genera, and 231 species (see Table 1,
Dickinson, 2003; Stresemann and Amadon, 1979). Of the Accipitridae are found in a variety of habitats from primary
Accipitridae species, some of the largest and most rainforest to arctic tundra throughout the world. Some taxa
threatened by anthropogenic factors belong to four eagle are restricted in distribution such as the snake eagles
subfamilies (Circaetinae, Haliaeetinae, Aquilinae, and (Circaetinae) which are found only in the Old World, while
Harpiinae) and two Old World vulture subfamilies others, such as the sea eagles (Haliaeetinae), are global in
(Gypaetinae and Aegypiinae). All Accipitridae species are distribution. Thorough phylogenetic analyses are needed to
protected under the Convention on International Trade in delineate the genetic and overall biological diversity of this
Endangered Species (CITES) and four eagles are listed as family, and to inform conservation programs which aim to
top priority species (CITES I, CITES-Secretariat, 2003). As preserve genetic diversity of distinguishable taxonomic
ecologically sensitive predators, birds of prey are valuable units.
indicators of habitat quality. The Phylogeny for Accipitridae based on morphological
traits has been difficult to resolve (e.g., Brown and
Amadon, 1968; Jollie, 1976, 1977a,b). The few published below). The goal of the present study is to identify
molecular studies have been limited in sampling and have phylogenetic relationships within and among the six
proposed some previously unrecognized relationships (see subfamilies of eagles and Old World vultures in
328 H.R.L. Lerner, D.P. Mindell / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 37 (2005) 327–346

Table 1
Accipitridae subfamilies

Subfamily Common name Genera Brief description Genera placed in the subfamily
by this analysis

Elaninaea Kites Elanus, Gampsonyx, Kites noted for having a bony shelf Elanus (Gampsonyx and
Chelictinia above the eye, Elanus is Chelictinia not sampled)
cosmopolitan, Gampsonyx is
restricted to the New World and
Chelictinia is found in Africa
Perninaea Kites Pernis Aviceda, Kites mainly found in the tropics Pernis, Leptodon, Chondrohierax,
Leptodon, and specializing on insects and bee Elanoides, Hamirostra and
Chondrohierax, or wasp larvae, all lack the bony Lophoictinia (Aviceda,
Henicopernis, Elanoides, eye shield found in the Henicopernis and
Machaerhamphus (?) Elaninae
Machaerhamphus not sampled)
Milvinaea Milvine or Brahminy Milvus, Rostrhamus, Diverse kites found in the New and Milvus and Haliastur
kites Harpagus, Ictinia, Old World, all species have fusion
Lophoictinia, of joints of the second and third
Hamirostra, Haliastur toes (Brown and Amadon, 1968)

Aegypiinaea Old World vultures Gyps, Pseudogyps, Largest Old World vultures, Gyps/Pseudogyps, Necrosyrtes,
Necrosyrtes, Aegypius, scavengers, most with long necks Aegypius, Torgos, Trigonoceps
Torgos, Trigonoceps, and lightly feathered to bare heads and Sarcogyps
Gypaetinaeb Old World vultures Neophron, Gypaetus, Generally smaller vultures found in Neophron, Gypaetus, Eutriorchis
Gypohierax the Old World with more and Gypohierax
restricted ranges, various
specialized feeding behaviors,
vocalizations, breeding displays,
Gypohierax and Neophron similar
to each other in plumage
coloration and molt stages
Circaetinaea Snake eagles Circaetus, Terathopius, Old World species feeding mainly Circaetus, Terathopius,
Dryotriorchis, on snakes, other reptiles and small Dryotriorchis, Spilornis and
Eutriorchis, Spilornis mammals, have a reticulate pattern Pithecophaga
of heavy scales on the tarsi and
relatively short toes
Polyboroidinaec Harrier hawks Polyboroides, One New World and one Old Polyboroides
Geranospiza World species, both exploit species
found in tree cavities for prey, have
short outer toe, increased mobility
and length of the tarsus, relatively
weak bill
Aquilinaeb Booted eagles, hawkeagles Aquila, Spizaetus, Large eagles with feathered tarsi, Aquila, Spizaetus, Hieraaetus,
Hieraaetus, globally distributed in diverse habitats Stephanoaetus, Polemaetus,
Stephanoaetus, taking a wide variety of prey, the Ictinaetus, Spizastur, Oroaetus, and
Polemaetus, Ictinaetus hawk-eagles have crests Lophaetus
(considered a kited),
Spizastur, Oroaetus
Accipitrinaeb Sparrowhawks and (?) Accipiter, Urotriorchis, Small, fast fliers specializing on Accipiter (Urotriorchis,
Chanting goshawks Megatriorchis, small birds as prey, long and slim Megatriorchis, Erythrotriorchis
Erythrotriorchis, tarsometatarsus and toes and Heterospizias not sampled)
Melierax, Heterospizias
Circinaea,f Harriers Circus Broad and long-winged birds with Circus
facial feather disks, found mainly
in open habitat such as fields or
marshes, have specialized outer
ears and related bone structures
Haliaeetinaed Sea and Fish eagles Haliaeetus, Ichthyophaga Large eagles found in riverine and Haliaeetus, Ichthyophaga
coastal habitat throughout the
world, all have fused basal joint of
middle toe
H.R.L. Lerner, D.P. Mindell / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 37 (2005) 327–346 329

Table 1 (continued)
Subfamily Common name Genera Brief description Genera placed in the subfamily by
this analysis
Buteoninaeb Hawks, buzzards, Buteo, Geranoaetus, Predominately New World species Buteo, Geranoaetus, Parabuteo,
(usually includes Parabuteo, Kaupifalco, of soaring hawks with long broad Buteogallus, Harpyhaliaetus,
booted eagles, sea Buteogallus, wings and relatively short tails and Leucopternis, Ictinia, Geranospiza and
eagles and harpy Harpyhaliaetus, legs Rostrhamus, (Busarellus, Heterospizias,
eagles which we Busarellus, Heterospizias Kaupifalco and Butastur not sampled)
have separated (?), Leucopternis,
out here) Butastur

