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Background of the study

Drug education is one of the distinguished learning that everyone must
comprehend. It provides knowledge mainly about preventive drug measures
and applies legal attitudes toward them. There are a lot of sources to furnish
people with students’ awareness about drugs, mostly in educational
institutions. Schools are thus an appropriate and convenient “platform” from
which to launch drug prevention efforts (Soole, Mazerolle, & Rombouts 2008).
Schools can provide a structured, comprehensive drug education program
that is age-appropriate and evidence-based. However, students are mainly
vulnerable to using drugs. Adolescence is the period in life when most drug
use begins (Rono, Kimengi, Githinji, 2019). Due to a variety of reasons
adolescents use drugs to cope with stress, anxiety, or other mental health
issues. Varied research has long demonstrated that drug education is a
common and important problem in students that needs to be addressed.

Many current drug education programs are not tailored to the individual
and may not be as effective as they could be. Most of the studies reviewed
either did not examine program impact on actual drug-using behavior or were
not designed with a degree of scientific rigor sufficient to warrant acceptance
of their findings as valid (Rosalie M. Berberian, Cynthia Gross, Susan
Paparella, and Jennifer Lovejoy, Los Angeles 2016). This concludes that
some of the drug education programs are not that successful in giving enough
knowledge to adolescents.

In the Philippines, adolescents are at risk of drug abuse. According to

US Department of health and human services, about 50% of the adolescent
are trying to experiment with drugs once in their life. Those teenagers are only
15 to 19 years of age, which is significantly alarming because of the negative
effects it will have on their studies and especially in their personal life.

This research focused on the enhancement of drug education among

senior high school students in Davao Vision Colleges, Inc. Giving them more
expanded knowledge regarding drug education to use in further decision-
making and encouraging students to live healthily as they prevent drugs. This
study also aims to personalized education and create programs fitted to
individuals as effectively as it can be.

The problem above can be observed from past research and from the
results of studies. Many adolescents encounter this difficulty due to the Un-
prior and not the practical knowledge that they adopt over the years. Even
though they already have the experiences in learning about this problem they
still need the most effective and smart program especially for every individual
to create the best approach for this study. If the students do not have a clear
awareness of this study, their life will be ruined, their health will deteriorate,
and others will be dismayed. Because of this existing state, the researcher
conducted a study on how to address the problem in senior highschooler in
Davao Vision Colleges.Inc.

SOP / Objective of the study: This study aims to...

1. To determine the gender of the respondents
2. To determine the recurrent sources of drug education among the
respondents whether
2.1 School
2.2 Internet
2.4 Parents
2.5 Tv and Movies
2.6 Experimenting with drugs
2.7 Health Professionals
2.8 Non – Parent family members
3. To determine the best method of drug education among the male
4. To determine the best method among the female respondents
5. To determine the significant relationship between the sources and the
best method of the drug education among the respondents

Hypothesis (Ho) - There is no significant relationship between the sources

and best method.
Scope and Limitation
The scope of this study is drug education among senior high school
learners from Davao Vision Colleges, Inc. S.Y. 2022-2023. Inclusion criteria
include; (a) learners' source of drug education (b) learners' gender (c)
learners' method of drug education.

Significance of the study

This study is significantly beneficial and can considerably be helpful to
the School, Government, and other related organizations, students, teachers,
parents, and future researchers of Senior High School learners.

Davao Vision Colleges: It will be beneficial to the school to have a local

basis on how to effectively apply Drug Education to the students

Government and other related organizations: This will guide them to have
local basis in addressing Drug education programs and by providing drug
education programs.

Students: This study provides knowledge to students necessary to avoid the

risks and health implication of legal and illegal substances.

Teachers: This study provides guidance to the teachers regarding the

implementation of drug education which will help educators in educating

Parents: This study is significant to the parents because it may help them to
know if their children are engaging in drugs. And as a parent, they will make
efforts to ensure their children’s safety by providing support and guidance
they need.

Future Researchers: This study will be used as a reference for those who
would like to pursue studying such a kind of study.


This chapter aims to have a strong basis for this study. It includes a
discussion on the literature and studies that are associated with drug
education among Senior High School learners from Davao Vision Colleges.
The contents for this section are derived from better understanding and
intensive reading made by the research from thesis, dissertation and other
online resources.

