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“Local Residents Shocked by Sudden Closure of Popular Restaurant”

Business Article

Residents of the small town of Linden were left stunned this week when the popular restaurant,

“The Linden Tree,” abruptly closed its doors. The restaurant had been a fixture in the community

for over a decade, and many were saddened by the news.

“I can’t believe it,” said longtime resident Sarah Johnson. “We’ve been coming here for years.

It’s a staple in our community.”

The owners of the restaurant, John and Mary Smith, released a statement saying that they were

forced to close due to financial difficulties. They thanked their loyal customers for their support

over the years and expressed regret at having to make the decision.

“We’re devastated,” said Mary Smith. “We put our hearts and souls into this restaurant, and it

breaks our hearts to have to close it.”

Many residents are mourning the loss of the restaurant, which was known for its delicious meals

and friendly staff. Some have even organized a petition to try to convince the owners to

reconsider the closure.

“We can’t let this happen,” said resident Mark Thompson. “The Linden Tree is a part of our

community, and we need to fight to keep it open.”

Despite the outpouring of support, it remains uncertain whether the owners will reconsider their

decision. For now, residents are left to mourn the loss of a beloved establishment, and hope that a

new restaurant will eventually take its place.

 Passage 1;

 “Local Residents Shocked by Sudden Closure of Popular Restaurant”

 Critique;

 Yes, the punctuation marks are properly used.

 Justification;

 According to rule number one, proper citation employs effective use of

punctuation marks. It shows which words are adopted from a source, also they are

indicating the title of an article or news story.

 Passage 2;

 “The Linden Tree,”

 Critique;

 Yes, the punctuation marks are properly used.

 Justification;

 According to rule number four, when in comes to commas period, universal

American usage places commas and period inside the quotation marks, except

when the last little item enclosed marks is just a letter of a number.

 Passage 3;

 “I can’t believe it.”

 “We’ve been coming here for years. It’s a staple in our community”

 “We’re devastated”

 “We put our hearts and soul into this restaurant, and it breaks our hearts to have to

to close it.”

 “We can’t let this happen.”

 “The linden tree is a part of our community and we need to fight to keep it open.”
 Critique;

 Yes, the punctuation marks are properly used.

 Justification

 According to rule number two, quotation marks also used to highlight dialog.

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