Sourcing - RFI

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Sourcing - RFI

Demo Script (Internal)

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Sourcing - RFI Page 1

The purpose of this Product Feature Functionality demo script is to demonstrate the RFI demo flow within Oracle Sourcing. MARKETING/POSITIONING NOTES: RFIs enable buyers to collect information from suppliers before creating an RFQ or Auction. RFIs can be created for items without the need to enter in a price or quantity. Also the RFI can be turned into an RFQ or Auction automatically at the end of the process or it can be completed. RFIs can also be created with no lines. RFIs are NOT awarded at the end of the process. They are intended to be used for information gathering from suppliers. Oracle Sourcing uniquely allows you to: Support the complete business process Oracle Sourcing provides a comprehensive sourcing process that is integrated with your enterprise systems Identify savings & supplier improvement opportunities Oracle Sourcing provides integrated spend, supplier performance, and productivity analysis Manage efficiently complex negotiations Oracle Sourcing supports all negotiation types with robust buyer and supplier tools Source for best value Oracle Sourcing provides multi-attribute bidding and analysis functionality

RFI: Buyers in need of goods or services request information. One buyer ideally receives information from multiple suppliers with the goal of meeting the detailed specifications. Response: Suppliers with items or services meeting the detailed requirements of the buyer respond via an open, blind or sealed Response. A supplier can either submit a single or multiple quotations per round, depending on the buyers setup.

What's New?
Negotiation Requirements: Header level attributes have been enhanced in a number of different areas in Release 12.0. In response to feedback from a product usability study, header level attributes have been renamed Requirements, and their presentation and formatting have been significantly improved. Buyers can now further structure supplier responses to requirements by predefining the list of acceptable response values. Suppliers then choose from these values when responding to requirements. In addition to the current manual scoring method, buyers can opt to score requirements automatically System Scoring for Header Level Requirements: Oracle Sourcing Release 12.0 allows buyers to set up requirements to be scored automatically by the system. They can set up acceptable response values and corresponding scores for each response value. The system uses this information to automatically score supplier responses. Enhanced Support for Acceptable Response Values: Buyers can set up acceptable response values for each text-type requirement, regardless of whether the requirement is scored. With Release 12.0, buyers

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can also associate predefined value sets to requirements as a means of specifying acceptable values for text type responses. Team Scoring for Subjectively Scored Requirements: In Oracle Sourcing Release 12.0, buyers can designate collaboration team members as fully privileged, scorers, or view-only members. Fully privileged members have complete access to the negotiation document, limited only by the security functions assigned to them. Scorers have view-only access to the negotiation, but are granted access to the scoring screens in order to enter subjective scores during the evaluation of responses. View Only members can only view the negotiation information. Automatically Knockout Suppliers from the Shortlist: Oracle Sourcing Release 12.0 allows buyers to set up knockout criteria that can be used to automatically exclude suppliers from the shortlist, therefore simplifying the bid analysis process. Knockout criteria can be set up in terms of minimum score that the supplier must attain for certain negotiation requirements. Suppliers that are scored below the specified minimum are automatically removed from the shortlist. Suppliers excluded from the shortlist are not eligible for awards. Prospective and New Supplier Invitation: For Release 12.0, the New Supplier Request feature allows sourcing event managers to invite prospective suppliers as the sourcing event is created. In prior Sourcing releases, buyers could only invite suppliers to sourcing events if the suppliers were already defined in the supplier master.

Sourcing User: CBAKER and OPERATIONS users are set up in Vision Operations with Sourcing Super User resp. Supplier Users: The following suppliers are valid for Sourcing in Vision Operations and this demo script. All supplier usernames have password of "welcome". The contact name is critical when you add the supplier to the auction since you need to choose the contact name specific to Vision Operations. You will see all contact names on a drop down list for all sites, so you need to choose the correct one. Supplier Username Supplier Allied Manufacturing ALLIED Boise Cascade BOISE CORPEXP EIP GEPLASTIC Grainger GRAINGER
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Site Contact Name Veronica Francis Dennis Murphy Phil Paras Ronald Leedy Gerald Plant Helen Kim

Corporate Express Office Supply Eastern Industrial Products GE Plastics

Sourcing - RFI Page 2

Industrial Dressler INDUSTRIAL MOREDIRECT SOFTSPEC STAPLES SUPPLIER TEMPSRUS TTSERVICES Software Spectrum Staples Office Supplies, Inc. TempsRUs TT Services Jones, Gray, and VO@JGA.COM Associates VO@STAFFSERV.COM Staffing Services Inc.