Harpiinaee Harpy eagles Harpia, Morphnus, Extremely large and powerful eagles Harpia, Morphnus and Harpyopsis
Harpyopsis, with unfeathered tarsi, tropical forest
Pithecophaga predators of medium-sized mammals
Harpyhaliaetus (?)
Melieraxinaee,f Chanting goshawks Melierax (Micronisus) Forest accipiters, larger than Melierax (Micronisus)
Accipiter species
a Peters
(1931). b
Gadow (1893).
Brown and Amadon (1968).
d Sushkin (1905) in Jollie (1976).
This study.
Alternatively Circinae and Melieraxinae may be united under Accipitrinae with the genus Accipiter.
the context of the other primary accipitrid groups using and A. heliaca or A. heliaca and A. adalberti were also
molecular data. proposed.
The booted eagles (Aquilinae) are one of the largest The sea eagles (Haliaeetinae) are a much smaller and
accipitrid groups containing 35–36 species in 8–9 genera more easily defined group of large eagles found in coastal
and are distributed worldwide. The majority of the species and riverine areas worldwide except South America and
fall into three genera, Aquila, Hieraaetus, and Spizaetus, Antarctica. The two sea eagle genera, Haliaeetus and
while the remaining five genera are all monotypic. All Ichthyophaga, share some morphological traits with two
species have ‘‘boots,’’ or feathered tarsi, a trait that genera of kites (Milvus and Haliastur), suggesting a close
separates this group from most other accipitrid taxa. The relationship (Holdaway, 1994; Jollie, 1977b; Thiollay,
booted eagles have been considered to be monophyletic 1994). The sea eagles also share some traits with the
(Jollie, 1977b) or polyphyletic (Holdaway, 1994) with palmnut vulture (Gypohierax angolensis), suggesting a
morphological data, and only a few species in one genus relationship between them and Old World vultures (Brown
have been studied phylogenetically with molecular data and Amadon, 1968). Using cytb sequence data, Seibold and
(cyt-b, Seibold et al., 1996; control region, Vali, 2002). Helbig (1996) studied eight of the nine species of sea eagles
Monophyly of the three Aquilinae genera is not well in the genus Haliaeetus. They supported a clear split
supported with morphological characters, such that the between species with temperate versus tropical
Hieraaetus species and some Spizaetus species have been distributions, and a close relationship between the sea
placed in the genus Aquila by various authors (described by eagles and two Milvus kites. The relationship between the
Brown and Amadon, 1968; and Thiollay, 1994). The two two genera of sea eagles has not been investigated with
molecular studies included about half of the species in the molecular sequence data and the possibility of paraphyly of
genus Aquila, and both found that A. chrysaetos was the genera remains unresolved.
genetically distant from four other Aquila species. Sister The four species and genera of harpy eagles
relationships for A. clanga and A. pomarina, A. nipalensis (Harpiinae) are some of the largest raptors and are found
in tropical rain forests in the Americas, the Philippines eagles, and Old World vultures), corresponding to six
and New Guinea. This group is generally considered potential subfamilies. We use both mitochondrial and
monophyletic due to their large size, lack of feathers on nuclear sequences for representatives of 51 out of 65
the tarsi, and similarities in behavior (Brown and genera (78%) and just under half of the known
Amadon, 1968; Thiollay, 1994); however, some have Accipitridae species (n = 111). At least one representative
suggested that the Old World species are not sister to the of each previously proposed subgroup/subfamily within
New World species (e.g., Jollie, 1977b). Holdaway the Accipitridae have been included to help in
(1994) removed one Old World (Pithecophaga) and one phylogenetic placement of the focal taxa.
New World (Morphnus) species from the Harpiinae. A
close relationship between the booted eagles and the
harpy eagles has been proposed but not tested with 2. Methods
molecular data.
The 14 species of snake eagles (Circaetinae) in five 2.1. Taxon sampling
genera are found only in the Old World. Although usually
considered monophyletic (Brown and Amadon, 1968; We include at least one representative from all genera
Friedmann, 1950), the possibility of polyphyletic origins and the majority of species of sea and fish eagles (2
for snake eagles has been raised (Jollie, 1977b, could not genera, 10 species), snake eagles (4 genera, 12 species),
identify sister relationships for Eutriorchis and harpy eagles (4 genera, 4 species), booted eagles (8
Dryotriorchis; Thiollay, 1994). genera, 29 species), and Old World vultures (9 genera, 13
330 H.R.L. Lerner, D.P. Mindell / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 37 (2005) 327–346
The final group we focused on is the Old World vultures, species), based on the taxonomy in Dickinson (2003). In
a diverse mix of scavengers including at least one species two cases where significant morphological differences
that uses tools (Egyptian vulture), and potentially including among geographical populations have been documented,
a frugivorous raptor (palmnut vulture). One or two multiple samples representing different subspecies were
subfamilies have been proposed for the Old World vultures. included in the analysis. To infer relationships among
Three species are highly divergent from the remaining 11 these subfamilies within the Accipitridae, we also include
and have been placed by some in a separate family called at least one representative from each primary group or
Gypaetinae (Mundy et al., 1992). The core 11 species are clade within the Accipitridae family as proposed by
called the Aegypiinae. Seibold and Helbig (1995) used cyt- Gadow (1893), Peters (1931), Brown and Amadon
b sequence from 11 Old World vulture species and found (1968), Jollie (1977b), Stresemann and Amadon (1979),
evidence of polyphyly for the Old World vultures. and Holdaway (1994). Falco longipennis, Falco
There are no previously published molecular studies that peregrinus, and Phalcoboenus megalopterus (Falconidae)
include representatives of all of the Accipitridae were used as outgroup taxa. Samples used and GenBank
subfamilies; however, several molecular studies have used Accession numbers are listed in Table 2.
mitochondrial DNA to examine particular Accipitridae
subgroups and have found evidence for polyphyly of some 2.2. Sequencing
traditionally recognized taxa (e.g., polyphyly of the
Perninae kites, Riesing et al., 2003; and the genus Buteo, Genomic DNA was extracted from muscle tissue or
Gamauf and Haring, 2004). Relationships among a small blood using proteinase K digestion following the
set of accipitrids based on mtDNA indicated a closer manufacturers protocols (DNeasy tissue kit, Qiagen), or
relationship between a representative sea eagle and kite in from the calamus of primary feathers by adding
the genus Milvus, than between the sea eagle and a snake dithiothreitol (30 ml of 100 mg/ml, Cooper, 1994) to the
eagle in the genus Circaetus. A representative Old World overnight tissue digestion buffer, and then proceeding
vulture was more closely related to the snake eagle than according to the manufacturers protocols. For museum skin
other accipitrid taxa in the study, including species of (toe pad) samples, genomic DNA was extracted from toe
Buteo, Haliaeetus, Milvus, Circus, Accipiter, and Pernis pad tissue digested overnight as described for feathers
(Mindell et al., 1997). Increased sampling of species and above, with additional washes of 500 ll Salton Wash 1 and
molecular characters are needed to improve our Salton Wash 2 (Qbiogene).
understanding of phylogenetic relationships among the All museum toe pad extractions and PCR preparations
Accipitridae. were conducted in a facility exclusively designated for
In this study, we focus on full or nearly complete old/degraded DNA samples at the University of Michigan
taxonomic representation of five accipitrid subgroups Museum of Zoology and the Ancient Biomolecules Centre
(sea and fish eagles, harpy eagles, booted eagles, snake (ABC) at Oxford University. To prevent contamination, no
contemporary samples or PCR products are permitted in
either facility (Cooper and Poinar, 2000).
We sequenced 1047 bases of mitochondrial NADH
dehydrogenase subunit 2 (ND2), 1041 bases of
mitochondrial cytochrome-b (cyt-b) and 1074 bases of
nuclear b-fibrinogen intron 7 (BF-I7) in segments of 250 to
1080 bases in length. Primers used are described in Table 3.
PCR products were visualized on a 1% low melting point
agarose gel stained with ethidium bromide and gel
extracted with a Gel Purification kit (Qiagen). Sequencing
was performed on an ABI Model 3730 sequencer. Resulting
chromatographs for both strands of DNA were resolved in
Sequencher version 4.1.
We took standard precautions against inadvertent
amplification of nuclear copies of mitochondrial genes (see
Arctander, 1995; Mindell et al., 1997; Sorenson and
Fleischer, 1996). In cases where double peaks on
chromatographs identified potential multiple copies for
ND2, we cloned the PCR products using a TOPO TA
Cloning kit (Invitrogen), and sequenced 5 clones to identify
separate DNA sequences. Two sequences of identical length
lacking internal stop codons were found in multiple clones
of the Morphnus guianensis PCR product. Both clones were
included in the analyses.
Table 2
List of taxa and samples used for dna sequencing
Order Species Locality Sourcea and voucher #b Tissue ID GenBank Accession Nos.
Subfamily cyt-b ND2 BF-I7


Falconidae Falco peregrinus Genbank AF090338 AF090338

Falco longipennis Australia AM-EBU 10665 AY987229 AY987048 AY987159

Phalcoboenus megalopterus South Africa Captive, WOB, P WOB-3 AY987230 AY987049 AY987160

Sagiitaridae Sagittarius serpentarius South Africa Captive, JBZ, P JBZ-12 AY987231 AY987050 AY987161
Pandionidae Pandion haliaetus Michigan UMMZ 225997 T-264 AY987232 AY987051 AY987162
Accipitridae Elanus leucurus USA LSUMNS 24997 AY987233 AY987052 AY987163
Polyboroidinae Polyboroides typus Gambia, Africa UMMZ 235187 T-1423 AY987234 AY987053 AY987164
Gypaetinae Neophron percnopterus DWC, Captive, P DWC-1 AY987235 AY987054 AY987165

Gypohierax angolensis Gambia, Africa UMMZ 235794 A-1232 AY987236 AY987055 AY987166

Gypaetus barbatus Captive, SDZ 209 AY987237 AY987056

Eutriorchis astur Madagascar TPF, Wild, P 123 AY987238 AY987057

Perninae Chondrohierax uncinatus Grenada TPF, Wild, P 147 AY987239 AY987058 AY987167
Leptodon cayanensis Paraguay KUNHM 139 AY987240 AY987059 AY987168

Elanoides forficatus Ecuador LSUMNS B-12133 AY987241 AY987060 AY987169

Pernis apivorus TAU 17 AY987242 AY987061

Hamirostra melanosternon Australia AM-EBU 1 AY987243 AY987062 AY987170

Lophoictinia isura Australia AM-EBU 0.7591 AY987244 AY987063

Circaetinae Pithecophaga jefferyi Philippines TPEF, captive 227 AY987246 AY987064 AY987171
Pithecophaga jefferyi Philippines TPEF, captive 205 AY987245 AY987065 AY987172

Pithecophaga jefferyi Mindanao, Philippines AMNH 534856 n/a * *

Terathopius ecaudatus South Africa UBP, Captive UMG-3 AY987248 AY987066 AY987173

Spilornis elgini S. Andamens, India NHM-UK 1885.8.19.1626 n/a AY987249 AY987067

Spilornis holospilus Mount Calavite, Occ. Mindoro, Philippines AMNH 784054 n/a AY987250 AY987068

Spilornis cheela burmanicus Cherrapunji, India UMMZ 140566 n/a AY987251 AY987069

Spilornis rufipectus S. Celebes, India AMNH 536566 n/a AY987252 AY987070

Circaetus pectoralis South Africa Captive, PBC, P PBC-3 AY987253 AY987071 AY987174

Circaetus gallicus TAU 363 AY987254 AY987072 AY987175

Circaetus cinereus South Africa Captive, PNZ, P PNZ-8 AY987255 AY987073 AY987176

Dryotriorchis spectabilis Eastern Congo Forest, Africa AMNH 448333 n/a AY987256 AY987074

Circaetus fasciolatus South Africa WOB, Captive, P WOB-3 AY987257 AY987075 AY987177

Circaetus cinerascens Karonga, Nyasaland NHM-UK 1948.26.1 n/a AY987258 AY987076

Aegypiinae Necrosyrtes monachus Gambia UMMZ A1234 AY987259 AY987077 AY987178

Gyps bengalensis TPF 138 AY987260 AY987078 AY987179

Gyps rueppellii Gambia UMMZ A1119 AY987248 AY987079 AY987180

Gyps fulvus Gambia UMMZ 235890 B19181 AY987261 AY987080

Gyps coprotheres South Africa DWC, Captive, P DWC-10 AY987262 AY987081 AY987181

Gyps africanus TAU 21 AY987263 AY987082 AY987182

Sarcogyps calvus South Africa DWC, Captive, P DWC-20 AY987264 AY987083 AY987183

Trigonoceps occipitalis Senegal UMMZ 130316 n/a GI 1050710 AY987084

Aegypius monachus DZ, Captive, P 1903 AY987266 AY987085 AY987184

Torgos tracheliotus South Africa UMMZ 234705 T-2046 AY987267 AY987086 AY987185
(continued on next page)
Table 2 (continued)
Order Species Locality Sourcea and voucher #b Tissue ID GenBank Accession Nos.
cyt-b ND2 BF-I7

