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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Complex Engineering Problem (CEP)

(TQM-Spring 2022)
Problem Statement
You are working in a big company as an engineer. Your company is going to
start a project for launching of a new particular product. The same product is
already being manufactured and marketed by the other two reputed
companies. Your company management decides to implement Quality
Function Deployment (QFD) planning process for the product development
and production. You are appointed as project manager and leading a QFD
team that has already been formed in the planning phase of this project.
How will you manage the first phase (planning phase) of this project; starting
from data collection of customers’ requirements till complete construction of
House of Quality (HOQ) for this particular product?

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Complex Engineering Problem (CEP)
(TQM-Spring 2022)
Some Instructions:
1) Select a product of your choice. No two or more groups should select the same
2) Some of the products could be; A split room air conditioner, vacuum cleaner,
fridge, deep freeze, motor cycle, car, centrifugal pump, TV set, smart phone,
electric fan, toy product for children, washing machine, pedal water cycle, solar
water heater, gas heater, electric water heater, geyser or any other product.
3) Do an extensive internet survey.
4) Use/generate hypothetical data of customer surveys, technical descriptors,
prioritized customer requirements, assessments, and competitors’ data.
5) There should be at least five customer requirement and five technical
6) Be careful while selecting and using data; it should be rational, logical,
justifiable and reasonable that you could justify when required. Just copy and
paste approach will NOT be ACCEPTED7)

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Complex Engineering Problem (CEP)
(TQM-Spring 2022)
Some Instructions: (contd…)
7) Construct a detailed House of Quality on a sheet of paper of A4 or
larger size.
8) Follow the text book (by Dale-Ch 10-Quality Deployment Function-
(PP. 221-244) and class slides example to construct HOQ, applying
all the seven steps sequentially.
9) Write and explain in detail each step.
10) All numerical calculations should be shown in your report.
11) Include internet sites addresses in the reference section of your

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Complex Engineering Problem (CEP)
(TQM-Spring 2022)
Some Further Instructions (sent via email):
1) After doing net searching, select a suitable product for constructing HOQ.
2) Talk to other groups/friends so that no two or more groups have the same
3) Do not forget to mention as reference the web site where did you get that
4) You may find different templates of HOQ in the literature, but strictly follow
that is given in the book example and discussed in the class.
5) As given in the book example, write detail of each step of HOQ
6) A viva will be conducted of each group, along with submission of a detailed
CEP report
Complete in detail (with justification) all
the steps shown in the following slides

Department of Mechanical Engineering

QFD – HoQ-Construction-Step 1
Step-1. List Customer Requirements (WHATs)
 Working individually, or as a group list at least five or more primary customer
requirements for your selected product

 Also, refine the primary customer requirements to a second level (secondary


Follow the Book/Class Example

Department of Mechanical Engineering

QFD – HoQ-Construction-Step 2
Step-2. List Technical Descriptors (HOWs)
 List five or more primary technical descriptors for your selected product
used in step-1.
 Make an attempt to address all the customer requirements from step-1 and
refine the secondary technical descriptors to a second level.

Follow the Book/Class Example

Department of Mechanical Engineering

QFD – HoQ-Construction-Step 3
Step 3. Develop a Relationship Matrix between WHATs and HOWs
 Complete the interrelationship matrix for your selected
product used in step- 1.

Follow the Book/Class Example

Department of Mechanical Engineering
QFD – HoQ-Construction-Step 4
Step 4. Customer Competitive Assessments :
 Compare two similar products based on the customer
assessment of the customer requirements used in Step 1.

Follow the Book/Class Example

Department of Mechanical Engineering
QFD – HoQ-Construction-Step 5
Step 5. Technical Competitive Assessments
 Compare two similar products based on technical assessment of
the technical descriptors used in Step 2.

Follow the Book/Class Example

Department of Mechanical Engineering
QFD – HoQ-Construction-Step 6
Step 6. Develop Prioritized Customer Requirements
 Develop Prioritized Customer Requirements matrix, shown in red shape
 Use appropriate formula(s) for each cell entry (show full calculations)

Follow the Book/Class Example

Department of Mechanical Engineering
QFD – HoQ-Construction-Step 7
Step 7. Develop Prioritized Technical Descriptors
 Develop Prioritized Technical Descriptor matrix, shown in red shape
 Use appropriate formula(s) for each cell entry (show full calculations)

Follow the Book/Class Example

Department of Mechanical Engineering

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