James Indus Mike Diamant Rick Donals Sai Lee Maxwell Olden Robert Stern Andrew Wals Randy Gray William Murtz

The ADS Sourcing env has been seeded with the following Negotiations Tools (under the Administration tab in Sourcing) that can be used in this script or for your own Auctions and RFQs:
Reusable Requirement List = Supplier Header Info Reusable Line Level Attributes List = Item Production Attributes Reusable Invitation List = Vision Operations Service Suppliers (Temps R Us, TT Services); Vision Operations Office Suppliers (Boise, Corporate Express, Office Supplies, Staples); Vision Operations Mfg Suppliers (Allied, GE Plastics, Industrial Dressler, Eastern Industrial Products)

Pre Demo Steps (Optional) Review seeded Negotiation Requirements list to see new R12 features.
Log in as CBAKER, Resp: Sourcing Super User > Sourcing Home Page Navigate: Administration > Reusable Requirements Lists > search for Status = ACTIVE > click UPDATE icon to list Supplier Header Info DO NOT MODIFY OR UPDATE THIS SEEDED REQUIREMENT LIST. YOU WILL ONLY VIEW TO SEE HOW IT IS LEVERAGING THE NEW R12 FEATURES. (H) Expand All. Notice the 5 questions that are setup in the various classifications. (I) Update icon for question Describe all certifications that you have for your production capabilities. Notice the description box is in Rich Text Mode. You can also view it in Plain Text Mode

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Notice the Scoring Method field is AUTOMATIC. This allows the user to then enter in rows with seeded values and scores. You can also call up value sets to populate the fields or enter in the field manually. Notice the Knockout Score field has a value 1. This means if the supplier responds with None, it will automatically be scored 0, and in turn will be knocked out of any possible award. (H) Home, return to users main portal page. DO NOT MODIFY THIS SEEDED LIST. IF NECESSARY, CREATE YOUR OWN LIST FOR YOUR CUSTOM DEMO NEEDS.

Begin Demo

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Create Sourcing RFI Create Sourcing RFI

1. Log into Sourcing
Field Username / password Responsibility Value cbaker / welcome Sourcing Super User

(N) Sourcing Home Page Sourcing Home Page appears. The homepage allows for direct quick links to certain forms (Create RFI, RFQ, Auction; Manage Drafts, Events; Templates and Reusable Lists.


Create Sourcing RFI (H) RFI link under the Create section. This takes user directly to the RFI creation page. Note an RFI number is already assigned at top of page.


Step 1: Header Enter or verify fields as noted:

Field RFI title Buyer Organization Negotiation Style Security Level Value ex. Supplier Survey 100 Catherine Baker should default to "Vision Operations", if necessary, update this to Vision Operations. Choose STANDARD NEGOTIATION Public

Uncheck the APPROVAL box for Mr Jonathan Smith. Review the Terms section and verify the Bill To and Ship To address.


Add Team Member as Scorer NEW R12 (OPTIONAL) This should only be done if you need to show the new Team Scoring feature of requirements in R12. This demos best where there are multiple team members, so we will be adding a new member with the Access of Scoring (B) Add Another Row, under the Collaboration Team section
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Field Member Approver box Access

Value Stock, Ms. Pat (use LOV) Verify box is UNCHECK Scoring (this option is NEW in R12)