Harpiinae Harpyopsis novaeguineae New Guinea, Southern Highlands Province, UMMZ 238858 AY987268 AY987087 AY9871
Piambil Village, Mt.Giluue 86
Morphnus guianensis Peru HUA, Captive, P HUA-19 AY987269 AY987088, AY9871
AY987089 87
Harpia harpyja Colombia Captive, SDZ 402158 AY987270 AY987090 AY9871
Aquilinae Spizaetus lanceolatus Celebes, Indonesia NHM-UK 1887.11.1.337 n/a AY987271 AY987091

Spizaetus cirrhatus lineatus Bamanigaon, Assam, India UMMZ 140516 n/a AY987272 AY987092

Spizaetus nanus Lambuk River, Central North Brunei NHM-UK 1956.60.11 n/a AY987273 AY987093

Spizaetus nipalensis NBPC, Captive, P 208 AY987274 AY987094 AY9871

Spizaetus alboniger Gomantong, North Brunei NHM-UK 1956.60.9 n/a AY987275 AY987095

Spizaetus tyrannus Peru HUA, Captive, P HUA-25 AY987276 AY987096 AY9871

Spizastur melanoleucus Peru HUA, Captive, P HUA-28 AY987277 AY987097 AY9871
Spizaetus ornatus Darien Province, Panama LSUMNS B2267 AY987278 AY987098 AY9871
Oroaetus isidori Peru HUA, Captive, P HUA-23 AY987279 AY987099 AY9871
Stephanoaetus coronatus South Africa PBC, Captive, P PBC-9 AY987280 AY987100

Hieraaetus kienerii NHM-UK 1877. n/a AY754054 AY987101

Polemaetus bellicosus South Africa EES, Captive, P EES-1 AY987281 AY987102 AY9871
Lophaetus occipitalis South Africa PBC, Captive, P PBC-15 AY987282 AY987103 AY9871
Aquila rapax South Africa PBC, Captive, P PBC-17 AY987283 AY987104 AY9871
Aquila clanga Pakistan UMMZ 78284 n/a AY987284 AY987105

Aquila heliaca TAU 356 AY987285 AY987106 AY9871

Aquila pomarina hastata Bhadwar, India, Himachal Pradesh UMMZ 78282 n/a AY987286 AY987107

Aquila nipalensis LSUMNS B-26977 AY987287 AY987108 AY9871

Ictinaetus malayensis malayensis NHM-UK 1932.12.21.-35 n/a AY754056 AY987109
Hieraaetus pennatus South Africa WOB, Captive, P WOB-5 AY987288 AY987110 AY9872
Hieraaetus pennatus Punjab, India UMMZ 75313 AY987289 AY987111

Hieraaetus morphnoides morphnoides UMMZ T-2796 AY987290 AY987112 AY9872

Hieraaetus morphnoides morphnoides Australia NHM-UK 1969.4.22 n/a AY754044 *

Hieraaetus morphnoides weiskei New Guinea AMNH 535061 n/a AY987291 AY987113

Hieraaetus morphnoides weiskei New Guinea NHM-UK 1913.3.6.35 n/a AY754045 *

Hieraaetus ayresii Uganda, Africa UMMZ 535074 n/a AY987292 AY987114

Aquila wahlbergi DWC, Captive, P DWC-21 AY987293 AY987115 AY9872

Aquila chrysaetos N. America UMMZ 238855 AY987294 AY987116 AY9872
Spizaetus africanus Liberia NHM-UK 1977.20.43 n/a AY987295 AY987117

Hieraaetus fasciatus fasciatus Red Sea, Egypt UMMZ 224053 n/a AY987296 AY987118

Hieraaetus fasciatus fasciatus Bhadwar, India UMMZ 78295 n/a AY987297 AY987119

Hieraaetus fasciatus fasciatus Parwali, India UMMZ 78294 n/a AY987298 AY987120

Hieraaetus fasciatus spilogaster Zimbabwe TPF, Wild WOB-13 AY987300 AY987122 AY9872
Hieraaetus fasciatus spilogaster South Africa EES, Captive, P EES-3 AY987299 AY987121 AY9872
Hieraaetus fasciatus spilogaster South Africa EES, Captive, P WOB-13 * *

Aquila verreauxii South Africa PBC, Captive, P PBC-8 AY987301 AY987123 AY9872
Aquila audax Moomba, South Australia SAM, SAMAB48364 ABTC-02866 AY987302 AY987124

Aquila gurneyi Halmahera, Indonesia NHM-UK 1873.5.9.8 n/a AY987303 AY987125

Melieraxinae Melierax gabar Zimbabwe UMMZ A765 AY987304 AY987126 AY987207

Circinae Circus aeruginosus TAU 353 AY987305 AY987127 AY987208

Circus ranivorus South Africa Captive, PBC-6, P PBC-6 AY987306 AY987128 AY987209

Accipitrinae Accipiter bicolor Santa Cruz Dept., Bolivia LSUMNS B-18875 AY987307 AY987129 AY987210
Accipiter cooperii USA KUNHM 1757 AY987308 AY987130 AY987211

Milvinae Haliastur indus girenera Brunswick Heads, Australia AM-EBU, 064910 EBU 11377 AY987309 AY987131 AY987212
Haliastur sphenurus Gregory, Northern Territory, Australia SAM, NTMT651 ABTC-27746 AY987310 AY987132 AY987213

Milvus migrans parasitus Cameroon, Africa AMNH 388140 n/a AY987311 AY987133

Milvus milvus Rome, Italy AMNH 531856 n/a AY987312 AY987134

Haliaeetinae Haliaeetus leucoryphus Palasbari, India UMMZ 142065 n/a GI 1781269 AY987135

Haliaeetus pelagicus NBPC, Captive, P JPJ MB 26 AY987314 AY987136

Haliaeetus albicilla TAU 22 AY987315 AY987137 AY987214

Haliaeetus leucocephalus N. America UMRC N42 AY987316 AY987138 AY987215

Ichthyophaga humilis Bhadwar, India UMMZ 78356 n/a AY987317 AY987139

Ichthyophaga ichthyaetus Palasbari, India UMMZ 140540 n/a AY987318 AY987140

Haliaeetus vocifer Durban, South Africa UMMZ A1075 AY987319 AY987141 AY987216

Haliaeetus vociferoides Madagascar R. Tingay MFE 60 0051 AY987320 AY987142 AY987217

Haliaeetus leucogaster Lincoln, South Australia SAM, SAMAB48773 ABTC 03064 AY987321 AY987143 AY987218

Haliaeetus sanfordi Solomon Islands UMMZ 112326 n/a GI 1781273 AY987144 AY987216

Buteoninae Ictinia plumbea Paraguay KUNHM 2900 AY987322 AY987145 AY987219

Geranospiza caerulescens Paraguay KUNHM 3110 AY987323 AY987146 AY987220

Rostrhamus sociabilis Guyana KUNHM 5852 AY987324 AY987147 AY987221

Buteogallus urubitinga Paraguay UMMZ 227470 SMG 2546 AY987325 AY987148 AY987222

Buteogallus anthracinus Panama LSUMNS B-28575 AY987326 AY987149 AY987223

Harpyhaliaetus coronatus Capitan Bado, Paraguay UMMZ 101669 n/a AY987327 AY987150

Harpyhaliaetus solitarius Peru HUA, Captive, P HUA-18 AY987328 AY987151 AY987224

Buteo magnirostris Loreto Dept., Peru LSUMNS B-2862 AY987329 AY987152 AY987225

Parabuteo unicinctus Arizona, USA UMMZ T-1039 AY987330 AY987153

Geranoaetus melanoleucus Peru HUA, Captive, P HUA-03 AY987331 AY987154 AY987226

Leucopternis albicollis Tigre Playa, Sucumbios, Ecuador ZMUC 114919 n/a AY987332 AY987155 AY987227

Buteo buteo Genbank NP_387496 NP_387486

Buteo jamaicensis N. America UMMZ T-2797 AY987334 AY987156

Leucopternis kuhli Loreto Dept., Peru LSUMNS B-4598 AY987335 AY987157

Leucopternis melanops Loreto Dept., Peru LSUMNS B-7167 AY987336 AY987158 AY987228

AM-EBU, Australian Museum Evolutionary Biology Unit, Sydney, Australia; AMNH, American Museum of Natural History; CRH, Center for Rehabilitation of Wildlife, South Africa; DWC, De Wildt
Cheetah and Wildlife Reserve, Pretoria, South Africa; DZ, Detroit Zoo, Detroit, MI; EES, Eagle Encounters at Spier, Stellenbasch, South Africa; HUA, El Huayco, Peru; JBZ, Johannesburg Zoo, South
Africa; KUNHM, Kansas University Natural History Museum; LSUMNS, Louisiana State University Museum of Natural Science; NBPC, National Birds of Prey Centre, Newent, England; NHM-UK, The
Natural History Museum, Tring, United Kingdom; PBC, Predatory Bird Centre, South Africa; SAM, South Australia Museum, Adelaide, Australia; SDZ, San Diego Zoo, CA; TAU, Tel Aviv University
Research Zoo, Israel; TPEF, The Philippine Eagle Foundation, The Philippines; TPF, The Peregrine Fund; UBP, Umgeni Bird Park, South Africa; UMMZ, University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Ann
Arbor, MI; UMRC, University of Minnesota Raptor Center, MN; WOB, World of Birds, Cape Town, South Africa; ZMUC, Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen.
b When a live bird was sampled, a photo was taken at the time of sample collection. Availability of a photo is signified by the letter ‘‘P.’’ When a museum skin was sampled only the voucher number is
given, no tissue number is given.
These individuals were sequenced for confirmation purposes only, they were not used in the analysis and, therefore, were not submitted to GenBank.

