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■ Definitions from Oxford Languages:

The action or process of interacting with
others to exchange information and
develop professional or social contacts.

■ Building new connection

1. Networking bisa membangun reputasi
2. Meningkatkan visibilitas alias jadi banyak
yang tau kamu dan keahliannmu.
3. Membangun jaringan yang kuat, sehingga
anytime kamu butuh dukungan, lebih
4. Meningkatkan peluang karir, meningkatkan
peluang bisnis
Craft a 30-second speech about you
■ Nama
■ Pekerjaan
■ Strength.
■ Tujuan ada di event tersebut.
■ Call to action

Saya Diana, 5 tahun pengalaman di industri telekomunikasi sebagai data

analist, menangani berbagai global clients di Dubai, Inggris dan German.
Saat ini sedang ingin menyalurkan kemampuan analisa saya di industri
transportasi karena transportasi adalah salah satu problem besar di banyak
negara berkembang. If you need help on data analyst, don’t hesitate to
contact me.
Memahami prinsip bahwa “Networking is about

Generosity is infectious!

if you’re willing to share skills, knowledge,

and advice with others, people are much
more likely to want to help you. People want
to help people who help them
Make Connections
Help your connections grow their own networks by making
strategic introductions! Introduce connections who:

■ Might need something the other can provide.

■ You think could help the other.
■ Who might be beneficial for each other’s businesses

Introduce people! You never know what amazing partnerships or

collaborations can form! Helping others expand their networks will
make them more likely to help you in the same way.
Look for people you can learn from.

Don’t reach out to only those who

seem like they’d make a good friend;
reach out to those whose work has
some intersection with your own.

Kalo kamu orang sales, jangan

cuman kenalan sama orang sales,
ketemulah dengan mis: Orang
product, event, data analis dll.
Take advantage of meetups.
Informal meetups adalah tempat untuk ngobrol yang lebih santai, tidak tapi bukan berarti
kita tidak bisa ngobrol kerjaan. Contoh:
■ I am still getting a feel for things around here. It would be great to learn about the most
exciting thing you’re working on right now.
■ I am curious about the work you did on the [project name]. Tell me more about how
you did that research.
■ You’ve been here for [ ] years. What important changes have you seen in that time?
■ Do you have any movie or binge-watch recommendations?
■ What do you want to remember from these Covid months?
■ Have you taken any interesting courses lately?
Say “yes” more often.

Another excellent strategy for building

lateral connections is to embrace
assignments that involve collaboration
with new counterparts in the
Show genuine curiosity to transform a
connection into a relationship.
Start with showing your interest in
understanding others’ work
by asking specific questions, and
even asking for advice that would
be easy for them to give.
Learn to have informal chats.
■ If a contact doesn’t seem interested in talking
business, don’t push. Just keep the conversation
going and treat it like a normal chat. A lot of people
prefer some small talk before they start chatting
about business. That’s okay.
■ Misal: Ketemu dengan politisi, cobalah ngobrol
salah satu film yang temanya politik. Make it as a
casual and fun conversation
■ Atau ngobrol hal yang lagi happening seperti
misalnya: Antri tiket Coldplay.
■ Jangan ngobrol soal agama, perbedaan politik atau
hal-hal sensitif lainnya.
Ask a lot of open-ended questions.

If you find it kind of hard to connect with

someone, questions are your best friend.
“So how has business been for you recently?”
“Gimana ceritanya kamu bisa masuk ke industi
“Industi konten kreator itu kompetitif banget ya.
Gimana caranya supaya seseorang bisa survive
di industri itu?”
This will give the other person an opportunity to
speak about themselves and guide the
Follow up with people you meet
1. Saling berbagi kartu nama
2. Follow up dengan kirim email/WA dengan
spesifik menyebutkan di event apa kalian
3. Ucapkan terimakasih atas waktunya
ngobrol, sampaikan hal spesifik yang kamu
bisa pelajari dari obrolan kalian
4. beritahu apa yang kamu bisa bantu untuk
dirinya/ bisnisnya dll.
Building a network takes time. Don’t
push yourself on people and give every
relationship room to breathe.

Remember, every person you meet is not

going to end up being your closest
confidant, so try not to rush things

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