Requirement level attributes NEW R12 In ACTIONS field LOV, choose Add Requirement List, then (B) GO (B) GO in the search screen Search brings back all seeded requirement lists (I) Click add icon next to "Supplier Header Info" list. Requirements get added to the RFI. This is a generic list of questions. Note that some are required for the supplier to respond to and some are internal to the buyer. Also there are different "Sections" which allow for more details scoring later on in the demo flow. (H) Expand All Notice all the questions are now visible, include some that have been setup as Automatic scoring. Those have the field grayed out for Max Score. In ACTIONS field LOV, choose Equalize Weights, then (B) GO RFI page refreshes and note each attribute line has a value of 20 under the Weight column. At this point the requirements have been added and weighed. This will be important later on the demo flow when subjective scoring is used to rate each supplier that responds. (B) Select Scoring Setting Uncheck box Enable Team Scoring. THIS IS CRITICAL FOR NO TEAM SCORING (B) Apply Return to Header screen

IF you need to show Team Scoring setup for requirements, please go directly to next section: Team Scoring for Subjectively Scored Requirements NEW R12 (OPTIONAL). Otherwise, skip next optional section and go to: Step 2: Lines
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Team Scoring for Subjectively Scored Requirements NEW R12 (OPTIONAL)

New in R12. Buyers can designate collaboration team members as fully privileged, scorers, or view-only members. Fully privileged members have complete access to the negotiation document, limited only by the security functions assigned to them. Scorers have view-only access to the negotiation, but are granted access to the scoring screens in order to enter subjective scores during the evaluation of responses. View Only members can only view the negotiation information. (B) Select Scoring Setting Verify Enable Team Scoring checkbox is checked. (B) Add Another Row, under Scoring Team section
Field Name Instructions Price Visibility Members Ex. Score Team Ex. Responsible for scoring the Management and Financials section of requirements. Uncheck, not applicable for RFI since no price will be on the items Click Pencil icon. (B) Click Add Another Row (so there is line to add people) Choose Smith, Mr. Jonathan (this list is derived from the full list of users tied to the RFI in the Header section. As needed you can go back to Header section to add more users). (B) Click Add Another Row (so there is line to add people) Choose Stock, Ms. Pat (B) Apply Value

Under Section Assignments, for Management and Financials: choose Score Team from the LOV This sets the assignment so that the members of the Score Team will be able to enter in the score for the requirements related to Management and Financials.

(B) Apply

Return to main Headers screen 7. Step 2: Lines (H) Lines at top left corner of screen
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RFI allows the user the option to add an item with or without price and quantity, or without any lines. In this demo we will enter in an item without price and quantity as we are only interested in supplier information and not a specific item Response from the suppliers. In ACTIONS field LOV, choose Create Line Without Price/Quantity, then (B) GO Line Create/Update screen appears so user can enter in item details. (I) Click the flashlight icon next to Item field to choose an Oracle item. Enter in "DVD%" as the search criteria to find items. (I) Choose item "DVD-B100" by clicking on quick select icon next to item. Item is added to RFI. Description and category are defaulted in based on the item. (B) Add Attribute List (B) Click Go button to find all line level attributes lists that are available to the buyer. Some questions have been set up in the Attribute List titled "Item Production Attributes". The buyer uses these questions to gather more item specific information from the supplier so they can later enter in a subjective score to one of the header level attribute. NOTE: Line level attributes do not allow scoring for an RFI. (I) Click add icon next to "Item Production Attributes" list. The list of line level attributes/questions that the suppliers are required to respond to are listed under the item details. You can choose add your own questions by clicking "Add Another Row" or create your own attribute lists with multiple questions. (B) Apply Return to Lines page. You should now see that item DVD-B100 has been added to RFI. 8. (H) Controls at top left corner of screen

Step 3: Controls Controls page appears, which allows the buyer to choose the OPEN and CLOSE date/time for the RFI along with some response rules. Next to PREVIEW DATE and OPEN DATE, check radio button for "IMMEDIATELY" so the RFI is opened immediately for suppliers to review and respond.

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Close Date = Today + 3 days (NOTE: You can update the HR, MINUTE, SECONDS after the date fills in the field). Under the Response Rules section, check the Allow manual close before the Close Date and Allow manual extend when the negotiation is open boxes. Check the default settings for various RFI controls. Accept all other default settings unless you want to change a particular setting.