334 H.R.L. Lerner, D.P. Mindell / Molecular Phyloge

Table 3
Primers used to amplify mitochondrial and nuclear gene regions
Gene and target group Primer name
ND2 all species L5143, L5219, H5766, L5758, H6
ND2 booted eagle museum skins H5501.eagle






ND2 snake eagle museum skins H5592.snake






ND2 sea eagle museum skins H299.cvk




Cyt-b all species L14996, H15646, L15560, H1606

Cyt-b booted eagle museum skins H15334.eagle







Cyt-b snake eagle museum skins H15310.snake




Cyt-b sea eagle museum skins H15332.cvk

H.R.L. Lerner, D.P. Mindell / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 37 (2005) 327–346

L15279.cvk Johnson et al. (2005)

L15560.cvk Johnson et al. (2005)

H15828.cvk Johnson et al. (2005)

L15748.cvk Johnson et al. (2005)

2.3. Dataset species and

construction and Geranospiza
analyses caerulescens share a
deletion of two bases;
Sequences were the two Buteogallus
aligned in BioEdit v. species and
7.0.0 (Hall, 1999) by Harpyhaliaetus
eye. Cyt-b did not solitarius share
contain indels and the another separate
indels found in ND2 deletion of two bases;
and BF-I7 were easily the three Falco species
resolved. Nine vulture share a deletion of one
species had an base; the two
insertion of two amino Harpyhaliaetus
acids immediately species share a
preceding the stop deletion of two bases;
codon of ND2 Harpia harpyja,
(Aegypius monachus, Harpyopsis
Torgos tracheliotus, novaeguineae and
Gyps africanus, G. Morphnus guianensis
bengalensis, G. share a deletion of
coprotheres, G. eight bases; and,
fulvus, G. rueppellii, Harpyhaliaetus
Sarcogyps calvus, and solitarius, Leptodon
Trigonoceps cayanensis, and
occipitalis). In BF-I7 Rostrhamus sociabilis
the two Haliastur share a deletion of two
species shared an bases.
insertion of one base Phylogenetic analyses
and the two Accipiter were first performed on
species shared an the individual genes to
insertion of one base assess congruence of the
and a separate phylogenetic signal
insertion two bases in among genes. Then the
length. An insertion of data were combined into
12 bases was found in two data sets for final
three Falco species analyses: one dataset
(Falco longipennis, F. includes 2088 bases of
subniger, and F. ND2 and cyt-b for 113
biarmicus, though the taxa and is referred to
last species was not hereafter as the ‘‘mt
included in further dataset;’’ the other
analyses) and 11 dataset includes the
separate insertions 2088 bases of
were autapomorphic. mitochondrial data from
The two Buteogallus the first dataset, plus an
336 H.R.L. Lerner, D.P. Mindell / Molecular Phyloge

additional 1074 bases of both maximum

nuclear data (BF-I7) for parsimony (MP) as
71 taxa and is hereafter implemented in PAUP*
referred to as the ‘‘nuc + 4.0b10 (Swofford, 2004)
mt dataset.’’ and Bayesian inference
Homoplasy and using Markov chain
heterogeneity of base Monte Carlo in the
composition are two program MrBayes 3.01
factors that, if not (Huelsenbeck and
addressed in the Ronquist, 2001). MP
phylogenetic model, analyses were heuristic
may confound analyses. with starting trees
We tested our data for obtained by random
saturation at each codon addition of taxa with
position as a measure of 100 replicate searches
homoplasy. Saturation and TBR branch
plots (not shown) were swapping. Successive
constructed for each analyses were done with
gene from the data all characters equally
matrix produced in weighted, with a
DAMBE version 4.213 transition:transversion
(Xia, 2000) using ratio of 5:1 for
Tamura-Nei genetic mitochondrial data and
distance and pairwise 2:1 for the nuclear data.
numbers of transitions These values were
and transversions. obtained by estimating
Saturation of codon the
position three in both transition:transversion
ND2 and cyt-b was ratios from the
observed. Codon alignments and from
positions one and two preliminary trees. The
did not show significant data were resampled
saturation in either using 500 bootstrap
mitochondrial gene. All replicates to determine
base positions were support at each node.
analyzed together for Models of evolution
BF-I7 as it does not for parameter estimation
encode protein, and no and likelihood analysis
evidence of saturation were determined using
was identified for BF-I7. the hierarchical log-
We also tested for likelihood ratio tests in
skewness in base the programs
composition as MrModelTest (Nylander,
implemented in PAUP* 2002) and DT ModSel
4.0b10 (Swofford, 2004) (Minin et al., 2003). The
and found no significant simplest best-fit model
departure from for the two
homogeneous base mitochondrial genes
composition in both the (analyzed separately)
mt and nuc + mt was GTR + I + G.
datasets. Therefore, the mt dataset
To reconstruct was not partitioned by
phylogenies, we used gene as the model
H.R.L. Lerner, D.P. Mindell / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 37 (2005) 327–346

selected independently all substitution model

for both genes was the parameters and
same. Third codon likelihood scores prior
positions were unlinked to 400,000
from first and second generations and a
positions to minimize slightly more
the effect of saturation. conservative burn-in
We ran four Markov time of 600,000
Chains in the program generations was used.
MrBayes for six million The three Bayesian
generations (mt dataset runs of the nuc + mt
only), sampling every dataset reached
500 generations for each stationarity in all
dataset. substitution model
For the nuclear parameters and
sequences DTModSel likelihood scores prior
and MrModelTest both to 200,000
identified the GTR + G generations and a
as the simplest best-fit conservative burn-in
model. The combined time of 400,000
nuc + mt dataset was generations was used.
partitioned for Bayesian The tree topologies
analyses so that the best- produced from the
fit models were applied three separate runs of
separately to the each dataset were
mitochondrial and identical in topology,
nuclear data, and only varying slightly
mitochondrial codon in support values for
positions were all nodes (<0.02
unlinked from each difference among
other. We ran four Bayesian posterior
Markov Chains for four probabilities).
million generations,
sampling every 500
generations. 3. Results
Analyses of both
datasets were 3.1. Gene properties:
performed sequence composition
independently three and divergence
times from random
starting points so that We sequenced 1047
convergence of bases of ND2 and
topology and log- 1041 bases of cyt-b
likelihood scores for 110 individuals
could be evaluated. representing 106–108
Parameter stationarity species and 1074
was visualized in the bases of BF-I7 for 68
program Tracer of the same species.
(Rambaut and ND2 contained the
Drummond, 2003). most variable sites,
All three Bayesian the most parsimony
runs of the mt dataset informative sites, the
reached stationarity in highest transition–
338 H.R.L. Lerner, D.P. Mindell / Molecular Phyloge

transversion ratio and Musophagiformes as

had a higher outgroups: Crinifer
maximum divergence piscator and
among species as Musophaga violacea.
compared to BF-I7 However, this did not
and cyt-b (Table 4). alter the results, and
BF-I7 had the lowest trees rooted with
percent divergence Falconidae species are
among taxa and the shown here given the
lowest transition– existing evidence for a
transversion ratio of close relationship
the three between the
sequences. Cyt- Accipitridae and
b had the Falconidae (Mindell et
highest G–C al., 1997; Seibold and
content. Helbig, 1995). We
Consistency and also included the
retention indices secretarybird
are reported for (Sagittarius
each gene serpentarius) and the
although such osprey (Pandion
measures are haliaetus) to help
not predictive of reduce any long
the ability of the branches between
gene to infer the accipitrids and the
combinednuc+mt combinednuc+mt ratio
Variable #Parsimony %Parsimony %G–CMaximum%divergence Minimum%divergenceConsistencyindex Retentionindex Ti:tv

correct tree falconid outgroup.

topology Both datasets
(Simmons et al., contained at least one
2004). representative of

every major
3.2. Phylogenetic Accipitridae taxon or
analyses clade previously
proposed. We used

Two to three preserved museum


species of skins where fresh

Falconidae were tissue, blood or
used as feathers was not
outgroup taxa. available. DNA in