Related Literature -
Local Literature -
Related Studies -
Local Studies -

Theoretical Framework
Personal construct theory is a psychological theory developed by
George Kelly in the 1950s. It suggests that Individuals have their own unique
ways of interpreting and making sense of the world around them, which are
shaped by their personal experiences and beliefs.

These personal constructs, or cognitive frameworks, influence how

individuals perceive and respond to events and situations. In the context of
drug education programs, personal construct theory understanding how can
be useful in individuals perceive and make sense of information about drugs
and substance use. Different individuals may have different personal
constructs related to drugs, which may influence their attitudes and behaviors
towards substance use. For example, some individuals may view drugs as
harmful and dangerous, while others may view them as a means of coping
with stress or to have fun.

Personal construct theory can be used to inform the design and

delivery of drug education programs, by considering the diverse personal
constructs that individuals may have about drugs and substance use. For
example, a drug education program that is based on the premise that all
drugs are inherently harmful and should be avoided may not be effective for
individuals' who have a different personal construct about drugs. Instead, a
more nuanced and personalized approach may be needed, Individual's
personal constructs and seeks to in a way that promotes which considers the
challenge and modify their healthier behaviors.

The recurrent source of drug The best method of Drug

education: Education:
- School - Learning about the
possible dangers of
- Internet substance usage
- Friends
- Parents
- TV or movies
- Experimenting of drugs
- Health professionals
- Non-parent family members

Figure 1. Conceptual framework showing the variables of the study

The aim of this paper is to describe a conceptual framework of
question which how the students get their knowledge about their education
and method they use to learn drug education. The goal of drug education is to
provide planned and structured learning opportunities for adolescents to
develop the knowledge, skills and attitude about all drugs and appropriate the
benefits of a healthy lifestyle, this is related to their own other action. In
consideration the relevance of the ideas presented about drug education is to
help our fellow students to have proper knowledge.

Definition of Terms

Research Methodology

This chapter represents how and where to gather the data required to
answer the research questions that were accumulated and examined. This
includes the research design, research respondents, research instrument,
data gathering procedure, and the statistical treatment of the data.

Research Design
The researcher used both quantitative and descriptive basic methods
of research. Quantitative research is a type of research design that focuses
on collecting and analyzing numerical data, often through the use of statistical
methods. The goal of quantitative research is to understand the relationships
and patterns within the data, and to make generalizations about a larger
population based on the results. This type of research is often used to test
hypotheses or to measure the effectiveness of interventions. The descriptive
method in research involves collecting and analyzing data in order to describe
and understand a phenomenon or group of phenomena. This method is often
used in fields such as sociology, psychology, and education to study
behaviors, attitudes, and other characteristics of individuals or groups. The
data collected through descriptive research is typically observational and may
include surveys. The goal of this method is to provide a detailed and accurate
description of the phenomenon of drug education, rather than to test a
hypothesis or establish cause-and-effect relationships. The purpose of our
questionnaire is to know their source and method drug education.

Research Respondents
This study is directed to the students of Davao Vision Colleges, Inc. That is
not less than 30% of the total population. In conclusion, include (a) learners'
source of drug education (b) learners' gender (c) learners' method of drug
Total Percentage
No. of Percentage
School numbers of of the
respondents equivalent
learners distribution

Davao Vision
Colleges, 110 30% 41%

Research Instrument
The research instrument used a modified questionnaire based on the
research of American addiction centers. This questionnaire was
Data Gathering Procedure
Statistical Treatment of the Data


Results and Discussion

This chapter presents the results, analyses, and interpretations of the

gathered data from the Grade 12 (Senior High School All STRANDS) students

as the respondents of the study.

The personal information of the respondents in terms of age.

Table 1.1. presents the Frequency distribution results of students’ Age

who were subjected to the conduct. The number of respondents presents

during the Adolescent Perceptions of Teen Parenting was the (N=90).

Table 1.1. Determine the gender of the respondents.
Age Frequency Percent
1 Male 42 38.9 %
2 Female 66 61.1 %
N= 108 100%

A frequency table showed we can quickly identify information such as 42 from senior
high school students Male who got (38.9% of all respondent) , and that there are
more students in the Female (61.1% of all respondent).