(H) Contract Terms at top left corner of screen

Step 4: Contract Terms Define Contract Terms page appears. This is the integration to Oracle Procurement Contracts and allows the buyer to add a contract (terms and clauses) to a Sourcing document. This step is covered in detail in the Sourcing - RFQ and Sourcing Auctions scripts. Since this demo is for an RFI, no contract will be added to the RFI. Please DO NOT add any Contract Templates. (H) Suppliers at top left corner of screen

10. Step 5: Suppliers Supplier page appears. This is where the buyer can invite supplies to the RFI by choosing from a pre-defined list or search for a specific supplier. (B) Add Invitation List (B) Go All available suppliers list appears. (I) Check "Add" icon next to "Vision Operations Mfg Suppliers" Suppliers are added to the RFI list. Be sure to choose the correct "Supplier Site" and "Contact Name" from the drop down list. This will ensure the proper supplier user and supplier site is being used for response to the RFI. Industrial Dressler = US HEADQUATERS and James Indus; Eastern Industrial Products = EIP MAIN and Ronald Leedy; Allied Manufacturing = SAN JOSE-ERS and Veronica Francis; GE Plastics = GEPLASTICS and Gerald Plant NOTE: For this demo flow we are choosing four suppliers to participate in the RFI. Based on their responses, the buyer will decide to eliminate one or more suppliers and maintain the others for the RFQ.
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11. Prospective and New Supplier Invitation, NEW 12 (OPTIONAL) For Release 12.0, the New Supplier Request feature allows sourcing event managers to invite prospective suppliers as the sourcing event is created. In prior Sourcing releases, buyers could only invite suppliers to sourcing events if the suppliers were already defined in the supplier master. (B) Add Supplier (B) Register New Supplier Fill out all required fields (including First Name) and any other field as needed for demo. Make special note of the CONTACT EMAIL as that will become the username for the new supplier (B) Register and Approve If this button is clicked, the supplier will be approved (added to the supplier master) and is not prospective supplier. If you want to register a prospective supplier without approving it, click the Register button. Beware that a prospective supplier will not be able to place any response until it is approved (added to the supplier master). Return to Search Supplier screen (B) Apply Supplier has been added to Invited to Supplier list. Be sure to choose the new Site Address from the LOV

NOTE: When the 'Register and Approve' button is clicked, the supplier will be created with a RFQ-only site (based on the address provided). It will also create the supplier user (based on the contact provided) and the username will be the contact's email address. The new user will have two responsibilities assigned: iSupplier Portal Full Access and Sourcing Supplier. You will want to add other resps: Preferences SSWA, Workflow, etc as needed for your demo in sysadmin > user form. You will also need to add securing attribute ICX_SUPPLIER_SITE_ID and its corresponding value for the supplier site name (specific to your op unit) in user form. This process also creates multiple supplier sites for each op unit that is setup for supplier registration process. Be aware the site name is exactly the same for each op unit.

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12. Step 6: Review and Submit (B) Review

Review and Submit page appears. Note how all the steps (Header, Lines, Controls, Contract Terms, Suppliers) in the RFI are listed under each tab so the buyer can easily review all the information, data, controls, dates, etc that are part of the RFI. Notice that there are 3 different Requirement Groups used and Business makes up 60% of the score and Technical Capabilities and Financial both make up 20%. Click on each tab to review RFI details as required for demo. If needed, click on the UPDATE button for each tab page to go back to that step to update/change data. (B) Publish Get confirmation message that RFI ### has been published. Note down the RFI Number #__________ (H) Click the Logout icon

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Supplier response to RFI Supplier response to RFI

13. 10.Log into Sourcing Supplier
Field Username / password Responsibility 1st Supplier industrial / welcome Sourcing Supplier 2nd Supplier Eip / welcome Sourcing Supplier 3rd Supplier Geplastic / welcome Sourcing Supplier 4th Supplier Allied / welcome Sourcing Supplier

(N) Sourcing Home Page Sourcing Home Page appears.