Some initial museum skins is more

analyses were degraded than in fresh
performed using tissue, requiring
two amplification of at
least two to four times
the number of

overlapping regions
per gene. Nuclear
DNAs are already at a
lower concentration
than mitochondrial
DNAs in bird tissues,
informative informative


increasing the

difficulty of

amplification of

Total #Variabl

Cyt-b 103952650.64
base site
s s
H.R.L. Lerner, D.P. Mindell / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 37 (2005) 327–346

nuclear sequences independent Bayesian
from museum skins. analyses of the
We attempted to mitochondrial dataset
amplify four regions and the topology
of nuclear BF-I7 for presented in Fig. 2
five museum skins of resulted from three
which four independent Bayesian
amplifications of two runs using the nuc + mt
regions were dataset. The average
successful despite Bayesian posterior
several attempts. probability for each
Given the lower node, and bootstrap
variability of BF-I7 values for clades
and the increased corresponding to those
amount of work and recovered in the
cost, we did not parsimony analysis are
pursue nuclear shown on each tree.
sequence for all The MP analysis of
museum skins but the mitochondrial
instead focused on dataset found three
representing each shortest trees, each
major 18,847 steps in length.
subgroup/subfamily of There was one polytomy
Accipitridae in both present in the final MP
datasets and all bootstrap tree (not
species of eagles and shown). Resolved
vultures in the mt branching patterns
dataset. We also added followed the topology
taxa to our initial recovered in the
analyses to break up Bayesian analyses with
long branches among the following minor
Perninae and discrepancies. First, MP
Gypaetinae species. analysis was not able to
While the increased resolve the branching
taxon sampling did pattern within the
serve to break up earliest diverging clade
some of those long of kites and vultures
branches, the longest beyond the sister
branches in both relationships between
analyses, aside from Chondrohierax
the Elaninae and other uncinatus and Leptodon
families or outgroups, cayanensis, Gypaetus
are still found in the barbatus and Neophron
early diverging percnopterus, and
Perninae clade. Hamirostra
Analyses using melanosternon and
Bayesian inference of Lophoictinia isura. A
the two different sister relationship
datasets recovered between Pithecophaga
identical tree topologies jefferyi and Terathopius
(Figs. 1 and 2). The tree ecaudatus was recovered
topology in Fig. 1 was with very low bootstrap
recovered by three support (bs = 52) by MP.
340 H.R.L. Lerner, D.P. Mindell / Molecular Phyloge

In the MP topology, differed slightly in the

Necrosyrtes monachus two analyses, however,
was not sister to the both recovered a
Gyps species, but topology where the two
formed the first branch Harpyhaliaetus species
splitting from the clade are nested within a clade
containing Sarcogyps of two Buteogallus
(bs = 54). Finally, species. The
branching patterns relationships within the
within the Buteoninae Buteoninae aside from
clade including hawks the Harpyhaliaetus
(Leucopternis, species are not the focus
Geranoaetus, Buteo, of this paper and will
Geranospiza, and not be addressed further
Parabuteo) and kites here.
(Ictinia and Rostrhamus)
H.R.L. Lerner, D.P. Mindell / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 37 (2005) 327–346

Fig. 1. Phylogeny for Accipitridae taxa inferred from

mitochondrial cyt-b and ND2 sequences. Topology shown is the
342 H.R.L. Lerner, D.P. Mindell / Molecular Phyloge

Bayesian inference majority rule tree (see text for details).

Bayesian posterior probability values are shown above branches
and MP bootstrap values (>50%) are shown in italics below the
H.R.L. Lerner, D.P. Mindell / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 37 (2005) 327–346

Fig. 2. Phylogeny of the Accipitridae inferred from mitochondrial

cyt-b and ND2 and nuclear b-fibrinogen intron 7 sequences.
344 H.R.L. Lerner, D.P. Mindell / Molecular Phyloge

Topology shown is the Bayesian inference majority rule tree (see

text for details). Bayesian posterior probability values are shown
above branches and MP bootstrap values (>50%) are shown in
italics below branches.
The MP analysis of eagle group
the nuc + mt dataset (Circaetinae) and the
with all characters Old World vultures,
equally weighted, gaps however, is not
as a 5th state and a supported in any of the
transition–transversion analyses. Topologies
ratio (reflecting their within these groups are
relative frequencies) of discussed in detail
5:1 for mitochondrial below. Where Bayesian
genes and 2:1 for BFI7 posterior probabilities
found three best trees of (PP) and parsimony
length 15,306. Resolved bootstrap values (bs) are
branching patterns shown in the text, the
followed the topology value from the
recovered in the mitochondrial dataset is
Bayesian analyses and listed first followed by
bootstrap values are the value from the
shown on the Bayesian nuclear dataset when
consensus tree for available.
resolved nodes (Fig. 2). Several other
As found in the MP Accipitridae genera and
analysis of the mt subfamilies are also
dataset, in the nuc + mt polyphyletic in our
MP analysis analyses. Three separate
relationships among clades of kite species
species in the earliest (Elaninae, Perninae, and
diverging kite/vulture Milvinae) proposed by
clade were unresolved, morphological data were
Pithecophaga jefferyi identified, however, the
and Terathopius Milvinae and Perninae
ecaudatus were sister subfamilies are
with low support (bs = polyphyletic. Two other
55) and the position for kite species (Ictinia
Necrosyrtes monachus plumbea and
was unresolved. Rostrhamus sociabilis)
were more closely
3.3. Phylogeny of related to buteonine taxa
Accipitridae (Combined than to other kites and
results from all datasets did not fall into any of
and analyses) the traditional kite
Both datasets and all Polyboroides typus and
analyses support Geranospiza
monophyly for two of caerulescens were not
the four eagle groups: closely related to each
sea eagles (Haliaeetinae) other. The genus Buteo
and booted eagles was polyphyletic with
(Aquilinae). Monophyly the roadside hawk
of the harpy eagle group (Buteo magnirostris) not
(Harpiinae), the snake sister to two other Buteo
H.R.L. Lerner, D.P. Mindell / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 37 (2005) 327–346

species. The genus additional parsimony

Buteogallus was also steps.
polyphyletic, with two Hieraaetus f. fasciatus
Harpyhaliaetus species and H. f. spilogaster
nested within the genus. have been treated
variously as separate
3.3.1. Booted eagles species (Ferguson-Lees
(Aquilinae) and Christie, 2001;
While the large Thiollay, 1994), a
booted eagle subfamily superspecies
forms a wellsupported (Stresemann and
monophyletic group Amadon, 1979) or
with high Bayesian subspecies (Sinclair et
posterior probability (PP al., 2002). Here, we
= 1.00, 1.00) and high sampled two H. f.
bootstrap values (bs = fasciatus individuals
100, 100) with respect to from India, one H. f.
other Accipitridae spilogaster individual
groups in all analyses, from Egypt, two H. f.
three genera within this spilogaster individuals
group are not from South Africa, and
monophyletic: one H. f. spilogaster
Spizaetus, Aquila, and from Zimbabwe. The
Hieraaetus. Forcing three Indian and
monophyly of the genus Egyptian samples shared
Spizaetus in the mt identical cyt-b sequence
dataset adds 226 except for one Indian
parsimony steps to the sample at one base
shortest tree of length (sequence identity =
18,847 (all such 98.9%). The three H. f.
topological constraints spilogaster individuals
in the following text from South Africa and
refer to the MP analysis Zimbabwe were
of the mt dataset). different from the three
Members of the genus other samples at 16 base
Aquila are found in positions in cyt-b
three of six main clades (sequence identity =
in the booted eagle 90.2%) and another 18
group. To force bases in ND2 (sequence
monophyly of the genus identity = 93.2%).
Aquila an additional 103 Two individuals of
parsimony steps are each Hieraaetus
needed. Species in the morphnoides subspecies
genus Hieraaetus are were sampled: H. m.
placed in the two latest morphnoides and H. m.
diverging clades of weiskei. Additionally,
booted eagles and one two H. pennatus
species forms a separate individuals from
early diverging clade by disparate locales were
itself. Forcing sequenced. All H.
monophyly of the genus pennatus individuals
Hieraaetus requires 84 shared identical ND2
and cyt-b sequences. H.
346 H.R.L. Lerner, D.P. Mindell / Molecular Phyloge

m. weiskei samples also relationship between the

had identical Milvinae and
mitochondrial sequence Haliaeetinae was not
to each other, but recovered with the mt
differed from the H. m. dataset.
morphnoides sequences.
Parsimony and Bayesian 3.3.3. Harpy eagles
analyses show that H. m. (Harpiinae)
weiskei is most closely Three of four
related to H. pennatus proposed harpy eagles
with weak support form a clade with high
(sequence identity for support (PP = 1.00, 1.00,
cyt-b = 97.8%, for ND2 bs = 95, 97): Harpia
= 98.1%; PP = 0.63, bs = harpyja, Morphnus
95). H. m. morphnoides guianensis, and
and H. m. weiskei are Harpyopsis
slightly more divergent: novaeguineae. These
sequence identity for three species are highly
cyt-b is 97.3% and for similar in sequence
ND2 is 94.2%. Bayesian (91% identical). A fourth
posterior probability is species typically
1.00 and the bootstrap included in the Harpy
support is 100 for the eagle group, the
node separating H. m. Philippine eagle
morphnoides from H. m. (Pithecophaga jefferyi),
weiskei and H. is sister to a clade of
pennatus. snake eagles
(Circaetinae) which is
3.3.2. Sea eagles distant from and earlier
(Haliaeetinae) diverging than the three
The sea eagles form a species found here to
well-supported belong to the Harpiinae.
monophyletic group in The support values for
the mt dataset consisting these relationships are
of two genera: high in all analyses. We
Haliaeetus and are unaware of any other
Ichthyophaga. In this analysis suggesting a
analysis the genus relationship between the
Haliaeetus is Philippine eagle and the
paraphyletic when the Circaetinae. Given this
two Ichthyophaga exceptional result in our
species are included. dataset, we took extra
Forcing monophyly of measures to confirm the
the genus Haliaeetus, validity of the sequence
requires 7 additional and its phylogenetic
steps. placement. We
Analyses of the nuc + sequenced two
mt data support a sister individual Philippine
relationship between the eagles for all three genes
sea eagles and kites in and portions of all three
the genus Haliastur (PP genes for a third
= 1.00, bs = 90), individual. All
however, a sister sequences obtained were
H.R.L. Lerner, D.P. Mindell / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 37 (2005) 327–346

