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‫"לסייע לאנשים לעשות שינוי‬-NLP ‫סיכום הקורס‬

"‫מהיר ככל האפשר כדי למנוע מהם סבל‬

The Presuppositions of NLP
The presuppositions of NLP are its central principles, its guiding philosophies if you
will. These principles are never claimed to be true or universal they are there as
guidelines to help work with NLP.

The presuppositions have been updated over the years and often changed so I have
explained them in my own words and encourage you to reflect on them and decide on
the meanings that work for you.

1 - The Map is not the Territory

People respond to the world according to their experiences and perspectives. Two
people will never see the same thing in the same way as we all have our view on
everything and everyone's opinion should be respected.

2 - Having a choice is better than not having a choice.

When people feel that they have no choice in what they do they feel trapped, creating
alternatives, even those we may not want to take gives us options and may lead us to
the freedom of an opportunity.

3 - People make the best choice they can at the time.

Whether they have one option or ten options, people will always choose the best
option that works for them according to their map of the world, their experiences and
their perspectives.

4 - People work perfectly.

Often quoted as "nobody is broken and nobody needs fixing" this states that people
are ok, but they have poor strategies for life or are carrying out those strategies

5 - All actions have a purpose.

Every action we take, as human beings, has a purpose according to our map of the
world. The problem is we do not always know what the goal is, our unconscious is
always trying to achieve something, and in most cases, it's to survive or protect.

6 - Every behaviour has a positive intention.

One of the most challenged presuppositions in NLP states that every behaviour we
take has some form of positive intent. Much like number 5, this is usually to protect
us or help us survive at the basic of levels.

7 - The unconscious mind balances the conscious, it is in no way malicious.

Our unconscious and conscious mind are there to compliment each other, the problem
being that most people are not balanced between the two. For most people, they go
through their lives with their unconscious running the show.

8 - The meaning of communication is not only what you intended, but also the
response you get.

It is the responsibility of the person communicating to portray their message so that

the other person understands adequately. It is also our responsibility to realise that the
response you get is purely feedback from your message.

9 - We already have all of the resources we need, or we can create them.

How often do you hear people say "I don't have enough time" or "I don't have enough
money"? The truth is that if we were in a life or death situation, we could create any
resource we needed to survive so we can do it in any case. There are no unresourceful
people, only unresourceful states of mind.

10 - Mind and body form a system, they are different expressions of the same

For centuries people believed that the mind and body were not one, that they were
split. Science has now disproved that so that we know there is an intrinsic connection
and everyone should be treated that way.

11 - We process all information through our senses.

No matter what we experience either externally or internally we process everything

through one of our five senses and turn that information into language.

12 - Modelling successful performance leads to excellence.

For me, this is the heart of NLP, and I'll talk about it in great depth a bit later in the

13 - If you want to understand, act.

This goes back to the Learning Circle and Kolb's model, to learn effectively we have
to take action, we have to engage and we have to practice what we have learned so
that it becomes a natural part of who we are. The learning is in the doing.

14 - A final thought.

There is an often used phrase that was born in NLP that I'd like to address quickly.

"The is no such thing as failure, only results that you weren't expecting."

This I wholeheartedly agree with, and yet it should have the following on the end:

"There is also no such thing as success, only results that you hope for."

Success and failure are merely labels that we attach all too easily to people and our
actions. When we stop thinking of them in terms of one or the other then and we focus
on the results we can learn to reflect and grow.

NLP - The Priority 1,2,3's

If you are going to go on and help people with this information, or if you already are
in the helping industry and are here to gain more knowledge to help more people, I
thought it would be useful to have a primary system to work with.

I find that when clients come to me, they come with their problems first. By this I
mean that they don't come and tell me what happened or what they believe about what
happened or anything specific, they come and tell me that they are unhappy,
depressed, angry, frustrated, anxious or unable to achieve what they want - and many
other issues.
So I thought it was useful to come up with a brief overview of how I believe the
helping process works. Remember that this is a very 'top level' view, but it will at
least give you an idea.

1 - Actions and Reactions

For the most part clients will come to you with their issues first, as I said above. They
will come to you with emotions and/or behaviours that they want to change (or they
think they want to change). Your role as a Helping Practitioner is to understand what
the deeper issue is as there is an excellent chance that the first story they tell you will
indeed be just that - a story.

2 - Beliefs and Values

Your client will have acted or reacted in the way they have due to their values and
beliefs. This can be about themselves, other people or the world in general and, when
done from the unconscious mind (as most of our actions and reactions are) they will
not be aware of this. Discovering the beliefs and values that are at work will give your
client the opportunity the choose a different path.

3 - Creating Change

You, as a Helping Practitioner, are there to be a conduit of change for your client but
be warned you cannot change someone who does not want to change. You can bring
their issues to their consciousness, offer them strategies and tools and even work with
the unconscious to assist them with that change but you cannot change for them.

As we go through this course, you will learn the tools, techniques and strategies that
fit into all three of the categories above so that you can be effective in your role as
that conduit of change.

NLP - The Methodology of Change in NLP - Article

NLP Change Methodology

One of the NLP Presuppositions states that "People work perfectly" and
therefore it follows that it is their strategies for life that are poor and we can
use this to our advantage in being their conduit for change. If you want to lose
weight, but your strategy is to each chocolate and pizza there's a good chance
you are not going to lose weight, similarly, if you want to see a sunrise but you
are looking west you're not going to achieve what you set out to do.

However, there is more to change than just looking at their strategies; we

need to look at the outcome that their strategies are trying to achieve and in
what context that outcome is set in.

In order to effect a change in a person - whether it be Situational, Emotional,

Behavioural, Educational or Physical - we can help them to change either the
strategy, context or outcome and this will, in turn, affect the others.

For Example: If you don't get on with your boss at work you have various
approaches to consider: you could either try a different approach with them
(change strategy), focus on getting on with your job (change outcome) or
change positions (change context).

As NLP Practitioners various techniques exist to help you and your clients to
work towards change in these three areas, here are some examples:

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