Table 2. The Linkert scale was used to determine the source of the
respondents about Drug Education with regards to the all possible
sources of Senior High School Students.
The source of drug education will be categorically described following Likert’s


Numerical Rating Scale Interpretation

3.25-4.0 All the time

2.5-3.25 Sometimes
1.75-2.5 Not the source
1.0-1.75 It was never been the source

Table 2.1 to 2.8. The source of the respondents about Drug Education
with regards to the all sources of Mean Scores in Senior High School
Source of Drug Education Description Statement
Score SD
Means that this is the source of
2.1. The school 2.72 1.08 Sometimes
Drug Education for me sometimes
Means that this is the source of
2.2. The internet 2.56 1.02 Sometimes
Drug Education for me sometimes
Means that this is not the source of
2.3. Are my friends 2.31 1.03 Is not
Drug Education for me
Means that this is the source of
2.4. Are my parents 2.54 1.16 Sometimes
Drug Education for me sometimes
Means that this is the source of
2.5. Are the TV and Movies 2.58 1.01 Sometimes
Drug Education for me sometimes

2.6. Is experimenting with Means that this is not the source of

1.84 1.04 Is not
drugs Drug Education for me
2.7. Are the health Means that this is the source of
2.64 1.02 Sometimes
professionals Drug Education for me sometimes
2.8. Are the non-parent Means that this is not the source of
2.06 0.95 Is not
family members Drug Education for me

As presented in Table 2.1, the mean score of students is 2.72 with an SD=

1.08. We used the mean and standard deviation to find the mean score of

School to determine the recurrent sources of drug education among the

respondent .Description that said Sometimes with the range of (2.5-3.25)

therefore that the average of the respondents had learned of the drug

education in school sometimes means the school in DVC had conduct a

seminar in relating to the drug education of senior high school .

For Table 3 and 4. The Linkert scale was used to determine the best
method of drug education among the gender with regards to the Drug
Education of Senior High School Students.
The Methods of drug education will be categorically described following

Likert’s scale

Numerical Rating Scale Interpretation

3.25-4.0 All the time

2.5-3.25 Sometimes
1.75-2.5 Not the source
1.0-1.75 It was never been the source
Table 3. To determine the significant best Methods of Drug Education
with regard to the Male Respondents in Senior High School Students.
Source of Drug
R P-value Description Statement

Means that this is the best method

Method 1*4 0.35 0.02 Sometimes of drug Education for me

Means that this is the best method

Female 2.54 0.715 Sometimes of drug Education for me
Kelly's personal construct theory suggested that people form their own unique ideas about
how the world works, which they then use to interpret information and experiences.

Kelly's personal construct theory suggested that the differences between people result from
the different ways in which people predict and interpret events in their world. He believed
that humans can interpret behaviors and events and use that understanding to guide their
behavior and predict the behavior of others
Kelly based his theory on the philosophical approach called “constructive
alternativism”, according to which every individual has a choice of various options of
giving meaning to events, or constructing reality (Fransella & Dalton, 2000; Boeree,

Personal construct theory proposes that an individual's personality is made up of

mental lenses or frameworks through which we experience reality. Developed by
George Kelly, personal construct theory focuses on mental structures called
constructs that individuals use to interpret information and events

Table 5 Test of Significant relationship between the sources and the

best method of drug education among the respondents.
Method of Drug Decision with @
Education and the 0.05 level of
Source. N df F R R^2 P- Result confidence

the sources * method 1

of the drug education 90 106 1.15 .60 0.36 <.001 Significant Reject the Null

The analysis revealed that Methods has A HIGH POSITIVE significant

relationship with Source (R .60 =,p<.001). Methods accounts for 36% of the
variance in Source related to the Drug Education.