identical for the three 3.3.4. Circaetinae (snake

individuals, and eagles)
uniquely different from All of the snake
other species in the eagles form a
dataset. This novel monophyletic group
finding is also sister to the Old World
corroborated by the vulture group
distribution of indels Aegypiinae, except the
noted previously. In Madagascar serpent-
particular, the Philippine eagle (Eutriorchis astur)
eagle lacks an eight base which is placed within
deletion in BFI7 that is the Gypaetinae. Forcing
shared by the three other monophyly of all snake
traditional members of eagles requires an
the harpy eagle group additional 168
(lack of monophyly for parsimony steps.
the harpy eagle group The genus Circaetus
species is consistent is not monophyletic in
whether gaps are these analyses when the
counted as missing data West African serpent-
or as a 5th base state in eagle (Dryotriorchis
MP analyses). Forcing spectabilis) is included.
monophyly of the An additional 7
traditional harpy eagle parsimony steps are
group (4 members) needed to force
would require an monophyly of the genus
additional 51 parsimony Circaetus.
steps. The Bayesian
It was proposed that posterior probability for
the two species in the the node uniting the
genus Harpyhaliaetus Philippine eagle and the
are members of the African snake eagles
harpy eagle group or are (rather than the non-
closely related (Brown, African snake eagles)
1970). In our analyses was high (PP = 0.84,
Harpyhaliaetus solitarius 1.00). The MP analyses
and Harpyhaliaetus recovered a sister
coronatus are placed relationship between the
within the Buteoninae Philippine eagle and the
and, more specifically, bateleur albeit with low
within a clade of two support (bs = 52, 55).
Buteogallus species. 3.3.5. Old World
Neither Harpyhaliaetus vultures (Aegypiinae
species shares the eight and Gypaetinae)
base deletion in BF-I7 The Old World
found in three members vultures also do not
of the harpy eagle form a monophyletic
group. Forcing group, but form two
monophyly of the harpy separate clades in the
eagle group including all analyses (Aegypiinae
six potential members and Gypaetinae). Each
increases the tree length of the Gypaetinae
by 292 steps. species (Gypohierax
348 H.R.L. Lerner, D.P. Mindell / Molecular Phyloge

angolensis, Eutriorchis 4. Discussion

Neophronpercnopterus,a We have presented
ndGypaetusbarbatus)are data from both
highlydivergent from mitochondrial and
each other genetically nuclear sequences for
(sequence identities approximately 50% of
87%) but are more the
closely related to each recognizedspeciesintheA
other than to other ccipitridae,
Accipitridae species (PP focusingongroupscomm
= 0.80). Here, we also only known as eagles
find that the Madagascar and Old World vultures
snake eagle is a member with nearly complete
of the Gypaetinae, a species representation.
relationship not This is the most
proposed before. All complete systematic
remaining Old World treatment of the
vultures form a separate Accipitridae family to
clade (Aegypinae) with date based on molecular
a close relationship to data. We found strong
other snake eagles evidence for non-
(Circaetinae). The monophyly of some
relationships within this existing genera and
clade of vultures, the subfamilies. Although
Aegypiinae, are highly Accipitridae subfamilies
concordant in all are
analyses except the infrequentlyusedinrecent
position of Necrosyrtes classificationsweagreewi
monachus. This species thBrown (1976) that
is more closely related subfamilies are useful in
to, although highly clarifying relationships
divergent from, the among these diverse
species of the genus birds. Designation of
Gyps than to the other subfamilies is not our
four monotypic primary goal; however,
Aegypiinae genera with we use and reconfigure
high support in the the 12 existing
Bayesian analyses (PP = subfamilies and
1.00, 0.99), but is sister recognize two new
to the other Aegypiinae subfamilies in an effort
taxa in the parsimony to make the evolutionary
analyses (bs = 0.54, history of the
unresolved in the nuc + Accipitridae more easily
mt dataset). understood (Table
Necrosyrtesalsolacksthe 1).Ouranalysesincludedr
ND2insertionoftwobases epresentativesofall14pri
that all other Aegypiinae mary
species share. Accipitridaecladesthatha
ious researchers. In the
following section, we
discuss the taxonomic
H.R.L. Lerner, D.P. Mindell / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 37 (2005) 327–346

history of the focal did not separate the

subfamilies and several genus accordingly.
examples of Within theAsianhawk-
convergences, generally eagle
involving traits related cladewefindsupportforsi
to feeding habits, ster relationships
revealed by findings of between S. cirrhatus and
non-monophyly for S. lanceolatus, and S.
traditional taxa. alboniger and S.
nipalensis. Within each
4.1. Booted eagles pairing, the two species
(Aquilinae) have largely overlapping
ranges and are similar
We found good morphologically
support for monophyly (Ferguson-Lees and
of the booted eagles Christie, 2001).
(Figs. 1 and 2), The New World
corroborating earlier hawk-eagles comprise
morphological three genera (including
assessments. Proposed Spizaetus) and are all
phylogenetic each others closest
relationships and relatives, forming a
taxonomy within the separate clade within the
booted eagles, however, booted eagles that is not
have a long history of sister to the Old World
confusion and revision hawk-eagles. These
among authors. Our species have largely
analyses confirm that the overlapping ranges
three main genera within the New World
(Aquila, Hieraaetus, and but are found in vastly
Spizaetus) are not different habitat types
monophyletic, a result ranging from open areas
suspected by many (Spizaetus tyrannus) to
morphologists but that heavily forested regions
has been difficult to at higher altitude
resolve with (Oroaetus isidori).
morphological traits. Three Old World
Our data support an species each branch off
early diverging clade of separately within the
Asian hawk-eagles Aquilinae and are shown
(Spizaetus species) not to have any close
separate from the New relationships with other
World hawk-eagles species: the crowned
(Spizaetus spp., hawk-eagle
Oroaetus sp., and (Stephanoaetus
Spizastur sp.). Brown coronatus), the rufous-
and Amadon (1968) bellied eagle (Hieraaetus
recognized that the kienerii), and the Martial
Asian Spizaetus species eagle (Polemaetus
are more similar to each bellicosus). Both the
other morphologically crowned hawk-eagle and
than to the other the martial eagle have
Spizaetus species, but been placed in
350 H.R.L. Lerner, D.P. Mindell / Molecular Phyloge

monotypic genera traits that accompany its

because of their feeding specialization on
divergent morphology. birds eggs and young.
Genetically these birds The other two species in
are also highly divergent this clade, the lesser
from other booted eagles spotted eagle (Aquila
in our dataset. Recently, pomarina) and the
the rufous-bellied eagle greater spotted eagle
was recognized as a (Aquila clanga) are
member of the genus difficult to separate
Hieraaetus (Dickinson, morphologically and
2003), although hybrids of the two
monophyly of the genus species have been
Hieraaetus has been documented (Vali and
questioned (Brown and Lohmus, 2004). The two
Amadon, 1968). The specimens we sampled
rufous-bellied eagle is a were significantly
morphologically different genetically, but
specialized bird having clearly more closely
long toes, a crest, and related to each other
adult plumage that is than any of the other
dissimilar from the other accipitrid taxa in the
booted eagles. Here, it is study.
shown that it is The next three
genetically distant from diverging Aquilinae
other extant booted clades include species
eagles, and from the genera
phylogenetically distinct Hieraaetus and Aquila,
from its current and one species
congeners in Hieraaetus. currently in the genus
The well-supported Spizaetus. Most of these
clade including the species have been
Asian black eagle recognized as members
(Ictinaetus malayensis), of different genera in the
the long-crested eagle past. Brown and
(Lophaetus occipitalis) Amadon (1968) separate
of Africa and two Hieraaetus species from
species in the genus those in the genus
Aquila has not been Aquila by
proposed before. The morphological traits.
species of these two Aquila species appear
monotypic genera are generally smaller than
highly unique in eagles in the genus
morphology. The long- Hieraaetus, with a
crested eagle is an smaller bill, longer and
African woodland more slender legs, and
species found in moist deeper emargination on
savannahs and riverine primaries; however,
strips feeding on these characters do not
rodents, while the Asian hold for all species in
black eagle is a resident these genera. In our
of mountain woodlands analyses, we find
with morphological members of these two
H.R.L. Lerner, D.P. Mindell / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 37 (2005) 327–346