(H) Click on RFI number link under the Your Company's Open Invitation section Negotiation Summary for RFI appears

14. Place Response In the ACTIONS box, choose "CREATE RESPONSE", then click GO button. Create Response form appears with list of header requirements that supplier needs to respond. (ST) Header, to confirm you are on the header screen (I) Crosshair icon to open up all the Business requirement questions Enter the following response for the Header attributes: Attribute Company Ownership? Certifications? Years selling item?
1st Supplier 2nd Supplier 3rd Supplier 4th Supplier

Minority/Women Public owned ISO 9002 15 None 15

Public ISO 9000 0

Private ISO 9002 6

(ST) Lines, to go to lines screen (I) Under the "Lines" section, click on the pencil icon under the Update column to access the Item details and attributes.

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Line details page appears with list of item attributes that require response. Enter the following response for the Line attributes: Attribute Daily production capacity? Lead time (in days) % Mark up in price (B) Apply Return to Create Response page. (B) Continue Summary of the response is shown with all the various attribute entries. (B) Submit Response confirmation page is displayed Note down the Response Number #_________ (I) Click the Log Out icon to exit apps as the supplier user REPEAT AS NECESSARY FOR THE OTHER 3 SUPPLIER USERS
1st Supplier 2nd Supplier 3rd Supplier 4th Supplier

2000 3 100

4000 4 124

2000 4 86

5000 2 90

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Complete Sourcing RFI Complete Sourcing RFI

15. Log into Sourcing
Field Username / password Responsibility Value cbaker / welcome Sourcing Super User

(N) Sourcing Home Page Sourcing Home Page opens. Your RFI should be listed under "Your Negotiations at a Glance" section. If you do not see your RFI, click the "Full List" button to find your RFI.

(H) Click on the RFI number hyperlink under the Number column. RFI details page appears. Screen should default to Header tab where the buyer can view how the Attribute Groups are weighed.

16. Close RFI early Typically a company will close the RFI before review and scoring the supplier responses. This ensures a level playing field when the buyer looks at the attributes responses at the same time. Also an RFI must be closed before scores can be given to each supplier response. Use drop down box for Actions field to choose Close RFI (B) Go Check Close negotiation Immediately radio button (B) Apply Get confirmation message that RFI close date has been updated 17. Review line level attribute responses (ST) Lines sub-tab Lines detail page with number of active responses noted. (H) Click on the number link under the Active Response column so you can view the supplier's responses to the questions.
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Select all supplier boxes, then click Compare button. List of lines level attribute questions with all the supplier responses are listed in table format. This allows the buyer to review the responses by item line so they can calculate an internal score for the suppliers that will be entered into the internal Header attribute "Price and Item Production Notes". NOTICE the Total Score field. The suppliers already have partial scores based on the requirement values submitted and the automatic scoring that is in place.

(H) Along the breadcrumb lines at top, click on the "RFI:####" hyperlink to return to RFI details. RFI details page appears.

18. Review requirement responses Use drop down box for Actions field to choose Analyze by Response, then (B) GO List of all supplier responses appears. Select all supplier check boxes (B) Compare Requirements List of requirements questions with all the supplier responses are listed in table format. This allows the buyer to review the responses and compare the values from each supplier. This will help the buyer to calculate a score for each attribute in the next section. (H) Return to Analyze by Response: RFI #### Return to previous page, which shows all supplier response numbers and a column to access the Score page. 19. Score Suppliers (no

Team Scoring)

NOTE: This scoring section assumes the RFI was setup so Enable Team Scoring box was NOT checked. This allows the buyer to do all the scoring without having to involve other team members. (H) Score number hyperlink for each supplier Give a score to each supplier for the two internal requirements (Evaluation and Price)
Attribute Evaluation of company 1st Supplier INDUSTRIAL 5 2nd Supplier EIP 5 3rd Supplier GEPLASTICS 3 4th Supplier ALLIED 4

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management based on interviews and meetings. Price and Item Production Notes. 3 4 4 2


Go to task 21 Apply Knockout Results NEW R12 Skip the next task IF you are not using team scoring.

