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1. I am currently part of a company in charge of quality control, monitoring, registration and

storage of copper and molybdenum concentrate. It can be divided into 3 operational
areas, which are: maintenance operators in charge of demonstrating the concentrator
plant, metallurgical area where we carry out flotation, sedimentation, granulometric
analysis and rheological tests of the mineral pulp and chemical area where chemical
analyzes are carried out by volumetry and FRX, in addition to the supervisors and
headquarters. Our focus is to provide services that help protect the assets and different
interests of our clients. We are located in a port; therefore, we are constantly affected by
the weather conditions of the sea since we dispatch copper concentrates in ships and with
high tides, we cannot carry out our activities normally. The two main challenges we are
currently facing would be: that the operational, metallurgical, and chemical areas manage
to coexist more as a team and not as a competition between them. and manage and
evaluate the high turnover of personnel since our labor force has presented a high
desertion of the people hired.

2. Firstly, to evaluate the reason for the job desertion in our workers since many resign
within a few months of being hired and this has a high priority impact as a company, since
every time we have new workers and the old ones leave the organizational culture cannot
be transmitted, since the best way to transmit our values, mission, and vision as a
company to our collaborators is through practice in the work area. My proposal is to carry
out a study focused on the reasons for the resignation of our workers. We must cover the
area of profitability. The work environment, complementary health, and insurance
benefits, as well as evaluating the focus of our applicants. The investment in a new worker
in personal protection elements, clothing and medical exams can be a waste of our
resources and a loss of our investment if we are not able to keep our collaborator with the
company. On the other, create common areas where operators and chemists can coexist
and form team ties. Hold talks to inform that we have a common goal and that together as
a team we can achieve it and even exceed it.

3. Those organizational barriers that we could face are firstly, that the leadership recognizes
and assumes what is happening with the workers, secondly that they approve, promote,
and direct the study and the expenditure of resources in the cause. If we are faced with an
economic factor, for example, that of increasing the salary for the operators, we could find
ourselves faced with other areas also requesting an increase in their economic income,
since the greatest desertion of workers occurs in the maintenance operators who have
even lasted 1 week or even a couple of days before you quit. It is crucial that as
headquarters we act in this situation since this has been happening for more than 1 year
since the end of the pandemic. We must also keep in mind whether we can afford greater
benefits to our collaborators such as bonuses and complementary insurance that will incur
a strong economic investment. And finally evaluate the work area, how they relate to each
other and between different areas.
4. Diversity, we live close to the border of the countries of Bolivia and Peru. We are located
in Chile; we must enrich and take advantage of this source since it has been shown that
workplaces rich in diversity are able to better face the different challenges that arise
because we have different visions and opinions regarding a specific topic. And certainly,
those workers who have stayed with us are foreigners, while we have the highest labor
desertion rate with our fellow Chilean citizens. Therefore, we must maintain and reinforce
this diverse labor integration, on the other hand, of the four supervisors we have, all four
are men. And to improve our workforce I propose to acquire two female supervisors like
this in order to have a better and diverse skills, human values and worldviews. In my own
experience I can say that I am a foreigner with indigenous origins and from my ancestors
respect for nature has been instilled and transmitted to me and this has led to my
commitment to environmental impact being solid since I do it not only to comply with the
different legislations that regulate pollution, but I do it out of a deep love and respect for
Mother Earth, and just as I have that worldview, I manage to transmit it to my colleagues
every day and our organizational culture is gaining strength.
Organizational culture, this means who we are and how we do things. Job desertion
weakens our organizational culture in terms of human resources and is a challenge that
we must face immediately. All this must start from the headquarters, supervisors, and
operators. We can be sure that those who do not leave work is because they feel
identified with our organizational culture and that is a good sign, since we have with us
those who live our mission of being in an environment of collaboration, trust, knowledge,
and ambition.
Supervisors play a fundamental role as leaders, first, they must know themselves, foster a
collaborative environment. Since a leader is not the one who orders, but the one who
inspires, motivates, and drives his colleagues. Therefore, another crucial area to evaluate
the constant resignations of workers is to get to know our supervisors better, make sure
that they fulfill the role of leaders, that they listen and guide, that they are open to
dialogue, that they know how to deal with the frustrations that share and apply our
organizational culture. Therefore, we must not neglect this aspect, carry out an individual
evaluation of each supervisor, train them if necessary and if they still do not perform as
those leaders, we must be critical and look for those who are compatible with what we
need. Also, to promote high-performance teamwork, it is important that the different
areas such as operators, metallurgists, and chemists are aware of the importance of the
role of their colleagues, since sometimes they only focus on their specific task, ignoring the
work of others., and to enrich the operational value chain it is necessary for them to know,
share and support the role of the different areas.

5. It is evident that when we hire a person or an applicant, we direct several of our economic
and infrastructure resources, as well as clothing and time. Also take into account that new
workers must be instructed in their work, which means that an experienced person who
has their assigned functions must teach and guide this new worker, but when the worker
resigns after a few days or weeks, it indicates an economic wear, time and physical or
mental wear of your instructors as new staff constantly arrive and leave, having an endless
cycle. Taking the above arguments into context, it is alarming that we do not take
immediate action, since in the short and medium term we are being negatively affected
and we are losing credibility with our clients. Many times, our collaborators must carry out
an overload of work due to the absence or sudden resignation of the new hires. All this
exposed indicates that my proposal must be addressed and implemented as soon as
possible. Since we will have potential benefits such as retention of our investment in
workers, a greater camaraderie workforce, and we will increasingly be closer to being a
high-performance team, the way to measure the success of what has been implemented
will be reflected in the reduction of labor desertion in our workers.

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