genera intermixed with these species relative to

each other and with each other rather than
Cassins hawk-eagle the remaining booted
(Spizaetus africanus) eagle species is clear
such that, again, none of from morphological
these genera are data, our analysis and
monophyletic. One of some previously
these clades includes six published genetic data
closely related species: (Vali, 2002). The
A. chrysaetos, Spizaetus placement of these three
africanus, H. fasciatus, species separate from
A. verreauxii, A. audax, the other seven
and A. gurneyi. A close congeners in this study
relationship among A. supports the need for
gurneyi, A. chrysaetos, taxonomic revision of
A. audax, and A. the genus Aquila, so that
verreauxii has been it designates a
proposed based on monophyletic group.
morphological data The final clade of
(Brown and Amadon, booted eagles in our
1968). Cassins hawk- analyses includes four
eagle is morphologically currently recognized
divergent from these species with wide
four Aquila species so it distributions and habitat
was not previously preferences: Aquila
included in that group. wahlbergi, Hieraaetus
This species has been ayresii, H. morphnoides,
placed in the genus and H. pennatus. All but
Hieraaetus (Thiollay, one of these species is in
1994) and a monotypic the genus Hieraaetus.
genus (Cassin, 1865), This outlying species,
but has not been Wahlbergs eagle (A.
amember of the genus wahlbergi) is an
Aquila. The remaining Afrotropical species of
two species (H. fasciatus wooded savannah or
and H. spilogaster) in bushveld. It has been
this clade have placed in the genus
sometimes been Hieraaetus as well as the
considered as genus Spizaetus before.
conspecific subspecies Two booted eagle
(see below). clades identified in our
Three species analyses correspond
currently placed in the closely to the
genus Aquila (A. geographical distribution
nipalensis, A. rapax, and of species: Indomalayan
A. heliaca) form a hawk-eagles of the
monophyletic group genus Spizaetus form a
whereas seven other clade separate from the
Aquila species are New World hawk-eagles
separated from these (Spizaetus, Spizastur,
three and, variously, and Oroaetus). The
from each other (Fig. 1). remaining booted eagle
The close relationship of clades show evidence of
352 H.R.L. Lerner, D.P. Mindell / Molecular Phyloge

only one other elevated the two to

(apparent) colonization species status (in Brown
of booted eagles in the and Amadon, 1968).
New World, which is by While sister
the golden eagle (Aquila relationships among
chrysaetos), a species these three Hieraaetus
that is found in both the taxa is not entirely
Old and New Worlds. resolved here, the
amount of sequence
4.1.1. Aquilinae variation between H. m.
subspecies morphnoides and H.
While our study has morphnoides weiskei is
focused on recognized as much as is found
eagle species, we realize between species in this
that some taxa currently analysis. This result is
classified as subspecies based on the sampling of
might be better elevated multiple individuals of
to species. The results of each species/subspecies
such analyses could in our analysis and a
have important previous study (Bunce et
implications for al., 2005) and supports
conservation, as many the phylogenetic
Accipitridae species are distinctiveness and
declining or endangered. recognition of H. m.
In the first case, we weiskei and H. m.
sampled multiple morphnoides as separate
representatives of the species (H. weiskei and
two known subspecies H. morphnoides,
of Hieraaetus respectively).
morphnoides (H. m. In the second case,
morphnoides and H. m. we sampled multiple
weiskei) which do not individuals of
overlap in range. H. m. Hieraaetus fasciatus.
morphnoides is found The distribution of H.
only in Australia fasciatus is disjunct in
whereas H. m. weiskei is that birds that reside
found only in New year-round in southern
Guinea. Furthermore, H. Africa are separated
m. weiskei is both from migratory birds
smaller in size and found in Europe,
darker in color than H. northern Africa, Asia,
m. morphnoides. and India. Some of the
Although Brown and more northern birds
Amadon (1968) reported migrate to spend the
the differences between winter in southern
these two subspecies Africa, but do not
and a close relationship remain to breed. South
between the two species African birds are also
H. pennatus and H. smaller in size with
morphnoides they recognizable plumage
maintained subspecies differences. The
status for these birds. taxonomy of H.
Other authors have fasciatus has long been
H.R.L. Lerner, D.P. Mindell / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 37 (2005) 327–346

debated. Brown and Thisrelationshipislargely

Amadon (1968) basedonthesharedtraitof
recognized one species basal fusion of the
H. fasciatus with two second and third
subspecies noting the phalanges found in all
distinct appearance but sea eagles and the
similar habits of the Milvinae kites
South African (Holdaway, 1994), but
representatives (H. f. not in other accipitrid
spilogaster). Two H. f. taxa. Previous molecular
spilogaster individuals studies supported
that are residents of monophyly of the sea
South Africa and a third eagles in the genus
from Zimbabwe form a Haliaeetus (Seibold and
distinct lineage separate Helbig, 1996), and
from the H. f. fasciatus indicated a close
individuals in our relationship between
analyses with high single species
Bayesian posterior representatives of the
probability. Genetic two groups (Mindell et
distances between the H. al., 1997). Here, with
f. spilogaster individuals more comprehensive
and the H. f. fasciatus sampling, we support
individuals are slightly monophyly of the
greater than that of other subfamily Haliaeetinae,
sister species pairings in but not of the genus
booted eagles, such as Haliaeetus when the
H. morphnoides and H. other sea eagle genus,
pennatus, and Aquila Ichthyophaga, is
audax and A. gurneyi included in analyses. We
(95, 98, and 97% also support a sister
sequence similarity, relationship between the
respectively). Our Milvinae kites (species
findings suggest that in the genera Milvus and
further study with Haliastur only) and the
greater sampling of sea eagles with the nuc
individuals is warranted + mt dataset.
in order to determine if The monotypic
H. f. spilogaster should palmnut vulture is one
be elevated to species of the few frugivorous
status (H. spilogaster) Accipitridae species,
and, if so, where the eating palm fruits, and
limits of its geographic occasionally fish, crabs,
distribution lie. snails, and other small
animals. Behavioral and
4.2. Sea eagles morphological traits,
(Haliaeetinae) such as rounding of the
underside of the talons,
Seaeagleshavelongbe suggest a relationship
enconsideredtobeamono between the sea eagles
phyletic group with a and the palmnut vulture.
close relationship to the Brown and Amadon
Milvinae kites. (1968), and Jollie
354 H.R.L. Lerner, D.P. Mindell / Molecular Phyloge

(1977a,b) note that it represented in previous

resembles the Egyptian studies: Ichthyophaga
vulture. In a ichthyaetus, I. humilis,
phylogenetic analysis of and H. vociferoides.
osteological characters, These three species
Holdaway (1994) found further support the
support for a tropical—temperate
monophyletic group of split, as all of these
vultures with the species have tropical
palmnut vulture as the distributions and are
earliest diverging found to be
lineage. Here, we membersofthetropicalcla
present the first de.H.vociferoides,theMa
molecular evidence that dagascar sea eagle and
the palmnut vulture is an H. vocifer, the African
early diverging Old sea eagle are sister
World vulture species species, a relationship
more closely related to also supported by their
the lammergeyer unique reddish plumage
(Gypaetus barbatus), the and complex, melodious
Madagascar snake eagle vocalizations.
and the Egyptian
vulture. Thus, the 4.3. Harpy eagles
similarities between the (Harpiinae)
sea eagles and the
palmnut vulture are The members of the
clearly convergent in harpy eagle group (as
nature. defined by Brown and
The sea eagles of the Amadon, 1968) are
genus Haliaeetus are easily distinguished
neatly divided by a split from other Accipitridae
between species with eagles by traits such as
northern distributions their extremely large
(H. albicilla, H. size, with female wing-
leucocephalus, and H. spans ranging from 1.76
pelagicus) and species to 2.01 m in length and
of tropical distributions female body weights
(H. vocifer, H. ranging from 6 to 9 kg
vociferoides,H.leucogast in Pithecophaga and
er,andH.sanfordi).H.leuc Harpia (Ferguson-Lees
oryphusis a year-round and Christie, 2001). All
resident of the tropics, of the traditional harpy
however, this species eagle group members
also breeds in the live in primary tropical
northern temperate forest, preying on
region. Here, we medium-sized mammals
findthatH.leucoryphuscl (e.g., monkeys, sloths,
usterswiththenorthernsp and tree kangaroos).
ecies. These results are There are two Old World
similar to those found by species, the Philippine
Seibold and Helbig eagle (Pithecophaga
(1996). We also included jefferyi) and the New
three taxa not Guinea harpy eagle
H.R.L. Lerner, D.P. Mindell / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 37 (2005) 327–346