Table 5.1 Test of Significant relationship between the sources and the
best method of drug education among the respondents according to
their level.
Multiple Regression Analysis with Method of Drug Education as
outcome Variable and the Source of Drug Education as predictors.
Predictors Estimate SE t p Results

Intercept 0.93823 0.2110 4.447 < .001 Significant

School -0.01686 0.0623 -0.270 0.787 Not Significant

Internet 0.15965 0.0677 2.357 0.020 Significant

Friends 0.04965 0.0626 0.793 0.430 Not Significant

Parents 0.00646 0.0569 0.114 0.910 Not Significant

TV or Movies 0.06133 0.0652 0.940 0.349 Not Significant

Experiment with drugs 0.05736 0.0540 1.063 0.290 Not Significant

Health professional 0.19329 0.0545 3.547 < .001 Significant

Non- parent family 0.19314 0.0685 2.821 0.006


This research is conducted to determine if Schools, the Internet, Friends,


TV or movies, experiments with drugs, health professionals, and non-parent

family members predict the Method of drug Education among senior high
school learners .it is hypothesized that the seven predictors will be positively
associated with the Method of Drug education. the result shows that 36% of
the variance is explained by the 8 predictors, F (1,106) = 1.15,p < .001).
Specifically ,Internet (B= .0.16,t = 2.357,p<.05) , Health professional (B= .19,t
= 3.547,p<.001) and Non parent family members (B= .193,t = 2.82,p<.001)
are positively associated with method of drug education. This suggests that
those who are more ….

Makikita Ninyo na walang epktibo ang school,friends,parents,TV or movies,

and experimenting na hinde ipiktibo ang dahil hinde significant p>0.05 so ang
possible explanation nito is ang parent hinde binig bigyan halaga ang ang
concepto ng drug education kasama na dyan ang school,friends,parents,tv or
movies and experemainting.

note: mo balik mo sa inyuhang RRL sap ag interpret ani.

dito makikita Ninyo na mag impact talaga ang internet,health professional and
non parenting family members the strength of the correlation is 0.6 therefore
strong positive correlation.

so the estimate of internet meron 0.15965 ibig sabihin sa bawat sa isang

puntos ng increase ng internet for every internet ay tumataas ng 0.159 ang
inyung pag kalalam sa drug education. So ibig sa bihin may magandang ipikto
siya sa atin sometimes sap ag suft ng internet ay meron talagang tayung
matutunan about drug education dahil maraming resourceful ang internet
subalit gamitin natin to ng maayos, sometimes masama sa ang search natin
sulad ng mga porn website.( please go back to ur RRL)

So ang mas malaking puntos sap ag kakaro-on ng kalam about drug related
education ang mga health proffesionals.standard est =0.28, sumo sunod na
dyan ang non parent family member na meron = 0.26 standardize score.

Linear Regression
Model Fit Measures

Overall Model Test

Model R R² Adjusted R² F df1 df2 p

1 0.665 0.442 0.397 9.79 8 99 < .001

Model Coefficients - Method of Drug Education

Predictor Estimate SE t p Stand. Estimate

Intercept 0.93823 0.2110 4.447 < .001  

School -0.01686 0.0623 -0.270 0.787 -0.0263

internet 0.15965 0.0677 2.357 0.020 0.2336

friends 0.04965 0.0626 0.793 0.430 0.0735

parents 0.00646 0.0569 0.114 0.910 0.0108

TV or Movies 0.06133 0.0652 0.940 0.349 0.0888

Experimenting 0.05736 0.0540 1.063 0.290 0.0861

health professionals 0.19329 0.0545 3.547 < .001 0.2833

Non-parent family members 0.19314 0.0685 2.821 0.006 0.2629

Model Fit Measures

Overall Model Test

Model R R² F df1 df2 p

1 0.603 0.364 60.7 1 106 < .001

Model Coefficients - Source of Drug Education

Predictor Estimate SE t p

Intercept 0.977 0.1902 5.14 < .001

Method of Drug Education 0.550 0.0706 7.79 < .001

Q-Q Plot

Frequencies of sex

sex Counts % of Total Cumulative %

1-make 42 38.9 % 38.9 %

2-female 66 61.1 % 100.0 %


  sex Method of Drug Education

N 1-make 42

  2-female 66

Missing 1-make 0

  2-female 0

Mean 1-make 2.71

  2-female 2.54

Median 1-make 2.75

  2-female 2.63

Standard deviation 1-make 0.656

  2-female 0.715

Minimum 1-make 1.00

  2-female 1.00

Maximum 1-make 4.00

  2-female 4.00

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