20. Team Scoring for Subjectively Scored Requirements NEW R12 (OPTIONAL) NOTE: This scoring section assumes the RFI was setup so Enable Team Scoring box was checked. Log in as users MFG / welcome and OPERATIONS / welcome Responsibility: Sourcing Super User > Sourcing Home Page Find the RFI, then click in RFI number hyperlink to open up RFI Use drop down box for Actions field to choose Enter Scores, then (B) GO List of all supplier responses appears. (I) Enter Score pencil icon for each supplier. Enter in score and note. Any score of 3, 4, or 5 is fine. (B) Submit score (REPEAT FOR EACH SECTION AS EACH TEAM MEMBER USER) Sourcing will automatically average all the scores entered for each section. This will then be visible by the RFI buyer to continue the process. Logout as team members

21. Buyer Review Scores Log in as buyer of RFI: CBAKER / welcome Responsibility: Sourcing Super User > Sourcing Home Page
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Find the RFI, then click in RFI number hyperlink to open up RFI Use drop down box for Actions field to choose Manage Scoring Team, then (B) GO (B) Lock Scoring This assuming all members have entered their scores. The buyer is now locking the system do no more scores can be added for calculation.

(B) Yes to warning that users can no longer submit scores Use drop down box for Actions field to choose Analyze by Response, then (B) GO List of all supplier responses appears.

(H) Score number hyperlink for each supplier From this page the buyer can see the average weighted scores from the various team members.

(B) Override Score This allows the buyer to override the scores from the team members. The system will note if the buyer did OVERRIDE the scores. Notice the page updates to allow the score field to be entered.

(B) Cancel (unless you want to change score as buyer)

This section concludes the Team Scoring for Subjectively Scored Requirements feature in R12. The following sections are valid regardless of if team scoring was used or not.

22. Apply Knockout Results NEW R12 (H) Return to RFI ##### at bottom of page Use drop down box for Actions field to choose Manage Requirements, then (B) GO (H) Expand All Verify the Knockout score for the Certificates requriement (ISO) is 1. So this means any score below 1 will be automatically removed from the short list of potential suppliers. Also verify the Years in business knockout score is 1. (B) Perform Knockout
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Notice the supplier EIP has been removed from the shortlist based on their response of None and score of 0 for requirement about certifications. Also supplier GE Plastics has been removed from shortlist based on response of 0 and score of 0 for requirement about years. (B) Apply (H) RFI#### link at top of page to return to main RFI page At this point, the buyer can Complete the RFI or start a new round as an RFQ/Auction. 23. New Round to RFQ Use drop down box for Actions field to choose Create New Round Choose Document Type = RFQ, Negotiation Style = Standard Negotiation (B) Apply START AT RFQ HEADER PAGE. NOTE: All the information from the RFI is brought over to the RFQ. The buyer is still required to go through the multi step to process and publish the RFQ. In this case, the buyer would need to edit the item (DVD-B100) to add a price and quantity. The buyer can choose to delete the header and items attribute list since those have already been responded and can choose to add new attributes specific to the RFQ. Based on the shortlist changes, one or more suppliers will no longer appear on the RFQ. Please refer to the "Sourcing - RFQ" script for detailed steps of the RFQ process. This is the end of the demo flow for RFI. End of activity.

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Start Create Sourcing RFI
Log into Sourcing (1) Create Sourcing RFI (2) Step 1: Header (3) Add Team Member as Scorer NEW R12 (OPTIONAL) (4) Requirement level attributes NEW R12 (5) Team Scoring for Subjectively Scored Requirements NEW R12 (OPTIONAL) (6) Step 2: Lines (7) Step 3: Controls (8) Step 4: Contract Terms (9) Step 5: Suppliers (10) Prospective & New Supplier Invitation, NEW 12 (OPTIONAL) (11) Step 6: Review & Submit (12)

Supplier response to RFI

10.Log into Sourcing Supplier (13) Place Response (14)

Complete Sourcing RFI

Log into Sourcing (15) Close RFI early (16) Review line level attribute responses (17) Review requirement responses (18) Score Suppliers (no Team Scoring) (19) Team Scoring for Subjectively Scored Requirements NEW R12 (OPTIONAL) (20) Buyer Review Scores (21) Apply Knockout Results NEW R12 (22) New Round to RFQ (23)


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