(Harpyopsis morphologists have had

novaeguineae), and two difficulty identifying
New World harpy species that are closely
eagles, the harpy eagle related to the snake
(Harpia harpyja) and the eagle group. Here, we
crested eagle (Morphnus present strong evidence
guianensis). Brown and that, when the
Amadon (1968) Madagascar serpent-
suggested that eagle is excluded, the
specialization in tropical snake eagles form a
forests and on a diet of monophyletic subfamily
mammals may have led (Circaetinae) that is
to convergent characters most closely related to
such that the Old World some Old World
species are not closely vultures (Aegypiinae)
related to the New and the Philippine eagle
World species. Our data than to other
partially agree with this Accipitridae. We are the
hypothesis as we found first to propose that the
strong support for one of Madagascar serpent-
the Old World species, eagle (Eutriorchis astur)
the Philippine eagle, is not a member of the
being more closely clade including the other
related to the snake snake eagles. For
eagles (Circaetinae) than instance, Brown and
to the three others Amadon (1968)
species in the traditional suggested that
harpy eagle group. Eutriorchis and
Therefore, we do not Dryotriorchis should be
include the Philippine united in one genus, or,
eagle in the Harpiinae. based on the shape of
The two the crown feathers, that
Harpyhaliaetus species the Madagascar serpent-
are not members of the eagle is more closely
Harpy eagle group, but related to the Spilornis
are more closely related species. In our analyses
to the two Buteogallus the Madagascar serpent-
species, a relationship eagle clusters with three
proposed by Brown and Old World vultures in
Amadon (1968). The the subfamily
genus Buteogallus is Gypaetinae.
paraphyletic in our Another surprising
analyses when the finding is the placement
Harpyhaliaetus species of the Philippine eagle
are included. (Pithecophaga jefferyi)
within the snake eagle
4.4. Snake eagles clade (see Section 4.3).
(Circaetinae) The Spilornis species
are extremely rare and
Genetic data have generally island
previously been endemics in the
published for only two Indomalayan region, a
of the snake eagles, and region of high species
356 H.R.L. Lerner, D.P. Mindell / Molecular Phyloge

loss and conservation Philippine eagle does

importance (Collar et al., not follow this pattern as
2001; Mooers and it is more closely related
Atkins, 2003). Jepson et to the African snake
al. (2001) suggest that eagles. The West African
Indonesias lowland serpent-eagle
forests will entirely (Dryotriorchis
vanish by 2006 and the spectabilis) falls within a
outlook for Malaysian clade of species in the
forests is similarly poor. genus Circaetus,
This situation highlights suggesting that the
the importance of taxonomy of these two
assessing the genera should be
phylogenetic history and revised.
heIndonesianSpilornissp 4.5. Old World vultures
ecies. Here, we included (Aegypiinae and
four Spilornis species, Gypaetinae)
Brown and Amadon
(1968) proposed five, Old World vultures
Sibley and Monroe have been proposed to
(1990) recognized six, be monophyletic (Brown
and (Ferguson-Lees and and Amadon, 1968;
Christie, 2001) Thiollay, 1994) or
identified 13 Spilornis polyphyletic with
species. We suggest Gyophierax, Neophron,
relationships of all of the and Gypaetus forming
snake eagle species and one or more groups
subspecies should be separate from the others
further explored with (Jollie, 1977b; Mundy et
increased sampling to al., 1992; Seibold and
inform attempts to Helbig, 1995). Sister
conserve these unique groups had not been
and relatively little identified for the Old
known taxa. World vultures, although
Snake eagles are the palmnut vulture (see
found only in the Old Section 4.2) was
World and mainly in the proposed to represent
Indomalayan and the the ‘‘transition’’ from
Afrotropical regions. vultures to sea eagles
One species (Circaetus (Brown and Amadon,
gallicus) is found in the 1968). Here, we find
western part of the clear support for two
Palearctic region. The separate subfamilies of
deepest split within the different evolutionary
snake eagles origin. The Gypaetinae
corresponds largely to is the earlier diverging
their geographic group, and its
distribution where constituent taxa
Indomalayan species (including Gypohierax,
form aclade separate Gypaetus, Eutriorchis,
from the Afrotropical and Neophron) are
species. Only the relatively divergent
H.R.L. Lerner, D.P. Mindell / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 37 (2005) 327–346

genetically as well as 4.7. Convergent

morphologically. The evolution in
remaining vultures form Polyboroides and
a monophyletic group, Geranospiza
the Aegypiinae, sister to
the Circaetinae snake The gymnogene
eagles. The phylogenetic (Polyboroides typus)
position of Necrosyrtes and the crane hawk
within the Aegypiinae (Geranospiza
remains uncertain. caerulescens) are
specialized birds that
4.6. Kites (Milvinae, have developed a series
Perninae, and Elaninae) of morphological
characteristics related to
Friedmann (1950) capturing birds in cavity
described three kite nests or other small
subfamilies (Milvinae, animals in holes or
Perninae, and Elaninae) crevices. These traits
without identifying include an extended
sister relationships circular range of motion
among them, and for the tarsus, a short
considered them to be outer toe and a relatively
early diverging weak bill. Based on
Accipitridae taxa. these traits a close
Brown and Amadon relationship between the
(1968) considered kites two species has been
to be the most proposed (Friedmann,
‘‘primitive’’ Accipitridae 1950). Some
group due to their morphological
specialization on insects differences between
(e.g., bee and wasp these two species,
larvae) or snails. Here, including differences in
we provide evidence of extent of tarsus rotation,
at least four distinct suggest that two
clades, including the different evolutionary
three traditional kite paths led to the traits
subfamilies with some allowing exploitation of
novel hypotheses of cavity nesting species
relationships, and two (Burton, 1978). These
non-sister lineages two species are not
within the Buteoninae. closely related in our
The non-sister analyses, denoting a
relationship for Ictinia clear example of
and Rostrhamus requires convergent evolution in
further analysis as nodal specialized morphology
support values are in the Accipitridae.
relatively low and
representation of kites 5. Conclusions
and Buteoninae is
limited. This study takes a
large step toward
resolving the uncertain
358 H.R.L. Lerner, D.P. Mindell / Molecular Phyloge

relationships among imminent importance to

birds in the Accipitridae. conservation.
mitochondrial DNA and Acknowledgments
a sampling of almost
half of the known We are very grateful
Accipitridae species, to the many institutions
with nearly complete and individuals that
species sampling for contributed samples for
eagles and Old World this study (see Table 1)
vultures. We find as well as those who
support for a set of helped in aspects of data
phylogenetic collection: Mike Bunce
relationships among and others at the ABC,
Accipitridae taxathat Joshua Rest, Wendy
differ from previous Grus, Jeff Johnson,
hypotheses based on Jared Rubenstein,
morphological data. Matthew C. Klaver, Jill
Fourteen subfamilies, of Ceitlin, Christie Chapin,
which two Soochin Cho, Michael
arenew,arediscussed Lerner, Walter Boles,
hereinordertorepresentth David Allen, Alistair
e diversity and McInnes, Ben Hoffman,
evolutionary history of Sarah Chabangu,
Accipitridae taxa in a Andrew Jenkins, Gerwin
manner reflecting our van Deventer, Kerri
findings. If taxonomy is Wolters, Jeanne-Marie
to reflect phylogeny, Pittman, Hendrik Louw,
revisions are warranted Clair Louw, Craig
within the booted eagle Copeland, Shawn
(Aquilinae), snake eagle Williamson, Pam
(Circaetinae), sea eagle Struttenburg, Dora
(Haliaeetinae), and Susanibar, Oscar
harpy eagle (Harpiinae) Beingolea, Hector
groups. We report Miranda, Russell
significant genetic Thorstrom, Lindsay
differentiation among Oaks, and Martin
several sets of Gilbert. Many
subspecies investigated, individuals at various
suggesting that further governmental and
analyses, particularly of private organizations
booted eagles, should assisted us in obtaining
include multiple samples the appropriate permits
of species across their for collection and
ranges or representing shipment of the samples,
described subspecies. including: Ellen Paul
The rarity and (The Ornithological
threatened status of Council), The Peregrine
many of the Accipitridae Fund, Deon Hignett
species make such (Western Cape Nature
investigations of Conservation Board,
South Africa), Dora
H.R.L. Lerner, D.P. Mindell / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 37 (2005) 327–346

Susanibar (Museo de clanga with high

Historia Natural, Peru), support, the cyt-b
Peter Thomas (USFWS), sequences are relatively
Mike Carpenter dissimilar (87.4%
(USFWS), Paul Scobie similarity index). Aquila
(ISIS), Department of pomarina has a disjunct
Wildlife and National population distribution
Parks for the Gambia, with separate Indian and
Hector Miranda, and European populations;
Andrea Gaski the Indian population is
(USFWS). We thank Jeff morphologically distinct
Johnson and Bob Payne and denoted by the
for valuable comments subspecies A. p. hastata.
on manuscript drafts. The specimen used in
This research was our study is from the
supported by grants Indian
from the University of population/subspecies,
Michigan Rackham while Helbig et al. used
Graduate School, Latin a specimen of European
American and Caribbean origin. This large
Studies Program, sequence divergence
International Institute, between two specimens
Department of Ecology from separate
and Evolutionary populations of
Biology, University of thesamespeciessuggestst
Michigan, Museum of hatfurtherstudyofthepop
Zoology, the National ulations of this species is
Institutes of Health warranted. The
(graduate student placement of the
support for HL) and the crowned hawk-eagle
National Science (Stephanoaetus
Foundation. coronatus) also differs
between the two studies.
We find the crowned
Authors note hawk-eagle to be the
first diverging species
After this article was after the Old and New
accepted for publication World hawk-eagles,
a treatment of a subset while Helbig et al.
of booted eagles support a sister
(Aquilinae) using cyt-b relationship between
and additional nuclear Old World hawk-eagles
sequences was published and the crowned hawk-
by Helbig et al. (2005). eagle. This difference is
The findings of Helbig likely a result of the
et al. are larger and slightly
concordantwithourstudy, different taxon set used
asarethecyt- in our study, as we do
bsequenceswith the not find a sister
notable exception of relationship between the
Aquila pomarina. While crownedhawk-
both analyses place A. eagleandtheOldWorldha
pomarina as sister to A. wk-eagleseven when we
360 H.R.L. Lerner, D.P. Mindell / Molecular Phyloge

analyze our cyt-b and Analysis of Genetic

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