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Purposive Communication

Activity 5: Choose one nation and study their culture.

Sentence Pattern Behavior Analysis
Nepalis often exhibit Their tolerance has
patience and calmness. enabled many different
Nepalis are generally not faiths and ethnicities to
overly dramatic people. coexist quite
harmoniously. Much on
Nepal’s culture is deeply
steeped in tradition and
religion. Basic etiquette of
Nepalis is elders are
always shown a
heightened amount of
respect and are treated
more formally. Also,
Nepalis offered and
received with the right
hand only or both hands
together it’s because the
left hand is considered
‘unclean’ and is reserved
fro performing unhygienic
activities, like cleaning.
Nepal is also known from
its mountain ranges,
Mount Everest, diverse
ethnicities, languages, and
vibrant art crafts.

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